The Three Dragon Kings of Douluo

Chapter 165 Bibi Dong: Don’t blame me for being ruthless

Although Yu Xiaogang is a waste to the extreme, he is the most honorable person. When he heard that the dark history of cleaning toilets was about to be revealed again, he quickly stated the reason for his visit: "His Majesty the Pope, I want to know, what did you do in the first place?" How to get through the difficulty of having twin martial souls.”

As soon as the words fell, the master's original indifference disappeared, and only expectation and anxiety remained in his eyes.

If he were alone, Yu Xiaogang would never come to plead with Bibi Dong, but for the sake of the godson he had just recognized and whether he could be famous in the mainland in the future, he had to come here shamelessly.

But what the master didn't expect was that the young Bai Yueguang mentioned the dark history of cleaning toilets five times and three times. The strong sense of humiliation had already made him regret coming. Now the master only hopes that Bibi Dong can give a result as soon as possible. , for better or worse.

"Hahaha, are you here for Tang San, but why should I help you? Do you want you to train a strong man to fight against me?"

Bibi Dong's voice suddenly became cold. She walked around the master for half a week, and then said slowly and meaningfully: "Yu Xiaogang, I'm late. Just a few days ago, I have sent two titles Douluo's only goal is to kill your godson who was born in the Haotian Sect and possesses twin martial arts. "

After saying this, Bibi Dong felt a strange pleasure in her heart.

Bibi Dong had just received information about Tang San not long ago, and at that time she was also shocked by Tang San's twin martial spirits - not because of Tang San's powerful talent, but because of such a coincidence of history.

Because she didn't like Qian Renxue, a descendant of the angel, she chose to place her motherly love on her apprentice Hu Liena. However, Yu Xiaogang, who was thousands of miles away, actually accepted Tang San as his apprentice and recognized him as a Qian Renxue. Son, the two of them are so in tune with each other.

The most important thing is that Tang San, like her, is a twin martial spirit that is rare to meet in a hundred years. Doesn't this mean something? It was precisely because of Tang San's existence that Bibi Dong, who was naturally restrained by angels, had the opportunity to kill Qian Xunji. Isn't this destiny?

Thinking of this, Bibi Dong couldn't help but raise the corner of her mouth, thinking: Tang San, Tang San, you are really my lucky star. I hope that after your death, Xiaogang can face his feelings again.

Unlike Bibi Dong who fell into fantasy, the master's dream of being recognized and respected by the world was instantly shattered. After Tang San died, no one proved his theory, and future generations would only remember that the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect produced a waste with a soul power of 0.5. A lunatic who plagiarized martial arts theories, a coward who cleaned toilets in his own college.

The master's body shook violently, then his legs weakened, and he knelt down on the ground slumped. He asked Bibi Dong as if he was crazy: "Why? As long as you tell me how to cultivate twin martial arts, I can guarantee that Xiao San I will never go against Wuhundian in my life, why are you so cruel? He is still a child!"

Looking at the master's ferocious gaze, the Pope was stunned for a moment: Is he really so heartless? Is it possible that everything is just his own wishful thinking? That's why he would rather clean the toilets at Lan Ba ​​Academy than come to Wuhun Hall, and fall out with him over a mere Tang San? So what do my emotions over the years count?

A strong sense of humiliation came like a tide, causing the originally noble and dignified Pope to roar like a shrew:

"Hahahahaha, it's funny, it's so funny. You can willingly clean the toilet under your own sister, fall out with me for a newly recognized son, and still dare to lick your face and ask me how to practice twin martial arts? Then I won’t let you get your way, not only will Tang San die, but Liu Erlong will die too.”

Yu Xiaogang shivered, and his aura suddenly stopped. Bibi Dong's cold eyes like poisonous snakes made him realize that the person in front of him was no longer the girl who only obeyed him back then.

At this moment, a gentle knock on the door suddenly came from outside.

"Go away, didn't I say that no one should bother me without my instructions?" the Pope roared angrily.

People outside didn't seem to expect that the always approachable Pope would lose such a temper, but he still said in a hoarse voice: "His Majesty the Pope, my subordinates did not complete the task, and Old Juhua also suffered a lot in this action. The injury is being treated now..."

Yu Xiaogang was stunned for a moment, and the redness in his eyes slowly faded. Then he stood up, without saying a word, and looked proudly at Bibi Dong in front of him.

