Chapter 62 Christmas·Gifts

"So... why can't the experimental subjects be changed from Tiangao's students to employees of Consortium X?" Takeshi Higashino said, "I believe that Consortium

“Your museum’s research isn’t that good either!”

It was Hayami Fairy who made the sarcastic comment.

Do you really want to be a villain? Principal Tachibana!

"Only pure children have the best hope of being able to adapt to the power of the universe, and even accept various powers and complete evolution. Don't you know this?"

So this also explains why, except for the initial Sagittarius, Leo, Libra and Virgo, the other constellation apostles are basically high school students from Amanokawa High School.

But it seems that the museum organization is still more conscientious than you!

At least we officially prohibit sales to minors!

Kirihiko even almost died because of this incident.

However, the negotiation at this time was ended by Polina.

"Our foundation X can also provide students with admission!"

Good guy, really good guy! Higashikata nods, they are like a raccoon dog!

Next, Consortium X and Amanokawa continue to argue over how many young students (test subjects) Consortium

Polina led the team of Consortium X to fight with Principal Hayami.

Higashino Takeshi slipped away along the way.

Amagawa High School is indeed a place to train star disciples, at least the scenery is very beautiful.

In the auditorium, on the Queen's Decision Day, the master of friend collection, Taro Kisaragi, collected the first friend's school queen, Fengcheng Miu. If calculated according to time, this queen has been in school for a year, and Higashino Takeshi has already seen it on the wall. Here comes her poster.

In the school parking lot, the bumbling guy Hayabusa Omonji faced his heart for the first time, drove the Power Dizer, and became Taro Kisaragi's partner.

The roof of the teaching building is where the witch ritual is held in Coma, and it is also where the goth girl Yuko Nozama opens her heart. The scene where she and Gentaro are walking on the moon is really sober yet romantic.

Standing on the roof of the building, bathing in the north wind of Tianzhi River, although it was a bit cold, Higashino Takeru couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Youth is really beautiful.

"You seem to like this college very much?"

Hearing the chairman's voice, Takeshi Higashi said sincerely: "Yes, this is the school of my dreams."

Although some students in this school will become apostles of the zodiac from time to time, and the principal and head teacher also sell switches privately. Campus violence, witches, perverts, and scum emerge in endlessly. The classmates also hug each other to keep warm. You play with yours and I play with mine.

There is even Mr. Chuta Osugi wearing the same overalls as Kunkun.

But in this school there is Jack who talks nonsense but can sincerely repent, there is the heroic Queen Fengcheng Miyu, there is a storage warehouse that can travel to the moon base, there is a transfer student who knows kung fu, and there is the one who wants to be like everyone else Friend's airplane head.

Damn it! Why for friendship! Youth! These things make me cry!

"Yes, this is also my life's work." The chairman's shadow was reflected very long by the setting sun. "If there was no call from the universe, I might be here teaching and educating people. Maybe I am old, and like you What is the child mumbling about?”

Higashikata smiled and said: "I am an old man, but I am still aiming for a thousand miles, but the chairman is not old."

"Hahaha, my ambition is thousands of miles, my ambition is thousands of miles! How can my ambition be thousands of miles away?"

"But even if it's thousands of miles, ten thousand miles or even light years away, I believe the chairman will be able to reach it!"

The flattering one sneaks into the night with the wind, moistening things silently.

"Go on!"

Maybe it's because Takeshi Higashino is so flattering, I hope the chairman throws out a constellation switch.

"Use this switch to absorb cosmic energy, but the cosmic energy in your body is too weak now. It's better to absorb more cosmic energy and then press the switch."

After saying this, the chairman disappeared without a trace.

Takeshi Higashino looked at the switch in his hand... The chairman was right, but he just didn't know which constellation apostle he would become?

Really looking forward to it.

However, although the cosmic energy here is rich, it is still very dull without students, and it does not have the noisy but lively Tiangao appearance in my memory.

Therefore, Higashino Takeshi does not plan to stay here for a long time. After the negotiations between Consortium X and Amagawa are completed, he will follow them back to Fengdu.

Moreover, being in the sky can absorb the energy of the universe and speed up the evolution of the constellation switch in your hand, but Mr. Sonosaki's fatal serial cal can not be ignored.

Knowing that Higashino Takeshi was leaving, Principal Hayami Hoshii was the happiest person.

This Higashino Taketa is favored by the chairman.

Obviously I am the number one officer under the Chairman!

Now he is gone. Otherwise, if he stays here for a long time, his position as principal will be in jeopardy.

But what Principal Hayami doesn't know is that Higashino Takeshi has planted a space anchor here, which can be teleported at any time.

And the location is also very clever, right next to a storage bin where sundries are placed.

Singer Xianwu has not yet opened the gate switch to connect the storage warehouse to the moon base, but it will not be long. After this winter vacation, singer Xianwu will enroll in Tianzhichuan.

When the time comes, I can still go to the moon to fulfill my duties, so don’t be too embarrassed.

While Higashino was meditating in the hotel, the hour hand of the room clock slowly moved to the 12 o'clock position.

Christmas has arrived.

"Special time: Christmas!"

"The system is extracting Christmas gifts, please wait."

I didn’t expect System B to be so evil and actually play the terrible joke of Knight’s Christmas.

If it’s a bad joke, then it’s a bad joke. I hope the system can give me a good gift.

While Higashino was waiting for what Christmas gift the system would give him, there was a knock on the hotel room door.

Dong Yewu could only open the door first.

At the door was Polina, who was very colorfully dressed and... a little cool.

"Polina, what do you want from me? I'm waiting for my Christmas gift, please wait..."

Before Higashi Yetake finished speaking, his lips were blocked by another lip.

"No need to wait, I am your best Christmas gift!"

Immediately after the door was closed, Higashikata was pushed onto the big bed by Polina.

The head is covered, the scenery is endless!

The next morning! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

When Higashino woke up, rubbing his sleepy eyes, Polina had already left on a plane.

There is still a stack of yen and a note on the bedside table.

“The service is good, I am very satisfied and will continue next time.”

Higashino Takeshi smacked his lips, sisters, are you... giving me a female vote?

Cavalier Terrier Encyclopedia:

1. Singer Kengo: A human being turned into a core switch whose consciousness from the cosmic abyss spread all over the universe.

2. Christmas: In the Kamen Rider series (especially during the Heisei and Reiwa periods), every episode aired on Christmas or close to Christmas, there will usually be sad or unpleasant events in the plot, especially the death of a character. For the most.

Some of the more famous Christmas chapters:

Hibiki: Kill the ghost and sacrifice it

Kato: Kamidao Sword was beheaded by Tiandao, and finally died accompanied by the old man

Kiva: Hongyin also died in Maya’s arms

Ex-Aid: Forensic doctor Kujo Kiriya was killed by Dan Reito using a dangerous zombie cassette (this is also how the Christmas joke was discovered and popularized)

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