The Taoist ancestor is Cthulhu

Chapter 550 Sharpening the Gun in Battle

Daozu is Cthulhu Chapter 550: Sharpening the Gun in Battle

Originally, after the big event of watching the Taifu survive the tribulation, the death of the devil, and the destruction of the Immortal Palace, Li Fan planned to return to Mozhu Mountain immediately, live in seclusion, and cultivate for ten or eight years.

Not to mention that he caught three sect leaders in his stomach and suffered from temporary indigestion. He had to throw them to the town of Moshan to behead and seal them, or use them as hostages to negotiate with Xuanmen in exchange for some kidnapping and ransom.

Just saying that this time he fought life and death for a long time, but was unable to complete the final kill and lost a lot of three flowers. In the end, a group of people escaped bleeding, which exposed many shortcomings of Li Fan's current combat system. Of course, this small test also allowed Li Fan to compare himself with the Enlightenment realm and see that the new things he had come up with were indeed effective and that there was still great potential to be tapped.

The Taisha Sword Classic system is not mature yet, and the routines still need to be refined. Although the power is okay, and there is no problem in breaking defenses by leapfrogging, but the speed cannot catch up with enlightened monsters, and the hits are not up to standard. When played, it is fully evaded, and the damage is broken by defense and critical hits. No matter how high it is, there is no use hanging it.

Although Taisu Moshan's transformation system is unpredictable, now with the Mote Dao Body and Thousand-faced Immortal Dao Body, it can lift up Yunxiao Tianzun, Beichen Sword Ghost and other low-level monsters of the same level and completely crush them. But it is true that the lower limit is extremely high and the upper limit is insufficient. It cannot withstand the Gang Fist of the God of War and the Taoist attacks of a higher level. It cannot cope with the high-intensity battles in the enlightenment realm.

The potential of the Taisha Star Realm is unlimited, and the effect of the topological array is surprisingly good. Even those at the Enlightenment level can forcibly control the timing of creating output for the Taisha Sword Sutra, but it can be done better, such as blocking him for seven or eight ten years. The ultimate array is used to reinforce it, and it is guaranteed to kill violently when it is unleashed. Of course, there are still hidden dangers, and the loopholes in the "surrender and lose half" mechanism need to be filled in order to be perfect.

In addition, there are blood god son clones from the Blood God Cult series, improved blood exercises, organic Dao Shen, system demon puppet flow Yuanshen method, immortal body improvements from the Immortal Palace series, Gang Fist Mo Shan Fist improvements, these things Li Fan hasn't had time to study it himself, and he hasn't integrated into his combat system yet. He may have to ask his disciples Qin Jiu, Gui Che and Amao to help.

After all, Li Fan's time is not unlimited. Those of the five arts and six arts can barely master one of the masters, but there are still a lot of classes that have not been made up, a lot of questions that have not been answered, and they have to worship the moon and devour the stars at night. In addition to making up for classes, they can take care of both Taisha and Taisu, which is already He's at his limit.

Oh, by the way, we must seize this rare strategic window to destroy the Nangong family.

It's time. As long as Mozhu Mountain and the South China Sea are connected and the entire south is stabilized, the Central Plains can be conquered. Depending on the battle situation between the Divine Sect and Xuanmen, Xiang Xun, Kun, and Zhenzhou are waiting for opportunities. If this opportunity is missed, when a stable political power is formed in the north again, forces like Mozhushan, which is relatively peaceful, will have no choice but to surrender and be loyal.

Yes, the seclusion plan has to be postponed again. No matter how rubbish the Nangong family is, it seems that it has the power of "blessing by destiny". It can't be destroyed in three to five days, right?

However, Zhi Jingzi was struck by a sword and should not dare to appear in front of him again. On Nangong's side, the two gods of the Immortal King and Immortal Queen were held to death, a problem that could be solved with one move. But it’s better to be conservative and plan to settle it within a month.

But everyone also knows that plans are meant to be broken. The schedule set in advance will most likely not be completed on time. Now that people from three to seven offices on the other side of the 'door' have jumped on business trips, can Li Fan just sit back and ignore it? At least the blame must be put on the Legion's head, put on and fastened, so that people can feel at ease.

What's more, according to the system, the difficulty of this mission is very difficult, and it may turn over.

Because the agents from the three places are all from Earth.

If someone can be called an 'Earthling' without a number, they are probably from Earth 0.

Earth 0, on the other side of the 'Gate', is the pinnacle of technological civilization in the multiverse and cannot be underestimated.

