154 – Spring of the Academy (3)

After Lu Bu’s death. Cao Cao’s army was enjoying unprecedented peace.

Not surprisingly, Lu Bu, who felt more stinging than a thorn in my eye, died.

Even among the forces that Lü Bu had, only Lü Bu and some of his generals disappeared, and all of them came under Cao Cao’s army. What a happy thing!

-The generals who surrendered were also generals of a country. You will have to establish military capabilities and directly show that you are subjects of Han.

– Ugh… ! Major General, I will sacrifice my life!

The generals who surrendered decided to take on their respective roles and do their best in their positions.

Some led the army to directly exterminate the band of thieves remaining in the east, while others participated as commanders of the army to block the remnants of Lee Gak and Gwak Sa’s forces flowing in from the west.

-This person loves horses very much. If you entrust this person with the training of cavalry, he will be able to grow to the level of a Xiliang cavalryman.

-I will do my best! hahahaha, hahahaha, so many words… !

Those who showed talent in training soldiers also began to find their own roles.

Each of the port commanders, according to their abilities, became Han’s subjects, saved their lives, and received enormous amounts of gold, allowing them to live their own lives.

Of course, some of them were dead or in danger of death even though they had surrendered.

-Aren’t you a thief and not a general? The crime of plundering and harassing my people is punishable by death.

-no! It’s unfair! Hey, profit! You fooled me, Jojo!!

A former thief is beheaded when his origins are revealed.

-It’s been a while. I remember your name. Yes, it’s already been ten years since you threatened me when I was in Luoyang.

-Well, that can’t be possible! How could I do such a shameless thing to His Majesty the Emperor!

-I remember. Should I kill him myself? Take that guy away right now and run him!

-Ugh! It’s unfair and frustrating!

After going through so-called ‘weeding out’, Lu Bu’s army was fully absorbed into Cao Cao’s army.

Once again, everyone found out.

That Lu Bu was destroyed.

As Lu Bu’s forces began to be absorbed into the government one by one, some people became anxious, but as they were each sent to reasonable positions, the officials began to feel at ease.

And slowly, I started to notice Jojo’s feelings.

If there’s an empty seat, everyone gets greedy.

Although it was Cao Cao who recaptured Western Zhou, Cao Cao could not set foot in Western Zhou.

This is because the resentment toward Jojo has not yet been erased.

No, even after a lifetime – even in future generations, the scars that Cao Cao scratched at Zhou Zhou will remain.

Therefore, someone other than Cao Cao should go to Xuzhou.

Western Zhou needs a ‘Western Tree’ to encompass the entire Western Zhou.

Another being sent from the center.

The government will directly designate a person and dispatch him to Xuzhou, and high-ranking officials of Xuzhou, such as Jin Deng and Jin Gyu, who helped Cao Cao’s army will be given high positions to manage Xuzhou.

The newly dispatched Seoju Mok would only need to establish a close relationship with the Western Zhou governors, and considering that war would not occur in the future, he would become the master of Seoju.

What about the subjects within Cao Cao’s army?

The level of power he enjoys is comparable to that of other feudal lords.

Even after receiving a teaching letter from the Emperor himself, I can’t help but feel coveted for the position of Lord of the West.


An area where it is said that in the past, King Xiang Yu defeated Liu Bang’s 500,000 army with tens of thousands of troops.

Aside from all these reasons, the fact that there is currently no owner of the area that Cao Cao wanted to occupy clearly had significant implications.

Who should rule this region?

That was the greatest challenge to Cao Cao and to those who were smart, including Cao Cao.

Seo Joo-mok.

Among the various candidates, Seo Joo-mok, who is receiving the most support, is none other than –

* * *

“You can’t do it.”

Cao Cao declared in front of his staff.

“If you send Liu Bei back to Zhou, there is no reason to kill Lü Bu. Rather, just resurrect the dead Lü Bu and send him to the land of Xuzhou. Liu Bei can’t do that.”

“Of course. The public sentiment in the land of Xuzhou toward Liu Bei is sky-high.”

“…Why? Liu Bei joined our army and took the lead in eliminating Lu Bu.”

Cao Cao’s army thought that if Liu Bei joined Cao Cao’s army and attacked Lü Bu, the people of Western Zhou would be disappointed in Liu Bei.

But no.

From noble mtl dot com

Still, Liu Bei’s popularity soared, and the provincial rulers and officials of Western Zhou submitted a petition to Cao Cao, claiming to represent the 500,000 people of Western Zhou.

Yu Hyeon-deok and Yu-bi are asked to return him to Seoju-mok.

Cao Cao found it absurd that the person who caused the massacre in Western Zhou should give the position of Zhou Mu to the person who stopped him, but since he did not want to kill all the remaining 500,000 people of Western Zhou, he had no choice but to accept the petition.

“Ha, I’m going crazy. Are there really no talented people?”

“Shall we send someone from the court?”

“It’s dangerous because it’s not even our people. What would happen if someone like Gong Yong takes over Western Zhou? Instead of sending reinforcements to our army’s fight, it will be eaten by other feudal lords.”

“The human who is a descendant of Confucius? No, no. Reciting human duties does not protect people.”

Cao Cao was disgusted and threw away the names written on the bamboo stick one by one.

“Of course, the Dongseung will try to sit on their butts in Heodo, and everyone in our military will be excluded. If that is the case, the only people left in the end will be bureaucrats, not our people….”

