The Three Dragon Kings of Douluo

Chapter 185 Tang Hao: Where is my precious son?

When Yu Tianming was fusing his soul bone, Tang San was carrying Tang Hao on his back and rushing to the Blue Silver Forest.

Although the Spirit Hall did not issue a hunt for Tang San and his partner, Tang San, who had been a killer all his life, knew that if he exposed his soul beast bloodline and walked on the road, someone would definitely attack him. So, the father and son began their difficult journey in the Star Dou Great Forest.

The dense forest was not like the flat land. Even if a strong team that could travel a hundred miles a day suddenly arrived in the mountains, it would be a rare opportunity to travel 20 miles a day. What's more, Tang San was carrying Tang Hao, whose legs were cut off at the root and who was unconscious?

The sun set, the sky was full of rosy clouds, and the orange-red sky was reflected on the tree trunks, making them appear warm yellow.

Tang San put Tang Hao on his back under the tree and manipulated the dark blue silver grass to collect firewood. This was also his rare rest time. Tang Hao, who specialized in physical training, was quite heavy even without his legs. Even though Tang San practiced the Wind Hammer Method and the Mysterious Heavenly Skill, it was quite difficult to carry Tang Hao through the Star Forest.

As the sun set, the sky gradually turned into a dark gray, and the stars gradually appeared in the sky. As night fell, the woods became darker and darker. The subtle sound of the grass being blown by the wind suddenly heard a few wolf howls, which were weird and eerie.

Sitting by the fire, Tang San's face remained unchanged. The Star Forest was the place with the highest density of soul beasts, but there were only thousand-year soul beasts outside the forest. Tang San didn't take these soul beasts seriously at all.

On the fire, there was a roasted brown rabbit.

As the most common herbivorous animal in the deep forest, the soft-bone rabbit was the easiest food for Tang San. There was no seasoning, not even a little salt. But after a day's trek, the simply roasted soft-bone rabbit was also a supreme delicacy in Tang San's eyes.

Just as he was about to feast, several Swift Wind Demon Wolves smelled the aroma of barbecue, and dots of green light appeared in the darkness behind Tang San.

Tang San paused slightly while holding the soft-bone rabbit, and then, regardless of the wolves staring at him, he stuffed a rabbit leg into his mouth. Behind him, vines with fine thorns flooded the wolves like a tide.

Tang San didn't know how much vitality he had absorbed from soul beasts while trekking in the Star Dou Great Forest. His cultivation reached level 50, and he didn't take this group of soul beasts, which were only a thousand years old, into his eyes.

When Tang San finished eating the soft-bone rabbit, the Swift Wind Demon Wolves that were submerged by the blue silver grass had turned into mummies, and the black and red blue silver grass seemed to have a little more luster.

"What sound!!"

The crisp sound of rock cracking caught Tang San's attention. He pulled up Tang Hao, jumped up and crouched on the tree branch, looking vigilantly at the position where Tang Hao was originally.

A ball of bright red blood was stained on the ground.

The earth and rocks shook and dust flew around the blood. The next moment, the ground cracked, and a black centipede as thick as a bucket suddenly rushed out of the ground and swallowed the blood.

"Iron-backed Thousand-legged Centipede? With such a large body, wouldn't it have cultivated for ten thousand years?" Tang San's eyes condensed, holding his breath, and carefully looked at this ferocious and ferocious centipede.

The Iron-backed Thousand-legged Centipede is a soul beast with extremely strong defense and a deadly poison on its body. Because of its too vicious temperament. It often attacks ordinary soul beasts crazily, so the population has never flourished, and it is even more difficult to reach a cultivation of more than a thousand years. He has only seen this soul beast in an ancient book collected by Yu Xiaogang. Such a large Iron-backed Thousand-legged Centipede is afraid that it has cultivated for ten thousand years. It is not an exaggeration to call it the Iron-backed Centipede King.

The Centipede King rushed out of the ground and circled around, then followed the bloody smell on Tang Hao's body and crawled towards the top of the tree.

Humans can obtain soul rings by hunting soul beasts, and soul beasts can also improve their cultivation by devouring humans. Tang Hao, a former Titled Douluo, is an excellent tonic. As long as he is devoured, the Iron-backed Centipede King can even go one step further on the basis of ten thousand years.

The Centipede King is extremely fast, and it is in front of Tang San in the blink of an eye

"What a fast speed! Is this the strength of a ten thousand year soul beast?" Tang San shouted in surprise, and immediately jumped down the giant tree with Tang Hao, but facing the extremely fast pursuit of the Centipede King, even with the change of shape and shadow, Tang San and the soul beast quickly closed the distance.