According to the system, the reason why Zhang Ling, the company manager on the sun, was subdued by Li Fan with one move was mainly because the company system subnet in the Tai Chi world is now completely under the monitoring of the mood system.

He uploaded it directly to the Yuhuaxian-level Immortal Emperor clone combat vehicle manufactured by the company. He had not yet had time to adapt to the environment and the carrier. No testing, fine-tuning and transformation had been carried out. The system firewall had not been updated yet, and he had not even opened his eyelids. Li Fan directly touched his head to kill him and controlled him through physical hacking. It's a serious boat capsize in the gutter.

In fact, once he completes the loading of the company's system and stands face to face in front of Li Fan, it will be extremely difficult to directly invade with the soul magic puppet.

The company's managers only use five-level system technology. But those people in the three places, especially those from Earth 0, are different. They are definitely level seven per capita.

What is the concept of system technology grading?

Specifically, the first is civilian technology in a general sense, if we compare it to the role of prosthetic implants.

The definition of first-level technology is completion, usually auxiliary props paid for by public medical insurance, such as prostheses, prosthetic eyes, artificial heart and lungs, cancer replacement organs, etc., products that assist patients with disabilities in their normal lives.

The definition of secondary technology is auxiliary, because it is a product of medieval civilization. It has open source technology and free patents. With the support of 3D printers and nanorobot factories, it can be mass-produced. Civilian products obtained at low cost are included in this list. .

For example, computers, cars, and smartphones can be considered secondary technologies, and virtual network access warehouses, metal exoskeletons, and projectile guns and mining ships can also be considered secondary technologies.

The definition of level three technology is that it has been strengthened. For the same prosthetic arm, level one can only live normally, while level two can add some engineering tools, network link cables, impact drills, screwdrivers, and jacks. At the third level, you can add Gauss rifles, rocket launchers, folding knives, polymer wires and other gadgets, and the output will be greatly enhanced, and the combat effectiveness will catch up with the Golden Core monks.

In fact, first-level civilian products are enough for ordinary people to travel across the multiverse. Garbage pickers like the Legion just buy some third-level civilian products and use Legion technology to transform them into weapons. The Legion's gadgets can be roughly understood as level three and a half.

The company provides fourth-level technology products to outsourced employees, low-level security guards, and mercenaries. Level-4 technology products are the best choice that take into account both cost performance and output, and are generally supported by systems. Basically, large companies have independent For private systems on public networks, private security companies serving companies will also receive firewall support to prevent hackers from intruding.

For example, SBS combat armor is a typical fourth-level product. A professional mercenary transformed from a fourth-level combat skeleton can be understood as a Nascent Soul realm body-refining monk. Although the firepower may not be much stronger than the old Legion's magic modification technology, the combat efficiency with system support and without system support is worlds apart. Generally, the task of expelling the remnants of the legion can be easily completed by outsourcing a private security team to a company with level 4 technology support.

Level 5 products are provided by the company to regular employees, with further benefits in terms of technology and authority, including various personal protection terminals, such as private gateways, lightsabers, and anti-Newtonian fluid molecular shields.

Of course, as regular employees of the company, there are also many people who use grade civilian equipment, and there are also differences in status and class within the company. In terms of performance, Level 5 products are already the best products available on the market.

The products of Level 6 technology are already at the top luxury level, such as various supercars, golden shuttles, ivory prosthetics, which can be large, small, long, short, thick or thin, with a sensitivity of 3,000 times, super delay, unlimited output, and more Regardless of the Armstrong-style Armstrong custom reinforcement system or something...

The above-mentioned level 1 to level 6 technologies can all be said to be for ‘civilian use’ in a broad sense, that is, the difference is whether you have channels and capital to purchase them.

According to the definition of the Earth 0 Public Security Bureau, equipment from level seven and up is clearly 'regulated technology'. In other words, it is a destructive technology developed to protect the survival of human civilization in the unknown multiverse.

Weapons with level seven technology are no longer targeting humans, but alien civilizations, extraterrestrial civilizations, and even inexplicable existences in deep space. Even if it is just to intimidate and target humans of the same race, it is already an act that is 'against human principles'.

This is the fundamental reason why scientific ethics committees exist.

Determine whether a technology itself has the potential to destroy humanity.

Possible, level seven, inevitable, level eight, unknown, level nine.

But in fact, since the Omnic War and the Legion War, Earth 0 has not had a serious all-out war with an opponent worth fighting for a long time.

