The Toy Merchant Who Started in the Wind Capital

Chapter 47 Ghost Warrior Recovery Plan 20

Chapter 47 Ghost Warrior Recovery Plan 2.0

"Tomorrow Meng, you are causing trouble!"

"The power of ghosts can't help much!"

"On the contrary, the more you help, the more help you get!"

After hearing these words, the singing and dancing ghost's eyes became more murderous, and he said to Tomorrow Meng: "Tomorrow Meng, please say something!"

Tomorrow Meng lowered her head guiltily and remained silent!

Compared with the failure of the crusade against the Orochi, the accusations from the ignorant villagers and the silence of the boy Tomorrow Meng even chilled the hearts of the ghost warriors.

"Get out of the village now!"

"Yeah, you guys can't help much!"

"Get out of here!"

Faced with the accusations from the ignorant villagers, the four singing and dancing ghosts were very tough: Get out!

He left the village without looking back.

But after leaving the village, the three ghosts became dejected.

"Are we really going back like this?"

"Otherwise, we won't be able to defeat the big snake."

Just as he said this, an uncle dressed as a savage descended from the sky on a simple glider.

To say it is a simplified version is to give it some shame.

This thing is just a piece of cloth with a few wooden sticks tied to it.

"Huanggui, appear!"

As soon as Uncle Beast Skin Huanggui appeared on the scene, he said like the excited SpongeBob when he met Patrick: "Let's go conquer the demonized sprite!"

"The crusade is over." Your Majesty, Weibogui, said with his hands in his hands, "It's just that we failed."

"What! I heard that you were going to crusade against the demonized beasts, so I rushed here in a hurry!" Uncle Huanggui was obviously very regretful, "How about we go to crusade again?"

Huang Gui's words were recognized by the singing and dancing ghost, and he nodded and said: "Okay, let's attack again, but this time we need more friends!"

The grumpy uncle Huanggui joins the team.

Seven Ghosts of the Warring States Period: 4/7.

Then, everyone returned to the city before the Demon King to rest and rest.

The city without the powerful name... seems to have remained unchanged.

Good guy, everyone else is a constitutional monarchy, but you are an offline monarchy, right?

It's the same with or without you. Without the bragging ghost, the city seems to be more prosperous.

While eating noodles, the singing and dancing ghost introduced the next teammate to join the team.

West ghost.

"Xi Gui, do we want to invite that guy? He is a bad guy who uses the power of ghosts to steal. He has no pride at all as a ghost!"

"Unite all those who can be united." Takeshi Higashino reiterated his action plan, "The most important thing now is to deal with the demonized snake!"

And here, Takeshi Higashino and his party heard the news that Kamen Rider Nishi Oni was about to be executed for stealing.

So a group of people rushed to the execution site.

But behind them, Orochi Boy and Enchantress appeared in front of a woman wearing colorful robes.

"Is there a mission?"

"Yeah." A soft female voice came out of Orochi Doji's tall male body, "Yeah, destroy the ghost."

A white grimace appeared on the face of the woman in colorful robe.

"I want to drink the ghost's blood until I'm full!"

The identity of the woman in colorful kimono is none other than the demonized demon Futakuchi-onna hidden in the human city-state.

Two flowers bloom, one on each side.

On the execution ground, facing Xi Gui who died calmly, the samurai led by Liu Yue couldn't help but ask: "What is your wish before you die?"

"You are so considerate!" Xigui sighed, "I only have one wish, that is, I don't want to bow my head and die, at least I want to die upright and upward!"


The samurai agreed and swung his sword at Xigui's raised neck.

The next second, the hard samurai sword was bitten off by Xigui.

Good teeth!

Huanggui took the opportunity to throw out the smoke bomb he developed.

"You said there is a treasure in Fujibei Village?"

Xigui was deceived by Higashinotake and Kabuki's few words.

Amidst the explosion, Xigui joined the team.

Seven Ghosts of the Warring States Period:5/7

But the next teammate directly rejected Higashino Takeshi and his team.


Yu Jinggui is dressed as a farmer and takes care of the crops.

"You guys go back, I'm working hard to live now."

"I promised my wife." After saying this, Yu Jinggui looked at his wife. The woman was dressed as a peasant woman and was hanging clothes with her child on her back. "After getting married, I will no longer use the power of ghosts."

