The Taoist ancestor is Cthulhu

Chapter 656 Leave it to you

Although the waves behind the Yangtze River pushed the waves ahead, Zheng Zetian was not ready to die on the beach.

He is also a man of high understanding. After being reminded by the giant, he made a guess of his own.

Xu Yue is probably really something made by those demons from outside the world, but the 'door' is obviously not.

According to Zheng Zetian's own understanding, the so-called "door" should be the virtual abyss, which is the Tao. It is a natural phenomenon that has existed in the universe from ancient times to the present.

It's just that this 'door' cannot be directly observed with human eyes, so the demons from outside the world will create a virtual moon to 'illuminate' the 'door'.

Or to put it more bluntly,

According to Juzi's introduction in "Introduction to Taisu", moonlight is actually the reflection of sunlight by the moon. The light emitted by the virtual moon is naturally the virtual moon, which reflects the energy radiation in the 'door' and reflects the natural light frequency band that can be detected by the human eye.

The 'mirror' that reflects the light emitted from the 'door' and is reflected in people's eyes is the so-called virtual moon.

Now, although those demons from outside the world have covered Xu Yue's mirror, they can no longer see the 'door'.

But in the practice of Tai Su Dao, finding the 'door' is the most important step.

Lou Guandao's star-gazing technique and Moshan's blind-viewing technique are actually methods of searching for doors. It's just that more or less, Xu Yue's assistance is needed. Naturally, Taro Sect also has a similar method, which is the Key to Destroying Evil and Manifesting Demonstrations.

Although you can't see or touch it, you can use the evil spirit as a guide and use the soul as a 'key' to first poke through the 'door' in the dark, and then follow the clues to squeeze the physical body through.

When this method is applied in the Tai Chi world, it can find loopholes in the illusion of the barrier formation, and it can easily sneak into the forbidden areas of Xuanmen, the treasure house of the fairy palace, and the altar of the divine religion.

But going to the Tai Su Realm is actually not as safe as Mo Zhushan using the Heaven-Zun Demon Formation to open the back door, and the essence, energy, spirit, human soul and body can pass through together. After all, these mature methods of worshiping the moon in Mozhushan have been improved for many generations on the basis of the method of worshiping the moon of the Luo religion.

The first-generation exploration method of key rolls is not only a random exploration of the virtual abyss, but also can easily cause the soul to separate from the main body and escape from the shell. If it is accidentally lost in the vast virtual abyss, it cannot be recovered. For those who are mentally fragile, it is also possible. It is likely to cause side effects such as split personality, madness, and cerebral hemorrhage.

At the beginning, Luo Yin used the key roll to contact Xu Xing, which directly caused him to go crazy. He lost most of his soul and was wandering around in a daze. Even Luo Jiao was destroyed to death and could not react.

But this time, since the giant is guaranteeing that everything will be fine, it should probably be fine.

So Zheng Zetian used the key roll to pull his soul out of his body, but not completely. It was like twisting his soul into a 'fishing line', throwing it into the abyss, hooking the 'fish' and then pulling him out in turn. In the past, but the 'fishing line' cannot be collected, after all, if you are not careful, you will not be able to find your way back.

So Zheng Zetian tried throwing out the 'fishing line' and then opened his eyes.

There seemed to be a ring in front of him. Nine giants were fighting with swords on the ring. Under the ring were piles of corpses. In the surrounding auditorium, there were tens of thousands of people, old and young, young and old, all with the same face, standing quietly. The giants who were about to enter the ring all turned their heads and stared at him.

Zheng Zetian was about to speak, but suddenly the deafening sound of the tide rushed towards him, instantly knocking him out of the illusion and falling into the boundless abyss.

Just as he was falling in the dark void, a hand pulled him. The next moment, Zheng Zetian found himself sitting in a tea room, and a giant man who looked about twenty years old slammed the door.

"I'm sorry, I'm practicing in seclusion, so I can't stop it for a while."

Zheng Zetian, "Oh, practice... just practice until there is only one left?"

Li Fan shrugged, "I guess. What do you want from me? Do you want to save it? Let's have tea."

Zheng Zetian lowered his head to look at the tea cup that appeared in front of him, picked it up and drank it all in one gulp, smacking his lips, it tasted like apple...

Li Fan seemed to have seen Zheng Zetian's memory at this time. He crossed his arms and shook his head repeatedly.

