176 – If anyone touches little Shinya (3)

At that time, Heodo.

“The weather is really nice.”

“Yes, Seung-san. You seem to be in a really good mood these days.”

“hahahaha, is that so? Is it noticeable? hehehe.”

Cao Cao kept smiling and drinking tea, but Liu Bei, sitting across from him, was so restless that he couldn’t sit still.

“Why are you sitting so uncomfortably? You haven’t done anything wrong.”

“Is that possible? I live in a nice place, wear nice clothes, and eat good food every day. How could I feel uncomfortable, as if I had committed a sin?”

“There’s no reason for a person to overreact like that, right?”

JoJo shrugged his shoulders.

“How is Hwang-suk’s life? Is it the same as before or different?”

“A lot has changed. This is also thanks to the consideration of the vizier.”

“hahahaha, what is my consideration? So, how is Hwang Suk’s life?”

“…It feels very awkward to enjoy peace like this after having spent the last few years traveling through a battlefield that was like a field of thin ice.”

Yu Bi carefully lifted his glass.

“Even at this very moment, there might be thieves harassing the people somewhere. The feudal lords might fight each other as they compete with each other for their ambitions. There are so many worries about that.”

“So you want to go out and fight in person? Even though you’re Hwang Suk?”

“If Hwangsuk herself goes into battle holding a sword, she will become an example for many soldiers. That’s why I asked you a favor last time….”

“Ah, it’s Hanae’s.”

Before Cao Ren sortied as a cavalry commander, Liu Bei offered to Cao Cao that he would defeat the bandits of Xia Nai.

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“I’m really sorry about what happened back then. But I can’t just let you guys go through trouble like a thief. Who would be the owner of a house that asks guests to do housework?”


But Jojo flatly refused.

Even though Liu Bei said he would take Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, Cao Cao unconditionally refused regardless of the reason and sent Cao Ren.

“If another thief arises, I will definitely recommend you. Why are you so worried? Are you afraid I will kill you?”

“hahahaha, how can that be possible? There is no reason for the monk to kill me.”

“What if there is a reason?”

“…Can you tell me?”

Fight, fight.

The sky suddenly started to darken.

Black clouds covered the sky, and showers began to fall.


Jojo chuckled as he watched the raindrops falling in the garden under the pavilion.

“I didn’t think there were that many people in the world who could be called heroes. Everyone was busy looking after their own interests. Even Yuan Shao of Hebei was busy enhancing his own honor and fame. Do you know when you felt that? It was when you struck Yuan Shu.”

Cao Cao poured tea directly into Liu Bei’s cup with a kind smile. With one hand.

“No one in the world helped me, but only you helped me! Isn’t it funny? I thought Yu-Pyo would move, but he actually stayed still and Liu-Bei helped me!”

“I just did what I had to do.”

“There are so many feudal lords who did not do what they should have done. There I realized again that a world in turbulence needs a hero, and that there are only two heroes in the world.”


Liu Bei was silent for a long time.

Cao Cao just stared at Liu Bei, as if asking him to say something.

“I am….”



“Ugh, f*ck!!”


Cao Cao was startled by the sudden lightning strike, and Liu Bei began to look at Cao Cao with a puzzled look on his face.

“…What did I just say?”

“No, it’s nothing. hahahaha, are you scared of anything too?”

“Of course there are. Ha, hahahaha. This is something I can’t see….”

Yuvi was sweating coldly and rubbing his chest.

Jojo, who was watching the scene closely, sipped his tea and tilted his head.

“Was the thunderstorm really that surprising?”

“If it hits you suddenly, it startles you. It really felt like my wife was hitting me on the back. Phew.”

“hahahahaha! You must be afraid of your wife!”

“…I’m scared.”

For the first time, Yuvi smiled shyly, as if he was relaxed.

“This is the woman who stayed by my side after I wandered for over ten years. And my new second wife has the same temperament as her. Really, I stir-fry her every night… ugh.”

“It’s all because Yu Hwang-suk is very lucky. If it were any other house, the woman would have run away long ago. hehehe, is there a secret?”

“There’s no secret to it… ugh.”

Even though Liu Bei puffed out his chest, he found it difficult to speak easily.

“I really like the couple Geumseul, Seungsang.”

“I see… Please give my regards to your wife. I heard that Jo Maeng-deok received a lot of help from Yu Hwang-suk.”

“I’m sure your wife will be happy too. Thank you, monk.”

“Even thanks.”

The rain slowly began to ease.

JoJo raised his glass in a relaxed atmosphere and asked gently.

“By the way, I heard you’re being close with Dongseung these days, right?”


Yubi’s expression began to harden again.

“Don’t get too close to Dongseung. Think of him as ‘Mr. Dong,’ that’s what I’m saying.”