In corporate wars, which are civil wars between companies, each company and its subordinates outsource mercenary fleets, which generally use level four and level five technological equipment. You can use banned technology secretly, but you can't get caught, and you can't do it blindly. Otherwise, from the perspective of self-protection, everyone must first eliminate you, the guy who breaks the rules of the game.

This is also the root cause of corporate wars.

Of course, the top big companies will definitely not stop researching and developing prohibited technologies through various secret private laboratories, plane branches, and outsourced indigenous teams. After all, losing technological advantages and product competitiveness is a dead end for the company.

For example, the company in the Taiji world must have illegally used quite a lot of 'level seven' technologies in terms of biochemical and genetic modification of the Immortal Master clone vehicle hidden on the Sun Mothership. Of course, in order to keep the technology confidential, there is no Internet connection. At least this company should be specialized in biology. It is even outclassed by the mood system in network intrusion technology. Otherwise, Li Fan would not have succeeded so easily.

It is precisely because the company will use the multiverse as a testing ground to continue to conduct anti-ethical scientific research, and it is impossible to report before the research and development is successful. Therefore, outside the ethics committee, direct voting through the virtual network, the Citizen Agreement was launched Public safety systems.

In short, all companies' and all citizens' systems should be connected to the public security system through virtual networks and share information. In accordance with public security system specifications and based on complex confidentiality agreements, real-time monitoring of all aspects should be carried out. Monitoring and calculation to maintain the systemic stability of human civilization.

Once there is a violent fluctuation of physical constants outside the system calculation, it may have an impact on the foundation of the existence of human psychology, which is called a deviation. The higher the deviation value, the greater the probability that human reason does not exist. Therefore, the plane owner has the obligation to eliminate the root cause of the deviation, that is, to kill the pests.

Once the deviation value exceeds the limit, the security system will alarm, and the Security Bureau will initiate a search, interrogation, and judgment on the units belonging to the target plane.

If it fails, or it is even discovered that the company is conducting unethical scientific experiments, not only will the plane be liquidated, but the company will also be subject to huge fines and economic sanctions.

However, in the Tai Chi world, especially in Mozhu Mountain, although the deviations are off the charts throughout the day, the problem is actually not serious.

Because according to the system, they have tampered with the alarm threshold of the local subnet, and the Thousand-Faced Immortal seems to have made some preparations, so the Security Bureau must not have come because of this, otherwise it should not have come from the Third Office. agents, but a dense fleet.

But no matter what, the Security Bureau of Earth 0 is still an agent of the three secrecy bureaus. The agents who are responsible for tracking and arresting anti-human ethics scientists who develop "level seven technology" do have a high probability of being equipped with the same level of " Level 7 Armed'.

It is outrageous to say that as long as the Security Bureau obtains sufficient claims budget from the Tax Bureau, these agents can carry out pest extermination tasks alone and achieve harmless treatment of planet-level areas.

What's more, when dealing with a company and daring to link to the company's private subnet, it only means that their virtual network access warehouse level is at least a level five electronic warfare product, and it must be specialized in anti-hacking. This is different from those in the Legion that can The nature of ghost shell cans that can be monitored and tampered with at will is completely different.

Even the system, which had always been carefree and unreliable, was really confused this time. Li Fan didn't dare to bet that it would be 100% effective if he personally touched the head to kill.

In view of this, if this mission failed, it would not only be him, but also the survival of the entire Tai Chi world. Li Fan naturally did not dare to be careless.

So now we have to prepare for a retreat. Not only do we put the blame on the Legion and the Divine Cult, but Li Fan is also now ready to dock the tail of the gecko. Since the ghost car is still relatively advanced and Qiongqi is a lazy guy, it has already been reserved. Come and take the blame.

According to the system's advice, Li Fan will try his best to avoid appearing in front of the agents of the three offices. Instead, he will control the ghost car clone to assist in the dark. Qiongqi, the bait, will directly come forward to hunt down and assassinate the agents of the three offices in the name of the legion apostle. .

Yes, Qiongqi can do this chess piece, and the main reason is that its output is really enough.

Don't look at this fat tiger who is stupid and lazy, staying in his den all day long, but there is a saying: his tiger's den is a blessed place of practice that has been transformed by the Taixuan Sutra, and the Qingyang Dahua Divine Art is also a dual cultivation of gas. , Qiongqi's body bones have been well-established over the years, and you can tell by looking at how fat it is that it is over-nourished. Although it has never been able to break through, it is mainly a problem at the IQ level and has nothing to do with combat effectiveness. Now looking at the frontal destructive power alone, Qiongqi is definitely the pinnacle of god transformation. If Li Fan really lets it out of the mountain, it will definitely not be able to eat humans. of the lake.

