The first year of Zhongping in the Eastern Han Dynasty.

Youzhou, Youbeiping County.

This place is backed by the Great Wall in the north, the sea in the south, Yuyang in the west, and Liaoxi in the east.

It is an important passage connecting the counties of Liaodong.

It has always been a place of cultural integration.

There is Tiezhuang in the county, which is famous in the village because the people are good at making iron tools.

After Liu Yan took office as the governor of Youzhou, he heard that the people of Tiezhuang were good at making iron, so he incorporated them into the construction system of Youzhou.

Let Tiezhuang be responsible for part of the weapon manufacturing.

In the courtyard of the iron shop in the village, the soldiers and blacksmiths were divided into two teams facing each other, and the atmosphere was tense.

"I'm going to say this today!"

Gongsun Yue, a young military officer wearing armor, raised his hand and pointed at the villagers holding hammers on the opposite side and shouted.

"The day after tomorrow, at sunset, you have to fight even if you have forged it."

"You have to fight even if you can't."

"Don't tell me that you have difficulties."

"I won't listen!"

"If you say anything more, ask the sword in my hand whether I agree or not!"


The saber was drawn out, and the cold blade flashed with cold light.

It reflected a terrifying color.

The twenty or so blacksmiths in the courtyard looked at each other in surprise.

This young military officer came from the famous Baima Yicong, but he was unreasonable.

He came to their iron manor with a dozen riders and said that he would forge two hundred long swords within three days.

He said that the war in the north was tense.

But even if it was tense, they couldn't forge them!

There were less than two hundred people in the entire iron manor. Excluding the old, young, women and children, there were less than a few dozen useful laborers left.

How could they forge two hundred long swords within three days?

The north wind of early spring was bleak and swept through the courtyard, rolling up a cloud of dust.

The sky was covered with dark clouds and was very gloomy.

In the courtyard, the atmosphere was extremely depressing.

"That... military master..." Old Zhang, who was over fifty years old, rubbed his hands and said.

"Can you..."

As soon as the voice started, a golden light flashed in the sky.

It tore through the gloomy clouds and fell directly to the ground.

Crack! !

The violent thunder attacked everyone's ears, and the storm was coming.

"Grandpa Zhang, it's not good!!"

A little boy of eight or nine years old ran to the gate of the courtyard, leaning against the wall and panting.

"Our... the Confucian scholar in our village was struck by lightning!"

"What's going on?" Old Zhang hurried to the gate of the courtyard and asked, "How could he be struck by lightning?"

But the boy was panting and couldn't speak.

Anxious Old Zhang wanted to slap him.

"Take me to see it!"

The only person in the village who could read and write was extremely important.

He was the accountant.

Without him, the correspondence between Tiezhuang and the county, as well as various accounts, could not be handled.

The boy ran away with Lao Zhang.

Seeing the old man's figure gradually disappear, Gongsun Yue frowned.

Although he was very anxious, someone died in the village.

It was not good to continue to force him at this time.

"Let's go and take a look."

Take a dozen soldiers and rush out of the courtyard.

Prepare to find out the situation and urge the old man.

Deal with the dead quickly and make weapons quickly.

The blacksmiths in the courtyard rushed out in a hurry.

They were very worried about the Confucian scholar.


In the open space in the center of the village, old and young women and children gathered in groups of three or two.

Standing ten steps away from the man who was struck by lightning, pointing and talking.

But no one dared to approach.

"Get out of the way!"

Lao Zhang squeezed in from the crowd.

As soon as he looked up, he froze in his place.

In the middle of the open space, a young man eight feet tall stood stiffly, his long hair no longer neat as before, standing upside down.

His face was covered in dust and his body was steaming.

The black marks scattered along the feet of the scholar were like the aftermath of a fire.

The huge power of the lightning was clearly displayed.

Crackling, crackling.

The golden arc was looming in the young man's Confucian robe.

It was like the dragon in the storyteller's mouth.

Such a scene was shocking.

"This... this..." Old Zhang stuttered for a long time, but couldn't say a complete sentence.


The onlookers, young and old, retreated to both sides.

Gongsun Yue walked in with his men with their heads held high.

"No hope, prepare for the funeral."

At a glance, he knew that the man would definitely die.

"Bury it quickly, and forge weapons quickly!"

The stern voice echoed in the open space, and there was no room for doubt.

He waited for two breaths, but found that the old man next to him was still standing there in a daze, not moving at all.

He waved his hand and ordered: "Two people go over and collect the bodies."

Turning around and pushing the old man, Gongsun Yue said: "I will ask the soldiers to deal with it here, and you will return to the iron shop immediately to forge it!"

"Who the hell said there is no hope?"

A loud voice suddenly sounded, covering up the noise in the space.


Everyone turned their heads in unison, staring at the person who made the voice, their eyes trembling.

It was the scholar who was struck by lightning!The scene was silent for a moment.


The crisp cough was so harsh in the silence.

Gongsun Yue's eyebrows twitched. The scholar actually... moved! !

A visible gray smoke floated out of the mouth of the person struck by lightning and dissipated into nothingness.

The dusty scholar patted his Confucian robe, and smoke and dust rose up. "Those who survived a great disaster will surely have good fortune in the future."

Looking around, he grinned and showed a row of neat and white teeth. "Later Han, I'm here, don't be afraid."

"Fake... fake corpse!" The two soldiers who were ordered to deal with the corpse fell to the ground in fear and crawled back in panic.

The children hid behind the adults, trembling.

"Confucian... Confucian scholar." Old Zhang trembled and spoke.

"Just tell me what you need in the underworld, and I'll bring the villagers to burn it for you."

"Don't come to harm our village!"

"The elderly and children can't help being scared."

"Please be kind and report back to the King of Hell."

Gongsun Yue tightened the sword at his waist.

If the Confucian scholar who pretended to be dead took another step forward, he would immediately chop him.

However, the trembling in his hands betrayed his cowardly heart.

"The King of Hell dare not take me, let me go back to the world." The Confucian scholar who was struck by lightning raised his hand to press down the long hair on his head.

But he couldn't press it down.

His hair was as wild as grass, and he was still willful.

"Forget it."

He gave up fighting with his hair.

"Introduce myself." He glanced at the military officer who still held the hilt of the sword with both hands, and smiled and spoke.

"My name is Liu Yu, and my courtesy name is Chengzhi."

"I'm the accountant of this iron manor."

"Quick... remember... what?" Gongsun Yue frowned.

The scene in front of him was horrifying.

He was not killed by the lightning, and he spoke incomprehensible words.

Could it be... that the scholar's brain was damaged?

Or... was he protected by a god? !

"Accountant is... forget it, you won't understand even if I explain it." Liu Yu strode away with his hands behind his back.

"Aren't you here to ask for weapons?"

"Let's make them now."

The soldiers and villagers were full of fear and quickly moved aside.

They watched the scholar leave with their eyes fixed.

"Gulp..." Lao Zhang swallowed hard, "Strange things happen every year, but this year there are especially many..."

"Follow him." Gongsun Yue ordered sternly, leading the soldiers to chase.

The dozen soldiers had long lost their previous majesty.

They gathered in groups of three or two, their hands never leaving the hilts of their swords.

Carefully observing the Confucian scholar walking in front.

Not daring to slack off at all.

Always ready to deal with sudden battles.

"Let's go too!"

Old Zhang came to his senses and called on the blacksmiths to follow.

A group of people followed closely behind.

Such a thing, but Pangu threw his axe to the sky, creating the world and making a mess!

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