The Three Dragon Kings of Douluo

Chapter 154 Three spoonfuls of sugar? Ambush by Shi Nian

Tiandou City Great Fighting Soul Arena.

Today, the match between Lanba Academy and Xiangjia Academy will be held. Yu Tianming came to the spectator seats of the participating teams early, quietly waiting for the start of the match.

Because there is still some time before the start of the match, Ning Rongrong did not stay in the contestant's lounge, but sat obediently on the seat to the left of Yu Tianming, while Dugu Yan sat on the right of Yu Tianming.

No one cultivates the wasteland, but once it is cultivated, someone will fight for it.

Perhaps it was because Ning Rongrong was gifted and had the entire Qibao Liuli Sect behind her, which made Dugu Yan feel a sense of crisis. When Ning Rongrong was by her side, her attitude towards Yu Tianming became more gentle, and even the murderous aura accumulated for many years in the City of Slaughter was restrained by half in just a few days.

Seeing a master selling tea in the aisle of the audience, Dugu Yan said softly to Yu Tianming beside him: "Tianming, the Soul Master Competition hasn't started yet, shall I go buy you and Rongrong a cup of tea?"

After Dugu Yan absorbed the Narcissus Jade Muscle and the Black Jade Bamboo, her hair color had changed from emerald green to black, and only under the sun did it show a bit of green. Her black hair, which was simply tied into a ponytail, matched her bright smile, and she looked very friendly.

When Ning Rongrong heard that she wanted to buy tea, she straightened her back and said excitedly: "Sister Yanyan, I like to eat sweet food, so I want more sugar for my portion."

"How about I ask the master to add three spoons? Is this sweet enough?" Dugu Yan smiled and said to Ning Rongrong with curved eyebrows.

"Three spoons." Ning Rongrong lifted her chin, as if thinking whether the sweetness was enough.

But before Ning Rongrong could say anything, Yu Tianming, who was sitting between them, said, "If you add sugar to tea, you can add two spoons or four spoons. But you can't add three spoons, it's unlucky."

"Why can't you add three spoons? Is there any taboo?" Ning Rongrong asked in confusion, blinking her eyes.

Yu Tianming's expression was calm, and he explained slowly: "There is a legend in the east of the mainland that if you add three spoons of sugar to tea, it means that the person's character is not good. Such a person can even betray his wife and daughter without mercy. We should avoid it."

Ning Rongrong shuddered and smiled awkwardly: "Sister Yanyan, I don't like three spoons of sugar either. Just add five spoons."

After half an incense stick, the third day of the Soul Master Competition was about to begin. The host slowly walked to the stage and said loudly: "Today's first Soul Fighting Competition, Blue Tyrant Academy vs. Xiangjia Academy, will start later. Please prepare for the contestants."

Hearing the host's words, Ning Rongrong hurriedly put down the unfinished tea in her hand, looked at Yu Tianming beside her and said: "The game is about to start, why hasn't Tang San come yet? Do you want to let the substitute play?"

"Don't worry, this guy has already arrived at the Tiandou Great Soul Fighting Arena." Yu Tianming smiled and patted Ning Rongrong's shoulder.

As soon as the words fell, Tang San, with a pale face, hurriedly walked in front of everyone with Flanders, "Sorry, I have a stomachache. Fortunately, I have obtained the right spirit ring. Let's fight according to the plan of the day before yesterday."

Among the crowd, Dai Mubai breathed a sigh of relief. He now expected Tang San to take him to the finals and then defeat Davis.

Xiao Wu shrugged her nose and looked at Tang San with a hint of doubt: How come I smelled the scent of soft bone rabbit from Brother San?

However, the battle with the Elephant Armor Sect was imminent, and everyone did not say much. They hurried into the lounge prepared for the contestants and began the final preparations before the battle. The participants of Lan Ba ​​Academy this time were Tang San, Xiao Wu, Dai Mubai, Jing Ling, Huang Yuan, Ning Rongrong, and Oscar, who had the strength of Soul Master at least.

A moment later, the host's voice sounded again in the fighting spirit arena, "Today's first battle officially begins, please invite the contestants to enter."

The seven players of the Elephant Armor Academy lined up and stepped onto the central competition stage in unison.

Among the seven players from the Elephant Armor Academy, none of them was less than two meters tall, and the tallest captain was even over two and a half meters tall. They were all very sturdy, and the entire competition stage trembled when they walked.

The seven people stood in a row there, easily blocking Tang San's sight like a thick wall.