“…I just had a meal. As Hwang Suk. Isn’t she a maternal relative of the imperial family?”

“It’s not an affair, I’m just saying this to you.”

Jojo calmly pointed to himself.

“The current emperor favors me more than Dongseung.”


Liu Bei had nothing to say to Cao Cao’s confident words. Who can truly believe this statement?

“Do you think I’m joking? No. I am credited with rescuing your majesty, but the current emperor took great care of me and elevated me to the position of vizier.”

“I know. I heard that there is a rumor going around among the court officials that the minister should be allowed a part of the corner.”

“hahahaha, no way. That’s just a ploy by those trying to slander me. Now, I’m on the same path as His Majesty the Emperor. It wouldn’t be strange to say that we’re in the same boat. Hyeondeok.”

Cao Cao asked Liu Bei with a serious attitude.

“Become my subordinate. As a true Left General, work hard for Han.”

“…It seems like the monk thinks more about the people around me than about me.”


Liu Bei smiled bitterly and lowered his head.

“I only follow His Majesty’s orders. Rather than serving him through someone else, I want to serve him directly. That is the duty of a mature person.”

“…is it.”

Cao Cao raised his glass towards Liu Bei.

“That is the mindset of a hero of the times. hahahaha. Please think about it carefully. Is what I am saying nonsense, or is what those around you are saying the truth?”

“…Why are you being so nice to me?”

“Isn’t that natural? Because you are a descendant of the imperial family.”

“What if I wasn’t a descendant of the imperial family?”

“We couldn’t have been together like this. Even if everything we had done up until now had been the same, if it had been the queen consort, the concubine consort, or the concubine Gongsun instead of Consort Liu, I would have thought of you as nothing more than a loyal governor.”


When Cao Cao revealed his true feelings, Liu Bei was unable to speak for a long time.

Jojo grinned and turned his head outside.

“A shower passes by very loudly.”

The clouds disappeared and the sun slowly began to shine.

“Did I say something too heavy? hahahaha, then-”

“Excuse me, sir.”

Just as Cao Cao was about to speak, a bald-headed man approached him and handed him a letter.

“Thank you, Jeon-wi. …Hmm, this guy, Wonsul, is still stealing and plundering the surrounding area?”


Yuvi clenched his fists and raised his head.

* * *

“From now on, we will eradicate the thief called Yuan Shu.”

I called everyone participating in this battle to the academy designated as a temporary command center.

“Bangtong, do you have any questions?”

“I want to know information about the enemy.”

“Yes. Four thousand pole soldiers, four thousand spear soldiers, and two thousand archers.”

“It’s quite similar to the troop combination that was broken by us last time, isn’t it?”

“Yes. They are using our military strategy as is. … It is embarrassing to say it is a military strategy, but it is better than simply forming all the troops with sword soldiers.”

Since I only brought in sword soldiers and it broke once, I needed to formulate a combination in earnest.

“I don’t know how much they will show their true colors, but at least the thieves won’t be fighting with spears and poles, so it can be seen as an all-out war.”

Thanks to this, it was no longer possible to hide the fact that he was Prince Wonsul, but Wonsul, who had already turned his attention to honey, could openly aim at Hyeongju.

“There is no declaration of war, in fact, it is the same as a war with Wonsul’s army.”

“Is it okay? Yupyo said he won’t even send reinforcements.”

“Yes. Something that we were concerned about with the royal family in the past is happening to us.”

Perhaps because he expected that we would successfully stop him, Yupyo did not even say that he would send reinforcements.

‘I also sent a can of honey as a gift, but I don’t think it was too much.’

What good will it do if we at least send 3,000 people to save face?

I won’t send it to you…

However, he does not ask Moon Bing directly to request it.

“Reinforcements will come. I put a pipe in the house, so at least they will come.”

From now on, Mrs. Chae will be begging you to send reinforcements every night.

All I have to do first is think about how to defeat Yuan Shu.

“What should we do if we think the enemy is a regular army?”


“Okay, Bangtong, tell me first.”

“I follow Zhuge Liang’s plan exactly.”


The correct answer came out without any need for discussion.

“Well, is that okay? Let’s discuss more, talk more, have more intellectual exchanges and point out each other’s problems….”

“Master. Are you going to have a war of words with Zhuge Liang about tactics?”


Zhuge Liang covered his mouth with Baek Yu-seon and smiled.

“…Ryan. How about listening to Pang Tong and Seo’s opinions first?”

“That’s okay, sir.”

Zhuge Liang pointed with a fan in the direction where the enemy generals, Lei Bo and Jin Lan would come.

“While you were here, sir, we already installed all the facilities to defeat the enemies.”



Zhuge Liang smiled brightly while riding a wooden horse and pretending to throw something.

“The enemy laid down all the royal palaces along the way. Very efficiently and beautifully.”


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