"Old Zhang, lead the adult men in the village, and follow me to the North Mountain to cut wood."

Standing on the open space in the village, Liu Yu ordered.

"The blacksmith stays in the village to make various tools for carpentry."

"Women and children, be responsible for removing the weeds in the open space in the village and leveling the land."

"Everyone, take action!"

"Yes!!" More than 2,000 people in Tiezhuang roared in unison, and the momentum shook the sky.

Under the leadership of Liu Yu, 500 adult men lined up in an orderly team to leave the city.

Pull the wood cart and head to the foot of the North Mountain.

[Production activities detected, cutting wood]

The system's broadcast sounded when the people of Tiezhuang entered the forest and started cutting wood.

[Strengthen physical fitness +100%]

[Strengthening range: villagers participating in the cutting this time]

"Oh! The immortal method of the owner of the village is activated again!"

"My strength has skyrocketed!"

A group of villagers started to work hard.

Cutting wood at a fast speed.

They were amazed at the owner's magical spells.

With such an owner, how could Tiezhuang not be strong?

How could they not live a good life?

Coming to Tiezhuang was the most correct decision in their lives.

In the forest, the men worked hard.

Straight pine trees were knocked down by them at a rapid speed.

The villagers were divided into many groups, some felled trees, some removed branches and leaves.

Some loaded the trees, and some transported them.

The wood was sent back to Tiezhuang City in a steady stream.

Under Liu Yu's instructions.

The carpenter who stayed in the city led the slightly older men to split the wood.

Prepare for the next construction.

All processes are on track.

Liu Yu returned to the city.

"These are the four main pillars of the house."

He squatted on the open space in the city and drew a simple blueprint on the ground with a wooden stick.

Explain the construction technology and related requirements of the board and mud house to a group of carpenters.

The carpenters nodded frequently, keeping Liu Yu's various statements in mind.

"Now, start building the first model house!"

Liu Yu stood up from the ground and said.

Dig a pit and put in pillars.

Build a double-layer board wall, pour loess into it, and then tamp it.

Finally, apply a layer of slightly wet loess mud on the outer and inner walls.

After the roof is sealed, the whole house is built.

With the effect of strengthening physical fitness.

The villagers completed various processes very quickly.

With the establishment of the first model room.

Let the onlookers know how to deal with each process specifically, so that they have a clear idea.

The method of the model room made a group of carpenters and people admire it again and again.

Easy to understand.

Liu Yu divided the people in the city into several groups.

The carpenters were responsible for driving piles and building wooden partitions, as well as the final tripod capping.

The women worked together to pour soil into the plywood walls, and the half-grown children were responsible for compacting.

The slightly older people stirred the mud and plastered the walls inside and outside the house.

Several processes were individually responsible for the group.

In addition, a smart person was selected, either male or female.

Responsible for the integration of all processes and manual material allocation for a house.

Liu Yu named them construction supervisors.

He or she can supervise and command all the workers in that house.

And strictly supervise several processes.

Ensure the quality of construction.

After all the order is established, the construction will enter a state of mechanical repetition.

One house after another, rising from the ground.

Gradually occupy the vacant land in the city.

Liu Yu coordinated the overall situation.

In his arrangement, the urban planning was done well.

Take the seven or eight-year-old children and order them to lay out the lines.

Arrange the streets straight.

Although the children are small, they can work.

Joining the construction of the city, let the children grow up rapidly.


Old Zhang stood on the street of the city, looking at the neat houses on both sides, and sighed for a long time.

"Our owner is still amazing!"

"If it were me, I'm afraid I would never be able to think of such a construction method in my life."

"It's really fast and good!"

The villagers on the side nodded in agreement.

"Eight hundred houses were built in just a few days."

"Our Tiezhuang is unique!"

"That's right!"

The people started to discuss excitedly.

"By the way, master of the family, what are the extra one hundred mud houses used for?"

Old Zhang pointed to the end of the street and asked.

The other villagers were also very curious.

When the owner of the manor gave instructions for the construction, he specifically ordered to reserve one hundred more houses.

"You will know in a few days." Liu Yu smiled mysteriously.

"Someone is coming to seek refuge."

Lao Zhang and a group of villagersThe people looked at each other in bewilderment.

They couldn't think of any other people who would come to seek refuge?

The owner of the manor didn't ask them to spread the news recently, did he?

The people scratched their heads.

[The board and mud house has been built]

[Ordinary houses, 3,000 coins per household]

[A total value of 2.4 million coins]

[This construction activity will earn 2.4 million GDP points]

It's good to have enough population.

Every production activity generates a very high GDP.

Allow Liu Yu to exchange more technology in the system.

"Lao Zhang, let the carpenters make some furniture for each household."

Liu Yu ordered.

"Then choose an auspicious day and move in."

"Okay!" Lao Zhang ran down happily.

He led the villagers to work hard again.

The people responded eagerly.

The owner not only built houses for them, but also ordered the carpenters to make furniture.

This was simply unimaginable in the past.

Which landlord could do such a good thing for the people?

I dare not even dream of it.

From then on, they had their own house and their own home.

They could also eat their fill.

Everything was much better than the best dream.

The people's centripetal force towards Tiezhuang reached an unprecedented state.

Liu Yu is worshipped as a god!

"Follow me and go quickly!!"

In the wilderness, more than 200 people carried many things and followed Zhang Fei to the northeast.

The long team pulled many wooden carts.

Loaded with various daily necessities for the people.

Zhang Fei had previously told the people everything he had experienced in Tiezhuang.

He cooked the 100 kilograms of dried seafood he carried back for the villagers to share.

In an instant, he proposed to go to Tiezhuang and won the unanimous approval of the villagers.

The delicious seafood made the people of Zhangjiazhuang drool.

Although everyone got a little, it stimulated their taste buds.

They will never forget the taste.

The children smacked their lips and stared at the iron pot in the open space in the village with tears in their eyes.

The women were envious.

The men were moved.

Zhang Fei saw the expressions of the villagers and felt a lot of emotion in his heart.

This Tiezhuang, you have to go!

At his command, the villagers quickly returned home to pack up.

The speed of action was like wings.

He was amazed at it.

In the past, when he ordered to work, why didn't the villagers have this enthusiasm?

In addition, he told the villagers that Tiezhuang promoted the health regulations, and those who couldn't recite them were not allowed to join.

All the villagers surrounded him instantly.

Begged Zhang Fei to tell them a few more times.

Soon, all the villagers were able to recite it fluently.

Even children and the elderly could recite it backwards.

This surprised Zhang Fei even more.

It seemed that everything in the world became so unimaginable once it was linked to Tiezhuang.

It was amazing!

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