The Three Dragon Kings of Douluo

Chapter 176 Qian Renxue, mother and daughter look at each other

"Congratulations on your final victory in the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition. This year's final champion is Thunder Academy. Congratulations to you, young genius soul master." Bibi Dong announced the results of the competition with a calm face.

Although the Wuhundian team was beaten by their opponents and won the game as if they were crushed, Bibi Dong showed the calmness that a pope should have in the face of many spectators.

The cardinal, who was the referee, said loudly: "Representatives from Thunder College, please come forward and receive the championship reward."

Yu Tianheng glanced at Yu Tianxin beside him, and then walked onto the high platform calmly. The championship of the soul master competition is the highest honor for ordinary soul masters, but this is not the case for Yu Yuanzhen's eldest son, Sun Yu Tianheng.

Yu Tianheng has been pampered since childhood, and has awakened nearly nine levels of innate soul power, second only to Yu Tianming who has full innate soul power within the sect. He absorbed the ninth-grade Longzhi when he was just 7 years old, and since then he has been able to practice at a speed that far exceeds his innate full soul power. If he chooses to absorb the soul ring before the soul master competition, then he may have already sprinted to become a soul saint...

How could he, who grew up in glory, be excited about winning the Soul Master Competition? You already have a full set of soul bones, so how can you be happy with three mismatched soul bones?

When Yu Tianheng calmly walked to the stage, Bibi Dong took the brocade plate from the Wuhun Hall staff and said with a smile: "You are only 18 years old and have the cultivation of the Soul Emperor. Young genius, you are the best in this competition." A well-deserved champion, I wish you greater success in the future."

"Thank you, Lord Pope." Yu Tianheng took the tray containing the soul bones and nodded slightly.

As soon as the tray left Bibi Dong's hands, there were dense greedy glances from all around. As long as they were soul masters, who wouldn't feel desire after seeing a soul bone?

Hu Liena in the audience looked at the three shining soul bones, and her heart trembled uncontrollably. Especially the skull of spiritual condensed wisdom that shone with light blue light seemed to contain a huge attraction. It pulled her heart like a force. These three soul bones should have belonged to them, but now they were in the hands of others. How could Hu Liena not hate this?

Just when everyone thought Yu Tianheng was going to distribute the soul bones, he slowly walked up to the tall young man on the side of the Pope.

"Brother Tianming, these three soul bones do not match the attributes of my teammates, so I will leave them to you for safekeeping." Under the incredulous eyes of the audience, Yu Tianheng handed the three soul rings to Yu Tianming without hesitation. .

Although the rewards of the Soul Master Competition are given to the entire Thunder Team, Thunder Academy is originally subordinate to the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, and the Soul Master Competition is won by Yu Tianheng alone from beginning to end, and the other team members are just Yu Tianheng. It was just a hang-up on his body, so naturally no one raised any objections when he handed over these three soul bones.

The same is true for Yu Tianxin who withdrew from the championship match. Tiandou Royal Academy has not entered the quarterfinals in many years. Being able to lead it to the finals will give the academy enough face...

Seeing Yu Tianheng give up his soul bones and wearing bandages in the audience, Yan, who looked like a mummy, couldn't help complaining: "Is the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect so rich now? This guy Yu Tianheng can even have ten thousand year soul bones. He gave it away without hesitation, otherwise I would have thought he was from the Qibao Glazed Sect. Xie Yue, what is the origin of this guy on the stage that makes Yu Tianheng willing to hand over his soul bone? "

Xie Yue looked like a fool, "Why don't you even know about him? A few days ago, the Haotian Douluo attacked in the Soul Fighting Field. The Pope and several titled Douluo couldn't stop it, but they were defeated by the two of them. The move cut off both legs, and the news has already spread wildly in Wuhun City..."

"Huh? How come I don't know?"

Hu Liena beside Xie Yue also put her hand on her forehead and said helplessly: "Yan... During the meeting a few days ago, I discussed Yu Tianheng's brother. At that time, you looked serious. What was going on in your mind? What are you thinking about?"

Yan looked at Hu Liena's flawless face and couldn't help feeling embarrassed. He quickly changed the subject and said, "We have lost. Now let's think about what to do in the future."

When the sound of discussion continued, a white light flashed on the stage, and the three soul bones disappeared into the tray and entered the water world inside Yu Tianming's body.

