Daozu is Cthulhu Chapter 555: Rampage

Above the sky, between the cloud tops, a group of spiritual birds and demonic birds were hovering in the storm. One of them, a colorful spiritual phoenix weighing a child, was ridden on its back by several strange birds with human feet. No, it was holding on to its back. , flying in the palm of the foot, it had clearly been hunted, and a huge bloody mouth was opened from the back of the head to the spine, revealing the stark white bones.

Although the body of Lian Zhongtong Lingfeng is not very strong, it only has a shape but no spirit. A pair of phoenix wings were almost torn to pieces by the strange bird on its back, but only the bone between the crest of the back of the head is strong. Like iron, it won't break even if the strange bird pecks it.

Then a crow flew out of the storm and landed on the bone. The crow's eyes flashed red and pecked twice at the bone. The white bone suddenly ejected a large amount of amber oily liquid and steam from both sides. The side-sliding cover seems to open, revealing the human form hidden in the spine.

Yes, it can be seen that it is a person. Although there is no epidermis, it still has a general torso and a human face. The muscles and nerves of this humanoid are all connected to the muscle ridges of the Chongming Bird, as if they are growing together. The eyes in the human face rolled upwards, their eyeballs moved rapidly, and they let out meaningless moans.

The crow brought its head over, pecked, and pecked out the two eyeballs on the man's face and swallowed them. Then he raised his feet, dug out his own crow boy, stuffed it into the hollow of the human face, and merged it with the human brain nerves. One body.

After waiting for a while, the man blinked and chuckled.

The blind crow nodded, flew to Shusi's shoulder, and watched as the flesh and white bones on the back of Chongming Lingfeng's head folded and healed, quack! Gotta scream.

After a few seconds, he loosened his paws, threw Chongming from the clouds, flew into the dark clouds and disappeared.

And after Chongming fell a hundred meters, before falling to the ground, he suddenly opened his eyes, revealing a pair of heavy crow's eyes. He suddenly fluttered his wings and took off again, straight towards the rising mushroom cloud in the distance.

Much simpler than imagined.

Li Fan constantly switches between crow boys, looking at the world through the eyes of Gui Che, Xi Qu, Chong Ming, Shu Si, Eu Hao, He Luo, Zhang Xiang, all the puppets in his hand, and every time he has a novel experience. , a different angle every time, a new adventure every time.

Through Gui Che's memory, he knew that some people in the cult especially liked to create seventeen or eight blood puppet clones, men and women, old and young, partying together and cultivating alone. At that time, I felt my eyes were dirty and I couldn’t understand. But it seems quite interesting to actually experience the symptoms of schizophrenia. How do you say that? Since I got the mental illness, I have become more energetic.

But don't tell me, the technology in the three places is still good. Except for the human prosthetic body used by 'Ho Luo', who hides in the dark to operate electronic warfare equipment, 'Xiqu' and 'Chongming' all use human prosthetics. , add demon-level skin camouflage. In essence, it is similar to the "Candle Dragon" biological cruiser. It is a kind of "living landscape wild animal". It is a synthetic beast created using biological cloning technology and has a biochemical camouflage shell like a space suit. Although it cannot use magic like a real monster, it has also installed some plasma cannons, laser cannons and other weapons to ensure combat effectiveness. Not only is its body strength the same as that of a big monster, but it can also avoid the use of high-tech equipment as much as possible. Produce deviation values ​​for environmental impacts and avoid the attention of company systems.

As for those drones, smart ammunition, gravitational restraint fields, full-band brainwave interference, and instantaneous suppression of legion technology, these are all of limited use while this support team hacks into the company's systems and conducts network intrusions. Completed with level 4 technological equipment. If they hadn't been focusing on monitoring the company's movements, and were distracted by dealing with a wave of legion apostles, and the positions of the two sides who were hunting and ambush had changed, Li Fan asked himself that he would not be sure of the success of the counter-crouching.

But no matter what the cause and effect, a defeat is a defeat. This team from the Security Department really capsized in the gutter. They paid too much attention to the company's covert actions and ignored the threats that wild animals can cause. They probably really didn't expect that the crow in the cage could actually He is also a top hacker and illusion master.

"There is another one named Ear Mouse. Do you want to catch him?"

The ghost car hiding in a tree hole and wearing a ghost shell is in contact with the system Pisces.

Li Kun said, "It's not easy to handle. This is a sentinel, a level 5 biological monitoring radar, and an independent firewall. It's not easy to handle."

Li Qian, "And we don't have the technology to transform biological brains into ion chips. Let Qiongqi retreat first, leave a piece of meat for him to complete the task, and follow him to find the location of the shuttle."

