The Toy Merchant Who Started in the Wind Capital

Chapter 59 Principal Tachibana, Hayami-senpai

Because of the holiday,... in the entire Tianzhi River, except for the security guard who watches the door, the only people staying here are the apostles of the constellations!

All the members are evil and belong to Yes!


However, seeing Polina arriving with Higashino Takeshi and the team from Consortium

The person who came to receive Higashino Takeshi and the others was Principal Hayami Hiroki.

Maybe it was because Higashino was too weak, but when he saw Hayami Fair, he thought of the OMO emoticon, so he couldn't help but laugh.

Tachibana-senpai, why are you watching from the sidelines? Have you really betrayed me?

Seeing Higashino Takeshi smiling when he saw him, Hayami Nobui thought there was something on his face.

And Polina also looked at Higashino Takeshi, isn't it? Brother, even if you represent the museum, there is no need to ridicule him right away!

"I'm sorry, Tachibana... Principal Hayami, I'm born to laugh."

"Hahahaha, it's very interesting, I won't mind."

There was a fierce glint in Hayami Koi's eyes, but it quickly disappeared.

Brat, I'll make you look good in a moment.

Polina didn't have time to chat with Koi Hayami here, so she went straight to the topic and said seriously: "Principal Hayami, I hope the chairman is not here. Are you here to report to us on the progress of the constellation switch?"

"I am only responsible for cultivating the apostles of the twelve constellations. Regarding the issues and progress of research and development, I really don't know much about this aspect." Hayami Hoshino had a smile on his face that was a bit familiar to Takeshi Higashino.

Isn't this the standard smile that I want to put on customers?

Obviously, this is perfunctory to Consortium X.

"Since you don't know clearly, then ask me to see the light!"

"The chairman has many things to do every day, and he is not in Tianzhichuan now."

"Then when will he come back?"

"This... I don't know."


"Since we don't know clearly, should the noise be louder? I hope the chairman will hear it?"

The last words were spoken by Takeshi Higashino, who struck the tuning fork and transformed into the Dark Hibiki Ghost.

What a certain magenta devil said makes sense: When in doubt, the Hibiki goes first!

Injecting the power of ghosts, the tuning fork in his hand turned into a long sword, and Higashino Takeru wielded several black flame sword energy.

Principal Hayami changed his calmness just now, and a red twelve constellation apostle switch appeared in his hand.

First of all, let me say that whether it is the constellation switch used by the Constellation Apostle or the astronomical switch used by Kamen Rider Fourze, the source of their power is the core switch that contains the power of the universe.

The core switch itself is actually a prop scattered into the universe by the cosmic abyss consciousness of the ancient Lezi people in order to contact the intelligent life forms of other planets.

The principle of the constellation switch is that I Wang Guangming combines human negative emotions with the power of black holes by studying the core switch containing the power of the universe, and the weird form he transforms into is the constellation apostle.

The original intention was to adapt the human body to the harsh environment of the universe, using transformation on the magical creature side.

The advantage is that it can evolve quickly, but there is a risk of physical collapse.

The cosmic switch used by Kamen Rider Fourze is also a power derived from the core switch, but it is a product of technology. For example, rockets, drills, radars, and manipulators.

Although the time from development to use will be longer, it will be safer and more secure.

We are old enemies and have the same origin.

When the negative energy of an ordinary zodiac switch user accumulates to a certain extent, his device will change to a hyperemia state and enter the "Last One" stage. At this time, his power will be greatly increased after transformation, but the transformer's body will become a cocoon. The state is completely separated from the spiritual consciousness.

If the will of the constellation apostle exceeds the "Last One", the "most brilliant star" in his body will light up, and the body of the cocoon will be fused to awaken into the apostle of the twelve constellations.

The constellation switch used by the Zodiac Apostle will turn completely red and can be transformed into a more powerful Zodiac form.

In this form, not only can it summon miscellaneous fish and stardust soldiers to attack, but it can also self-awaken or be given the "supernova" evolutionary ability by Chairman Guangming Guangming.

Therefore, the power division of constellation apostles can basically be divided into two categories.

Ordinary constellation apostle ≈ ordinary dopant ≈ ordinary weirdo.

Apostle of the zodiac sign ≈ advanced adulterant ≈ cadre level.

What Principal Hayami held in front of him was the Apostle Switch of the Zodiac sign Libra.

When the switch is pressed, the brightest star lights up, and the Libra apostle appears, wearing a Libra cloak, a round eye on his head, two big black beards, and a tin staff.

Principal Hayami did not move, but lightly tapped the ground with the tin stick in his hand.

Immediately afterwards, more than a dozen apostles of the Libra constellation appeared in the huge conference room.

Each one is the same as Principal Hayami, even their auras are almost the same.

This is the special ability of Libra, transformation.

Not only can he imitate himself into the appearance of others, but he can also transform into clones.

"You still dare to take action at Amanokawa Academy?" More than a dozen Hayami Hoshi said at the same time, "Since you are a member of Consortium

"It's really flashy." Higashino Takeshi mocked, "But it's of no use to me."

The power of illusion is a crushing bug skill in low-end games. Using this illusion technique, in the early stage, the speed is fair, but it will make Si Zai and Meteor suffer a lot.

But if this kind of power is not evolved or coordinated with other abilities, it can only be abused.

So when the fourth son got his final form in the later stage and Meteor also got the Meteor Storm form, Hayami Hiroshi rarely used this move.

And the way to restrain this power is also very simple.

Or you have a pair of sharp enough eyes to be able to distinguish between the clone and the main body.

Or, no matter the clone or the main body, kill them together.

Higashino Takeshi held the Hibiki dagger at his waist.

Even without transforming into armor form, this short sword is sharper and more powerful than the tuning fork sword in his hand.

"Polina, put your head down!"

Although she didn't know what Higashino was going to do, Polina still hugged her knees and squatted in defense.

Let’s talk about Kirihiko here. Although Kirihiko has a weak constitution, is a dog licker, and is often domestically abused by his ex-wife, he still has some skills in sword skills.

But maybe Higashino Takeshi's talent is focused on spear skills, and his sword skills are not as fast as his spear skills.

So Kirihiko-sensei only taught Takeshi one move.

"Ghost Flame·Draw the sword and slash!"

The savings combine the power of ghosts and the power of black flames, and with one strike, a black sword light of more than ten meters is produced.

Since there is no way to tell the difference, let me give you red bean paste!

It's not as cool as the clone illusion, but it's such a simple strike. Hayami knows that he can't stop it.


The voice was slightly old-fashioned, but it was so majestic that no one needed to question it.

Along with the sound, a white powerful lion monster appeared.

Leo Constellation Apostle·Lishen Roar.

Cavalier Terrier Encyclopedia:

1. Hayami Hiroshi: The principal of Amanokawa High School

Because actor Hiroshige Amano also played the classic senior character Tachibana Sakuya in Kamen Rider Sword, he is often called Principal Tachibana or Hayami-senpai.

2. OMO: In Kamen Rider Sword, Tachibana-senpai was unable to fight after his transformation due to his own psychological problems in the early stage. He kept looking at the protagonist Jianqi when he was being beaten, and his expression resembled that of OMO, hence the name. (The author is researching how to create an omo emoticon package, or if anyone has one, please post it in the comment area.)

Similarly, the irritable young man Jian Qi also made a famous question when he was beaten: Senior Tachibana, why are you just watching? Did you really betray us?

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