Schultz didn't react for a while. After hearing Xiao Yi's words clearly, he quickly said: "Of course, it's completely possible. Whoever holds the microphone in this room can use the blackboard."

"Thank you!"

Xiao Yi nodded and walked to the blackboard.

Finally, he can use the blackboard. The previous theories can be explained orally, but the following content really needs to be explained with mathematical formulas.

He found a blank space and started writing.

[|X|=(lim←Z |G(Z)|)/πalg 1 (X)]


As soon as he got the blackboard, he seemed to have returned to a familiar environment. In a few strokes, he finished writing the remaining blank areas on the blackboard.

But he didn't stop there. Instead, he took out the blackboard brush and wiped off what Schultz and Mochizuki Shinichi had just written.

An ordinary college student wiped off the blackboard writing of a Fields Medal winner and a master of far Abelian geometry during the debate. It sounds a bit presumptuous.

However, no one cared about these things at this time. Compared with what Xiao Yi wrote, those blackboard writings were just blackboard writings, too-insignificant.

In this way, time passed slowly.

Schultz's expression of pinching his chin and thinking gradually became clear.

At the main table, Faltings' mouth corners also curled up slightly. He had gradually understood Xiao Yi's thoughts.

Then he looked at the person next to him and said to him: "This child is very smart, isn't he?"

The person next to him was also a Japanese, and he and Mochizuki Shinichi were from Kyoto University.

Mori Shigefumi, a Fields Medal winner and the former president of the International Mathematical Union.

Although Mori Shigefumi was not a supporter of Mochizuki Shinichi's proof, he came here today to support Mochizuki Shinichi. At least, Mochizuki Shinichi would not be suppressed by the European mathematics community because of his lone battle.

Japanese mathematicians are relatively united.

But obviously, even though Mochizuki Shinichi was not bullied by others, he was unexpectedly defeated by a 17-year-old child.

Hearing Faltings' question, he did not answer, but said: "You once said that Mochizuki was smart."

Faltings smiled: "He has always been smart, otherwise he would not have become my student."

"But my evaluation criteria for intelligence will change with the smart people I have seen."

Mori Shigefumi directly said his subtext: "So you think this child is smarter than Mochizuki now."

Faltings asked back: "You don't think so?"

Mori Shigefumi was silent, then nodded: "Although I don't want to answer, I have to admit that you are probably right."

He looked at Mochizuki Shinichi, the 51-year-old master of far Abelian geometry, who was once extremely confident in his proof, and his expression gradually became depressed at this time.

After all, the child took out his own [Mochizuki Theorem] to prove his mistake.

And the logic is so clear that it is completely impossible to bypass it.

Under this logic, there are only two possibilities for the final result. First, either the IUTT theory is wrong or the Mochizuki theorem is wrong.

Faltings smiled lightly and looked at Xiao Yi again.

"Young mathematician, make the mathematical world interesting."


"... Therefore, in the end we can clearly find that unless the conditions of the Mochizuki theorem change, the inference of the Hodge Cinema can be established."

"But obviously, the Mochizuki theorem cannot change."

"So, the inference of the Hodge Cinema is not established."


Xiao Yi did not continue to speak, because I believe everyone present knows what the next thing is.

But someone gave him an answer.

"IUTT theory is not established."

The speaker, Shinichi Mochizuki.

"You are right."

The conference hall was silent for a moment.

Then, a round of applause rang out, it was Faltings.

Other applause followed.

Gradually, the entire conference hall was shaken.

Can I ask for a ticket?

Chapter 67 The cheering crowd





The applause in the conference hall lasted for a long time.

All the participants stood up while applauding and looked at the boy in front of the blackboard with admiration.

Different compliments were also mixed in the applause.

They not only applauded Xiao Yi for ending the eight-year dispute, but also cheered for the mathematical talent and keen sense of smell shown by this boy.

He was able to find the most critical problem first when so many heavyweight mathematicians were present.

Even if the main reason was that the key problem was in the field of far Abelian geometry, a mathematical field that not many people even understood, it can also be proved that this boy has mathematical inspiration far beyond most people.

"It's been a long time since I saw such a talented young man. The last time I saw him was probably..."

In the first row of seats, Pierre Deligne said to Enrico Bombieri beside him while clapping.

Before, his evaluation was "a little interesting", but now, it has become "so talented".

Enrico Bombieri smiled and said: "The talented young man I saw last time is standing on the stage now."

Deligne was stunned, then looked at Schultz who was also applauding on the stage, and nodded with a smile: "That's right."


"This kid..."

In a row slightly closer to the front, Hu Guangde looked at the young man on the stage with a little absent-mindedness in his eyes.

He never expected the plot to develop in this direction.

Originally, he thought that since Xiao Yi had received Schultz's invitation, he might as well bring him here to see the world and see what the International Mathematics Conference is like.

As a result, after arriving here, he found that this kid could actually sit in the front seat, which made him feel that this young man was lucky.

Then, the plot began to develop normally.

Schultz and Mochizuki Shinichi started to quarrel.


Who could have guessed that when the two of them were arguing and had nothing to say, this kid suddenly appeared...

And he also said a mathematical deduction that even he couldn't understand, completing the work that Schultz couldn't complete.

This kid...

The paper he was reading during this period, couldn't it be Shinichi Mochizuki's IUTT paper?

He remembered the paper that Xiao Yi had been reading with great interest when he was waiting for a visa in Beijing and on the plane. At that time, he just glanced at it and didn't read it more. Now thinking about it, it could only be this paper, right?

This kid can actually read it?

Looking back to when he read this paper, it was as if he was tortured. In the end, he only read about 300 pages, and then when he saw those who had finished reading it said that they couldn't understand it, he gave up directly.

In the end, he could only shake his head helplessly. No matter what, after today, this kid will definitely become famous again.

But isn't this a good thing?

Perhaps, their China will really have a great mathematician who can bring unprecedented influence to the mathematics world.

Thinking of this, a gratified smile appeared on his face.

On the stage, Xiao Yi, the protagonist of this moment, scratched his head, smiled shyly, and finally bowed politely in the face of such a scene.

Schultz walked towards him while clapping and exclaimed: "You did it! It's amazing. I believe you will become a better mathematician than me in the future!"

"Luck, just luck."

Xiao Yi said modestly: "If it weren't for the questions you raised, and Professor Mochizuki exposed a point that had never been revealed before when answering, I would definitely not have discovered this problem."

"Isn't this your excellence?"

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