So Li Fan sent a message with his spiritual consciousness and asked Qiongqi to take advantage of Qingyang Qingtian's great nuclear bomb power to throw some fat on it and pretend to be a dead tiger, so that the real body could escape.

But Qiongqi refused.

Uh-huh? reject? ?

"Tamad...it hurts so much..."

Out of the hot wind, a tall man with a height of two feet, a waist as big as ten girth, a tiger's back and a bear's waist, iron bones and ice muscles, sword eyebrows like blades, and a golden light came out. His white hair was scattered on his shoulders, and his huge and strong chest muscles were like two pieces of iron. The anvils are tired together. When he stepped forward, the steaming Dao breath around him gathered around him like a whirlpool of hot wind, as if his whole person was enveloped in blue-white exploding flames! Burning!

"The target is still active! The threat value is rising sharply! Repeat! The target is still active! The threat value is still rising! Requesting support! Ho Luo! Requesting support!"

"Chirp, chirp, chirp! Chirp, chirp, chirp! It's so noisy! The grass mud horse! Die!"

Qiongqi jumped up and hit the ground with one foot, causing the mountain to collapse and the ground to crack! Rock gravel opens!

A big rat with the head of a dodder and the body of a moose, about four meters long, saw that something was not going well. It jumped out from the ground, its tail flew up, and it almost flew away from the ground, as fast as light!

"I've been discovered! Ho Luo! Asking for support! The threat value is still rising!"

Li Fan was so dizzy that Qiongqi actually ran away at such a time! He still has to use the ghost car to control the group. At this time, there is no way he can possess the body to suppress it!

"Gan! The wings are stiff, aren't they making a fuss now! I told you to retreat first! I mean, support is on the way!"

"The target disappeared from the radar! Requesting support! Requesting support!"


The next moment, the eared rat exploded.

Alas, this guy is fast, but he can't even run away. What's the use of being faster? Are you going to make a zigzag? The straight and straight trajectory can be seen at a glance. Qiongqi teleports Taixuan in front of him, punches straight up, and then it is gone...

Without any suspense, Qiongqi smashed the giant rat into pieces with just one move, and pulled out a human head with a large number of metal wires attached to the spine from the wreckage.

Qiongqi lifted his vertebrae as if lifting a hammer, looking at the head of the real 'ear rat' who was temporarily in shock due to concussion. Before Li Fan's blood crow could fly up and take control, the beast had already opened its bloody basin. Take a big mouthful, bite off the head and face in one bite, swallow the dates wholeheartedly, chew them up, and even rub the spinal cord and cervical vertebrae and swallow them into the stomach.

Oh ho...

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah--!

! "

"Alert! Alert! The life signal disappears! The citizen is in abnormal condition! Activate emergency medical assistance!"

"Fuck, what's going on again!"

Li Fan's scalp almost exploded. In an instant, the screams of 'eared mice' suddenly came from the channel of the special agent team. The sound was heartbreaking and shocking to the soul. Almost even the ghost car was affected. Ho Luo and those The person even spurted blood from his mouth and nose, fell to the ground and rolled his eyes, convulsing and incontinent like a man suffering from epilepsy.

Probably even the mood system was shocked, and the mood dropped all over the place.

"Damn... it, with its passive ability of killing ghosts and binding souls, it actually pulled the agent's soul out of the virtual network!"

"What, what!? Can such a thing be done?!"

"It can be done... I knew it could be done... Disconnect the link! Disconnect the link! They are connected on the same subnet! The soul is broken and cannot be repaired! Disconnect the link!"

"No, no, no! Don't forget to wipe away the traces of intrusion!"

"Gan! Memory wiped! Gua! Memory wiped! Gua! Memory wiped! Gua!"

While the crows were croaking in panic, a strong light came across the sky from the mountains in the distance, like a meteor falling to the ground. The optically invisible shuttle had broken through the hustle and bustle and flew over the battlefield. The searchlight was shining directly on Qiongqi in the field like a bright light. .

An abnormality in the agent's physical signal was detected. Within a minute, the shuttle jumped directly into the scene! The transparent cabin door opened in mid-air, and humanoid and spider-shaped drones with red crosses painted on their white shells jumped out of the cabin one after another!

Those spider-type ones are multi-functional multi-purpose drones in their own right, while the human-type ones are strictly speaking 'stretchers'. Yes, the body is empty, and is specially used to pick up the remaining remains, organs, minced meat, and biological tissues of citizens, and bring them back for first aid while maintaining their physiological characteristics.

"Alert! Alert! Citizens are in an abnormal state! Emergency medical assistance is activated! Threat detected! Wild animals! Threat level is rising! Emergency rescue regulations are activated, arms are unlocked..."

"Beep beep, beep, beep! It's so noisy, ouch!"



