The third generation of Dark Lord came from Hogwarts

Chapter 71 Leaving the Ministry of Magic! Fudge's Answer!

Argus frowned for a moment, then relaxed.

This action was somewhat impulsive.

Fortunately, the result was good!

His words tonight will surely spread throughout Britain soon.

As long as he gets the support of British wizards, even if Dumbledore wants to deal with him, he can't do it openly.

Compared with Voldemort, Dumbledore's bottom line is still too high.

He noticed the four deans behind Dumbledore.

The expressions of the several people were different.

Snape was still expressionless, and even a hint of sarcasm hung on the corners of his mouth.

Professor Flitwick was somewhat entangled with Argus's words because he had some goblin blood, and lowered his head helplessly.

Professor McGonagall's green eyes revealed a trace of emotion that could not be described in words.

She was a person who had experienced the Grindelwald era. As a good friend of Dumbledore, she knew how much effort Dumbledore had spent to defeat him.

But now, a more outstanding Grindelwald is about to rise!

Still her most outstanding and proudest student!

This made her feel very complicated towards Argus.

Compared to Professor McGonagall, Professor Sprout didn't think so much.

With a smile on her face.

She had no prejudice against Grindelwald, she was just proud of her student!

"Everyone!" Argus turned to the many wizards in the Ministry of Magic.

"We are not here for violence, we just want fairness and justice."

As he said that, he glanced at Fudge, suggesting that he express his position.

Fudge still felt a little guilty, and subconsciously wanted to look back to see what Dumbledore meant.

Hearing Argus's two light coughs, he recovered.

He spoke to the wizards in the hall.

"In view of the abuse of power, abuse of banned potions, and unauthorized imprisonment of Mr. Grindelwald by Mr. Scrimgeour, the head of the Auror Command."

"The Ministry of Magic will temporarily remove Mr. Scrimgeour from all his duties and wait for trial!"

As soon as this was said, the crowd cheered.

"Well done!"

"That's the way it should be done!"

"The Ministry of Magic has finally done something human!"

Hearing the voices of the crowd, Fudge smiled a little.

This is the first time since he became the Minister of Magic that he has received support and cheers from a large number of wizards.

He was secretly happy and couldn't help but sigh.

What Argus said was indeed right!

This way, he can smoothly take charge of the Auror Command.

The control over the Ministry of Magic will then soar!

As long as he completely controls the Ministry of Magic, will Dumbledore want to control him like before?

Dream on!

"Ladies and gentlemen, everyone has seen Mr. Grindelwald, so please go back first."

"It won't be long before Mr. Grindelwald can return to school to continue his classes."

Fudge didn't forget the business and hurriedly advised everyone.

The wizards looked at Argus with hesitation in their eyes.

"Minister Fudge is right. People in the Ministry of Magic also have to work."

"For me, so much manpower and material resources are spent, but the ones who suffer are ordinary wizards like us who need the help of the Ministry of Magic."

"Thank you for your help today. I will tell you the follow-up news through the Saints' store in Diagon Alley and newspapers."

"Everyone, please go back!"

With Argus's guarantee, everyone finally ended the operation.

Leaving the hall in various ways.

Many people also came forward to ask Argus about the specific situation, or left their names, hoping to leave a good impression on Argus.

The Saints are now in their heyday in the UK. Many people are trying their best to join the Saints' stores but can't get in.

Now they finally have a chance to talk to the Saints leader, how can they let it go!

Argus knows what these people are thinking, and is willing to win people's hearts with a few words.

Nodding and smiling at the people who came to greet him.

On the contrary, Fudge, as the Minister of Magic, stood aside and no one cared about him, looking a little embarrassed.

He was relieved until everyone left.

A group of wizards, led by Dumbledore, slowly came to Argus.

Madam Molly came to Argus and examined him carefully.

"Good boy, you've worked hard!"

"It was Scrimgeour who locked you up, but in the end you had to finish it for him."

"I'll go to St. Mungo's with you first, and we'll talk about other things when we come back!"

Sensing that Fudge wanted to say something else, he stopped him directly.

Argus felt a little helpless.

But he couldn't resist Madam Molly's insistence.

He nodded and agreed.

After thanking everyone who came forward one by one, he followed Madam Molly and left.


After Argus left, everyone who had achieved their goal also came to the Ministry of Magic.

Only Dumbledore stayed and came to his office with Fudge, preparing to discuss the trial of Scrimgeour with Minister of Magic Fudge in advance.

Now he is still the chief wizard of the Wizengamot, and he must come forward to judge Scrimgeour, a high-level member of the Ministry of Magic.

He didn't have a very good impression of Scrimgeour, but he also knew that Scrimgeour hated evil.

In the future, when fighting against Voldemort, this kind of person will surely become the vanguard.

But the crime committed by the other party is really irrefutable, so I have to discuss it with Fudge.

See if the sentence can be reduced.

At least, before Voldemort is resurrected, he can get out of Azkaban.

"Cornelly, what do you think about Scrimgeour?"

Dumbledore sat in a chair, his old eyes showing a hint of fatigue.

"What he did was seen by too many people, and all the wizards in the Ministry of Magic just now also knew about it. I can't control it."

Fudge thought Dumbledore was going to find an excuse to let Scrimgeour escape punishment, and directly made things clear.

"I know, but you are also aware of the extent to which Scrimgeour has hit dark wizards over the years."

"Perhaps, we should give him a chance."

Dumbledore also felt a headache about this.

If only a few of them knew about it, he would still be qualified to negotiate with Argus.

It is not impossible to offer some conditions so that the other party will not pursue it.

But now, Scrimgeour's affairs are no different from being public!

There is no need for newspapers. Tomorrow morning, all British wizards will know that he wants to use truth serum on an eleven-year-old wizard.

To defend him at this time is tantamount to confronting all British wizards.

Even so, Dumbledore still has room for maneuver, after all, Scrimgeour's arrests of dark wizards in recent years are obvious to all.

With Dumbledore's guarantee, even if he cannot be exempted from punishment, he can reduce it to the greatest extent.

The most important thing is the pure-blood families in Britain!

Many of them are on good terms with Argus and occupy important seats in the Wizengamot.

Scrimgeour's behavior has crossed their red line again!

Now there is a chance to kill him, how can they let it go!

Therefore, his only hope is Fudge!

If Fudge can reduce the severity of the accusation and make some omissions in the evidence.

Scrimgeour may be able to get out early!

But Fudge's next words surprised him.

"Professor Dumbledore, I'm sorry that I can't do anything about this matter."

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