148 – Downfall (3)


Jin Gung drank alone and pounded his chest.

Although it took quite a bit of strength to hit the pit of my stomach when I was angry like others, I wanted to relieve my resentment even if it meant harming myself.

“I had a sprained eye. I should have had an affair with Yuan Shao that day when I was in Bokyang.”

Jin Gung lamented.

In the past, I was so foolish in choosing Lu Bu over Yuan Shao.

Lu Bu’s powerlessness.

own intelligence.

If the two were combined, wouldn’t a situation that was truly close to perfection be achieved?

“Hanshin, what kind of fight have you been fighting?”

Jin Gung wanted to become a successful Hanshin.

The dream given to him, the thought of wanting to become a strategist of a force that commands the world, seemed to be becoming a reality.

When they first attacked Bokyang.

When Cao Cao’s army was pushed to the brink of destruction, Jin Liu thought it would fall completely into the hands of Lu Bu’s army.

But Lu Bu was weaker than expected.

If you look at him as an individual, he is definitely a strong person.

The saying, “I’m a brave warrior,” is clearly referring to Lü Bu, and every time Lü Bu stepped forward on the battlefield, countless enemies were wiped out.

Lu Bu is the strongest.

But that was when they fought one-on-one.

“Ha. Come to think of it, even though Lu Bu suffered so many defeats, why didn’t he see it right away?”

Lu Bu suffered numerous defeats.

If individual military power was directly related to victory, Lu Bu would naturally have been victorious, but even in Changan, he was defeated and ran away from Yi Gak and Guo Si.

Although he was infinitely strong against the weak, he was merely a slightly stronger enemy general against those who could fight moderately.

He doesn’t even listen to what I say.

“The enemy is preparing for a naval attack. But if we stay here, the castle will soon be submerged in water. But this fool is just sleeping with a woman…!”


Jin Gung lamented.

“I thought of the King of Chu, but in reality it was Guo Jubeng. No, he is worse than Guo Jubeng. Lü Bu is just Lü Bu. I’m sorry for even comparing him to them.”

He is excellent in military power.

King Chopae was winning against Bang Bang until Hanshin betrayed him, and since then, he has been winning by using Ilshin’s abilities.

But Lu Bu was different.

I didn’t listen to Jin Gung’s words at all.

He was prone to accidents and did not listen to Jin Gung’s words at all due to the strife among the traitors around him.

“I may not always be right, but this is the most correct answer…!”

Jin Gung grabbed his head.

“It’s because of that b*tch, Chu Xian.”

Jin Gung’s eyes were filled with death.

“That damn thing thinks I’m his lover and is making strange noises from the head of the pillow. Otherwise, there’s no way Lu Bu wouldn’t listen to me like this.”

Women have a unique feel.

And this becomes most intense when you check ‘whether that girl likes me or hates me.’

A woman named Cho-seon truly hates a woman named Jin-gung.

Jin Gung was even more frustrated because he knew the reason.

“I don’t even look at Lu Bu as a romantic partner, but he thinks of me as his romantic partner? That’s crazy, that’s crazy. Ha, it’s not for nothing that there are rumors that Han Xin was driven out by Woo Mi-in’s speculation!”

Jin Gung continued to drink.

“If I were a man, would I have been looked down on so much? Ah, Hanshin must have suffered like this. Oh, my God!”


Jin Gung hit the desk with his fist.

“You’re secretly flirting with other people’s women, so don’t you dare listen to me? Don’t you even listen to me when I tell you that I don’t like you? hehehehe, ahahahaha!!!”

Jin Gung was furious and hit the desk with his hand.

He hit me so hard that I thought my hand might be red and bleeding.


Then she turned her burning eyes toward the direction where Lu Bu was sleeping.

“…Is there any reason to be loyal to someone who doesn’t listen to the advice of the strategist?”

If someone had been next to him, he would have stopped Jin Gung or snitched on Jin Gung.

But there was no one in the room except Jin Gung.

“You have to live. You have to find your own way to live.”

Jin Gung was biting his lower lip and seemed to remember something, quickly got dressed and ran somewhere.

“Open the prison doors.”

“Yes, Jin Gong!”


When the basement-like door opened, there was a man sitting in a corner with handcuffs in a musty-smelling basement.

He looked like he was going to die at any moment, as if he had been severely tortured.

“Hello, Hoosung.”

“…Staff teacher?”


He was one of Lü Bu’s subordinate generals, but was trapped underground due to some kind of accident.

As one of the three generals whose bodies were completely damaged by flogging, he was imprisoned and had to endure the humiliation of shivering on the cold stone floor.

“Would you like to do something with me?”

“Is this work…?”

“Yes. I can’t stay here like this and drown or freeze to death.”

Jin Gung was drunk and his face was red, but his eyes were clear.

“They said the traitor was from the Yeo family, so shouldn’t we survive?”

“Uh, what are you going to do?”

“Don’t worry about that. It’s because I don’t have the strength, but I have brains, right? Only Lu Bu will die and we will all come up with a plan to survive.”

“B-but Teacher Jin. Won’t you die if Cao Cao catches you?”

“…If that’s the case, I’ve created my own lifeline.”

Jin Gung reached out his hand to Hu Seong with sunken eyes.

“How are you going to do it?”

* * *

A deep night.

From noble mtl dot com

Lu Bu opened his eyes to the cold wind.

For some reason, I felt strange today, and my body felt very heavy.


Lu Bu barely stood up.

Then he turned his head towards Tokyo to examine his appearance.


The man reflected in the well-polished admiration looked like a ruined person.

