Before dawn in the morning, the day laborers and villagers who were resting were called up by Liu Yu.

The tide is changing, so the second low tide in the past few days was around three o'clock in the morning.

The day laborers had no complaints.

The huge harvest from yesterday's sea fishing still shocked them.

The day laborers got up quickly and followed the villagers to the beach.

They were busy for an hour, picking up from dawn to dawn.

Although a little tired.

But they returned from the beach to Tiezhuang with the harvest on their backs.

The sense of accomplishment made every day laborer feel that this was called hard work.

Such a feeling made them not want to leave Tiezhuang.

The people of Tiezhuang were very envious of the fact that they could eat a full meal through their own efforts.

Even if they wanted to work hard, they had no way.

Returned to Tiezhuang and had breakfast.

The feeling of fullness in their stomachs removed the fatigue of all the day laborers.

After handling the seafood, under the leadership of Lao Zhang, they went to the wilderness to continue to open up the wasteland.

With yesterday's experience, the speed of opening up this time was faster.

Every day laborer worked hard.

In order to get the bonus mentioned by the owner, they also wanted to be favored by the owner and strive to stay here.

After seeing the extremely large amount of seafood in Tiezhuang, all day laborers wanted to join.


"Two thousand acres of land!"

"Two thousand acres!"

In the evening, Lao Zhang, who was standing at the entrance of the village and reporting to Liu Yu on the work situation, was so excited that his voice trembled.

"In the past, let alone two thousand acres, even two hundred acres of land, we in Tiezhuang dared not think about it."

"With these fields, how prosperous will our life be in the future?"

His words were nodded in agreement by other villagers.

Liu Yu patted the other person on the shoulder, "Well done."

"Take the day laborers to eat first."

"Okay!" Lao Zhang left excitedly.

[The work of developing wasteland is completed, and 1,200 acres of frontier farmland are obtained]

[GDP points harvested: 600,000]

The system voice sounded in Liu Yu's mind.

He looked through the system. Although he had consumed all the GDP points before, the grain seeds he exchanged were not too many.

This time, he had to exchange more.

Returning to the village, he activated the system on the open space, consuming a large number of GDP points, and exchanged many sweet potato seeds again.

Going to the sea, farming, and going to the sea.

The work of the temporary workers and villagers was arranged extremely compactly by Liu Yu.

Although the work was intensive, the temporary workers had more strength after a midnight snack.

Whether it was farming or going to the sea, they were still very diligent.


"Master, as you said, I brought my men to dismantle all the wooden boards that could be dismantled in the manor!"

Early in the morning of the fourth day, Lao Zhang dismantled the wooden fences, gates, and house doors of each family under Liu Yu's order.

The villagers had their homes demolished, but they had no complaints.

They just wanted to know what the magical owner of the village was going to do that they couldn't imagine.

Liu Yu opened the system in his mind and checked the [Slab-built City Wall Construction Technology and Experience] reward package.

After clicking the dismantling button, a lot of information flooded into his mind.

To build a wall with boards, you use templates to clamp and fix it from both sides.

Then pour soil into it, and after tamping, a solid city wall is formed.

In ancient times, when the cost of burning bricks was very high, this became the most cost-effective and labor-saving way to build a city.

"What? Build a city wall?!"

Old Zhang screamed.

He scratched his head with a twitch of his mouth.

"If this works, won't our Tiezhuang be the safest among the nearby villages in the future?"

After Liu Yu just said the purpose, the villagers began to chatter and discuss.

The joy was beyond words.

These days, it is so unstable.

Those barbaric bastards in the north would sneak over to collect money at any time.

It made the border people very worried.

But with the city wall, it was completely different.

Once the city gate was closed, those bastard cavalrymen would have to stare blankly.

The villagers couldn't wait to see what the city wall would look like after it was built.

The five hundred temporary workers looked at each other in bewilderment.

They couldn't understand why the owner of the manor knew everything?

Whether it was accurately calculating the time of high and low tides, drying dry goods, or boiling seafood to resist bacteria.

All kinds of magical knowledge, that was at his fingertips.

It made people think that the owner of the manor had consulted the gods in the sky.

Based on the knowledge in his mind, Liu Yu introduced the construction method of the template to the temporary workers and the people.

It was a very simple principle, and the people understood it as soon as they heard it.

Liu Yu's explanation was easy to understand, and he used branches to outline the relevant figures on the ground.

The temporary workers and villagers said they understood it well.

With Liu Yu's order, everyone started to work.

He supervised the work first, and Lao Zhang tookSeveral middle-aged men made the first section of the template for others to watch.

Support the board, connect and fix.

All the work was carried out quickly according to Liu Yu's instructions.

Then, the temporary workers rushed up and poured soil into the template.

Each person used a shovel to fill the two-meter-high template.

Lao Zhang led his men to climb up, and four people in a group used a large wooden pier as thick as a person's arm to pull it up and smash it down to compact it.

Then fill the soil and tamp it again.

It didn't take long for the five-meter-long and two-meter-high earthen wall to take shape.

"Raise the template and raise the wall to four meters high."

Liu Yu issued an order.

"Can this earthen wall be made that high?" Lao Zhang was a little confused.

"When we were reclaiming the wasteland before, didn't we let the women and children collect a lot of weeds?" Liu Yu said.

"Add soil and grass at the same time."

"Increase the toughness of loess, and you can make it higher. Four meters is no problem."

"I know." Lao Zhang nodded and continued to build with the people.

According to Liu Yu's teachings, it didn't take long for the four-meter-high earthen wall to be built.

Looking up at the nearly two-zhang-high earthen wall, all the villagers felt safe.

Liu Yu planned the direction of the wall of the whole village.

He asked the villagers to bring temporary workers and divide them into many groups.

Each group was responsible for a section of the wall construction.

Then they were connected together.

The villagers were already familiar with this method of coordinated construction in the previous ironwork.

They were very skilled at work.

The whole iron village entered into a hot construction.



In the evening, Lao Zhang, who had been busy for two days building the wall, breathed a sigh of relief.

With the completion of the connection work of the last section of the wall.

The entire Tiezhuang is surrounded by a four-meter-high wall.

In two days, a thousand-foot-long wall was built. How magnificent!

Without the various arrangements made by the owner of the manor, it would have been impossible.

The vast city covers a much larger area than the previous manor.

Not to mention the two hundred people living here, even if there are more than two thousand people living there, it is still spacious.

The children ran back and forth in the tall city gate, having a lot of fun.

Liu Yu asked the carpenter in the manor to make a plaque with the two big characters of Tiezhuang engraved on it.

Then he hung it high on the city gate.

Although there is no magnificent city gate tower.

But the four-meter-high city wall still looks extremely majestic.

Lao Zhang and a group of villagers stood in front of the city gate, full of eager eyes.

"We will also own a city in the future!"

"This towering city wall is more majestic than the one built in the county!"

The villagers started to discuss it.

The five hundred temporary workers were so envious when they saw it.

Our village is simply incomparable to Tiezhuang, in no way!

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