Seeing that he was about to be caught up, Tang San made up his mind and grabbed Tang Hao's short legs that had just scabbed. For a moment, blood splashed everywhere, and the blood of Tang Hao, the Titled Douluo, was immediately sprinkled all over the ground. Seeing this, the Iron-backed Thousand-legged Centipede King did not chase, but directly swallowed the blood on the ground, and the sharp mouthparts directly shoveled off a layer of soil.

Seeing this, Tang San narrowed his eyes slightly: This soul beast is not smart, or does he think he can eat me? ...A golden ball appeared in Tang San's palm after he touched it hard on Tang Hao's broken leg. Tang San threw the ball dripping with blood directly to the mouth of the centipede king.

The Iron-backed Thousand-legged Centipede King was not polite and swallowed the blood ball directly into his stomach.

When the golden ball entered his mouth, it touched some mechanism and instantly turned into countless tiny golden needles, piercing the head of the Iron-backed Thousand-legged Centipede King from the inside without any obstruction.

Feeling the pain of thousands of arrows piercing his heart, the centipede actually let out a hissing sound and then fell stiffly to the ground.

Buddha's Wrath Tang Lotus (Youth Edition), during the Soul Master Competition, Tang San was unable to obtain high-level materials to make hidden weapons. Although he also took Xiao Wu's subsidy into his arms, he was still short of money, so he had to use the dragon beard needle to make a simple version of the Buddha's Wrath Tang Lotus.

"Iron-backed Thousand-Legged Centipede King? Although your defense is invincible and your attack speed is very powerful, you can never defend yourself internally." Throwing the blood-covered Tang Hao to the ground, Tang San walked up to the centipede and coldly "I've been at level 50 for half a month, and it's time to get the fifth soul ring," he said.

After saying that, he crossed his legs on the ground and absorbed the soul ring while sitting alone.

Tang Hao was still bleeding, but Tang San didn't panic at all. Titled Douluo's ordinary spirit beast had no time to dodge, so how could he bother to attack? Only the iron-backed thousand-legged centipede can take action so bravely. Now Tang Hao's blood gave Tang San a layer of protection.

As if he felt the pain on his broken leg, which was like fresh friction, Tang Hao, who had been unconscious for a week, faintly woke up and vaguely looked at Tang San who was absorbing the spirit ring. After Tang San completely absorbed this ten thousand year soul ring, the weak Tang Hao immediately looked at his son who had become the Soul King with joy.

"Xiao San, you have grown up. You have become a Soul King at the age of 15. You are much stronger than I was back then."

Tang San, who had lacked father's love for two lifetimes, also looked at Tang Hao with joy, and said excitedly in a soft and sharp voice: "Dad, why are you awake? I still have some dry food here, do you want to eat it?"

Hearing this weird voice, Tang Hao's originally joyful eyes suddenly turned cold, "Xiaosan, what's wrong with your voice?"

Tang Hao lost two soul bones and could not exert his strongest strength, but the power of the God of Death was still there. Tang San, the so-called killer, suddenly staggered and fell to the ground when faced with the pressure of the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood. , "I, I...I don't know either."


As soon as Tang San thought about what happened to him, he couldn't help but want to cry. When he heard Tang Hao's question, he answered in one breath:

"I was ambushed by gangsters in the preliminaries. Although I escaped with my life, I lost my ability in that area. Later, in order to find Jiuxin Begonia for treatment, I cut off the lower was just Jiuxin Begonia. The successor’s cultivation was too weak and he could not fully recover me, so my voice became like this.”

As if he had put down some heavy burden, after finishing everything, Tang San breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Tang Hao steadily.

Tang Hao's expression did not change, and he was still serious: "Mistress, take off your pants and let me see how much the injury is."

Tang San didn't do any ink. He pulled his belt and the linen pants fell to the ground. Under his belly, he saw a ferocious scar. There was only a proliferated flesh ball where Niu Niu was. It looked weird and weird. Creepy.

"Mistress, where is your guy? Why did he become a girl?"

After being stimulated by this, Tang Hao became so angry that he spat out a large mouthful of blood and almost fainted again. He looked at Tang San's neither male nor female lower body, closed his eyes, clenched his fists with both hands and punched the ground violently, and he was so angry that he punched the big tree twice more.

Although Tang Hao was half disabled, his upper body quality was not much weaker. With a few fists, the ground shook and trees broke. As for Tang San, looking at his furious father, he just squatted aside and wept secretly, losing all the momentum he had just killed the Iron-backed Centipede King.