"Elephant Armor Academy Team, Hu Yanli. Level 43 Defense System Battle Soul Sect." The tallest strong man stepped forward and saluted Tang San in a muffled voice. The fat on his body seemed to tremble slightly with the sound, and his small eyes were full of fierce light.

Although Tang San's body shape was much worse than that of the opponent, his momentum was not inferior at all, and a bloodthirsty look flashed in his eyes. Unlike Hu Yanli, in order to declare himself strong, Tang San smiled evilly and revealed his name: "Blue Tyrant Academy Team, Thousand Hands Shura Tang San, Level 42 Control System Battle Soul Sect."

"The first game of the second round of the preliminaries officially begins." The referee shouted loudly.

In an instant, all the soul masters on the field were possessed by their martial spirits, summoned by their weapon spirits, and the dazzling halo of their soul rings filled the air. The cheers of the audience also erupted at the same moment.

As the martial spirits were possessed, the seven people from the Elephant Armor Sect, who were already extremely strong, expanded again amid the roar of the martial spirits, and all grew to more than three meters tall. A layer of dark yellow stratum corneum appeared on the surface of the skin, shining with a metallic luster. Their noses also extended and lengthened at the same time, and at the same time, their upper lips turned up, and their two fangs grew a full foot longer.

Facing the Elephant Armor Sect, who was full of vitality and blood, Tang San was not afraid to laugh back. Countless vines of Blue Silver Grass surged out from under his feet, covering half of the arena in an instant like fluid. The Bluesilver Grass that has absorbed the fourth soul ring has become much thicker, and is no longer as densely packed as nematodes, but its continuous squirming appearance is still very scary.

Because of Tang San's ruthless tactics in the last battle, most of the audience on the stage were unhappy with him. After seeing the change in his martial spirit, they all started talking:

"Why has his martial spirit become even more disgusting? Who wouldn't be frightened by this look?"

"This Tang San martial spirit is so ugly, is he an evil spirit master?"

"Why do I feel like these vines are not coming out from under my feet, but like they are falling out of my crotch? How thick are these vines?"

"This kind of person dares to blow up his name. He's a Thousand-Armed Shura. I think he's just a Shit Shura."

Hearing the audience's comments about him, Tang San's face darkened, and he thought to himself: A group of unruly people, you will have to find a way to die sooner or later.

However, the movement of his hand was not slow. With a flip of his wrist, a flying mushroom intestine was swallowed into his belly.

The effect of the flying mushroom sausage quickly appeared, a pair of transparent wings quietly appeared behind Tang San, and with a mushroom sausage, he flew directly into the sky with a few people from the Lan Ba ​​team, opening up the gap between the elephant team and the elephant team. distance.

Oscar, whose soul power was exhausted, didn't stay long. After throwing a few sausages to Tang San, he jumped down from the ring and quit the battle.

Hu Yanli looked at the group of people flying into the sky, opened his mouth, and laughed disdainfully: "Don't you dare to challenge directly? Hmph, let me see how long you can stay in the sky."

Tang San's eyes were filled with murderous intent, and he said with a ferocious smile: "I also want to see how long you can stay in the ring." After saying that, Tang San turned around, and at the same time quickly calmed down his arrogant expression, and looked at the man flying behind him. Ning Rongrong smiled gently and said: "Rongrong, give me your blessings, I will kill these big fat guys."

Ning Fengzhi, who was sitting on the rostrum, observed the change in Tang San's expression, and couldn't help but laugh at Emperor Xue Ye beside him: "This Tang San is really a weirdo, not only does he look at people ordering dishes, but he also changes his face like this quick."

However, Ning Rongrong on the stage did not say much. The three soul rings under his feet kept flashing, and he drank softly: "The nine treasures turn out to be glass. The nine treasures are famous, one is: strength; the second is: speed; the third is :soul."

Three rays of light penetrated Tang San's body, and feeling the sudden increase in power, Tang San's laughter became even more arrogant, and he looked down at the Elephant Armor Sect below: "Let you see the strength of Thousand-Armed Shura. "

As Tang San activated his soul power, the blue silver grass left on the floor of the arena quickly spread, and a blue silver entanglement bound the slow-moving Elephant Armor Sect group.

"That's it?" Hu Yanli felt the power on his ankle and laughed disdainfully. The second soul ring under his feet flickered. With the sudden increase in power, he suddenly broke free from the shackles of the blue silver grass and broke the remaining pieces into pieces. The Broken Blue Silver Grass was stepped on, "It seems that Thousand-Armed Shura's strength is nothing more than this."

"Really, then you have fallen into the trap. Hu Yanli, take one of my moves, the fourth soul skill, soul-eating spikes."