"Besides," Yu Jinggui stretched out his hands, which were covered with calluses and stained with black mud. "How can these hands pick up weapons now? They can only pick up hoes."

Send Higashino Takeshi and his party away.

Yujigui returns home.

The fat son is sleeping soundly, and the warm stove is very comfortable.

In such a warm atmosphere, Yu Jinggui was very irritable and urged his wife: "Hurry up and get the wine!"

"Now is the time to drink, husband."

Hoseki Oni's wife held Hoseki Fukidou's exclusive weapon, Sound and Blowdow, Lieku, and handed it to Hoseki Oni.

"take it."

Looking at his virtuous wife, Yu Jinggui couldn't help but choked up and said: "You~"

Husband and wife became one, Yu Jinggui's wife said: "Go early and come back early."

After a long silence, this strong woman said one more thing.

"Go and fight, but don't die. You must come back alive!"

The couple looked at each other with tears in their eyes. For a moment, they didn't know what to say!

Feather attack ghost get!

Seven Ghosts of the Warring States Period: 6/7.

"Now we only have six ghosts and one person!" Uncle Huanggui smiled happily.

"Is there really a treasure in that village?" Xigui only cares about the treasure.

Higashino Takeru and Kabuki, who had deceived him, hesitated and said, "Yes, it really does!"

The bragging ghost said worriedly: "But the big snake is so strong, can we really defeat him?"

The frozen ghost and the feathered ghost didn't say a word, but their eyes were extremely firm due to their deep experience.

Everyone talked and laughed and prepared to return to the village.

Just halfway up the road, I met Todoroki, who was holding a guitar, sword, sound, string, thunder and fighting with the demonized crab boss.

Good guy, you were beaten to the punch in the TV show, but you are still beaten to the punch in the movie version, right?

"Let's go help too!"

The newly added Huang Ghost, West Ghost and Yuju Ghost have to show off their abilities.

Huanggui is holding a golden wheel, just like the Golden Wheel Dharma King.

The West Ghost three-section stick is in hand, eager to try.

Yujigui spreads his wings on his back and holds a double fork.

The team battle is about to begin, and the target is the Swift Crab, oh no, the Crab Shop Master.

"You come up too." The singing and dancing ghost handed over a transformation tuning fork. "Combining your own Oni Dou Jutsu with my Oni Dou Jutsu, you should be able to transform into a ghost now."

This transformed tuning fork is completely black, and its only accessories are two white southern beads.

Takeshi Higashino took over the transformation tuning fork and struck it to make a sound.

The sound of the demon resounded, and black flames instantly covered the whole body.

When the flames receded, a Kamen Rider appeared with white ghost horns on his head, wearing pitch black armor and holding a tuning fork sword.

However, apart from the different color scheme, you look too much like Hibiki!

And your devilish look doesn't look like our righteous ghost warriors at all.

Higashino Takeshi: Do you think you will be righteous after you transform?

"How about you call me the Dark Noise Ghost?" the Song and Dance Ghost joked.

Higashikata nodded, why do you have a black armored king, a black armored dragon, a dragon tooth, and a black fox?

Can’t I have a dark ring ghost?

Cavalier Terrier Encyclopedia:

1. Huanggui: The grumpy uncle. The weapon in his hand is a golden wheel like the King of the Golden Wheel. The prototype is the legendary creature of the sea: the sea turtle.

2. West Ghost: A thief who uses the power of ghosts to steal. The weapon is a three-section stick.

3. Feather Strike Ghost: A man who quits the ranks of ghosts because of his family. He has the ability to fly and his weapon is a double-pronged fork.

The above three ghosts are all from "Kamen Rider Hibiki and the Seven Ghosts of the Warring States Period"

4. Todoroki: The ghost that appears on Hibiki TV is good at using thunder and lightning and guitar attacks. The one that appears now is the Todoroki from the Warring States Period.

5. Boom Ghost and Crab Stem: Because Boom Ghost is mainly responsible for destroying demonized monsters with hard shells or demonized monsters with needles on the surface. So TV has been fighting crabs all the time

It’s not just TV that’s trying to cheat, it’s also the movie version that’s cheating


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