"It turns out that the big boss is from Qingcheng Mountain under Lei Ze. Tsk, that's really boring. The same goes for the one named Chen. He's so fucking picky. I don't think he's very capable, but he can't even survive to take one of my moves. He's a loser."

Zheng Zetian's eyes lit up, "You know the whereabouts of Lingxuzi!"

Li Fan flicked his fingers,

"Oh, the location coordinates have been updated for you. If you want to take revenge, go alone. Send Chen Jinu to the Sword Forging Academy, and someone will handle it. As for Xuannv's matter, I understand it. It's not a big deal. This is your mission. If you're interested, just level up by yourself. If not, I'll take action.

Well, even if I can't take action now, it seems that I will take action in the future, probably. "

Zheng Zetian opened his mouth and froze for a while, "Then...the company..."

Li Fan scratched his head, "This is a bit troublesome. After all, the company is on the other side of the 'door'. At least I can't do anything about it now. I have to wait until I get out of the country to do it."

Zheng Zetian couldn't help but ask, "I wonder when the giant will come out of seclusion?"

Li Fan also scratched his head a little, "This way of time and space is a bit difficult to prove. There are too many possibilities in the future. Every time I break through a realm, new possibilities will evolve. It will take at least a hundred years to eliminate them all...

Let's do this, you pass a message for me and tell the two fish to start. "

"...Pulanbei? Two fishes? Oh, those two..."

Zheng Zetian thought for a while,

"Does that giant now know what the 'door' is?"

"Oh, that's an interesting question,"

Li Fan seemed to be in high spirits. He snapped his fingers, turned off the lights and transformed into a star map of the earth.

"Those two fish have already told you about Earth 0 and the prototype, so I'll add some more.

At that time, Earth 0 had three mainstream designs for TL super-light travel. One was the Einstein Rosen Bridge, the other was the curvature engine, and the third was the hyperspace jump acceleration orbit.

Regardless of the pros and cons of these methods, judging from the current design blueprint of the company's battleships, the latter two methods are already quite mature and can even be said to be outdated, and TL, which is still mainly developed and researched by Earth 0, is the first kind.

Yes, the 'gate' is a bridge that connects two universes. No, it is an artificial wormhole that connects all universes in different time and space and different dimensions. "


On the star map, the earth turned into a photoelectric, and then countless photoelectrics shone, as if an ant nest was connected by invisible, but seemingly real, light bands.

Li Fan thought for a moment and explained, "Well, it's not quite right to say it's 'artificial'. It may cause you to misunderstand. The door has always been there. Earth 0 just saw the door first and found the key to open it." .

They stood at the door to peer into the multiverse, using nanomachines and quantum communications to come to another world and have sweet dreams. However, for some reason, there is no way to pass through the door in the flesh. So I'm stuck at this step for now. "

Zheng Zetian frowned, "But can't we all worship the moon and fly across the Xuyuan?"

Li Fan nodded, "Yes and no.

First, even according to what those two fish said, the humans on Earth 49327 are all supermen at the genetic level, and they all have the potential to physically pass through. There seem to be three established examples of the Immortal Lord and the Mysterious Goddess, but they cannot actually be considered ‘people’ in the standard sense. Instead, it is a luxury product built with nine levels of technology, which cannot be copied.

Similar super technologies are actually available to other companies, but obviously they do not have the mass production and backward compatibility. After all, they can achieve the overall upgrade of human beings or create a few super soldiers who can physically travel through the heavens. It is not the purpose of Earth 0 at all. The key is to allow investors and consumers of these technologies, those old and decadent old humans, to personally enjoy the privileges brought by technology. The superstructure determines the direction of science and technology.

Second, there are other things in this ‘door’. "

"other things?"

"You see, these points of light are the Earths of each linked parallel universe."

Li Fan nodded and waved his hand. The light spot disappeared without a trace, and the tea room fell into darkness.

"What about in the dark?"

Zheng Zetian narrowed his eyes, "You mean..."

Li Fan waved his hand again, lighting up two spots of light in the void and forming a bridge of light.

"Fellow Taoist, you have experienced the vacuum home. I have also tried the link communication on the spacecraft. Under the guidance of Xuyue and Quantum Network, we can directly pass through the door and reach those that have zero records on earth, are known, and even they directly created of parallel earth.

