The Toy Merchant Who Started in the Wind Capital

Chapter 45 A sensitive misunderstanding

Outside the village, the boy Tomorrow Meng told his story.

My home is in a seaside village called Fujibei. The demonized snake on the seaside chooses a girl from the village to eat every year.

Higashino Takeru nodded and understood, Orochi is the inspiration king who turned into a snake.

The girl chosen this year is Tomorrow Dream’s sister.

In order to save their sister, Tomorrow Dream and two friends in the village are going to ask ghost warriors who specialize in dealing with demonized spies to defeat the demonized sprites.

"It's a big snake, isn't it?" said the singing and dancing ghost, "I've wanted to deal with that guy for a long time."

"But now I can only think about it."

After hearing this, the expressions of Tomorrow Meng and the others changed.

But at this time, the singing and dancing ghost discovered another person, the boy who just wanted to eat sweet potatoes.

"As expected, it's you, you still want to eat, right?"

The boy had a runny nose, smiled and nodded.

"Take it." The singing and dancing ghost took out a sweet potato and said, "Eat it secretly, don't let your mother find out."

The boy nodded and ran away happily.

Looking at the boy's back, the singing and dancing ghost smiled like a child.

However, in return for three sweet potatoes, one was thrown away and one was given to the child. After playing together for a long time, there was only one sweet potato left.

Then the singing and dancing ghost turned around and said, "But I can't do it alone, but with the help of people, I can definitely defeat him!"

Then the singing and dancing ghost pointed at Higashino Takeshi and said: "This is the first friend I recruited, the samurai Higashino. You guys just saw it, right? He can breathe out fire, and he will soon become a ghost warrior like me. .”

"Come on, let's embark on the road to defeat the demonized demonic snake!"

That night, in a dilapidated and disrepaired house.

Tomorrow Meng and the two little beauties have gone to bed, and Higashino Takeshi is eating the last sweet potato of the singing and dancing ghost in the yard.

"You have something to tell me."

"You also have something to ask me!"

"Can the style of our dialogue not be so Wong Kar-Wai?"

"What is Wong Kar-Wai?" The singing and dancing ghost was confused by Higashino Takeshi's complaints. "I...I have become a demonized sprite, or I will soon turn into a demonized sprite."

"It seems that the legend is true."

According to legend, when a ghost warrior loses his mind, he will turn into a demon.

This type of demonized sprite is more powerful than the demonized sprite formed naturally or made by puppets.

For example, in the parallel world of Imperial Cavalry, the Hibiki ghost turned into a powerful demonized bull ghost.

Higashino Takeshi, who had the same experience as the Kabuki and had always been hated by humans, naturally knew that the reason why the Kabuki lost his mind was because of human beings' prejudice and rejection of the Oni warriors.

"Yes, and I also joined Orochi's blood demon mad party!" The singing and dancing ghost told the truth, "The reason why I helped Tomorrow Meng and the others is to gather the remaining ghost warriors and eliminate them!"

"So, join us, or choose to fight?"

Higashino Takeru pondered for a while, then raised his head and smiled: "Of course... I joined!"

Hearing this, the handsome face of the singing and dancing ghost also showed a long-lost smile, and he was finally no longer alone.

The torment of betraying humanity and betraying the honor of ghosts has been tormenting the singing and dancing ghosts who still have conscience, but now... they finally have a companion who has also been raped by others.

Higashino Takeshi: Just make up a few lies, otherwise the swords of you and General Flame will come over soon.

The Demonized Flame General was not dead, and was still following Higashikata and the Kabuki Ghost, always looking at Higashinotake warily.

"As a gift for joining us, this is the ghost fighting technique promised before. As long as you master it proficiently, you will soon become a ghost with your strength." The singing and dancing ghost handed a booklet of animal skins to Higashino Takeshi, "It also records my method of cultivating a ghost warrior and how to change from a ghost to a demonized sprite. However, I still hope that you can become a ghost before you consider becoming a demonized sprite."

