168 – Battle of Gyeonseong – Battle of Heuksan Bandits (4)

“How can the castle gate be destroyed in one day?”

“Yes. Do you remember? When we were attacking Habi Castle, we talked about how to break down the castle gate.”

“There are almost 30 ways we talked about back then. Which of them are you going to do?”

“The method that Master suggested. A method of opening it in one room.”

Is there a way in the world to open the castle gate all at once?

there is.

To be exact, it is a way to attack castles with thin gates such as Gyeonseong, but theoretically it cannot be said that it does not exist.

Composition of Cao Cao’s army.

The bandits’ ability to respond.

And the abilities possessed by Cao Cao’s soldiers.

Considering all of this, there is definitely a way to destroy the gates of Gyeonseong with one blow.

However, it is only a ‘discussion theory’.

It is nothing more than a bizarre thing that has never been done in reality.

“At that time, I would have definitely said it was just a joking fantasy.”

“You talked about that with Zhuge Liang, right?”


“If I had talked to Zhuge Liang, I’m sure we would have come up with a specific plan to realize it. Whether it’s a blueprint, a blueprint, or a plan to remodel an existing object.”

“Do you think Liang is the god of moving objects?”

“At least, I admit that Zhuge Liang is much better than me when it comes to those ‘machines’ he was talking about. Just as I ride a horse better than him, he handles tools and implements better than me.”

“Liang is excellent at that.”

In many ways.

“You’re sure you made it, right?”

“No, I didn’t make it….”

“Please be clear. You made it, right?”

“…They made a blueprint.”

It didn’t just exist, I wasn’t the only one who thought of it. Zhuge Liang turned the fantasy I created in my head into reality.

-Ryan, won’t it open if I do this?

-If you bang it like this, wouldn’t the castle gate open, sir?

-oh… .

It was one of the methods that came up while wondering how to open the castle gate to attack Habi Castle.

The basic thing is to use ‘Chungcha’.

One of them was the use of a battering ram, slamming a hard, thick spear blade into a thick castle gate.

“Look, that castle gate over there. Doesn’t it look like you could break it down very easily, Master?”

“Why do you keep tripping over me?”

“Because you are Master.”


I immediately recognized the meaning in the way Sima Yi looked at me.

“You want me to make it for you.”

“Yes. The model answer is in Master’s head. I don’t know… that answer.”


The wind blew.

Sima Yi’s hair was flowing behind her, and her eyes looked a bit confused.

“The siege weapon that Zhuge Liang taught me. Master, you probably remember the blueprint, right?”

“…It’s called a blueprint, but it’s not that big of a deal. It’s no different from an existing compact car.”

In order to break down the gates of Hebi Castle that Lu Bu had locked, Zhuge Liang decided to build and use a fire chariot.

But what is Chungcha?

Since the gate is not easily broken by a single attack, the soldiers stuck to the chongcha are prepared to sacrifice themselves and knock on the gate in the most dangerous place.

-The problem with existing compact cars is that soldiers keep crashing into them. But I don’t think there will be any problem with this. If this is the case, no soldiers will die trying to breach the walls.

Soldiers are exposed to the most dangerous places, such as holding shields or wearing tight armor on the upper body to block arrows raining down right on top of the castle walls.

In order to reduce these risks and sacrifices, Zhuge Liang invented and created a new, very powerful form of Chungcha.

And I can make it happen.

Although very crude and crude.

“Even if you only have the blueprint in your head, if you get a few people together, you can make it, right?”

“That’s right. It was created by none other than Zhuge Liang.”

“You say Zhuge Liang designed it, but the person who can implement it here is Master. Please, Master, I’ll tell Liang well later. I’m sure he’s hoping this place will be cleaned up quickly and he can return to Jingzhou, right? So, please make it. “

Bringing it up without even telling Zhuge Liang seemed like something he would hear about later, but if he said it was a way to get back to work a little faster as Sima Yi said, he would forgive him.

-Are you saying that we used the secret weapon we created among ourselves without the rest of the world knowing for Cao Cao’s army? hehehe… . Oh, you were able to come back 30 days faster using that? …Then I’ll assume you’re in Jingju for 30 days.

Zhuge Liang would definitely say that.

“The Yellow Bird said so.”

“What did you say?”

“Forgiveness is easier than permission.”

“…That guy, he secretly pretends that’s not the case.”

All you have to do is ask Zhuge Liang for forgiveness later. And what he decided to do was to use his knowledge to break down the gates of Gyeonseong.

“Let’s go to the military camp. I will personally explain to the generals.”

I gathered generals through Sima Yi.

Those who had already recognized Sima Yi’s military governor, this time acknowledged me to some extent, but were listening to my voice with testing eyes.

“Um…there is no way to break the castle gate….”

From noble mtl dot com

I explained Zhuge Liang’s plan, changing it appropriately to suit Gyeongseong and our situation.