And when we worship the moon and fall into dreams, flying across the Xuyuan, there is no real meaning. Successfully reaching the other end of the 'door' is probably falling into the crack of the 'door', under the 'bridge', in the darkness of Taisu Realm. , and saw a plane of the universe that has never been touched by humans. and life forms that cannot even be called ‘human’. I don’t even know if it can be called life…”

Zheng Zetian nodded and understood, "Feiwu and Taisu Sixth Patriarch."

Li Fan crossed his arms,

"Not only is Earth 0 studying them, they are also studying us. 49327 is the border and the front line of contact.

What we want from Earth 0 and the company can be more or less surmised. After all, we are all human beings after all. But what they want is still unclear.

But it doesn’t really matter, at least we are all human beings. According to our understanding of Earth 0, when faced with threats that are beyond their control and response, people will often use direct violence to solve the problem and destroy the threat from the source.

In fact, I understand the way of time and space, and I have more or less touched the 'final destiny' of this 49327 plane. I am also looking for a way, but so far, I have not found a future in which the earth can continue to exist. "

Zheng Zetian was a little confused when he saw Li Fan crushing the light and shadow of the earth with a casual pinch.

"So the Taiji world is really hopeless? Everything will be destroyed by demons or non-objects? Everyone will die? How long will it take?"

Li Fan shrugged,

"I don't know, maybe it will be a long time, maybe the company will take action tomorrow. But it's not like everyone will die. If there is time, you can colonize the universe by filling up the technology tree, or you can ascend collectively by filling up the immortal tree. That can be considered a way. Find a way out.”

Well, it turns out that this train is about to derail and kill two thousand people. What a piece of shit...

Li Fan patted Zheng Zetian on the shoulder,

"I think with Luo Zu's ability, I can ascend as high as I want, but I believe you are not the kind of person who is the elder brother of Songshan. How could you leave a group of old brothers alone, right?

From now on, the important task of carrying forward the Mozhushan Taoism will entirely depend on you. "

Zheng Zetian, "..."

Qiongying opened her eyes.

There is no false moon tonight, and it is so dark that it is so dark. Fortunately, Nanhai Epiphyllum Island is the exit of Leize, a transportation hub connecting Lizhou and Nanhai. It is full of cars and boats and brightly lit day and night. At this time, the nearby merchant ships also entered the harbor and sailed into the atolled coral islands to avoid the wind and waves.

She stood on the reef and looked at the rough sea in the distance. She saw the real person Mo Qiongya who was guarding Epiphyllum Island, howling loudly, riding a reef shark out of the water, holding up the bloody meat on the harpoon. , churning in the sea water, a large group of sharks swarmed behind them, taking advantage of the night to patrol the sea, hunting the deep-sea monsters attracted by the lights and fleet of the island.

Qiongying looked at Mo Hainiang's strong and outstanding figure with envy, then lowered her head to look at her toes...

Forget it, don’t think about so many messy things, let’s just practice swordsmanship...

With a flick of the wrist, the silver shuttle obtained from the Xuannv Temple turned into a slender soft sword in Qiongying's hand. This was really blowing hair and cutting hair, cutting iron like mud, and flicking out a sword flower. , the reef was swept away by the sword wind, leaving a series of long marks.

And when she tried to concentrate the power of the Taisha Sword into the tip of the sword, the pure silver soft sword also changed. The blade turned from a bright silver mirror to a jet black iron, like an iron staff with a long cone, thick and heavy. , extremely mysterious.

According to the knowledge inherited by Xuannv and the explanations of the two fish-men boys, this silver shuttle seems to be a part of Xuannv, some kind of nano-scale highly intelligent robot aggregate. It is because Qiongying has gained the authority of Xuannv that she can Respond to her commands and combine them into the products she needs at any time.

For example, if she wants a remote control, it becomes a remote control, and if she wants a sword, it becomes a sword, just like a universal wishing machine. Of course, this also comes at a cost. These nanorobots are disposable supplies that will be lost. Without the blueprint method, they will definitely not be replenished. Every change may cause a loss, and Qiong Ying actually does not want to waste it.

But this silver shuttle seems to be able to automatically read her brain waves, and I am not very skilled in operating it now. When I concentrate on sword practice, I will subconsciously summon the silver shuttle to use it, and I can only get used to it slowly.

