The Three Dragon Kings of Douluo

Chapter 160 Ning Rongrong: Third Brother is a Wolf Thief

That's right, Salas thought to himself: He has the papal decree of the Haotian Sect, his apprentice's surname is Tang, and he has the soul ring of the Blue Silver Emperor's bloodline. He is fourteen years old. Isn't this the bastard born of the transformed soul beast? ? Yu Xiaogang, you loser, you exposed your identity as a disciple just to show off.

"So that's it. Thank you so much, Master, for your guidance today. I'll take my leave now..."

After saying that, Salas ignored Flanders's efforts to stay, and even forgot to say hello to Ning Fengzhi, and quickly walked out of the conference room of Lanba Academy with a group of people.

After the Wuhundian group led by Salas left, Ning Fengzhi took a deep look at Yu Tianming, and then walked out of the conference hall of Lanba Academy with Bone Douluo. Seeing this, Yu Tianming did not stay any longer and followed Ning Fengzhi with Qian Renxue and Ning Rongrong.

After everyone dispersed, only Flanders and Yu Xiaogang were left in the conference room.

After everyone had gone away, Flanders asked doubtfully: "Xiao Gang, Wuhun Palace and Haotian Douluo are feuding. If you reveal so many details about the Blue Silver Emperor to Salas, what if he guesses it?" With the identity of the mistress, the mistress is in danger..."

After hearing Flanders' words, the master's eyes moved slightly, and he thought: I was too lax just now, and I actually exposed such a big flaw. If Salas thinks about it carefully, he will definitely discover the identity of the mistress, but if he doesn't participate in the martial arts... How can I regain my title as the master of theory in the finals of the National Academy of Sciences?

After a moment of silence, Yu Xiaogang showed a smile and said confidently: "Flanders, just put your heart in your stomach, who would have thought that Tang San of Wuhun Blue Silver Grass is Haotian Douluo's Son? With Haotian Douluo here, nothing will happen to the mistress."


Yu Tianming brought Ning Rongrong to Ning Fengzhi's side. Together with Qian Renxue and Bone Douluo, the five of them were walking on a path on the edge of Lanba Academy.

Lanba Academy was originally built in a dense forest, and this path was also covered by dense branches and leaves. The sunlight penetrated through the gaps separated by the leaves and shone on the ground, forming dots of light spots. The breeze blows, full of the fragrance of vegetation.

"Tianming, do you know the inside story of why Tang San cultivated so quickly? Did the master really develop some special method?" Ning Fengzhi said gently, saying slowly: "Don't blame Uncle Ning for speaking presumptuously, it's just that Tang San didn't have any It’s really curious to have such a powerful cultivation speed even though it has so many resources.”

Ning Rongrong's face was also filled with doubts: she took Qiluo Tulip, but Tang San didn't take fairy grass, so how could he practice faster than her?

"Besides..." Ning Fengzhi touched Ning Rongrong's head, then turned to look at Bone Douluo and Qian Renxue, and then said gently: "Besides, I have decided that the next generation leader of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect will be Rongrong who owns the Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda.”

Although Ning Fengzhi's tone was gentle, the words he spoke were like thunder, exploding in everyone's hearts. Yu Tianming and Qian Renxue could not suppress the expressions of surprise on their faces.

Ning Rongrong looked at Ning Fengzhi at a loss, "Dad, this... I, I'm getting married, how can I take over as the head of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect?"

"Rongrong, Douluo Continent values ​​strength. Tianming has great strength at a young age, and you have the most powerful auxiliary martial spirit. You two will definitely stand at the top of the continent in the future. Xiao Xiao Isn't the Qibao Glazed Sect worthy of Rongrong? Don't you like this dowry?" Ning Fengzhi's face remained as usual, still so elegant and easy-going.

But Ning Rongrong's eyes were filled with tears, and she threw herself into Ning Fengzhi's arms and began to sob. The Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda was the foundation of many generations of the Ning family, and it was the epitome of Ning Fengzhi's lifelong efforts, but it became Ning Fengzhi's. Rongrong's dowry and this paternal love instantly broke through her already weak psychological defense.

In fact, Ning Fengzhi and Sword Bone Douluo had already discussed the matter of handing over the Qibao Glazed Sect to Ning Rongrong several times. The most important thing about a sect is not its name but its people. Yu Tianming's strength has exceeded In addition to Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo, Ning Rongrong also had the legendary Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda. The Ning family will definitely become more prosperous under their leadership. When the Qibao Glazed Sect was handed over to them, didn't they also bind the two of them and find a new partner?

