The Thrilling Sword

Chapter 684: : Abdominal Heart Black Blood!

As soon as time passed, it was another month later, the deacon's place of the Jiuxing Dynasty.

"Did you find the news of that person?" In the dark, a somber voice sounded.

"Sir ... I haven't found it for the time being, but I'm still trying my best to give us time. That Ye Xuanding can't hide in the shape. In the short time now, where can he go even if he runs?" A man's voice Respectfully sounded.

"Waste, all waste!" The adult voice was full of anger. "A small guy in the condensed period actually mobilized all the troops of the Consulate, but he has not been found yet. The ancestors of the Luo family have questioned our strength. The Jiuxing Dynasty headquarters blame the crime. Who will bear this crime? The release of Jiuxing's death order will not kill people for more than half a year at most, and how long have we dragged on now? "

Thinking of this, the adult also secretly startled.

His own staff is waste, he naturally does not think so.

How good is that little guy before he can make his men haven't caught him yet? If it wasn't for the result of the calculation that the person was indeed dead, he would have thought that the other had committed suicide.

"Sir, we will do our best!" The man said with a shudder when he heard this.

"I'll give you two more months. If you can't find this person, just blame me for being ruthless to you. If other deacon halls intervene in this matter, wouldn't this be a joke for others?" The voice shouted coldly. "Also, does Mo Lao figure out what is coming?"

When the man heard this, he could only bite his head and said, "Not yet, Mo Lao has tried his best to calculate the position of Ye Xuan's thief. However, nothing has been achieved. It seems that the person has protection Baby of the power of calculation, this is the defense against Mo Lao's calculation! "

"The excuses are all excuses!" The owner of the gloomy voice narrowed his eyes and said, "Well, after a while, you and the Luo family ancestors, let him prepare to dispatch their family's eloquence, it seems only Let Yan Lao and Mo Lao work together! "

"Yes!" The man answered quickly.

The man was talking and quickly retreated.

There was only the adult alone, squatting low in the air with a somber expression on his face, with all kinds of thoughts in his heart, not knowing what he was thinking.


At the same time, a month later, several people were walking side by side over Hanyue Island, but Ye Xuan and Liu Baisu were among them.

Liu Baisu still had nothing to say as usual, but Ye Xuan talked and laughed with the people next to him, and they were very happy, as if they had never seen a friend and had a lot of words.

"I really envy Brother Lin, even with children ... This, this one should be a housewife." Several young talents said with a smile, and when they said this, they all looked at Liu Baisu. However, it was found that although Liu Baisu was born in an alluring country, she looked indifferent and had no meaning at all in talking to people.

This is also the expression that Liu Baisu tried hard to restrain. If it was not Ye Xuan, Liu Baisu would probably kill them immediately.

The left sentence is his wife and the right sentence is his wife.

This way, everyone who saw them even thought that they were husband and wife, and, without exception, they thought that the child on Ye Xuan's shoulder was their child.

What's all this?

"Haha, what's so enviable? The two of us were married at the first sight, and as a child, there was nothing we could do. As soon as we got married, the child was naturally earlier." Ye Xuan said with a grin.

"Do you want to die?" At this time, Liu Baisu's voice sounded in Ye Xuan's mind.

Ye Xuan smiled bitterly, and Chuan Yin returned: "This is also conducive to disguising identity, and even if we explain, I am afraid they will not think so. It is better, there is no need to explain so much.

Liu Baisu didn't speak again, but the anger was revealed.

However, it didn't take long for Liu Baisu to take a look at Ye Xuan, and he didn't know what he was thinking. Although he looked at Ye Xuan on the surface and laughed, and he was a familiar person. However, if you look closely, you can find the sadness in this man's eyes.

Almost every day, the other person would hold the silver badger and watched it for a long time, he ... what was he thinking about?

The grief in her eyes reminded her every time. When she watched her parents die in front of herself, it was a kind of heartbreaking grief. Can't live.

What was he thinking in his heart.

Behind that face of laughter, what is trying to cover up?

Ye Xuan hit a haha, and said, "Xiao, see some uncles soon!"

Xiaoxi stood up very cooperatively, and said with a dance: "Yeah!"

"Haha, Brother Lin, your daughter is so cute!"

"Yes, is it called Lin Xiaozhen?" A few young talents looked at Xiao Yan, saying with good feelings.

"However, Xiaoxiong doesn't seem to speak." A few young men laughed.

"Speaking of which, this is also because I am too focused on studying medicine and forgot to teach my children to speak." Ye Xuan said with a smile on his face.

Speaking of which, he glanced around.

Here is Hanyue Island.

He and Liu Baisu traveled all the way, because Xiao Xiao's affairs and some trivial things delayed some things on the road, and then arrived at Hanyue Island one month later, and before reaching Hanyue Island, Ye Xuan also met the doctor Some young physician geniuses in the family.

Ye Xuanhua, named Lin Lin, entered Hanyue Island with these young talents of the Taoist family, and naturally left the Wen family.

However, the size of Hanyue Island is far beyond what Ye Xuan can imagine. Even if you enter Wenjia and rush to Wenjia, it will take two or three days. A few days before these two or three days, Ye Xuan had been talking about medical ethics with a few young geniuses from the Taoist family.

At the beginning, these physician geniuses were somewhat arrogant. Although they showed nothing on the surface, they were obviously very confident in their own medical opinions. After a few discussions, a few of them were not generated. Disputes, but after a long discussion, a few people found one thing.

Because no matter how they discuss it, they can be resolved by Ye Xuan's opinion.

If you think about it, they all think Ye Xuan's opinion is the best of both worlds. Gradually, they asked some questions they didn't understand, but they found that Ye Xuan has been able to answer lightly and calmly, without even thinking. They are even better than those older doctors in their clan. Be easy.

How could this not surprise them. After some conversation, even if they were stupid, they finally saw that Ye Xuan was not an ordinary person.

Their medical skills are afraid that they are still above their genius.

Along the way, I didn't ask much about medical things.

The reason why these medical geniuses can become geniuses is also partly because they are open-minded in seeking advice. Otherwise, even more powerful geniuses, blindly self-righteous, will not be true geniuses.

Ye Xuan also told them some of his opinions, and he pointed out these people with his Taoist medical skills, which is naturally a breeze.

"As soon as I met Xiaozheng, I gave this treasure to Xiaozheng's defense." A young man laughed.

"I also have a self-defense treasure!"

In the blink of an eye, several young doctors from the Taoist family handed the treasure to Xiaoyu, who was accepted by Ye Xuan.

These young doctors are eager to give away treasures, fearing that they are slower.

Ye Xuan accepted these treasures with a smile, and knew that the young doctors of these Taoist families must be asking something, and shook his head in heart. The youths of these Taoist families ~ ~ Although each is a arrogant master, he is not stupid one by one.

With the opportunity to learn, these geniuses are not behind.

"Brother Lin, I have heard of a kind of condition before, called Abdominal Heart and Black Blood. I don't know if Brother Lin has heard of it?" The young genius who sent the treasure first asked with a smile.

When Ye Xuan heard this, she raised her eyebrows and said, "The black blood on the abdomen? Brother Li said that the natural constitution, the blood in the body turns into black blood. At the age of thirty, the natural disease that all blood turns black? "

"That's it." Li Zhengyang frowned when he said that, "And when he reaches thirty, the black blood spreads all over the body, and it will be dead!"

"Can Brother Li say it carefully?" Ye Xuanping said with a little interest.


There is a third more.

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