After practicing the swordsmanship routine taught by her master about a hundred times, and warming up a little, Qiongying jumped on the rocks and waves with her energy, and returned to Epiphyllum Island along the rocks that looked like the tip of the crocodile's tail.

On the shallow river beach, Blind Man Yang was teaching a group of fishmen as big as puppies to read and write. Just...a guy with a fish head...

"A scholar cannot be without great perseverance. The road ahead is long and arduous."

"Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!"

Qiongying, ==

"Are these reincarnated people from Luo Jiao? There are actually so many of them?"

Fatty Tang, who had given birth to a lot of demons, was holding a bucket of pickled fish and chewing on it.

"Not really. Maybe four or five."


"Hey, there are so many demons sealed under Songshan Mountain, including those from Huang Tiandao's death trap, and all kinds of messy evil sects. We don't have time to screen them all. So they were all released. In order to ensure the success of the liberation, the fish fry were also released. Ask those two demons to buy more... and some of them are probably simple fishmen..."

Qiongying, "..."

Qiongying is also a literate person, and she really can't stand these murlocs, who are so rude and degrading. After watching it for a while, they entered the mountain of the Crocodile God's remains. In the base of the fishmen, the spaceship was already hovering in the warehouse.

And a large group of Li Kun were running around, carrying various documents and equipment, and throwing them into Kun's mouth. Li Qian held his chin and looked aside.

"What are you doing? Are you moving?"

Li Kun and others were shouting and shouting.

"I've sent it, I've sent it, this old guy got so crazy with his age, now he's sent it all!"

"Our radar was blocked, and everything went dark! The company must have turned on the lights and wanted to take action!"

"Maybe three divisions will jump in and arrest people later! Mozhu Mountain is probably gone, and it's not safe here. Pack up your belongings and retreat!"

Qiongying was shocked, "What! The company is knocking on your door! What if we agreed to find humans to complete the plan together!"

Li Kun was angry, "Who cares about your nonsense! Come on, Kun, send the things to the main base! Let's go, let's go! It's too late if we don't leave!"

Then Li Kun turned into a large group of black carps and jumped into the underground river in the cave and swam around.

Kun Xiude took a sip of the device, waved his fins at Qiongying to say goodbye, and then jumped into the void and disappeared.

Qiongying was dumbfounded for a while, and Li Qian next to her yawned and said to her, "UU reading www.

"There is a man named Zheng Zetian in Mozhu Mountain. If he is not dead, you can find him. If he is dead, there is a nine-headed lion in Suiyu Mountain. Anyway, Xuannv's things are in their hands. Let Luo Jiao help you. Find it.

Also, I advise you to stay away from Xuannv, the company is keeping an eye on her..."

He seemed to want to transform and jump into the river. Suddenly, as if he remembered something, he took out a conch from his sleeve and handed it to Qiong Ying.

"If you survive, call us this. Bye!"

Then he also turned into a white carp and slipped away.

Qiongying stood there stupidly for a while, looking at the cleared cave. She didn't know what to do, so she had to stand at the entrance of the cave.

At this time, a red light fell from the sky, and a young man covered in blood and panting fell in front of Qiong. He untied a dozen gourds tied around his waist and threw them into the sky.

Those gourds flew up into the sky, spraying out a shower of blood. A large amount of corpses, minced meat, shark fins, seafood, dragon livers and whale bones poured down, falling into the bay of the crocodile mouth, and piled up like small mounds. , forming a huge mountain of corpses!

The merchants and murlocs on the island were all jubilant, rushing over to harvest the demon materials and compete for the whale blubber demon pill. Fatty Tang also rushed over with a group of murlocs to start the meal, scooping up the flesh and blood one by one and stuffing them into his mouth. .

"Where are they!"

Qiongying opened her mouth and looked at the young man in front of her who was wiping the blood on his face, at the bay and at the conches.

"Hmph! Escape so fast! The house is so empty! Don't look for me when you move back!"

The young man's eyes flashed red, and he glanced at Qiong Ying's face. He took out a wooden sword, three volumes of formation diagrams, and a storage jade into Qiong Ying's hand.

"I'll leave Epiphyllum Island to you. I'll go to Mozhu Mountain! Mader is really going to exhaust me to death!"

Before he finished speaking, he turned into a streak of light and disappeared into the sky.

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