The Three Dragon Kings of Douluo

Chapter 169: Failure at the last moment? Strong attack support

"The game begins."

As the referee gave the order, the two teams immediately started to move.

Davis took the lead, using the White Tiger Body Shield and the White Tiger Vajra Transformation at the same time. His muscles swelled again, and he instantly became the largest soul master on the stage. His powerful aura overshadowed Dai Mubai, Zhu Zhuqing, and Xiao Wu.

Undoubtedly, his soul power was the strongest in the whole arena, and he had the domineering aura cultivated by his years of status as a superior, which was definitely not comparable to Dai Mubai's frustrated brother. That is to say, Ning Rongrong's first three amplification soul skills all acted on the body, so Dai Mubai could suppress Davis with a higher value.

Behind Davis, Zhu Zhuyun also moved. Although she was tall and plump, Zhu Zhuyun's speed was not slow at all. In almost an instant, her figure disappeared from everyone's sight, leaving only a faint afterimage in the air, and the next moment she came in front of the control-type soul master Tang San.

Obviously, Tang San's brutal methods and record of fighting one against many have attracted the attention of the Xingluo Royal Team.

Tang San seemed not to see Zhu Zhuyun's arrival, and spread the blue silver grass to all parts of the arena. With the blessing of the two unique skills of Purple Demon Eye and Dragon Capture and Crane Control, he can even deal with several soul masters of the Xingluo Royal Team at the same time.

Ding——, Zhu Zhuyun's illusory figure stopped in the air, because an equally swift figure quietly blocked her. The sharp claws of the two sisters Zhu Zhuqing and Zhu Zhuyun left a series of sparks in the violent collision.

In terms of strength, Zhu Zhuqing is more than ten levels inferior to Zhu Zhuyun, but behind Zhu Zhuqing, there is an unprecedented Nine Treasure Glazed Tower soul master Ning Rongrong.

A fixed speed increase and a percentage speed increase fell on her, directly doubling her speed. For agile attack soul masters, speed is attack power. Although Zhu Zhuyun also had a companion's speed boost behind her, the boost effect was not as good as the world's number one auxiliary martial spirit.

The bodies of the two sisters kept colliding in the air like meteors, and countless sparks from the contact of the claws flashed in the air.

On the other side, Xiao Wu, who had a bug soul skill, was fighting fiercely. Although she was only level 40, because she was a reincarnated soul beast of 100,000 years, her skill pool was extremely luxurious:

The first two soul skills, waist bow and charm, are not to be mentioned. The third soul skill, teleportation, although the range is only five meters, allows her to move in space in the early stage and attack the enemy in an unexpected position. The fourth soul skill, invincible golden body, is even more abnormal, with absolute defense below the three-second god level, and a doubling of strength.

With the coordination of several skills, Xiao Wu started to swim among the seven people of the Xingluo Royal Team, and with Tang San's all-pervasive blue silver grass and Ma Hongjun's Phoenix Fire Line launched from the sky, the enemy team was mixed up.

In just a dozen breaths, the Blue Silver Grass had entangled the five soul masters other than Davis and Zhu Zhuyun, and a large amount of soul power and a small amount of vitality madly poured into Tang San's body.

Feeling the long-lost vitality, Tang San's face flushed unnaturally, and he couldn't help but say: "Xingluo..."

Before he finished speaking, he realized that his voice had become sharp and hoarse, and immediately swallowed the rest of the words back into his stomach, and put on a serious expression.

Davis and Zhu Zhuyun saw that they could not suppress their brothers and sisters, and their teammates all trapped Tang San's Blue Silver Grass in place. The two had cooperated with each other for many years, and they looked at each other and saw what the other meant.

Accompanied by the deafening tiger roar, Davis retreated a few steps, and his body, which was already in the state of White Tiger Vajra Transformation, expanded again, and white hair mixed with black tiger stripes madly poured out of his body, accompanied by a large amount of white light around him, looking like a giant tiger standing upright.

Zhu Zhuyun also bit her teeth lightly, her whole body covered with a faint black light, and she looked as if she was transparent. After a while, she flew to Davis' side.

Seeing the changes in the two people, Tang San couldn't help but be shocked. While controlling the blue silver grass to besiege the two people, he shouted in a sharp voice: "No, it's a martial soul fusion skill. Stop them quickly. Fatty, use Phoenix Fire Line!!"