In the hollow of the water world's crust, with just a few jingling sounds, three soul bones of different colors landed gently next to the hill-like dragon soul bones, together with the head soul bone that Yu Tianming obtained from Shi Nian. The two leg soul bones obtained from Tang Hao's broken leg were piled together.

Yu Tianming retracted his hand and said with a gentle smile: "The competition is over, call Tianxin, let us three brothers return to the sect together."

While the two brothers were talking, Qian Renxue, who had transformed into Prince Tiandou, also looked at the stage with pride: The carefully prepared soul bones were easily taken away by people, Bibi Dong, this is the one you chose. Hu Liena? Is this your vision?

As the Pope, Bibi Dong manages his expression extremely well in formal occasions. Although the match was unfavorable, the calm expression on his face only showed slight fluctuations. But when she saw Qian Renxue's provocative expression in the audience, she almost lost control of her expression.

Just for a moment, Bibi Dong, who had already received Ghost Douluo's report, immediately thought of Yu Tianming beside him, and couldn't help but secretly thought: Qian Renxue, what are you so proud of? Are you laughing at the failure of the Soul Master Competition? Or do you think you have found a better man?

"This continent-wide advanced soul master academy elite competition is officially over. I hope that each academy can show stronger strength in the next session. Now, please ask each team to leave in an orderly manner." Bibi Dong restrained her emotions that were about to collapse, hurriedly announced the end of the soul master competition, and then turned to leave the high platform, and walked slowly towards the Pope's Palace along the wide and cold corridor.

Bibi Dong laughed at herself: "It seems that my vision is really not as good as my daughter..."

More than 20 years ago, she fell in love with Yu Xiaogang of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Clan. More than 20 years later, Qian Renxue also fell in love with Yu Tianming of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Clan.

But the difference is that Yu Xiaogang is a waste with an innate soul power of 0.5 level, with an ordinary appearance and a thin body, and he has been despised by the world. Although Yu Tianming is also a mutant martial soul, his fate is completely opposite. Not only does he have innate full soul power, but he is also handsome, tall and strong. He has grown up smoothly in endless praises and has accepted the inheritance of an unknown god at the age of just 20.

This made Bibi Dong secretly think: Yu Tianming and Xiaogang have opposite fates, will Xue'er also have the opposite fate to me? Maybe she will get the happiness that I can't touch...

Since being forced to give birth to a child by her teacher Qian Xunji, all the resentment and anger in Bibi Dong's heart have been transferred to Qian Renxue. For her, Qian Renxue is not her daughter, but the source of her unbearable past and suffering, and the treasure that her enemy Qian Xunji values ​​most.

Although Qian Xunji died of poison sixteen years ago, whenever Bibi Dong saw Qian Renxue, the resentment in her heart could not be suppressed and wanted to burst out. If it weren't for Qian Daoliu, Bibi Dong even wanted to kill her own daughter.

Until a few years later, Qian Renxue, who was as innocent as a little angel, sneaked into the Tiandou Palace alone at the age of 9 in order to prove herself to her mother, and there has been no contact for ten years since then.

Ten years have worn away Bibi Dong's resentment. Hu Liena's presence has aroused the maternal love hidden in her blood. But when they really looked at each other, Bibi Dong suddenly realized that they were strangers to each other when she saw the provocation in Qian Renxue's eyes.

In the empty and tall Pope's Palace, Bibi Dong, wearing a black and gold robe, supported her forehead with her hand and slowly sat on the tall throne. Although she is no longer young, the traces of time do not seem to have left any traces on her body. Bibi Dong, who is nearly 50 years old, is still amazingly beautiful, noble, elegant, and tranquil. All kinds of beautiful words seem to be applicable to her.

The Soul Master Elite Competition has ended for half an hour, but Qian Renxue's eyes have been lingering in Bibi Dong's heart, and bean-sized tears keep falling from the corners of her eyes.

Did I really do something wrong? When she was young, she had given her heart to Yu Xiaogang by mistake. After being locked in a secret room by her teacher Qian Xunji, although she succeeded in killing him, she had wasted nearly twenty years in hatred. Turning around, it seemed that the whole world had become her enemy. The eyes of the simple and kind Qian Renxue were also full of hatred...

Maybe she was too stimulated today. Bibi Dong, who had been tough and cold-blooded for decades, suddenly felt a little sad. However, she did not realize that the power of the Rakshasa God in her body was slowly weakening...

"Teacher, I'm sorry, I disappoint you..." Hu Liena's voice sounded, pulling Bibi Dong back to reality.