The man with a pale complexion who looked like he was about to die was not a warrior who commanded the world.

He was just a being who was rotting away every day, consumed by alcohol and women.

“When did I… when did I become like this?”

Lu Bu held his stomach with his hands.

Perhaps because he spent every day in Harvey Castle, his stomach had lost its strong abdominal muscles.

“Uh, uhm…. I exercise every day…!”

Lu Bu got up shakily and got dressed.

Should I swing my weapon right now and sweat, or should I sweat in another way?

“…You shouldn’t bother Seon. Um.”

After thinking about it, he finally decided to pick up a weapon and swing it for the first time in a long time.

In his room, his favorite disease, Bangcheonhwageuk-

“doesn’t exist?”

There wasn’t.

Bangcheonhwageuk, which was supposed to be where he always left it, was nowhere to be seen.

Even recently, I had it next to me before I went to sleep, but I couldn’t see it at all in the room.

It is a weapon as long as a person’s height.

There’s no way you can’t see that.

“What is this…!”


Lu Bu quickly ran away, feeling a shiver run down his spine.

I quickly picked up a stick from the wall and held it in my hand.



“Zhu Gong! Avoid!”

Song Heon ran into the room. He came in, covered in blood all over his body, holding a sword dripping with blood.

“It’s a rebellion!!”


“Soldiers have revolted on a large scale. Get out of the way quickly!”

“What do you mean? Explain! No, how can you…?!”

“It’s difficult for us to figure out! But one thing is certain…!”

Song Heon was furious as he dressed Lu Bu in the armor he had brought.

“Most of the soldiers except Ham Jin-young are running towards the main attack! They are crazy about the gold nuggets!”


Lu Bu suddenly woke up with a red face.

“What about Bangcheon Hwageuk? What about Red Clay?!”

“I looked everywhere, but I couldn’t find it…!”


Lu Bu quickly ran out.

It was so quiet outside, I couldn’t believe there was any commotion at all.




A rope with a hook at the end was hung over Lu Bu’s shoulder.

Lu Bu was panicked and quickly grabbed the rope, but he soon realized.

Countless hooks flew in from all directions.


A hook was caught all over Lu Bu’s body.

Lu Bu quickly jumped back, protecting his face, but soon realized that there was an ‘enemy’ behind him as well, and hurriedly swung the stick in his hand.


Song Heon, holding the sword, was pushed by the force of the stick and fell backwards.

Song Heon, who fell despite only swinging a stick, and Lu Bu, who knocked down the sword wielder with only a stick, were worlds apart in strength, but Lu Bu was unable to finish off Song Heon.

“Capture the traitor!! Turn around!”

Those with hooks began to turn in one direction.

Lu Bu was startled by the rope that was slowly starting to tie him and tried to turn in the same direction, but some of the hooks on the armor were fixed as if pulling Lu Bu.

“Hey, these…?!”

Lu Bu grabbed three or four ropes at the same time and pulled them vigorously.

Then, the people in the dark began to be dragged out one by one, and Lu Bu became even more furious as he saw them.

“Weisok! Husung! You bastards! Are you betraying yourself by getting caned?!”

“Everyone, shut up! You’re a traitor!”

“Do you know that you were truly loyal to Dong-tak’s bodyguard after spending several years on us?! I’m tired of you betraying people at will and following them around, making all the trouble!”

“It’s better to go on an adventure than to freeze to death in Harvey Castle!”

Is it because of desperation?

The soldiers who joined forces with the three generals used all their strength to tie Lu Bu with rope.

“Let’s capture Lü Bu alive and offer him to Cao Cao! And then we will divide it one by one!”

“Generals and soldiers are all divided equally!”

“So pull with the risk of death!!”


The soldiers pulled the rope, literally risking their lives.

Rope began to fly between the soldiers again, and Lu Bu pulled the rope wrapped around his wrist, causing ten men to stumble.

“I, I am Lu Bu! I am General Fei and General Xiang! Are you trying to tie me down like this?! There is no way!”


A scream rang out.

Lu Bu suddenly lost all strength in his hands.

“Cho, Choseon…?!”

“It’s a shame, General Yeo.”

In the dark.

A woman appeared holding a sword in her hand, holding Cho-seon, whose entire body was tied with rope.

“Jingung!! You, you b*tch!!”

“Don’t do this or that b*tch carelessly. I am not worth enough to hear you say such things.”

Jin Gung pointed the knife at Cho Seon’s neck and laughed bitterly.

“Kneel quietly, and I will spare Diao Chan’s life.”

“Do you think JoJo will let you live even after you do this?!”


Jin Gung shrugged his shoulders and laughed at Lu Bu.

“Fortunately, because we were the same woman, we could communicate. Although betrayal costs a lot, I guess I was really good to Jojo in the past. He listened to everything I said.”


“I made a deal. In exchange for begging for my life, I would offer the general’s head.”

“Well, that can’t be possible. Cao Cao would never let a traitor live…!”

“Yes. Jin Gung will die.”

Jin Gung smiled bitterly and gently stabbed the knife into Cho Seon’s neck.

“But that woman, I won’t die. I’m going to go somewhere quiet and live somewhere out of Jojo’s sight. What, a place like Jingju?”

“You, you…! Jingung—-!!”

“That’s why you should have listened to me a long time ago.”

Jin Gung’s expression turned cold.

“You are the one who made the trickster who abandoned being a woman become a mere woman again.”


“The failed schemer named Jin Gung will die here, and I will start anew.”

Red blood flew across the night sky.

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