Don’t wait for the drone swarm to get closer! Qiongqi screamed angrily and shouted filial piety! He opened his mouth and spit out a blast of fire, hitting the shuttle!

The blue-white plasma beam hit the blue deflection stand on the outer layer of the shuttle! Fight with great glory! Torrent shooting! Brilliant like the stars in the sky! But the shuttle just swayed for a moment and was completely unharmed!

"Fuck you! Electric turtle! Die!"


Qiongqi is furious! Leap on the ground! The cobwebs on the ground seemed to be cracked when stepped on! Rise up from the ground! A punch! It hit the shuttle like a cannonball and blasted the plasma engine with one punch! The cloaking device also failed in the violent explosion! The crab-shell-shaped saucer-shaped shuttle hovered and fell to the ground!

The system is shocked!

"Huh? It didn't trigger the anti-Newton stance!"

"The soul has been pulled over! The agent's main consciousness is now in the prosthetic chip in its belly! The identification of friend or foe is invalid!"

Li Fan almost vomited blood, "Don't be so shocked! What should we do now?"

The scene is now in chaos.

The shuttle swayed so hard that it crashed to the ground, its door wide open.

It's like slapping a spider to death and bursting out a bunch of little spiders.

Shouting "Received! Emergency rescue regulations activated! Rescue citizens!" "Received! Regulations activated..." "Received! Rescue citizens..." A large number of drones painted with white and red crosses started automatically, flying from the fallen The shuttle spewed out of the cabin, activated a strong gravitational field in a spider-like manner, controlled and blocked Qiongqi's action, and fired a large number of intelligent guided munitions, like a swarm of swarms, surrounding Qiongqi's body!

Although the human-shaped drones did not have heavy weapons, they jumped and climbed like monkeys and fleas. They extended single-molecule blade mantis knives and high-energy rays from their four legs, waving scalpels on their fingertips, and rushed towards them to fight in such a dense crowd. ! It was clear that he wanted to kill Qiongqi alive and rescue the citizens in his belly.

"Ouch! Kill you! Kill you all!"

Qiongqi roared wildly and danced wildly in the barrage and sword light!

Even the steel and iron bones made by Qingyang's Dahua Shen Gong and the state of Shen Transformation can hardly withstand the cutting impact of lasers and single molecular blades. But Qiongqi is not a purely aggressive beast. He suffered a loss just now and the beating he received was not in vain. This beast also grew up rapidly in the killing calamity and came up with its own set of compound tactics.

Although it was still the same old thing that Li Fan had mastered ten years ago, Qiongqi, the beast, had finally figured it out.

In principle, it is to use the Qingyang Dao Body to deal damage, and at the moment when it is locked by the laser missile and the single molecular blade, and Qiongqi senses the threat, it immediately uses Taixuan's method to transform the Gangfeng to become immune to damage. Switching back and forth like this, the virtual and the real are intertwined, like ghosts and ghosts, and it is even impossible to judge whether the violent wind is caused by magic, or whether it is caused by a fist and claw that is so fast that it is invisible!

In a moment, a strong wind passed by! He actually blew up all the prosthetics! Even those smart warheads that were chasing after them like flies were quickly flashed by Qiongqi, and their accuracy was lost under the plasma impact of the Qingyang Flame like an EMP impact! Exploding and exploding! Blast the earth into flames! A wreckage!

Depend on! Qiongqi this guy! As long as you take it seriously, you can still play well! Wasn't it just laziness before that?

"Throw it down! Fighting mecha!"

Okay, it turned out to be a bad thing. Not only did the covert operation fail, but people also died. There is no need to worry about search warrants or deviations on the next page. The Level 5 military prosthetic body was immediately unlocked and controlled directly by the Security Department system. There were two teams on the spot and eight mechas ejected from the frigate! Airborne directly from orbit!

When the system packaged the satellite photo body data and threw it to Li Fan, the SBS autonomous combat mecha signal had already penetrated the atmosphere!

These are not cheap guys for civilian use, the SBS space combat system is itself a combat mecha designed for space warfare, used to seize the fortress Death Star, aircraft carrier flagship, and decapitate the command system!

And unlike the construction machinery operated by those people, the mission of the third branch is to sneak into the company's secret test base. You may encounter all kinds of weird things. These SBS combat prosthetics of the Security Bureau are also equipped with top-notch equipment. A is also equipped with combat clones inside, and even the mood system cannot solve them through simple signal interference or hacker golems!

Li Fan felt as speechless as if someone had suddenly pulled out the network cable after playing a good game.

"...How about surrendering and losing half?"

"How can we lose half of them! Those agents were all turned into idiots by the soul shock! The souls of the people on earth are too damn weak!"

"Mad! That's it! Plan B!"

"Confirm, plan B is launched!"