"Thank you!" Dong Ye took the animal skin in his arms, but secretly manipulated the life energy to seal the animal skin into a card.

Space capability is convenience!

Early the next morning, Higashinotake and the Kabuki ghosts arrived at the home of the first ghost warrior.

"Ahead is Hibiki's home. Although he is weird, he is very powerful."

Kabutuki opened the door of Hibiki's wooden house while introducing Tomorrow Dream and Higashino Takeshi.

"Hey, is Hibiki at home?"

Then, there was only an explosion, smoke and dust flew everywhere, and the door was blown open.

The aftermath of the explosion even knocked the five members of Kabugui and Higashino Takeshi away.

The smoke dissipated, and Hibiki in blue appeared in front of Takeshi Higashikata, holding something like a firecracker in his hand. He coughed and said: "It's a Kabuki! Sorry, sorry, I was just experimenting with a new weapon, but it's completely It failed, hahaha!!”

The weapon that fails has this power, and the weapon that succeeds is as powerful as heaven.

At this time, the boy Tomorrow Meng was lying on the ground, looking at the Hibiki in front of him, and couldn't help but think of the rainy night more than a year ago.

It was the man in front of him who transformed into Hibiki and sent back the body of his brother, the fierce warrior.

My brother was just practicing with Hibiki, why did he die!

"It's because of you that my brother died!"

"It's all your fault, it's all your fault!"

Under the pouring rain, facing the accusation of the boy tomorrow's dream, Hibiki remained silent and admitted that he had killed the boy's brother.

In fact, the brother of the boy Tomorrow Meng died in a landslide, a natural disaster. Hibiki also blamed himself for not taking good care of his apprentice and stopped transforming into Hibiki.

Whether it's a dream tomorrow or a ghost ghost, just a few words can solve the mystery of the matter.

But... this is how the misunderstanding ended.

It was such a familiar misunderstanding plot, Higashino Takeru curled his lips and complained in his mind.

Wait, who wrote "Fighting Ghosts with Seven"?

Answer: Toshiki Inoue.

It turned out to be you, a sensitive misunderstanding.

After the boy Tomorrow Meng recognized Hibiki, he insisted that Hibiki's help was not needed.

The Hibiki Ghost also replied: "I am no longer a ghost, and I will never do those thankless things again!"

"I'm going to grill saury. Goodbye!"

After saying this, Hibiki turned and left.

The first ghost warrior to win over failed.

So the group of people prepared to go to the second place: Daming Mansion.

In the Daming Mansion, the five members of the Kabuki Demon and Higashino Takeshi were kneeling in the posture of Tuxiazai, waiting for the summons of the Daiming Wei Chuuki.

Higashino Takeshi was very glad for his choice. If he had chosen to be the retainer of the daimyo Ai Bukiki, he would never have been able to bear it every day.

But Tomorrow Meng also had doubts in her heart.

In this famous mansion, the retainers are like a sea and the beauties are like clouds.

The city-state outside the mansion is even more crowded and prosperous.

In troubled times, such a peaceful place is rare!

Can the bragging ghost give up all this and join in the battle with the demonized demon?

Cavalier Terrier Encyclopedia:

1. Toshiki Inoue: He is the screenwriter of many Heisei Kamen Rider series (except for "Dian-O" in the past ten years, he was absent from all of them)

However, the work has received mixed reviews. Because it is full of bad taste, it is also called a sensitive ghost.

2. Toshiki-style misunderstanding: Inoue Toshiki often uses misunderstandings, coincidences, and concealing the truth to promote plot development. For example, in "AgitΩ", Ryo Ashihara mistakenly believed that Kamen Rider AgitΩ killed his prospective girlfriend Kami Aki.

Another example is that in "Kamen Rider 555", Soka transformed into Kamen Rider 555 and knocked out Yuuji Kiba to put the blame on Qian Qiao.

Therefore, the famous scene was born: not recognizing people through the leather case.

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