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Only to promote her whole family, he even wanted to abolish his crown prince and establish another prince. The demon concubine's family forcibly robbed the women of the people, occupied the common people's land, and fished the common people, according to the imperial history, but they were blocked by the demon concubine at the gate of the palace and beaten to death.

He stood on the city wall, watching the censor's wife with a big belly, holding the censor's corpse and crying so hard that he felt cold all over.

Everyone knows that when the emperor is angry, he buries millions of corpses, doesn't the emperor himself know?

So after he ascended the throne, he reminded himself from time to time that even if he could not become an emperor with a long-standing reputation, he had to guard the great Jin Jiangshan.

What is Jiangshan?

Is it the majestic mountains and the rushing rivers?

No, it is the people who live on this land.

Father, the prince said, I heard that Du Taishi seems to be ill.

Hearing the prince's voice, Emperor Changlong came back to his senses, and he sighed: Tai Shi Du is a great scholar. But he was not a qualified official.

You go see him for me. Emperor Changlong thought for a while, Master Du has a stubborn temper. If he says something inappropriate, you should not hear it. When you come back, I will give you a few more boxes. Jewel, I'll save your daughter-in-law's book for you.

Erchen understands. The prince said, In these years, when did Erchen care about him?

Anyway, this kind of old man who doesn't know how to adapt, although his temper is stinky and stubborn, his loyalty to the father and emperor has never changed.

Du Songwen is really not very good.

He has been the emperor of two dynasties. Because of his outstanding talent, he became an official of the East Palace at a young age. Later, the emperor was infatuated with the demon concubine. Because he always stood by the prince, he lived a very comfortable life after the prince ascended the throne.

Everyone in the world thinks that he is very strict with the prince, but he just thinks that the prince is the future emperor, and he is afraid that the prince will become like the previous emperor, and the people in the world will suffer.

Du Songwen lay on the bed with a sallow complexion, and the whole room was filled with a bitter yào smell. He opened his eyes with all his might, looked at the children and grandchildren in the room, and waved to Du Xiuying with red eyes: Come.

Grandfather. Du Xiuying forced a smile, crouched beside the bed, and gently held Du Songwen's wrinkled hand.

You really don't want to marry the prince? Du Songwen asked.

Du Xiuying lowered her head and said nothing.

That's it. Du Songwen sighed, I wanted you to stay with the prince and remind him what was right and what was wrong. But I'm afraid, if the prince hates you, how will you spend the rest of your life? That's fine. ,fair enough.

Grandfather... Du Xiuying couldn't hold it any longer, the tears in her eyes flowed down her cheeks.

It's my fault. Du Songwen closed his eyes, I'm always worried that the prince will become like the late emperor, but there are all kinds of people in the world, and no one can grow up according to the standards of others. I have been stubborn over the years and have offended the prince many times. What will you do after I leave?

Even a saint will be closer to his own family, not to mention Du Songwen is not a saint.

After I leave, you will do your best to assist Your Majesty and the Prince, and you must not think of anything else. Du Songwen took a breath and continued, Although the Prince is not perfect, he was raised by His Majesty, and he must have some of His Majesty's virtues. Although princes have their own advantages, in the end they can’t match the style of princes. If you feel disobedient, then… then…”

Then the Du family's genealogy was expelled, and the descendants would no longer have anything to do with the Du family.

Father, son, etc. will not go against your wishes. Du Xiuying's father knelt in front of Du Songwen, weeping, Father, please rest well, you will be well soon.

My own body understands it myself. Du Songwen looked at Du Xiuying, Xiuying is a good child. You can't stop her from what she wants to do in the future.

My son understands. Mr. Du was already at the age of knowing the destiny. He knelt in front of Du Songwen's bed, crying like a child. He also complained that his father was not flexible and stubborn on weekdays, but at this moment, there was only reluctance left in his heart.

My lord, the Crown Prince has come down.

Suddenly, there was a loud noise outside the door, and the prince, who was wearing a brocade robe and a jade crown, strode in: Master Du, I didn't wait for the announcement and entered the residence hastily. Please forgive me.

His Royal Highness. The Du family did not expect that the prince would come in person, and they all saluted the prince.

Everyone, please don't be too polite. The prince walked quickly to the bed, and when he saw Du Songwen's face, he knew that he was not well.

Master Du. The prince took a step back and gave Du Songwen a junior salute, I am very worried when I heard that the master is ill. Because he is not suitable for going out of the palace, he specially asked Gu to visit.

Wei Chen, thank Your Majesty Long En. Du Songwen wanted to return the salute, but was held down by the prince: Sir, you are the royal father.

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