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What is the expression.

Hua Jingyi is young and promising, and he is my confidant's favorite general. Do you have evidence that he cooperated with the enemy and betrayed the country? Emperor Changlong looked at the censor blankly.

This is the letter between Hua Jingyi and the enemy country, please take a look at your majesty. The censor took out several letters from his sleeve.

Zhao Sancai took the letter, and after confirming that there was no duplication, he transferred it to Emperor Changlong. Emperor Changlong did not rush to read the letter, but turned his attention to the prince.

Prince, what do you think about this matter?

The civil servants sighed in their hearts that His Majesty still values ​​the prince, and at this time, he has to be concerned about the prince's face. Of course, at this moment, they are more sympathetic to Hua Yingting.

The suspicion of collaborating with the enemy and betraying the country, as long as it gets on it, if you want to wash it off, you will have to peel off a layer of skin.

If His Majesty wants to take the opportunity to attack the Hua family, it is not enough for them to lose a layer of skin, and I am afraid they will have to spend most of their lives.

This censor looks a little shy, new? The prince glanced at the censor.

Returning to His Royal Highness, Wei Chen is the second place in this year's imperial examination. Xie Yushi said, I just arrived at the Censor's Desk a few days ago.

Oh. The prince nodded, You look a little mediocre. Gu only remembers what the champion and Tanhua look like, but I forgot about you.

Being ridiculed by the prince for his appearance in public, Yushi Xie's complexion was pale and white, and he was really good-looking.

You are a censor who has just become an official in the court, where did you know that Hua Jingyi was betraying the enemy? The prince put his hands behind his back, and stomped slowly to Xie Yushi, I doubt it, you see Hua Changkong. During the imperial examinations, your ranking was better than yours, so I was jealous, so I deliberately spread rumors to cause trouble.

His Royal Highness, Wei Chen has no such thoughts. Xie Yushi said anxiously, Wei Chen only got this evidence unintentionally, and was afraid that Hua Jingyi would make more mistakes, so he said this at the court meeting. Your Highness, although you are the fiancé of the Fushou County Master, you cannot cover up the Hua Family's sin against heaven because of your personal feelings.

What are you talking about? The prince chuckled lightly, and suddenly said with a sullen face, Is the Hua family guilty? The father and the gudu haven't spoken yet, so it's your turn to convict? Is the little censor trying to help Dali Temple decide the case, or help the emperor to convict people?

After he finished speaking, he kicked Xie Yushi on the body and kicked Xie Yushi to the ground: What kind of messed up dog thing, actually looks weird in front of Gu.

The other civil servants moved to the side silently, allowing more space for the prince to continue to play.

This newly arrived Yushi Xie is really a new born calf who is not afraid of tigers. It's okay to step on the flower family, but he has to implicate the prince. What kind of temper the prince is, they have learned it for a long time, and they have firmly remembered the previous rule of it is better to provoke your majesty than to provoke the prince crazy.

Everyone is an official, and face is still important. In case of being scolded or kicked by the prince, where will face be put?

What's more, this censor is really...

What collaborator and betrayer of the country still beat the collaborating country to pieces?

Whose brain is this insulting?

Xie Yushi was kicked to the ground by the prince, and he did not recover for a long time. Isn't this the courtroom, isn't His Majesty still present, why does the prince dare to kick the courtiers if he doesn't agree?

Prince. Emperor Changlong coughed dryly, If you have something to say, don't use force. When you go back, copy ten large characters carefully, and nourish your heart.

And then, gone? !

Xie Yushi couldn't believe it, His Majesty tolerated the Prince to this extent? ! You are the emperor, can you be a little temperamental and take care of such a bad-tempered prince?

It's a pity that Yushi Xie was destined to be disappointed. His Majesty seemed to have forgotten about the Prince's tantrums in court after he said such a few words. The other courtiers also looked calm and unpredictable.

Xie Yushi:  …

Is there something wrong with these officials in the capital?

Your Majesty. The stubborn Yushi Xie did not admit defeat. He struggled to get up from the ground and endured the pain: Your Majesty, these letters are all handwritten by Hua Jingyi, please take a look.

Emperor Changlong knew the handwriting of Hua Jingyi. It should be said that he knew the handwriting of all the children of Hua Yingting. Because Hua Yingting often showed him the words written by his son, even when he went to the border gate later, Hua Yingting would put a few words written by his children in the letter he wrote to him.

As soon as the envelope was opened, he recognized the handwriting, which indeed looked like a handwritten letter from Hua Jingyi. These letters not only involve some political affairs in the DPRK and China, but also talk about the trade between Qinghan Prefecture and other countries. It does seem to have leaked information about Jin.

In some letters, Hua Jingyi hinted that the people on Jin Po's side should give him gold and silver jewelry, otherwise the cooperation would be cancelled, etc.

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