“What is this…?”

At first, I thought it was strange, as if I had heard that immortals really exist.

“Oh, indeed! If you do that…!”

“This absolutely works.”

Even those who were skeptical in the middle were surprised by Zhuge Liang’s weapons.

“Let’s do it! If it doesn’t work out, we can just go and knock on the gate!”

“We can’t lose the door sign. And if it goes well, it’s literally like opening the gate without shedding a single drop of blood!”

Afterwards, everyone agreed to our plan.

‘Is this okay, Jojo?’

Is it really possible to accept the guest director’s proposal so easily, that is, the proposal to open the castle gate by assembling pieces of wood rather than people?

“…I do not know.”

They have already left to gather materials to make my proposal a reality.

I got goosebumps running down my back as I saw them being so happy and interested, like a child who found a toy.

“It wasn’t made for this purpose.”

Originally, it was to tear down the old house to build a new house.

But now it is being used to break down castle gates rather than old houses.

“…I’m using it because the thieves are my opponents. Um, whatever.”

“Of course. If the opponent was just a soldier, I would have used a different method. Using the existing strategies and tactics of fighting between soldiers.”

Sima Yi held my hand tightly and patted the back of it.

“It may seem absurd, but it is difficult to apply carelessly because it is a different method from existing tactics. However, that is why it can be used to eradicate thieves. Master. I am saying that if this tactic of yours is successful, I will be able to see you from a different perspective. I think that.”

“What time?”

“I’m discovering a new side of my teacher that I never knew about until now.”


A talent I didn’t even know I had.

Another talent I discovered through Zhuge Liang.

“Well, what’s your name?”

“…Just so you don’t misunderstand, Bangtong also saw this once in passing. That’s why he gave it this name.”

Non-contact administration rod.

“Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.”

* * *

“Two days have passed and there has been no news. Are you reluctant to engage in a siege?”

Su Gu breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Cao Cao’s army surrounding Gyeonseong.

“hehehe, I’m glad it gave me time to reinforce the castle walls and quickly make arrows. Now, if you can, come. I’ll personally put an arrow hole in your hair.”

Sugo climbed the castle wall himself, picked up his bow, and aimed downward.

They encamped outside the range of the bow, and occasionally fired mounted shots against the castle walls as if they were practicing shooting, and Sugo responded by shooting arrows downward each time.

“Damn it, we think we’re a target!!”

Several arrows were stuck in the wooden fence on the castle wall like a target.

Cao Cao’s army practiced mounted shooting to the point where he thought he would be able to obtain a large quantity of arrows by dismantling the fence later.

“Heh, let’s calm down. As soon as we open the gate, they will come running. Yes, patience is the way to win now.”

Sugo controlled his anger as he had taught him.

If you endure your anger for just one month, you will become a black bandit who can plunder the entire large land called Jinyang.

With a thought for the future, he calmed his anger and scanned the enemy lines.

“…What is that?”

Coo coo coo.

Is it about ten words long?

Heavily armed cavalrymen were dragging something behind their horses, with ropes tied to their bodies.


There was a cart behind them.

The shape of the cart carrying something big, thick, and bulky clearly resembled ‘it’.

“Hey, those crazy people!!”


The cavalrymen started running all at once.

At first, the horses seemed to be pulling the cart, but soon they gained momentum and started running forward at full speed.

Tap, tap, tap!

The four wheels began rolling smoothly on the ground.

It looked like it was mounted on a cart, and its tip was aimed precisely at the castle gate.

“Shoot the horses and kill them!!”

At the shout of labor, the thieves near the castle wall hastily raised their bows.

As expected of people who are good at shooting arrows, they aimed accurately at the horse, but the riders on the horse deflected the arrows by swinging their spears.

“Damn, those crazy bastards?!”

“Captain! Those are the enemy’s generals!”

“What?! Why do the generals come forward and do something like that…?”


The moment Sugo approached the castle wall, he saw the cavalrymen pulling the cart cut the rope with their spear blades and scatter to the left and right.

And then I realized.

Because they ran right in front of the castle gate and cut the rope, the wheel continued to roll forward… !

“That thing won’t stop…!”


The solid gate of Gyeonseong, which had never been pierced, was pierced by a single blow.

* * *

“Originally, it was supposed to launch a bomb like a catapult. It’s a shame.”

“I think what I have now is enough….”

“Teacher Geum! That’s great! The castle gate is really open! hahahahaha, Duke Zhou should have seen this. But what were you planning to do if the gate wasn’t broken?”

“Ah, if that’s the case.”

I pointed to the bow hanging next to me.

“Anyway, everything is made of wood except for the iron at the cutting edge, so wouldn’t it be okay to fire a fire arrow, burn it, and then fire it again?”


Wouldn’t it be better to cut down one more tree than to have someone die trying to break down the castle gate?

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