"And this, wow, can we use the Cauchy convergence criterion here? This equivalent substitution... is too showy, right? He is worthy of being my idol!"

"Xiao Shen, my Superman!"

Finally, Liu Dongchen turned his attention to the third method that Xiao Yi was writing in the video.

"Wat? There is actually a third method, this this this... is this the sieve method? So cool..."

Just when Liu Dongchen was still expressing his admiration for his idol, Chen Beihua suddenly said: "Wait, don't talk!"

Liu Dongchen was stunned, "What's wrong?"

Chen Beihua pointed to what Xiao Yi was writing in the video, squinted his eyes and said: "Look, what he is writing now...?"

Liu Dongchen was puzzled, but then he looked over.

"Hey... Wait! This is... This is..."

His expression gradually changed from puzzlement to thinking, and finally he was stunned.

"Fuck, he is going to classify the parity problem in the sieve method?"

"What did you say? What is this?"

Chen Beihua didn't react and asked hurriedly.

At first, he just felt that there seemed to be something in the lines written by Xiao Yi, which seemed to be related to the sieve method, but he couldn't see the details.

However, Liu Dongchen himself was studying in this direction, so it was normal for him to see it.

But Liu Dongchen shook his head, then took out his mobile phone and said, "I can only see a little bit for the time being. Wait a minute, I'll ask."

Chapter 97 Sieve Master Ivanets

Liu Dongchen took out his mobile phone, then opened WeChat and entered a group.

Chen Beihua took a look. The group was called [Hope of Chinese Number Theory].

He pulled the corner of his mouth. What kind of group name is this?

But he could probably guess that the people in this group were probably all Chinese mathematicians who specialized in number theory.


Because he also joined a group called [Functional Light Country].

Liu Dongchen turned on the camera, took a picture of the computer screen, and then sent it to this group.


【Brothers, and big guys, look at what is written here. I feel that it may be a classification study of the parity problem of the sieve method. Let some people who understand it talk about it. 】

However, probably because this picture taken directly from the computer screen is full of moiré patterns, the group members in the group started to complain with emoticons.

【(Did you take a photo with the door lock.jpg)】

【(The screenshot key given to you by God, the screenshot key given to you by Huateng, the screenshot key given to you by Gates, and the sb who still hasn't learned how to take a screenshot.jpg)】


Looking at these messages, Liu Dongchen pulled the corners of his mouth. How come these idiots have all kinds of emoticons?

Then he typed a reply: 【Fuck, is this the point? Look at the picture! You will be scared to death after seeing it! 】

Finally, the people in the group returned to normal.

【Hey, isn't this Xiao Shen? What video is this? Send it to me.]

[Don't talk, I'm thinking.]

Liu Dongchen logged into the B site on his phone, found the video, and sent it to the group.

After a while, a big shot finally appeared.

Tao Quan: [These few lines are amazing. I just took a rough look. What Dongchen said just now is indeed good. It is indeed a classification specifically for the parity problem. However, for the time being, we can only see that it is a classification for all even prime factors. The odd prime factors are not written. Is there anything else behind?]

[Oh my god, Professor Tao!]

[Professor Tao has appeared!]

Tao Quan is a mathematics professor at Danfu University. His main research direction is number theory. He has done a lot of research on prime number problems and Diophantine equations. He can be called a big shot in their group.

Liu Dongchen never thought that a picture he sent could actually attract such a big shot. He looked at the screen and saw that Xiao Yi had written two more lines of formulas, but there was no more below.

So he took the photo again and sent it out.

[Xiao Yi only wrote these two lines later, and then nothing more. ]

Soon, Tao Quan replied again: [Right! Adding these two lines, the odd prime factor class is also included. This is a very feasible idea! It may greatly optimize the obstacles of the sieve method in the parity problem. The only problem is that it is a bit difficult to do it later. First of all, we have to find a way to prove that this classification method can really distinguish these two types of integers. In addition, we must also face the problem of thin sequences. We all know that it is difficult to show the infinity of prime numbers in a given thin integer sequence, and there is no polynomial that can achieve this so far.

Of course, the most critical thing is that there are still some technical difficulties. If these problems cannot be overcome technically, everything will be in vain. ]

Tao Quan is worthy of being a big shot in this field. He quickly saw the information revealed by these few lines of formulas.

[Professor Tao is awesome! ]

People in the group started to brush.

But Tao Quan sent another message at this time: [However, do you think the person in the video is Xiao Yi? 】

Liu Dongchen quickly replied: [Yes. ]

Tao Quan: [I was wondering why he looked so young. If it was Xiao Yi, then it was easy to understand. ]

[However, why did Xiao Yi suddenly start studying the sieve method? The Etale algebraic variety self-conservation theory he came up with some time ago has nothing to do with the sieve method. ]

As soon as Tao Quan's news came out, the people in this group immediately started thinking.

Yes, why did Xiao Yi suddenly study the screening method?

What problem is he targeting again?

Someone in the group sent a message: [Is it the twin prime number conjecture? 】

[Wori, can’t you? 】

[He just proved the Elliott-Halberstam conjecture, and now he plans to continue proving the twin prime conjecture? Do you want to be so exaggerated? 】

[Maybe someone will prove that the Elliott-Halberstam conjecture itself is for the twin prime conjecture?

[After all, the proof of the Elliott-Halberstam conjecture directly advanced the twin prime conjecture to 6. In this regard, Xiao Shendu has already solved the problem of whether there are infinite pairs of individual prime numbers. 】

[Impossible, absolutely impossible! 】


Various speculations also made the members of this group excited.

In the end, Professor Tao Quan stood up again and stopped them from spreading the news.

If this eventually becomes a rumor, won't it affect Xiao Yi himself?

[Okay, I think you all should stop guessing. Even if this is true, the twin prime number conjecture is not so easy to solve. However, if Xiao Yi really solves this problem, then I would like to call him our Chinese country The real hope of number theory! 】

Putting down his cell phone, Liu Dongchen exhaled, calming his slightly uneasy heart.

"How about it?"

Chen Beihua asked next to him.

"Well...what do you want to hear? About these lines, or about my idol."

Chen Beihua twitched his lips and said, "Don't let go of that idol."

But he was still curious: "What's wrong with Xiao Yi?"

"Be respectful, how can you call God Xiao by his name?"

Liu Dongchen corrected Chen Beihua's title with a serious face. Then, he clasped his fists and cupped his hands in the direction of Feishi. He said solemnly: "Xiao Shen, you are currently conquering the twin prime number conjecture for the sake of the entire number theory community!"

Chen Beihua, who was about to slap this idiot fan, was suddenly shocked, with a look of disbelief on his face.


Twin prime conjecture?

Damn it, if Xiao Yi really proves this conjecture, then there is nothing wrong with him becoming Xiao Yi's crazy fan!

In this way, this video was originally just a video of Xiao Yi solving a difficult problem, but because of the few lines of formulas he wrote in the process, it began to spread in professional mathematics circles.

Professor Tao Quan, for example, also communicated with some mathematician friends he was familiar with.

Eventually, this video also spread abroad.

Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA.

Rutgers University is the eighth oldest institution of higher education in the United States and the second oldest university in the history of New Jersey where it is located. The oldest university is Princeton University.

At this time, a number theory class was being taught in a classroom in the Department of Mathematics at Rutgers University.

The lecturer was an old professor who looked to be in his seventies.

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