Although the Blue Tyrant Team had expected Davis and the others to use martial soul fusion skills, they never thought it would be so sudden. Moreover, Davis and the others had cooperated for many years and had undergone countless trainings. The speed of fusion was absolutely beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Before Tang San finished speaking, the aura of the evil-eyed white tiger and the nether spirit cat completely merged at this moment.

The next moment, everyone in the audience felt the shocking energy fluctuations.

Davis and Zhu Zhuyun's bodies disappeared at the moment of fusion, and only a huge white tiger remained on the fighting stage. The white tiger was transparent, with white fur and black stripes, and purple pupils, staring coldly at the soul masters of the Blue Tyrant Academy.

The martial soul fusion skill is not one plus one equals two. Even two identical martial souls may not be able to have a martial soul fusion skill. Because it requires complementarity and perfect matching. When the martial soul fusion skill is produced, the power is definitely far beyond the existence of two soul masters.

The light attribute evil eye white tiger and the dark attribute ghost spirit cat are extremely rare martial soul fusion partners that can be inherited.

Dai Mubai, possessed by his martial spirit, stood in front of the transparent white tiger in black and white. Compared with the huge figure of the Nether White Tiger, which was ten meters long and more than three meters high, the tall Dai Mubai looked so small.

In order to prevent Dai Mubai and the other from fusing their martial spirits, the Nether White Tiger instantly raised its right claw and swept straight at them when it appeared.

Although the Nether White Tiger was huge, its speed was obviously not comparable to that of the Soul Sect at this stage. Everyone only saw a residual image passing by, and a muffled sound came, and Dai Mubai disappeared on the stage.

The huge white tiger raised its head proudly, and its arrogance that looked down on the world fully demonstrated its dominance over the world and the style of the king of beasts.

In just a few breaths, the Nether White Tiger shook its head, swung its tail, and spewed light. No matter Dai Mubai, Zhu Zhuqing or Ma Hongjun flying in the air, they were all beaten out of the stage without exception. Even Xiao Wu, who had teleportation, was swept out of the arena by the tail because her invincible golden body entered the cooling state.

The three masters of the martial soul fusion technique, after summoning the Golden Holy Dragon, were able to fight against Dugu Bo, the weakest Titled Douluo, with two soul saints and one great soul master. The Nether White Tiger was like a dead tree and rotten wood when facing soul masters of the same level, and wiped them all out.

The healing soul master, Jiangzhu, who came on the field, had no room for treatment when facing the attack of the Nether White Tiger that hurt him at the touch. Before he could react, all the fighting soul masters on the field disappeared.

So, after the Nether White Tiger launched a few full-strength attacks, Davis and Zhu Zhuyun reappeared on the fighting soul stage.

Zhu Zhuyun, who was slightly weaker, fainted on the ground because of excessive consumption of soul power. Davis himself was not feeling well, because he had consumed a lot of soul power before launching the martial soul fusion technique. After turning into the Nether White Tiger, it was difficult to deal with the flying Ma Hongjun and the flashing Xiao Wu, and his soul power was also very little.

Because Davis's energy was drained to only a trace, even the two amplification soul skills were lifted, and his combat power was only 30% of his body.

"Now there are only two of you auxiliary soul masters left. I don't want to fight women. Surrender early and let you be decent." Davis said loudly while pacing forward.

This is not bluffing. Davis said all his true words. As a top combat soul master, even if he has no soul skills, he can easily defeat the other side's two weak female auxiliary soul masters with ordinary fists and feet.

Jiangzhu looked at Ning Rongrong hesitantly at this time. She had no decision-making ability, and her eyes were full of inquiries when she looked at the latter.

Although Ning Rongrong's eyes were full of panic and her temples were wet with nervous sweat, she still shouted arrogantly: "Do you want me, Ning Rongrong, to surrender? Then defeat me first."

After speaking, the Nine Treasures Glazed Tower held in Ning Rongrong's right hand flashed with dazzling light, and the first three soul rings flashed twice in a row. Strength, speed, and defense, the three attributes representing the body, were also divided into fixed and percentage methods, and were added to her body in turn.

In Douluo Continent, soul masters and martial spirits can usually influence each other: just like Gu Rong, who turned into a skeleton after cultivating the Bone Dragon martial spirit to the extreme; just like the soul master of the Haotian Sect, because his martial spirit is the Haotian Hammer, which has only one characteristic of being heavy, his strength is much greater than that of ordinary weapon soul masters.

