194 – Geum Taeyang, the thief (3)

It is said that a man named Gyo Gong had two truly beautiful daughters.

He was said to have been living in the Hoenam area, and while he was planning to take his daughters down to Gangdong, he ended up staying in Suchun for some reason.

And just before the establishment of the Middle Kingdom, he came down to Yeonam.

He originally intended to go down to Gangdong, but at that time, Sun Ce raised his army in earnest and Gangdong was in disarray, so he decided to move his destination to Yeonam instead of Gangdong.

“Why did it have to be a girl?”

“It was because it was close to Jingzhou, which was relatively peaceful.”

“Then why didn’t you go to Gangdong before coming to Yeonnam?”

“…My father said that Gangdong is a very underdeveloped countryside, so if you go down there for no reason, you can experience situations that are truly beyond common sense.”

“Gangdong is a bit of a rural area.”

Gangdong is called Gangdong, as people like to say, but the three cities there are just like the three new towns, excluding places like Geonup.


The older sister of the Kyo sisters, a woman who asks to call herself ‘Daegyo’, revealed in detail why she and her younger brother, Sogyo, came to Yeonam.

Because of the beauty of the sisters, they often moved their residence during difficult times and ran away to Yeonam, but it is said that Wonsul ran away to Yeonam.

Fortunately, Duke Gyo worked for Won-sul and tried to protect his daughters, but when Won-sul ran away at night, Gyo-gong quickly took his daughters and ran away to our side, Shinya.

Then, while trying to run away, he suffered a disaster.

“…Father…to save us….!”

“It’s a shame. I hope the soldiers sent to Yeonam find your father.”

“Thank you just for the words.”

Daegyo wiped away tears with his sleeve.

I felt strange because he was younger than Zhuge Liang but looked more mature than him. I cleared my throat and focused my attention when Zhuge Liang quietly placed his hand on my thigh next to me.

“Is your brother okay?”

“Yes. Thanks to the old man, Sogyo also got his mind together and is now barely able to eat. And….”


“The person who saved us first is taking care of us by our side. I have nothing but sincere gratitude to him.”

Before our troops arrived.

Jaune single-handedly defeated the bandits and saved Daegyo, Sogyo, and ‘Igyo’.

From noble mtl dot com

He became a guest at Sugyeong Academy for a while and was taking care of Sogyo by his side.

So-gyo also seemed to like Jo-un, who personally saved him, and wanted to repay Jo-un’s kindness with his body and mind.

‘Can a man take care of a girl by himself?’

I thought it might be a bit of a problem, but Jaune was still a trustworthy person.

First impressions don’t always reveal a person’s essence, but I was able to feel confident when I saw him.

This person is a good person.

‘Above all, Zhuge Liang, who cares more about people than I do, asked me to accept him as a guest at Sugyeong Academy.’

That’s how Jo Woon became a guest at our school.

Probably the first man after me.

-I have no intention of just being indebted to you shamelessly. The work you do with your body is comparable to that of anyone else, so please leave it to me.

Jo Woon pledged to do everything he could as a gourmet.

No matter how you look at it, you couldn’t ask someone who didn’t look like an ordinary military person to do chores, but he seemed to like the school so much that he volunteered to do the hard work himself.

“Elder, thank you for looking after us.”

…It’s the same as Daejido.

Daekyo also volunteered to do various odd jobs at the school where I work.

“Thank you for accepting us as members of Sukyung Academy. We will do our best for the school’s work in the future.”

“Rather than a school, it would be more correct to think of it as belonging to the Chae family.”

No matter how successful the school is, if it accepts people from far away, everyone will join.

“I have already finished talking to Teacher Su-kyung. From now on, you will belong to the Chae family, and our family will support you until you grow up and become adults.”

Daegyo and Sogyo became the members of the Chae family with the help of Chaehyeon.

Originally, I was going to send him to Chaehyeon or Mrs. Chae and have them assist him by his side.

However, Chae-hyeon strongly recommended that Lee Gyo should help me at the academy, and I had no choice but to leave the academy work to them.

“Please be by my side and let me repay you for saving my life.”

“…It was something that had to be done.”

“Didn’t you save my life thanks to you? And ever since I was young, I’ve heard the story of the old man of Shinya’s Golden Sun.”


Has my fame spread to other people before I know it? Am embarrassed.

“…The work at the academy may be completely different from what you did before. No matter how much you are a woman, you can’t just sit back and watch her waste her time in her room. Are you prepared?”

“Yes, old man.”

“You won’t just work. You are also a member of the Yang family, but you need to know more about how the world came to this state. … This means that you need to learn academics. It won’t be easy to combine it with work.”

“Father said that even women should learn the bare minimum. You can do it.”

“Maybe not the least.”

“I am mentally prepared.”

“good night.”


I clapped my hands.

Then a woman who had been waiting outside came into the room.

“Greetings. This is Jingun. I will teach you about the manners you should have at Sugyeong Academy.”

“I am a political science lecturer, public administration lecturer, and housekeeper. It was a lot of hard work, right?”


Daegyo looked confused for a moment, but cried silently for a moment while being held by Jingun, who held him close to his chest.

“Thank you very much, old man.”