"Do we have a plan B?"

"Of course! Don't stop doing it! Go with them! The security network has collapsed! The company and the security bureau will call the police soon! If you can't hide, then muddy the water! Give us the authority to handle it! Otherwise, you Don’t worry about it!”

"By the way, citizens with cerebral palsy are also citizens! As long as the agents are still in our hands, we have a chance to negotiate! The premise is that the system cannot recycle the citizens! Let Qiongqi eat them all!"

It’s a fight, right? Then let's fight, the worst is the world's destruction. Anyway, the world has been on the verge of destruction too many times, and Li Fan can face it calmly now.

"Okay! Let's fight then! I authorize it to start! The subnets are connected in parallel! Gua!"

"The divine court invades! Gua!"

"The soul is reset! Gua!"

"Pain blocking! Gua!"

"Transmit the increase! Gua!"

"Metabolic surge! Gua!"

"Restrictions lifted! Gua!"

"The fierce god goes berserk! Gua!"

Li Fan howled at the top of his lungs, and the crows screamed! Xiqu, Chongming, Shusi, and Eouzuo all ran away in rage!

And Qiongqi also roared like a tiger, shocking the mountains, and a pair of wings formed from his back, soaring straight into the sky! Face the stars falling from the sky head-on!

A group of demon gods and iron soldiers descending from the sky start a battle in the clouds! For a moment, it was hard to tell the winner!

Well, after all, Xiqu and Chongming both have hostages in their minds. The mecha doesn't dare to do anything real, but Qiongqi can transform into the wind at any time to avoid harm. As for Shu Si and Ou Hao, they were biubiu. One by one, before they even flew into the field of vision, they immediately transformed into roasted chicken and fried chicken, and fell on the spot...

Li Fanya said, "Gan! No! These wastes are too brittle! They can't even withstand the ion cannon!"


Li Kunya, "Normally I wouldn't be able to bear it..."

Li Fanya said, "Why don't I jump over now and kill them all?"

Li Qianya, "Don't wait! There is still a chance! Use the stuff brought by 'Ho Luo'! It's mercenary-level equipment! There's no need to break through the security bureau's gateway!"

While the demons in the sky and the earth were fighting, and plasma fireballs were shooting randomly, the crows were croaking to themselves, flying noisily over the mountains, towards the mud pond where 'Horo' lay, with a spider drone next to it. Vehicle, this thing is an incredible military product. It can block ECM intrusion in the whole area and destroy the army of the God's Cult with one move. Now the demon gods are still wreaking havoc.

However, 'Ho Luo', who was lying on the ground and fainted, suddenly jumped up, closed his eyes and raised his hands, and a flash of light exploded, blasting three or four crows that were approaching! At the same time, the whole body's nano-anti-Newton stance is activated again!

Li Kunya shouted, "Gan! Do you want to buy the exclusive customer automatic defense platinum monthly gift package for a disposable prosthetic body? You are so damn rich!"

Li Qianya shouted, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net "Haunt her! Hurry up and scare her!"

Li Kunya shouted, "Gan! Didn't you hear me say it was a platinum gift bag? What do you think I am doing!"


Li Fanya yelled, "The blood puppets are hugging me! Gua!"

So Zhang Xiang, who was lying on the ground, opened his eyes, jumped up with a groan, hugged "He Luo" around the waist, and wrapped her limbs like an octopus, pulling her and falling into the mud. He pointed the crow boy in front of 'He Luo'.

"The blood puppets hug me! Gua!" 'He Luo', whose face was covered in blood, yelled, "Remove the defense!"

"The automatic defense system reminds you that the monthly contract has not expired. Once the contract is terminated, our company will not refund..."

"I already said I've lifted Made! Another bad review! Ugh! My waist is broken, my waist is broken!"

"Thank you for using the automatic defense system and welcome you to patronize again..."

So a group of blood crows rushed over and landed on the drone next to them. You and I pecked open the panel one by one, plugged the external line of the Ghost Shell into the host, and adjusted the parameters on the keyboard.

Li Kunya shouted, "It's done! Count down to five and give me authorization!"

Li Fanhe was angry, "Why don't I give it to you now?"

Li Qianya shouted, "Five! Four! Three! Two!"

So in the next moment, Li Fanheluo said, "Authorize!"

"Second impact, start."

Li Kunya spoke calmly, as if he just pressed some switch.

First, there was no reaction, and then, Li Fanho, who was being strangled and lying on his back, saw it.

There was a star in the sky that suddenly lit up.

At that moment, it was like the sun popped out from among the stars. Someone pulled open the curtains of the night, and the bright radiation rushed towards my face, which was extremely dazzling.

Li Qianya, "The first bullet hit, and the 'Yemu' was shot down."

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