“What about Samarang?”


JoJo stroked his chin and nodded.

“That’s enough for him. But will he be okay? Anyone who will settle down in the land of Western Zhou must deal with the public sentiment toward Liu Bei. Will he be able to overcome that?”

“No. Even if we overcome it, the people will still look for Liu Bei.”

“Then what should I do?”

“…a person from Western Zhou should be appointed as Western Zhou.”

Everyone was silent at Sunuk’s words.

“Where is that person? No, there was one.”

“When Lü Bu took over Fuyang, everyone went to Lü Bu’s side.”

As Cao Cao committed massacres against his hometown, talented people from Western Zhou transformed from Cao Cao’s army to Lu Bu’s army.

And they committed suicide or were killed at the same time as Lu Bu’s death.

Even Jin Gong, Cao Cao’s close friend whom he cared for more than anyone else, was killed anyway, so could they really have survived?

Especially since his relatives back home were killed, even if he survived, he would not work for Cao Cao.

“Seo Joo-mok is someone who has to work for us. Who will work for us?”

“Xu Zhou’s wealthy people, such as Mr. Jin and his father, have quite a chance.”

“Jingyu and Jindeung? That’s right, but….”

The conditions are correct.

But Jojo was not at all reluctant.

“Isn’t it too much of a show-off to appoint them as Western Zhou Mo? The people of Western Zhou will not be kind to them. They say they betrayed Western Zhou Mu to get a government post.”

“Then how about appointing Liu Bei as the head of the West? We will do the actual management, and let Liu Bei stay in Heo Island.”

“That’s okay, too. But you can’t keep someone who holds a government position locked up in an empty island forever.”

JoJo sighed deeply.

“Even now, he barely managed to tie him up to Heodo with the emperor’s in-laws certification. If he were recognized as the emperor, he would leave right away. Any excuse. He could suddenly leave for Luoyang one day, saying he would restore the old capital, Luoyang!”

“…those are very terrible words.”

Even those who claimed to be smart within Jojo County could not easily think of anyone.

Even Sunwook, who had the highest level of connections and intelligence in Cao Cao’s army, could not easily recommend someone, so their frustration was indescribable.


Cao Cao held an empty bamboo stick and turned his head to Sunuk.

“Shall I use it?”

“……excuse me.”

Sunuk frowned and glared at the staff, especially Sunyu.

“You keep asking me to do things like this, and I feel a little uncomfortable now.”

“Why? The last time I went to Heodo, there were three or three other people drinking together, but you drank alone.”

“The Duke drank it separately too.”

“I haven’t done it yet.”

Chop chop.

JoJo clapped and rubbed his hands.

Sunuk clenched his fists, trembled, and barely opened his mouth.

“Why don’t you give me an official position in the royal court and formally recommend me?”

“That’s because that doesn’t work. Don’t you have to write a letter anyway?”

“How can I write this? A woman who goes out to a man who is in the midst of marriage talks.”


JoJo stood up.

“Marriage talks are in progress? With whom? Seeing Sunwook so irritated, it must be another cat thief here! hahahaha, is it the Kwak family? Him or Sunyu? You did it! Either him or Jungwook, who I met in a place I don’t know. ?!”

“What do you mean?”

Jeongwook was startled and shook his head.

“Who are you saying I met? I haven’t met them yet. And not the people here.”

“Then with whom?”

“I heard that formal marriage talks are in progress with a girl from a family that took refuge in Jingzhou from Xuzhou. She is from Nangya County, Xuzhou.”

“Oh, really? Oh, is it him?”

Everyone started exchanging glances with each other at Jojo’s words.

Their eyes turned to one person, Sunyu.

“A kid with a ridiculous pseudonym called Sima Seo. Right? When I checked with Simarang, I heard there was no such person.”

“…That’s probably right. If the last name I heard is correct, then the ability is definitely guaranteed.”

“hahahaha, this is true. Everyone has been doing research in a place I don’t even know about. Huh? My dear friend said that he was marrying a young girl in a place I didn’t know, so everyone’s mind has been in the bean field these days. “

The more excited Jo Jo’s voice got, the darker the expressions on his staff became.

Because it was true.

“Okay. What’s the kid’s name?”

“He said it was Zhuge Liang.”

“Jegal! Jegal… I’ve heard it before at a concert.”

“I understand that Mr. Zhuge’s person served as an assistant governor in the past.”

“I see! If he’s alive… no, wouldn’t it be okay if he’s from that family?”

JoJo twirled his hands.

“Wouldn’t it be okay to persuade the Golden Sun, have the Golden Sun persuade the Zhuge clan, and set the Golden Sun as the middle bridge and the Zhuge clan as the western pillar?”

“I guess I just have to convince Geumtaeyang. Come to think of it.”

Sunyu finally opened her mouth.

“Didn’t Jo Ah-man also propose to Geum Taeyang?”


“Excuse me. The Duke of Zhou mentioned Geum Taeyang’s marriage in passing. How about asking Jo Aman to write a letter?”


Jojo’s hands and feet were shaking.

“Now, you want me to write a love letter…?”

“You already wrote it, right?”

Sunwook looked at Jojo with an expressionless face.

“You impersonated my name.”


Jojo held up his brush with a tearful expression on his face.

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