"Xiao San, what is the fifth soul skill you just obtained?" After Tang Hao finished venting his anger, he put his hands on the ground and moved step by step towards Tang San who was not far away.

"Blue silver blood armor..."

Tang Hao's eyes lit up, "Is it a soul skill that adds armor to yourself?"

"No, it is to add a layer of blood-colored carapace on the blue silver grass to increase the defense and hardness of the blue silver grass. In fact, it also increases the attack power in disguise."

"Hey, this soul skill is not too useless." Tang Hao's eyes slowly dimmed, and he lowered his head and said: "At that time, I thought that I was in danger, and the map I gave you was the blue road leading to your mother's life. Silver Forest, now that I'm awake, let's go to the Holy Soul Village. I want to give you the things your mother left."

"What my mother left behind? Father, is my mother really a spirit beast?" Tang San, who lacked love, looked at his father with hopeful eyes.

But Tang Hao was disgusted to death by Tang San's masculine voice. Considering that it was his own child, Tang Hao suppressed his nausea and said in a deep voice:

"I told you that I come from the Haotian Sect and am the son of the previous sect leader. More than twenty years ago, when I was training with my eldest brother as the designated heir of the Haotian Sect, I met your mother. Her name was Ah Yin, the Yin of Lan Yincao. The three of us hit it off and became brother and sister. She is the youngest and the third, so your name, Xiaosan, comes from this."

Mentioning Blue Silver Grass, Tang Hao's face showed an obsessed smile, "Later, the eldest brother returned to Haotian Sect, and Ah Yin came together with me. Only then did I know that she was a hundred thousand girl who was about to enter the mature stage. Nian Soul Beast Blue Silver Emperor, it’s just that the Wuhun Palace was greedy for your mother’s soul bone and soul ring, so she died early after giving birth to you..."

"Father, did mother leave anything behind in Holy Soul Village?"

Tang Hao nodded, "At that time, Ah Yin could only sacrifice to me when the Wuhun Palace was chasing her. Because I had already collected all the soul bones, I kept the soul bones she left behind in the Holy Soul Village. Houshan. Her attribute is life, which may be helpful to your recovery."

One hundred thousand year soul bone! !

Tang San's breath suddenly stagnated. This is the most precious thing in Douluo Continent. Not only can it greatly improve physical fitness and increase the speed of cultivation, but it can also come with two soul skills, two ten-thousand-year soul skills. Thousand-year soul skills.

To Tang San, who was at the end of his rope, it was as if a beggar had suddenly received tens of millions of inheritance. Even if he had lived in two lifetimes, he could not suppress his emotions. But what Tang Hao said next poured a bucket of cold water on Tang San:

"Xiaosan, your rabbit companion is also a hundred-thousand-year-old soul beast. I have discovered her existence long ago. If you want to be with her, I will support you. If you don't communicate deeply, I will give her soul to you." It’s a pity that the ring and soul bones are left to you..."

"Xiao Wu, Xiao Wu is so cute, I won't treat her as a soul ring..." Hearing the word Xiao Wu, Tang San's heart suddenly hurt. Such a simple and lovely girl fell into the hands of these people. I don’t know what kind of torture I will suffer.

Tang Hao narrowed his eyes slightly and snorted coldly: "Xiao San, you like her, but she may not like you. Not long after you left for Tiandou City, I discovered that she could completely hide her soul beast aura, but Yu Tianming still knew Knowing her identity as a hundred-thousand-year-old soul beast, guess how?"

Tang Hao's words were like a sharp sword that mercilessly pierced the most vulnerable part of Tang San's heart, making his pupils tremble violently: A virgin for two lifetimes, he has committed suicide, his identity has been exposed, he has been despised by the world, and he has suffered a lot. Die Peng couldn't make him waver, only Xiao Wu's change of heart hurt him the most.

I have been with Xiao Wu for so many years, why did she get together with Yu Tianming?

"Xiao Wu, Xiao Wu likes me. She must have been coerced by being so close to Yu Tianming, otherwise her temperament wouldn't have changed so much... It's all because Yu Tianming does whatever he wants with his strength. It's all him. Wrong! Ah...ah...ah..."

Seeing Tang San fall into madness, unable to hear anything, roaring with a soft and sharp voice, Tang Hao sighed heavily.

He didn't want to persuade me, so he simply said: "Xiao San, you are a twin martial soul. When you reach the Title Douluo stage, you will naturally be able to take revenge. As for now, let's rest early. We have to be on the road tomorrow."

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