Ning Fengzhi patted Ning Rongrong's shoulder in her arms and looked up at Yu Tianming, "Tianming, is it because Tang San has improved so quickly because he has a different bloodline from ordinary people?"

"Uncle Ning, do you also know about his Blue Silver Emperor bloodline?"

Ning Fengzhi stroked his beard and said gently: "Who knows the story of Tang Hao's love with a spirit beast back then? Looking at Tang San's age and his huge potential, Lan Yincao, I can probably guess it. His identity."

After hearing this, Ning Rongrong also stopped sobbing, looked up at everyone, and asked in surprise: "Dad, are you saying that the third brother's mother is a spirit beast? He is not completely human, but just like a wolf thief. A half-soul creature?"

Ning Fengzhi nodded.

Yu Tianming explained to Ning Rongrong: Wolf Thief is a descendant of a ten-year-old soul beast, so he will show some of the characteristics of a soul beast. But Tang San is different. As a descendant of a hundred-thousand-year-old soul beast, he is a soul beast. His bloodline will not show, and he is basically no different from humans. "

After that, he looked at Ning Fengzhi aside and said slowly: "However, the reason why Tang San's soul power increased so quickly was not because he had the blood of a soul beast, but because he used evil cultivation techniques. Let's just say If we don’t know his identity, someone will reveal his true identity to the public when we get to Wuhun City.”

Ning Fengzhi nodded. Although the idea of ​​joining the three sects was just an empty talk, he was not willing to offend a Haotian Douluo who was on the run without any benefit.

While Yu Tianming was walking in the Lanba Forest, Salas had already returned to the Tiandou City Martial Spirit Branch Hall.

"Fifteen years old, sixteen years old, sixteen years old. Among the three people of the golden generation, Hu Liena, the most talented, did not reach level 40 soul power until she was fifteen years old."

Closing the document with a snap, Salas quickly closed the secret compartment, strode back to his desk, then picked up Tang San's document again, and looked at the data on it carefully.

"Lan Yincao, waste martial soul? He became a soul master at the age of thirteen, and became a soul sect before he was fifteen. This Tang San is really interesting. His surname is Tang, his martial soul has the blood of the Blue Silver Emperor, and his teacher has the blood of Haotian Isn’t this a hybrid between Tang Hao and a soul beast?”

Thinking of this, Salas took a pen and started writing quickly on the paper. Soon a secret letter was written.

Five words were left on the envelope, Top Secret, Pope Revealed.


A few days later, it was time for the promotion round.

The five teams from the Tiandou Division, plus the ten teams from the five autonomous kingdoms under the Tiandou Empire, a total of fifteen teams, have all gathered here.

This promotion was held at the Grand Campus of the Royal Knights, with fourteen rounds of round-robin matches, with seven games in each round, and one team having a bye. Until the true ranking of the fifteen teams in the Tiandou Empire is determined.

After all, team battles are quite chaotic and many things are difficult to see clearly, but the promotion match is different. Every student will show his personal strength in front of everyone, which is the best time to evaluate the strength of a soul master. The rules of the competition are simple. Each team sends seven players to participate, and each player must fight until he is defeated. If the winner wins, he will face the next opponent until all seven players on one side are defeated.

On the north side of the university grounds, facing south, a temporary VIP seat was built, which was also the referee's seat.

The first row of the VIP seats this time was still Emperor Xue Ye, Ning Fengzhi and Platinum Bishop Salas. But the difference is that beside Emperor Xue Ye is the representative of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, Yu Tianming. The sect leaders of the lower four sects and the crown prince of Tiandou, Xue Qinghe, and all the dignitaries of Douluo Continent were sitting behind Yu Tianming.

People who were not familiar with Yu Tianming didn't have much reaction when they saw his position, but the members of Lanba Academy who often saw him had a new understanding of Yu Tianming's identity.

Huo Wu from Chihuo Academy looked at Yu Tianming with surprise, and slowly said to Huo Wushuang beside him: "Brother, why did cousin Tianming sit next to Emperor Xue Ye? His status in the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect is so high. High?"

"Tianming is the young sect leader of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, and he is the sure heir. Naturally, he can represent the three upper sects and sit next to Emperor Xueye." Huo Wushuang said with a mysterious face: "And as far as I know, he has two fiancees. , one is the granddaughter of Poison Douluo, and the other is the daughter of Sect Master Ning. Think about how many titled Douluo are supporting him. In my opinion, Emperor Xue Ye may still be looking at his face."