Bibi Dong's expression changed even more. She couldn't tell that this person standing outside the door was Ghost Douluo? She ignored Yu Xiaogang beside her and asked in a panic: "You two took action personally, but there is still someone in this world who can stop you? What is going on? Who can hurt Elder Ju?"

"Under the Pope's crown is Yu Tianming of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect. His strength is extremely terrifying. Old Juhua was seriously injured by him before he even made a move. Only by using martial soul fusion skills can we leave safely. But the strange thing is that Yu Tianming Although they have overwhelming strength, they did not kill us. Not only did they not pursue us, but the soldiers you sent came back safe and sound. "

Hearing this, Bibi Dong's face darkened and she murmured: "Is it Poseidon Island? Did Yu Tianming go to Poseidon Island in the years when he disappeared? I didn't expect that a land soul master could pass Poseidon's test... …”

Back then, when Yu Tianming pulled out the Poseidon Trident, not only Qian Daoliu sensed it, but even Bibi Dong, who had Rakshasa heritage, also knew that a new Poseidon was about to be born.

During the years when the young master of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect disappeared from the mainland, and his ability to overpower the titled Douluo who possessed martial soul fusion skills, Bibi Dong immediately thought of Poseidon.

Seeing Bibi Dong's silence, Gui Mei hesitated for a moment, and then said again: "This Yu Tianming, as the young master of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, is already engaged to Ning Rongrong, who owns the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda... In addition, When Lao Juhua and I attacked last night, we also discovered that he has a close relationship with the crown prince of Tiandou... Sir, you..."

Although Gui Mei hadn't finished speaking, Bibi Dong had already understood the profound meaning. Twenty years ago, Yu Xiaogang betrayed him and chose his sister Liu Erlong. Twenty years later, Yu Xiaogang's nephew Yu Tianming was engaged to the little princess of the Qibao Glazed Sect, and at the same time he also hooked up with his own daughter.

Although Bibi Dong had not seen Qian Renxue for ten years, she did not like the child. But after hearing the news, something seemed to be stuck in her heart, making this highly skilled pope breathless.

For a moment, all the love she had reserved for the decadent middle-aged man in front of her turned into deep hatred.

Bibi Dong was born with the Death Spider Emperor and the Soul-eating Spider Emperor. These two bloodthirsty martial spirits were not easy to deal with. When she came back to her senses and looked at Yu Xiaogang in front of her, the ferocious meaning in her eyes gradually gradually began to emerge, "Okay, okay, Yu Xiaogang, and this guy Yu Tianming, I really didn't expect that the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect would have two geniuses like you..."

How did Yu Xiaogang know that the crown prince of the Tiandou Empire was actually Bibi Dong's daughter in disguise? Listening to Bibi Dong's weird words, the first thing he thought of was that Bibi Dong was using the extremely talented Yu Tianming to insult his level 0.5 talent.

For a moment, the master also forgot about the huge gap between the two people's cultivation. Like Bibi Dong, his eyes became ferocious again, "Bibi Dong, I really didn't expect that you used to be so kind, but after becoming the pope, , turned out to be as vulgar as a country woman and as vicious as a poisonous snake..."

Before the master could finish speaking, Bibi Dong slapped Yu Xiaogang on the face.

Plop——, there was a muffled sound in the empty papal hall. Bibi Dong's attack was so powerful that it even knocked the master's feet off the ground, and he fell heavily to the ground. At the same time, a swelling in the shape of a palm also appeared on Yu Xiaogang. Slowly appeared on his face.

"Go away, Yu Xiaogang, I am the supreme pope of the Wuhun Palace. This time is just a lesson. If you dare to be arrogant next time, don't blame me for being ruthless."

Bibi Dong turned her back, and two lines of clear tears slowly flowed from the corners of her eyes. Although she was deeply disappointed with Yu Xiaogang, she did not casually kill the decadent middle-aged man in front of her. Facing the master, Bibi Dong, who is ruthless, always has extra tolerance.

Yu Xiaogang didn't say much, just covered his face and left the gate of the Pope's Palace without looking back.

"Ghost, how long will it take for the Tiandou Empire's racing team to arrive at Wuhun City?"

"His Majesty the Pope, if they follow the planned speed, they will only have less than a week to reach Wuhun City..."


