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Rouge tucked into her sleeve, I heard that Princess Shun'an had some conflicts with Princess Leyang?

Hua Liuli shrank her head and did not dare to speak.

Okay, you don't want to be held accountable for your mother's affairs. I believe you are measured in your actions. Wei Mingyue said, I came to you because I have something serious to say.

Hua Liuli hurriedly sat up straight, as long as she was not allowed to copy the book, everything would be fine.

Your Majesty wants your father to take charge of the Imperial Guards in the capital, and also gives the guards of the six adjacent counties in the capital the right to mobilize the command. Wei Mingyue looked serious, You have to be more careful in your actions in the future.

Your Majesty... is there any new decree to be issued? The smile on Hua Liuli's face disappeared completely. Anyone with a brain can understand how important the Imperial Guard is.

Since the founding of the Jin Dynasty, the commander of the Imperial Guard in the capital has been held by the emperor's most trusted person.

Although her father has been disarmed and returned to the field, his prestige in the army is unparalleled. If he now controls the Imperial Guard of the capital, if he has any objections, His Majesty will be the enemy.

Has father been ordered? Their family is now decorated with flowers. After the war, the second elder in the family withdrew from the military camp, just because they didn't want the Hua family to be a thorn in the eyes of others.

Although His Majesty trusts the Hua family, as a courtier, you must also be knowledgeable. Don't let this trust be turned into suspicion because of complacency, and finally end up with the monarch and the minister's centrifugation.

Wei Mingyue shook his head: As a minister, you should share your worries for the king. But in such an important position, our family can't easily accept it, at least not easily agree to it.

The way of getting along with monarchs and ministers is something that every flower family learns from childhood.

Blind obedience is the last resort, and doing what you like is not the best strategy. Only by doing it properly, in a reasonable manner, and putting in your true feelings, but not getting carried away, can you protect the family to the greatest extent.

You have been with me since you were a child and learned how to be a minister, but I hope you will never use it in your life. Wei Mingyue reached out and touched the top of her daughter's head, Only when the world is peaceful and there is no war, we are us. When the family of military generals really disarmed and returned to the field. These years, you have been wronged.

If the daughter was an ordinary girl from a noble family, she would not be alone in the army at a young age, and she would even use herself as a bait for the safety of the people, almost hanging her life by a thread.

Outsiders only think that the Hua family treats their daughter like a pearl, but they don't know their cruelty and helplessness in leaving their ten-year-old daughter in the military camp.

Hua Liuli held her mother's hand and smiled coquettishly: Mother, my daughter has never been wronged since she was born.

She remembered that her father lifted up his trousers and went to the fish pond to catch fish for her, and remembered that her valiant mother rode on horseback, far away from the city gate and looked back frequently, just to take a closer look at her standing on the city gate.

After defeating the city, she walked to her mother with a bow and arrow, and just said, Mother, I just stopped a few spies who were going to sneak into the city, and her mother held her tight in front of the lieutenant He hugged him tightly in his arms and cried bitterly.

There are also three older brothers, who tried their best to get food for her when supplies were most in short supply.

What she wanted to do, whatever, they all accompany her to make trouble, even if she said she wanted to raise her face, her brothers also saved her money.

She was born when her parents were defending against foreign enemies, and grew up under the love of the border troops and civilians, she never felt wronged.

It is precisely because you never feel wronged that your mother feels you are wronged. Wei Mingyue looked at her daughter tenderly, You like whoever you like, and you don't have to worry about it. Wei Mingyue is very worried about her daughter's sake for the family. , burying his love for the prince in the bottom of his heart, leaving a lifetime of regrets.

Ah? Hua Liuli was a little puzzled, why did her mother suddenly mention something she liked?

Mother. Hua Liuli looked at Wei Mingyue suspiciously, Daughter is only fifteen years old, don't you want to marry your daughter?

What nonsense. Wei Mingyue just pretended to be crazy and foolish, You remember, don't wrong yourself, father and mother are working hard on the battlefield, it is for the people to live and work in peace, not to make their children wronged for a lifetime.

She understands every sentence, but why is the meaning so profound?

Hua Liuli felt that there must be some unexplainable misunderstanding between her and her mother. But looking at the mother like this, it seems that she is lying.

Forget it, my mother is so beautiful, what my mother says is what she says.

Early the next morning, Hua Yingting went to squat outside the imperial study. There were several other officials waiting for the face of the saint, and they exchanged a few words with each other, then stood respectfully in the same place and waited for His Majesty to summon him.

My lords. Zhao Sancai walked out with a smile, Your Majesty and His Royal Highness have important matters to discuss, lords, if there is no important matter.

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