So there are so many twists and turns, firstly, just in case, those agents are really good at fighting. If the car rolls over, it will only lose one of them. If it dies and throws another ghost car, it will not lose all the money. Secondly, Li Fan has confidence in Qiongqi, so he doesn't have to do everything himself.

At present, the system has not found any signs of agent invasion, and the main body has not rushed back to Mozhu Mountain. Qiongqi is still being summoned here and there by King Purity, registering and filling out forms, dispatching troops and generals, participating in military meetings, and preparing Gather people, horses and supplies, and organize the Qingyang Temple followers into some kind of Bixiti Bitiji according to the regiment system, and serve as the vanguard of the army to expedition to the Central Plains.

So Li Fan continued to study the blood crow demon puppet, preparing for the battle to improve the combat effectiveness of this ghost car clone.

Flying from the Tianshan General Altar of the Divine Sect to the Kunlun General Altar, Li Fan had already made a preliminary analysis of the combat strength of the ghost chariot.

Needless to say, there is no need to say more about the special attack of Yuan Shen. Since there is a special training method for birds in "Tai Yi Jiu Ge", they follow the saint to eat and drink, and there are nine heads, which can be rotated to practice, study and sleep, so ghosts Che's cultivation speed is not slow at all. It is also the same as Li Fan's body. He has to practice hard for twelve hours without stopping, and his Taoism has advanced by leaps and bounds.

However, it can't be compared with Qiongqi's ancient ferocious beasts who rely on Taixuan Sutra to cheat, lie down in caves and sleep, and their Taoist cultivation has skyrocketed. According to Li Fan's standards, Gui Che's current progress is only It's not too bad, but it's at the level of a demon in the middle stage of becoming a god. He can't survive a single move in Li Fan's hands. If he really has to use a ghost car to resist the front, to be honest, he doesn't feel at ease, so he just plays support. Bar.

"The divine court invades! Gua!"

"The soul is reset! Gua!"

"The blood puppet embraces me! Gua!"

Li Fan flapped his wings and landed on the shoulder of a divine protector. The Blood God Son of the God Transformation Realm shook his whole body and became the puppet of the Blood Crow like a walking corpse.

Well, the Yuanshen method is really easy to use, especially the nine heads of the ghost car are connected in parallel, which directly multiplies the damage of the Yuanshen method by nine, or it can be freely combined to instantly cast nine different magic puppet effects, basically the same The Protector of the Blood God Son of the Divine Sect in the realm of deity can also be controlled with one move and become his own puppet. UU reading www.uukanshu. nettIt can be seen that the power of the Divine Lord Yuanshen Dao is great.

Moreover, Gui Che also holds the title of Saint Protector, and has extremely high authority within the cult. He can move freely within the main altar, and the restrictions on the soul within the cult will not take effect on it. No wonder some people don’t hesitate to do everything possible to kill monsters, and also go undercover inside the cult...

However, it is not enough to control blood puppets, tamper with memories, etc. These divine guardians are monks in the realm of gods, and the Blood God Son Dafa is also very difficult to deal with. If it is not like the nine-head enlargement when cheating just now, it will be completely blocked. The target's five senses and six senses cannot be controlled for long. If the other party finds something is wrong, they will look inside the divine court to search for the Blood Crow puppet that interferes with the soul.

After taking turns to test, Li Fan repeatedly performed the 'Blood Puppet Embracing' and 'Memory Erasing', and estimated that Gui Che could control about one-third of a stick of incense among the monks in the realm of gods, which is about ten minutes.

In the extreme case where the nine heads are used together, three blood gods can be controlled at the same time for almost a minute. This is enough for a blood puppet thug to launch the first wave of attacks to attract the attention of the agents and create a sure kill for Qiongqi. It's time.

Of course, the human monks of the Divine Religion are resistant to the Soul Method, so a better choice for puppets would be those demonic beast corpse soldiers produced and transformed by the Divine Religion using legion technology.

This is easy to find. Over the years, the God Sect has been recuperating and recuperating, and the demon war beasts used to invade the Central Plains have long been prepared. These war beasts all use the method of divine religion to seal the soul, and use legion technology to biochemically transform them. They can be remotely controlled and micro-managed. They are now hidden in the mountains at the northern foot of Kunlun, waiting to be released when the time comes.

There are probably tens of thousands of big monsters and monsters that have transformed into gods and souls, organized and unorganized, wild, man-made, and cloned and modified. Steal a few and use them as puppets, and no one will notice.

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