After experiencing the sudden attack by the Wuhun Palace, Qian Renxue deliberately ordered the participating soul masters from the Tiandou Empire to speed up their progress in order to avoid any surprises.

Having just experienced the attack, Qian Renxue, as the person in charge of the Tiandou Empire team, has been busy dealing with matters between participating teams, so Yu Tianming did not continue to communicate with her, and just lay in bed all day thinking about the future path of cultivation. .

Until a bouncing pink figure broke into his room.

"Sir, I have reached the fortieth level of cultivation. I wonder if you can let me go out to obtain the soul ring..." Xiao Wu lowered his head, kept clasping his fingertips, and whispered to Yu who was lying on the bed. Tianming said.

She knew that her every move was under the surveillance of Yu Tianming. If she left secretly without permission, she would be captured by the other party, so she could only try to see if she could sneak away in the name of hunting for soul rings. .

Hearing Xiao Wu's words, Yu Tianming slightly opened his closed eyes and looked at the 100,000-year-old soul beast that looked like a human girl in front of him, "Have you reached level 40 so quickly? It's truly a soul beast re-cultivation. If I want you to let go and improve your cultivation, I'm afraid Tang San won't be able to match you."

Seeing Xiao Wu's silence, Yu Tianming raised the corners of his mouth slightly, "Hunting for soul rings? I want to see how the soul beasts hunt for soul rings. Let me take you on this hunt."

"This... I have already contacted Teacher Flender, and he promised that he would take me to hunt for soul rings."

Yu Tianming used the earth element control obtained from the soul bone of the Mountain Dragon King, and a huge gravitational force directly sucked Xiao Wu who was standing at the door to his bed. The sudden attack made Xiao Wu, who was already uneasy, full of panic. color.

"I said, I want to take you to hunt for souls in person, do you understand?" Yu Tianming was still lying on the bed, his eyes were slightly narrowed, and a fierce light shot directly at the girl in front of him.

"But... Teacher Flender..."

Before Xiao Wu could finish speaking, Yu Tianming grabbed her neck and pulled her in front of his eyes, "You didn't want to run away, so you deliberately tricked me into hunting for souls, right?"

"Sir...I am not..."

How could Yu Tianming have the patience to listen to her nonsense? The next moment, the two of them appeared in a dense forest, and his other hand was holding a soft-bone rabbit the size of a calf. "No need to say more, I have brought the soul beast that is suitable for you. You can absorb the soul ring now."

This soft-bone rabbit is not only huge in size, but also has fur as smooth as silk. With 4,000 years of cultivation, its eyes still flash with human-like prayer.

Seeing this familiar fellow, Xiao Wu couldn't bear to close her eyes. She made up her mind and said directly: "As a soul beast incarnation, I already have innate skills, but I can't use them as a human. As long as I want, I can turn these soul skills engraved in my blood into soul rings at any time. Sir, I don't need to hunt soul beasts, just let it go."

Seeing Xiao Wu's frankness, Yu Tianming was not angry, but laughed happily: "I haven't seen how to condense soul rings yet, Xiao Wu, condense one for me now."

Xiao Wu sighed and sat directly on a tree root beside him. Three soul rings of yellow, yellow and purple appeared under his feet.

Almost without any sign, a white soul ring appeared on the original three soul rings, and then slowly turned yellow as time went by, and the yellow gradually deepened and turned into a deep purple. In less than an incense stick of time, Xiao Wu became a level 40 soul master.

"So this is how soul beasts condense soul rings..." Yu Tianming nodded. Xiao Wu condensed soul rings, and in essence, it was just a combination of her hidden cultivation and skills. It was essentially equivalent to exploding a soul ring for herself to absorb.

Yu Tianming also immediately thought of the God-given soul ring, and couldn't help but secretly thought: If the martial soul can practice independently, it will also awaken innate skills like soul beasts. It seems that the so-called God-given soul ring is just an injection of specialized divine power, which is converted into soul ring years when absorbed by the soul master. As for the skills obtained by the God-given soul ring, it still depends on the martial soul's own awakening.

Thinking of this, Yu Tianming's mind moved, and he pulled Xiao Wu into his arms with one hand, and with the other hand, he instantly disappeared into the forest with the huge soft bone rabbit and reappeared on the carriage of the Blue Tyrant team.

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