“Don’t keep saying thank you. I just did what I had to do. And since you seem to think of me as such a good person, I’m making this clear.”

I twitched the corners of my mouth and sat awkwardly.

“You never know when and where I might do something insidious against you. Don’t just think of me as a good person. Do you understand?”

“…If you were really that kind of person, you wouldn’t have said this to me.”

Daegyo put his hand on his chest and smiled slightly.

“I’ll keep that in mind. But let me tell you something too….”


Zhuge Liang interrupted Da Qiao next to him.

“I don’t think I need to say anything after that.”

“…all right.”

Da Qiao lowered his head at Zhuge Liang’s hard and cold words.

Even Jin-gun shook his head for a moment when he saw Zhuge Liang, and I swallowed hard as Zhuge Liang’s hand rested on my thigh.

“…I didn’t do that. I was just scaring him. All men are like wolves. How many male students are there at Sugyeong Academy? Some of them will definitely approach Daegyo with ulterior motives. I knew that in advance. “I was trying to warn you. Didn’t I tell you too? Any man who approaches a beautiful woman is bound to have a sinister beast in his arms.”

“…very insidious.”

Zhuge Liang chuckled at me for a moment, then covered his mouth with a white flag and pointed outside.

“It would be good to keep this in mind. To become a member of Sugyeong Academy or a member of the West means that you must prove that you are a person who plays a part. No matter what field you are in, you must do your best to survive these difficult times.”

“……All right.”

I thought these might have been somewhat harsh words for a woman who lost her father, but Zhuge Liang did not face reality so harshly.

Because Zhuge Liang lost his father at a young age, he knows the sorrow of his father’s death better than anyone else.

It’s easy to misunderstand if I say a little bit, but this is definitely Zhuge Liang’s own way of consoling.

And let me give you some consolation.

“…Let’s do our best to send as many soldiers as possible to Yeonam.”

It is not to occupy Yeo Nam.

This is to recover the bodies of the female and male residents who were killed by bandits.

“I will retrieve your father and lead him to a sunny place here in Shinya.”

“…Thank you so much, old man.”

* * *

“Wonsul bastard.”

The beginning of the year is coming.

I came out to the manor alone and had some alone time.

It’s late at night, with Zhuge Liang, Pang Tong, Seo Dao, Jin Jun, and Sima Hui all sleeping.

I had to go out alone, breathe the night air, and think for a while.

“Is it right to throw it away like this?”

Yuan Shu was a prince of such great power that he created an empire.

However, even though he said he had fallen, I could not help but be disappointed that he was abandoning his people like this.

No, the disappointment was already over.

I thought I had seen the bottom, but there was only a deeper bottom.

“Did you come out because you had a problem?”

“…Ah, Jaune.”

“Call me Ja-ryong.”

Jo Woon, wearing pajamas, came out neatly dressed even though it was very early in the morning.

I didn’t really notice it when I was wearing armor or military uniform, but now that I look at it, it seems like my physique is smaller than I thought.

“Didn’t I wake up too early?”

“I usually wake up at this time. I do martial arts training at dawn.”

“I see. Since dawn….”

As expected, unmanned vehicles are different.

“Why did you come out early in the morning, teacher?”

“Can I be honest with you?”


It seemed difficult to hide something from Jaune.

I know this because we’ve already talked to him, but he was looking at everything with eyes that seemed to penetrate people’s psychology.

“The feudal lords are fighting each other, so why should people like us suffer? I was seriously thinking about that.”


Jaune said nothing for a moment.

“It was Yuan Shu who declared himself emperor, but Yuan Shu fled from Yeonam and the remaining people became targets of thieves. I thought about why that was for a moment.”

“What do you think is the solution?”

“The most difficult yet simple method.”

I raised my index finger forward.

“Unification of the world.”


“…hehehehe. Why are you looking so hard on your face? I was just talking about a method. Unification of the world can only be achieved by people with great power like Cao Cao or Yuan Shao. Well, To be honest, if all the feudal lords were truly loyal to the emperor of a country, the world would be unified again into one country…”

“The feudal lords hope to become emperor.”

“Have you ever experienced this?”

“In Hebei, I was under Yuan Shao and under Gongsun Zan. They both had different thoughts in their hearts.”

“…Do you really have mind reading skills?”

“It’s not like that. Should I call it insight? I’m quite good at looking at people and judging them.”

I looked straight at Jaune.

“Then what about me? What kind of person am I, the golden sun, reflected in your eyes?”

“…Be polite.”

Jaune suddenly took a stab at me.

“The teacher is the one who cares about people the most and puts this into practice more than anyone the director has ever seen.”

“…Thank you for the compliment. But I-”

“You don’t want to become a feudal lord, but you plan to unify the world with the feudal lord you choose, right?”


After marriage.

My ambition, which I had only told Sima Yi and Zhuge Liang, was revealed at once.

“Who are you thinking of?”

“Of course.”

I pointed to the sky.

“Emperor of a country.”


“Because that’s the least amount of people dying. I thought about it. I thought that if the feudal lords were once again loyal to the Emperor of Han, this kind of turmoil wouldn’t happen.”

“What if I don’t follow?”

“…We should try to make them comply as much as possible.”

This time I pointed downward.

“Even where my power can reach.”

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