At this moment, Tang San's fourth spirit ring flashed crazily, and the spikes on the blue silver grass at the feet of the seven Diamond Mammoth Spirit Masters suddenly turned into the green color of the Soul-Eating Demon Spider, and the Elephant Armor Sect's loud roar of pain resounded. The whole Tiandou Spirit Fighting Arena was destroyed.

"My fourth soul skill can not only increase the hardness of the spikes, but also bring extraordinary pain. Now that your defense has been broken by me, how long can you stay in the ring?"

Hu Yanli held back the heartbreaking pain under his feet and mocked Tang San in the air: "Does the fourth spirit ring only have this effect? ​​With such a useless spirit ability attached, I don't know what you are so proud of."

"The second soul skill, powerful absorption."

Before he finished speaking, Tang San took action again. Countless blood-stained vines were replenished by the soul power of the Elephant Armored Team. They seemed to have taken some powerful tonic and grew rapidly, killing the 7 still hardest souls. The teacher wrapped it tightly.

"The fourth soul skill, soul-eating spikes."

As Hu Yanli and the others cried out in pain, the blood seeped out before the Blue Silver Grass could absorb it. The seven members of the Elephant Armor Sect were extremely tall and had a lot more blood on their bodies than ordinary people. In just a few breaths, the blood overflowed throughout the arena.

"Referee, our Elephant Academy admits defeat!!!"

Hu Yanli's grandfather, Hu Yanzhen, was sitting at the VIP table. Seeing that his grandson, who he had high hopes for, had suffered such a huge injury, he didn't care about the victory or defeat of the Elephant Armor team or his own face, and he quickly shouted at the referee off the court.

As the Bluesilver Grass dissipated, seven bodies covered in blood crashed to the ground, their skins and flesh torn apart causing another burst of exclamations from the audience.

"It's just a game. Why is this guy so ruthless every time he takes action?"

"He is young, but his methods are more terrifying than those of a killer. Doesn't he have a heart?"

The referee standing in a pool of blood also looked at the indifferent Tang San with an unkind look.

Tang San was not afraid and said nonchalantly: "It's because of the martial spirit's characteristics that I caused them so many wounds. I didn't do it intentionally. Moreover, they were all skin injuries, not muscles or bones, and blood flowed. It’s just because these people are tall.”

After listening to Tang San's explanation, the referee touched Hu Yanli's wound and nodded to Hu Yanzhen, whose eyes were full of anger.

"Hmph, you born evil brat, if anything happens to my grandson in the future, I won't let you go." Hu Yanzhen showed off his Contra aura and threatened without concealment.

Tang San lowered his head, his messy hair covered the upper half of his face in darkness, thinking to himself: Threatening me, the small Elephant Armor Sect has already killed me, just waiting for me to become the leader of Haotian Sect.


In order to avoid Hu Yanzhen's interception, while everyone was watching the game with relish, no one noticed the place, Tang San quietly left the big fighting spirit field from the side door.

Only a pair of gloomy eyes that had always been watching him on the contestant's viewing stand noticed Tang San's departure.

After leaving the big fighting spirit field, Tang San walked quickly towards the direction of Lanba Academy. The Elephant Armor Sect turned to physical defense, and its vitality was extremely strong. After absorbing part of the life of seven people, Tang San was about to break through.

Now he just wanted to go back to the dormitory and turn all this vitality into his own strength.

It was still morning, the sun was shining, and the warm light shining on his body gave people a warm feeling. Because he had half plant blood, Tang San used to like to bathe in the sun like this. But with the change of the blue silver grass, he gradually liked to stay in the shade and hated the scorching sun.

For some reason, Tang San felt that today's journey seemed a bit long. It felt like he should have reached the academy, but when he looked up, there was still a long way to go. Did I walk too slowly today?

The light in Tang San's eyes suddenly became alert. Everything around him seemed to have not changed. Passersby passed by him in an endless stream. It was not far from here to the Blue Tyrant Academy.

Am I overthinking? He looked back at the road he had walked, and his sharp eyes swept through the pedestrians around him, but he didn't find anything wrong. Everything seemed normal.

After an incense stick, Tang San's pace suddenly slowed down. Indistinctly, he had already felt something wrong. A faint chill seemed to quietly surge from all directions invisibly, but Xuantian Gong unconsciously condensed.

Although his perception did not find any problems, Tang San, as a killer, had noticed the murderous intent around him. Zhuge Shennu fell into his control at the first time, and he didn't care about the pedestrians passing by. He directly summoned his Blue Silver Grass Martial Soul.

Yu Tianming, who was watching the game, raised his lips slightly. Tang San was in trouble.

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