Under the influence of Ning Rongrong's blessing, the weight, speed and firmness of the Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda have also been greatly improved. It has absorbed two immortal herbs and is a top-level weapon martial spirit. Although its attack power is still not as strong as the Haotian Hammer and the Seven Killing Sword, it is far superior to ordinary attack weapon martial spirits under the blessing.

"Davis, take this move of mine, the pagoda will protect the world." With Ning Rongrong's light shout, the Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda flew out and shot straight at Davis not far away.

In the VIP seat, Ning Fengzhi looked at Yu Tianming beside him and asked in confusion: "Pagoda to protect the world? Tianming, when did Rongrong get such a soul skill? Did you absorb soul bones for her?"

Yu Tianming suppressed his smile and explained to his father-in-law carefully: "Uncle Ning, this is Rongrong's self-created soul skill. As for the effect, you will know it at a glance."

"Nonsense..." Looking at the Nine Treasures Glazed Tower flying over, Davis sneered and slapped it with his backhand.

But who knew that the speed of the Nine Treasures Glazed Tower was so fast that it slid out a perfect arc in the air, instantly bypassing Davis, whose soul power was exhausted and the amplification was removed, and crashed straight into his head.

Just as Davis was amazed at the speed of the Nine Treasures Glazed Tower, he felt a pain in the back of his head, his eyes went black, and he fainted directly.

"Self-created soul skill? Isn't this just hitting people with the Nine Treasures Glazed Tower? Can this be called a soul skill?" Ning Fengzhi was speechless and looked at his daughter with a black line on his face.

But Ning Rongrong on the stage didn't think so. She glanced at the ring and saw that on the side of Xingluo Royal Academy, Captain Davis had been knocked unconscious by her, and the vice-captain Zhu Zhuyun had exhausted his soul power and fainted. The other five soul masters were absorbed by Tang San and their lives were unknown.

Ning Rongrong suppressed the smile on her lips and thought to herself: As an auxiliary soul master hiding behind everyone, why don't I want to become a combat soul master and look down on the world? I didn't expect that the opportunity would come to me just after my martial soul evolved.

She turned around, with her back to the VIP judging seat where Ning Fengzhi was, holding the Nine-Colored Pagoda in her hand, and chanted softly in an indifferent and extraordinary voice: "If the sky hadn't given birth to me, Ning Rongrong, the auxiliary would be like a long night forever. Referee, can you announce the result of the competition?"

Only then did the referee realize the fact that Davis was defeated by the auxiliary soul master Ning Rongrong. Having received professional training, he quickly shouted to the audience:

"Star Luo Royal Advanced Soul Master Academy team, all the soul masters died in battle, Lan Ba ​​Advanced Soul Master Academy team, Ning Rongrong, Jiangzhu are still present. I declare this game, Lan Ba ​​team wins!!"

After hearing the news, even though the audience was filled with members of Wuhun Palace, there were continuous exclamations of surprise.

Xue Qinghe also looked at Ning Fengzhi with a smile on his face, and praised with a smile: "Rongrong is really confident, and the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda is indeed powerful. Unexpectedly, he directly knocked out Davis, a battle spirit master. …”

After hearing these words, Ning Fengzhi, as an old father, was very pleased with Ning Rongrong's strength, but when he thought of Ning Rongrong's bizarre operation of using the Nine Treasure Glazed Tower to hit people in the martial arts competition, he couldn't help but laugh. .

Different from the noisy crowd, the cardinal representing the Wuhun Palace judges fixed his gaze firmly on Tang San and slowly narrowed his eyes.


A few hours later, Davis, who had finished repairing, met Dai Mubai again.

At this time, Dai Mubai swept away the decadence and shrinkage of the past, and met the eyes of his brother Davis with burning eyes. He said in a cold tone: "Although you are a few years older, I won this battle." ”

"It's just relying on the Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda and Tang San with the strange plant. Your strength is still far behind mine. It's still unclear who will win in the end. I won't attack you again in future competitions. Show mercy."

The proud Dai Mubai smiled disdainfully: "Davis, can you really not see the talent gap between us? After you were defeated by me today, it will be difficult for you to become my opponent. No matter what you do, Work hard, because of the gap in innate soul power, my cultivation will continue to catch up with you until you can't even see me."

After saying this, looking at Davis' ugly face, Dai Mubai felt that he had never felt so free and natural in his heart, as if he was as wanton as the real king of the forest.

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