"Nana, don't blame yourself. This is not your fault. These guys from the Blue Lightning Tyrant Clan are too powerful. Just finished two games. Go back and rest early." Bibi Dong wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, showed a gentle smile to her beloved disciple, and laughed softly.

She still has Hu Liena.


On the way from Wuhun City to Tiandou City

The carriages of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Sect and the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect slowly stopped beside a hotel.

Wuhun City is located at the junction of the two empires, close to the Star Dou Great Forest. If you want to get to Tiandu City as quickly as possible, the road you pass must be close to the Star Dou Great Forest. The group traveled for several days before they encountered this hotel located on the road to the Great Forest Soul Hunt.

As the group entered the hotel in a large crowd, a thin old man who was drinking slowly turned his head. The old man was very tall, wearing a black robe, with black hair and beard, but he had a pair of green eyes.

When he turned his head, his body did not move at all, only the pair of green eyes flashed with a faint light, which looked extremely weird. Zhu Zhuqing and Oscar, who had just surrendered to the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect, were shocked when they saw this, and countless goose bumps appeared all over their bodies.

Before anyone could speak, the tall girl beside the old man suddenly stood up and smiled at Yu Tianming: "Brother Tianming, long time no see."

"Long time no see." Yu Tianming smiled slightly, and then turned his meaningful gaze to the thin and strange old man, Poison Douluo, Dugu Bo.

Dugu Bo's expression remained unchanged, but a hoarse voice sounded quietly in Yu Tianming's ears: "Emperor Xue Ye has been poisoned by the chronic poison I carefully prepared, but no one in the world can cure it. Before we get to Tiandou City, Xue Ye will lose his life."

Dugu Bo's voice was condensed into a line for long-distance transmission, but Yu Tianming's voice sounded directly in Dugu Bo's ears: "Poison is fatal, you won't let people guess that it was you who did it?"

"How high is my level of poisoning? Who is more proficient in the use of poison than me? Now the imperial doctors of Tiandou Palace only think that Emperor Xue Ye has a strange disease, how can they know that I poisoned him?"

"Okay, okay, okay, Xue Ye will definitely die this time, but I have to take Yan Yan to hunt soul rings, so I have to trouble you again to go to Tiandou City again to support Tiandou Prince Xue Qinghe on behalf of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Clan, so that he can smoothly inherit the throne."

"That's natural..."

When Yu Tianming went to Wuhun City, he arranged for Dugu Bo to come to Tiandou City to prepare to attack Emperor Xue Ye. Because Dugu Yan went to Sea God Island and Slaughter City successively, and had not seen Dugu Bo for several years, she did not follow Yu Tianming, but quietly accompanied Dugu Bo. After the matter was done, she came to the hotel outside the Xingdou Great Forest to wait for Yu Tianming to meet up.

When the voice was transmitted, Yu Tianming had already pulled Qian Renxue to Dugu Bo, and Dugu Yan sat opposite Dugu Bo, looking at Yu Tianming with joy.

Yu Tianming introduced Dugu Bo: "The person next to me is Xue Qinghe, the prince of Tiandou. We are close friends. Brother Xue met you during your title ceremony."

After Yu Tianming finished speaking, Qian Renxue bowed slightly like a gentleman and said gently: "Junior Xue Qinghe, meet His Majesty Poison Douluo." Qian Renxue's appearance is very good. The Xue Qinghe he transformed into is already handsome and elegant. After ten years of studying under Ning Fengzhi, he has learned most of the elegant and easy-going temperament. As long as he opens his mouth, anyone who sees him will have a doubled impression of him.

"Prince of Tiandou? I know."

Poison Douluo glanced at Qian Renxue in front of him, nodded slightly, but did not say much, and started to eat again. The time of seclusion alone occupied most of Dugu Bo's cultivation career. This is certainly due to the defects of the Green Scale Snake Emperor martial spirit, but it also has a lot to do with Dugu Bo's personality as a senior otaku. Being a loner by nature, he responded to Qian Renxue with two sentences, which was a great respect.

"Brother Xue, Poison Douluo is here to pick up our Blue Lightning Tyrant Clan members, because he may go to Tiandou City with you on the way."

"Brother, I understand..." Qian Renxue looked at Yu Tianming, and a slight joy flashed in her eyes.

She wanted to let Emperor Xue Ye grow old, and wait for the right time, and then she would smoothly take over the entire Tiandou Empire. But with Yu Tianming's intervention, the timing is just right now, so she can only let Emperor Xue Ye die earlier.

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