The Toy Merchant Who Started in the Wind Capital

Chapter 92 Time travel, from joining the company to bankruptcy!

For Dr. Iba, who became a partner of the museum, and Ryubei Sonosaki, who was wary of himself.

Takeno Higashikata saw it in his eyes.

At this time, it is also possible to cut off from the museum, but the cost is a bit high.

Higashino Takeshi can only save himself and his men, but the refinery and Takamura Factory will definitely not be saved.

Therefore, in order to perfectly cut with the museum tissue and tear off the fattest piece of meat from it, Higashino Takeshi planned to first negotiate with Sono Saki Ryubei Xu and Yue Snake, secretly taking two routes.

The two paths are:

1. Strengthen yourself.

2. Win over allies.

The museum is the private residence of Mr. Sonosaki, so so-called allies can only be found from outside.

For example, there are some consortia

Especially Hongshang Guangsheng. This old man has taken away his alchemy knowledge and has not yet realized any benefits. It is not too much to ask him for money.

As for strengthening yourself?

With Higashino Takeshi's strength, he is almost able to compete with Mr. Sonosaki, but then there will be the Gaia Impact Plan, and the museum will not give up on this plan.

Therefore, after the resurrection, Kato Shun, coupled with E brother Dao Katsumi who should return to Fengdu soon.

As for Kamen Rider, W and ACCEL are about to be upgraded.

In order to be able to crush them in all directions, you must continue to strengthen yourself.

Patient with lack of firepower phobia: Takeshi Higashino

As for the method, naturally he would go to other worlds to cause trouble?

Looking at the four worlds that he has not yet traveled through, Takeshi Higashino decided to choose after careful consideration: Kamen Rider Agita G4 Project.

Although the difficulty of Yajituo's copy is 100 million points higher, the corresponding benefits will also increase.

Whether it is the various forms of Yajituo derived from the power of light, or the corresponding superpowers, they are of great use to Higashikata.

Not to mention shoulder-resistant rockets like the G4, which can destroy gods and demons with one shot.

Do you think so? King Chonghuangshi?

As for the other two, although the build world is also parallel time and space, its time flow rate should be parallel to the main plane where Takeshi Higashi is.

The most intuitive manifestation is that after the New Year, the data displayed on the system changed from Kamen Rider Bulid (Parallel World·ASW03) to Kamen Rider Bulid (Parallel World·ASW04).

ASW means "After Sky Wall".

It is the new year title after the Sky Wall tragedy occurred in the world of build.


So ASW004 = 2010, which is when the W plot reached its later stage.

Now that I have traveled through the past, there is no big use except leaving a few back-ups and time anchors.

As for Odin, the strongest combat power in the world of dragon knights, his value has dropped a lot since Takeshi Higashino got the black armor that can enter the Hypa form.

However, Higashino Takeshi still has other uses for the Dragon Rider world, and Higashino Takeshi also wants to see what his evil side looks like.

Negataros: Shouldn’t I see your kind side?

"Enter the World: Kamen Rider Yagita·G4 Plan (Parallel World)."

"Traveling through~~~"

"Arrived: Kamen Rider Yagita·G4 Plan (Parallel World)."

"Introduction to the world:

Countless years ago, as the first living body in the world, the Dark Power (Duzhen, Black God, Mysterious Man), the Lord of Absolute Beginning, was born.

In order to relieve his loneliness, the power of darkness created another life in his own image, separated the power of light in his body for it, and named it Promis (White God, the power of light.)

Then the power of darkness created countless angels to protect itself.

And based on these angels and his own appearance, he created animals and humans.

But the white god Promes couldn't stand the black god's behavior of treating humans as domestic animals, so he began to resist with humans.

Facing the Black God and his angels, the White God and humans failed.

But it wasn't a total failure.

After being defeated, Promes gave the "power of light" in his body to humans so that they could evolve into AgitΩ in the future.

He also made a prophecy that humans who awakened as Yajituo would evolve the power to destroy and defeat the power of darkness. This prophecy made Douzhen fall into consternation.

The time has come now.

Shoichi Tsugami, an amnesiac boy who became Yajita, started fighting the monster Angel (Unknown) created by the Black God to destroy Yajita.

On the human side, in order to fight against the massacre of another evil race, the Gurungi, the G series of knight armors were also developed.

A story about the latest armor G4 in the G series begins here. "

"Please select your identity:

Identity 1·Researcher at the Super Power Development Center: As a researcher with a high IQ, you were selected by the Neon Self-Defense Forces to become a researcher at the Super Power Development Center. Today is your first day at work, start your research career. !

Identity 2: Son of Kono Koji: As the son of veteran police officer Kono Koji, you have a good relationship with Officer Toru Hojo of the police station.

Identity 3·Mr. Kongoji next door to Shino’s house: As a gentleman named Kongoji, you will never be called by the wrong name by Tsugami Shoichi. "

What kind of rubbish identity is this? At least it should be given an identity that has awakened the power of light or is a G3 wearer!

Let’s put aside the identity of this researcher for the first time. Let’s not talk about the second identity of being a son to others. His best friend is still a coward named Toru Hojo.

Not to mention how insidious this b was in the early stage, repeatedly embarrassing the sunny boy Makoto Hikawa, embarrassing the G3 team, quarreling with Sumiko Ozawa, and snatching the identity of the G3 dresser.

Just one of them, the black-armored fighting bug on Higashino Takeshi would call him "big brother".

The first person to CAST OFF!

When this b was a G3 wearer, when facing the angels, he still had the strength to fight, but he took off his G3 armor in resignation and played a khaki escape.

It was such an embarrassment that I was thrown into my grandma’s house.

The other one, Mr. Kongoji... would not be called by the wrong name by Shoichi Tsugami, but this is of no use!

In search of gold, Takeshi Higashino chose a researcher at the Super Power Development Center.

"The choice is complete, come to the world Kamen Rider Yajituo."

In the white hall.

A young female secretary brought two Self-Defense Force soldiers wearing green military uniforms to greet Higashino Takeshi.

This super power development center is an organization protected and monitored by the Neon Self-Defense Force, in order to completely control the teenagers in the development center.

"Mr. Higashino, your entry process has been completed." The female secretary said to Takeshi Higashino with great reverence, "You can visit the development center under the protection of soldiers this morning, and you can start working in the afternoon."

Higashinotake started his wandering.

The entire superpower development center occupies an area about the size of more than a dozen football fields, with dormitories, swimming pools, laboratories and huge teaching buildings.

And...the Ant Lord who just crawled out of the sewer.

MD, I’m about to lose my job just after joining the job!

Cavalier Terrier Encyclopedia:

1. Shoichi Tsugami: The protagonist of Kamen Rider Akita, naturally black, very popular with girls.

2. Black God Douzhen: The creator of the Yajituo world, he loves the humans he created, but hates the power of light in their bodies. So he drove the angels he created to hunt down humans who had the power of light in their bodies.

3. Makoto Hikawa: The second rider in the Yajito drama. He does not have the power of light in his body, but he drives the G3 series armor developed by humans to fight against angels.

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