The technological empire begins with polymer materials

Chapter 180 Kunlun VS Google! The artificial intelligence war finally breaks out! (1)

April 21st.

North America, Washington.

There are only nine days left before Kunlun Group's most important software product in history, primary artificial intelligence, is launched.

The conference room was so silent that you could clearly hear a pin drop to the ground. Hundreds of big guys from Congress, the military, the science and technology world, and academia all pressed their lips tightly together at this moment, and their eyes released a fanatical light.

On the big screen, the system is calculating rapidly, with profound and complicated mathematical formulas and mysterious and obscure magnetic resonance models constantly rotating in turn.

Soon after, the final results came in, with an accuracy rate of 81.35 percent.

Immediately, everyone burst into cheers. High-ranking bosses in the White House and billionaires in the technology industry hugged each other regardless of their image, and even cried with joy!

After a few minutes, everyone calmed down and returned to their respective positions, with the pride of a winner on their faces.

"Congratulations, Larry! Sergey!" Musk, who has always been arrogant, rarely showed a sincere smile and said to Larry Page, the boss of Google Group, and Sergey Brin: "This is your honor, and it is also Glory to the entire Western world! I think there is nothing more appropriate at this moment than to open a bottle of champagne to celebrate.”


"totally agree!"

"Go get the champagne and let's celebrate this great moment!"

Although it was a heavily guarded power center in North America, everyone was really excited, so the security officer made an exception and opened twenty bottles of Veuve Clicquot champagne in the conference room.

"For victory!"

"To crush those damn Chinese!"

"For the glory of Angsa!"

"For God!"

Everyone cheered and raised their glasses continuously, until they drank all twenty bottles of Veuve Clicquot champagne, and then returned to their seats with a hint of drunkenness.

Today is such a good day. Even the elderly Mr. Bill Gates couldn't help but drink two more drinks. After being nervous for so long, he finally relaxed and leaned on the boss's chair, squinting his eyes slightly. , with a smile on his face.

Larry Page stood up and said loudly: "Our success is inseparable from the support of the entire Western technology community. Here, let me express my opinion. It is our unshirkable responsibility to crush the Kunlun Group. If everyone does not If you object, this time, our Google Group will fight!"

It is unimaginable that the president of the world's most powerful technology group is as tragic as a warrior at this moment, stepping out of the queue and vowing to fight to the death with the evil Kunlun Group.

It is not difficult to see from this that Plateau's aggressive offensive in the past two years has brought tremendous pressure to the West, almost driving people crazy.

Whenever I think of the extremely elegant mechanical exoskeleton bearing the mark of the Kunlun Mountains, flying like an Iron Man in the deep sea, and representing the pinnacle of Western power, I feel deeply worried and can hardly sleep at night.

Bang bang bang bang~

The big guys all stood up, applauded enthusiastically, and turned their palms red. However, the two Google heroes, Larry and Sergey, straightened their chests and accepted their own pride.

Larry stretched out his hand to signal everyone to stop, and then said confidently: "As far as I know, in nine days, Kunlun Group will hold a new product launch conference. Gao Yuan claims that it will launch an epoch-making new technology."

"Why don't we schedule the press conference after the Kunlun Group, treat others the way they are treated, and slap them in the face! Hit them hard! Beat them until they bleed!"

For a time, the crowd was furious.

Everyone has been suffering from the Kunlun Group for a long time, and they have long wanted to take the opportunity to retaliate, but unfortunately, one move has been widely used. Relying on the absolute lead in the field of materials science, the Kunlun Group is unstoppable, continuously conquering cities and territories, and crushing many Western bosses.

Now, the Angsa Group has finally come up with epoch-making super black technology. The first thing that comes to mind is naturally severe revenge and a crazy slap in the face.

"Support! There is hope!"

"Let us use the media power at our disposal to build momentum!"

"Within twenty-four hours, we will let everyone in the world know that the end of the Chinese people is coming!"

"Prepare the world's largest live broadcast platform immediately! We must crush Gaoyuan and the hateful Kunlun Group to the ground!"

As expected, everyone in the conference room agreed with Larry's plan to broadcast live on the same day as Gao Yuan, launching a crazy tit-for-tat attack on Maimang!

Immediately afterwards, they used the media power at their disposal to quickly announce this amazing news to the world. They released new products at the same time as Gao Yuan, which was obviously the rhythm of war.

All the melon-eating people were immediately shocked, especially the Western people, who wished they could set off fireworks to celebrate. The Google Group, the leader of this incident, was also elevated to the level of a national hero and was sought after by the entire Western world.

"I knew it! In the end, it's up to Google to turn the tide!"

"Larry and Sergey are both top geniuses in the world. When they became famous, Gao Yuan was just a kid!"

"Looking forward to it! Waiting for the Google Empire to beat the Kunlun Group!"

"Don't be stunned, everyone, hurry up and take a look at Google Group's stocks."

"By the way, what kind of black technology is Google going to launch? Can it crush Kunlun Group? In the past two years, Kunlun Group has been so awesome."

"Don't ask, asking is your ultimate move!"

"If you dare to put on such a posture, Google must be absolutely sure!"

The melon-eating crowd was talking a lot, the West was excited, and China was worried. After all, you often walk by the river, and your shoes don't get wet. There has never been a victorious general in the world. Maybe this time, the Kunlun Group will really be in big trouble.

Jiangnan, Kunlun Group.

In a soundproof room, the language genius Chu Luoluo was training the language logic of artificial intelligence. Gao Yuan listened quietly outside. It was not until Chu Luoluo left the soundproof room that he took off his headphones and smiled at the girl.

Logically speaking, the person most suitable for training language logic should be Gao Yuan. After all, he has the omniscient ability of language given by the system.

But as a leader, Gao Yuan cannot do everything by himself. He must learn to know people and make good use of them.

Even if the plateau is covered with iron, how many nails can be driven there?

Cultivating Chu Luoluo as the group's language logic expert would be a real success once and for all. In the future, all problems related to artificial intelligence language can be taught to Chu Luoluo to solve.

"are you tired."

Gao Yuan said as he handed the girl iced mango juice. Chu Luoluo loved mangoes so much that she couldn't stop.

Unexpectedly, the girl was not elated because of the delicious mango juice. She put the juice on the table and reported her work to Gao Yuan seriously, asking for advice.

As the chief planner of junior artificial intelligence, Gao Yuan highly affirmed Chu Luoluo's work, and also pointed out the next direction of language logic.

Gao Yuan's smile as warm as the spring breeze moved the girl's heart. Finally, she couldn't bear it anymore and asked very worriedly: "Boss, what on earth is Google going to do? Holding a press conference at the same time is obviously aimed at us! Damn it!" "

This question...

Only then did Gao Yuan realize that the girl's unhappiness was actually because she was worried about him, and he couldn't help but feel a little moved in his heart. As a man with normal physiological indicators, being remembered by the girl would inevitably make him feel happy.

Smiling slightly, Gao Yuan shrugged and said, "Did you know that AlphaGo, which once swept the global Go world and shocked everyone, actually had a brother named AlphaFold."

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