Hearing this, Huo Wu put away the shock in his eyes and breathed a sigh of relief: "If he has the full support of so many forces, then the title Douluo's cultivation level may not be a lie. After all, Lan The Electric Overlord Sect can make a master with half a level of innate soul power reach level 29..."

At this time, Feng Xiaotian walked to Huo Wu's side, followed Huo Wu's gaze and looked at Yu Tianming on the stage, "Sister Huo Wu, is this your cousin Yu Tianming? I heard that he is the same as me. It's a mutated martial spirit, and it's one head taller than mine. It's a pity that, as the heir of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, he didn't participate in this soul master competition, otherwise I would have experienced the level of a true genius."

Feng Xiaotian is wearing a cyan team uniform decorated with silver thread embroidery. He is tall and handsome because of his appearance, and his eyes are full of confidence. He is the dream lover of many girls, but Huo Wu seems to be unable to see it. The same advantages as Feng Xiaotian.

She didn't even look back and said impatiently: "You can't even defeat Yu Tianheng, the weakest of the three blue and lightning masters, how can you compare to cousin Tianming?"

"Sister Huo Wu... If it hadn't taken so much energy to create my own soul skills, I could actually reach the strength of the Soul King..." Feng Xiaotian is a well-deserved genius everywhere, but in front of Huo Wu, It was extremely humble.

However, the facts are indeed as he said. Feng Xiaotian, who was born with full soul power, is already in his 20s. He should have entered the realm of Soul King early like the golden generation of Wuhun Palace, but he has always been obsessed with fighting against Wuhun. The research on soul skills, although he created a self-made soul skill, also greatly slowed down his cultivation progress.

As a true genius, Feng Xiaotian, as a strong attack spirit master, not only has excellent attack and defense power, but also has a speed that is not weaker than that of agility attack spirit masters. In addition, he can fly and firmly control With control of the air, he can be regarded as an all-round warrior. Unfortunately, his humble posture cannot win Huo Wu's favor.

While the two were talking, the first battle of the Soul Master Competition had already begun.

Unfortunately, Lanba Academy got the first battle in the promotion tournament, and the opponent was the most powerful Thunder Academy.

Xue Ye, who was sitting in the audience seat, looked at Yu Tianming and smiled kindly: "Tianming, what a coincidence. The two teams in this first battle are actually from your Blue Lightning Overlord Sect. Industry, haha, it seems that I am not very lucky in drawing lots.”

"Lanba Academy vs. Thunder Academy?" Yu Tianming held his chin with one hand, with a hint of surprise in his eyes, and chuckled: "It's just a game, but I am really interested in the battle between these two teams."

As soon as Yu Tianming finished speaking, players from the two teams entered the arena.

The vice-captain of the Thunder Academy team, Yu Tianqing, is a level 44 attack-type fighting spirit sect, martial spirit, and blue electric tyrannical dragon.

Dai Mubai, the vice-captain of the Lanba Academy team, is a member of the forty-level attack-type fighting spirit sect, martial spirit, and white tiger.

The two walked to the stage and released their martial arts spirits in unison. Dai Mubai's White Tiger Spirit was inherited from the Xingluo royal family. Although it can form a spirit fusion technique with the Nether Civet Cat, it only belongs to the ranks of high-level spirits. Although his opponent, Yu Tianqing, was only a sideline of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus family, his martial soul was among the top beast martial souls, and its quality was even higher than that of White Tiger.

After being possessed by Dai Mubai's martial spirit, he released two amplifying skills in succession. The muscles all over his body suddenly swelled, a lot of white tiger hair appeared on his body, and the nails on his hands turned into sharp tiger claws. The opposite Yu Tianqing is also muscular, with dots of blue scales appearing on his body, especially the dragon-shaped arms, which are completely covered with hard scales, which are almost the same as the arms of dragons.

Because he did not absorb Qirong Bongtianju, but Yu Tianqing, who had cultivated as a soul sect, could already turn his arms into dragons, this made Dai Mubai's aura much weaker from the beginning.

Seeing this scene, everyone at the VIP table had already seen the result. Emperor Xueye even said bluntly: "This guy from the Star Luo Empire has already lost."

Hearing this, Yu Tianming raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and said slowly to Emperor Xue Ye: "Although the outcome has been determined, the process of Prince Xingluo's defeat is also worth watching..."

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