The Taoist ancestor is Cthulhu

Chapter 543 Cloud Platform Competition Part 9

Dao Ancestor is Cthulhu Chapter 543 Yuntai Dabi Jiu

Li Fan calls this move Taisha Star Realm, for no other reason than it is called. It uses the real body to simulate a black hole to create a gravitational pole and manipulate the gravity to distort the multiverse, open a rift in the membrane and stably connect the eleven dimensions. The barrier formed by the closing strings of the plane is a little simpler.

Of course, it cannot be denied that this move is quite powerful, and it can block out the sky and the sun. With the abilities of these Heavenly Demon Emperors, Sect Leaders, Dao Lords and Immortals, they can completely defeat Li Fan's move of the Great Evil Star. Before the realm came and the realm was released to seal the retreat, he fled thousands of miles away and escaped to heaven.

In fact, many people did escape at the first time. For example, the two old guys, the bastards, took the lead in running away. They also didn't forget to take Qin Jiushi, Kaikun and other idlers with them, so they could also be human beings. He is of a fishy nature, showing his true nature as a wretched, rogue, rogue, and gangster.

As for the old Xuanmen, the old Shenjun, and the old demon sect who had just been dispersed by the Heavenly Demon Emperor and came back to watch the show, when they saw that the situation was not good, they also immediately opened a safe distance to watch. It's just watching a show, so what are you doing above? There's no need to involve yourself in other people's tribulations, right?

However, except for Peng Lai's leader who has not yet arrived, the next leader of Songshan has changed his profession to become the Demon Emperor, leaving Hengshan, Maoshan, Huotong Mountain, Wangwu Mountain, Danxia Mountain, Magu Mountain, and Xieluo Mountain as the new seven masters of Xuanmen. None of the Mendao Lords left. It's not that he couldn't leave, but he took the initiative to go to the disaster and entered Li Fan's star realm.

After all, the two old beasts of Songshan can say that I have retired and waited to die, so why bother to fight for my life? But as the current leader of the New Xuanmen, the mastermind of the Xuanmen, the theoretical guardian of the Xuannv Heavenly Book, and the person who should be catastrophic in this heavenly demon tribulation, he never abandoned Yuntai Peak and fled, causing the sect to lose face. The principle of light.

And they probably really want to see what Mozhushan Li Qingyue, the Taisu Taoist beloved by God, the son of destiny with such good fortune, suddenly appeared today and claimed to be the true successor of the Sword Sect, holding the sword of the head of Beichen. What kind of skills can open everyone's eyes.

But at this moment, they actually couldn't see anything.

After all, in the realm of Taisha Star Realm, all the strings in the eleventh dimension are closed. To describe it in terms that carbon-based creatures can understand, this is a dark and deep space where you can’t see, hear, or smell. There is nothingness that cannot be touched. In a state where all six senses are sealed, no information can be received.

And if you look at it with your heavenly eyes, the center of the spherical space of the Taisha Star Realm is the black hole that swallows up all the light, Li Fan's Taisha Star Core Body. The entire star realm encompassed the entire Jiuyin Mountain, and as Li Fan's Guguan consciousness expanded, it swallowed up the entire world.

And as Daojun and the others were pulled into the deep space, light suddenly burst out in the darkness, with seven bright stars and a purple-flamed evil sun shining.

These eight huge fireballs are the projections of Tao bodies refracted by the Dao Lord and the Heavenly Demon Emperor in the plane rules of the Taisha Star Realm. It is the collection of energy projected by these enlightened wild animals, a lifetime of practice and training, all magic weapons and Taoist power in the form of pure light and heat.

Therefore, it can be quite simple and intuitive to judge the combat effectiveness of these Tao Lords and Demon Emperors through the volume of these evil suns. Among them, the two purple suns of Emperor Yitian and Daojun Zixu are particularly huge, but the difference in hard power of the other six sects is not big. They are basically on the same level, about the same level.

It's just that the comparison is different when Li Fan is also included. The size of these stars is far larger than the black hole in the center, just like the difference between a bunch of basketballs and pigeon eggs!

But after all, they were suddenly pulled into the Taisha Star Realm. The Demon Emperor and the Dao Lord had indeed never been exposed to the star realm model, and it was impossible for them to have the support of the system to process information in the eleven-dimensional space. Even if you want to regain control of your Tao body, you have to spend a lot of time to 'enlighten the Tao', understand the rules in the Taisha Star Realm, and understand the Tao written by Li Fan.

This is also the moment when the Dao Lords compete against each other in terms of their understanding, talent, foundation, and basic skills, in the examination room set up by Li Fan!

So for a moment, the eight stars were in a state of being unable to resist or even control themselves, and fell into Li Fan's trap!

Therefore, under the gravitational pull of the star core, the Dao Lords' Dao bodies, cultivation, and strength were all slowly torn apart in the form of pure light and heat! The stable energy structure was destroyed. With the gap between their respective foundations, each star was gradually torn apart by gravity. It was so outrageous that almost half of it was torn apart. Even the purple evil sun surface representing the Heavenly Demon Emperor was torn apart. A huge wound was opened! A large amount of ooze was emitted, and a fierce solar wind blew!

I saw only eight lines of fire, brilliant radiation! Plasma! Fire and light! As the flare erupts, it forms a whirlpool-like light track. The blazing energy pours out under the gravity of the black hole and is crazy absorbed by the Taisha star core!

The stars of the eight Tao Lords were peeled off layer by layer in this way, and various energies were mixed together, or exploded, or were annihilated, and finally fell into the control of the Taisha Core Star, as if a bright and pure light was wrapped around the black hole. The white light film temporarily illuminated the 'pigeon egg' black hole in the middle out of sight, as if a bright new sun shining with white light appeared in the middle of the eight stars!

It's just a pity that Li Fan can't just absorb and devour them.

After all, the energy possessed by the eight Tao Lords was too much. Even if Li Fan swallowed it without any resistance, he would not be able to digest it all for a while. He could only restrain the extra energy that he had plundered and could not absorb. The surface of the Taisha star core actually wraps itself into a 'little sun'!

No matter how you use the rules of the star realm to seize power, after all, it is still limited by Li Fan's realm, spiritual consciousness, and the upper limit of computing power. It is just a temporary enhancement from a pigeon egg to the level of a duck egg, and basketball players There is still a big gap.

It’s still not big enough and the accumulation is too shallow. If Li Fan had reached the state of enlightenment at this time and had a more advanced understanding of his own Taisha star core, gravity, and strings, and if his opponents only had one or two Taoist masters, he would have been able to conquer the Taoist realm just as soon as the Taisha star realm unfolded. It can directly destroy and tear apart the opponent from the level of essential energy and string stance, and completely devour it.

It's a pity that he doesn't have so many hypotheses now. If he has the support, on the contrary, facing eight Dao Lords at once, he is really overwhelmed. None of them can cause a fatal kill, and the situation has fallen into a delicate balance. .

On the contrary, after the Tao Lords were inexplicable and shocked in the early stage, some gradually began to recover, and tried to re-stabilize their own forms, trying to regain their power.

The first is the Demon Emperor.

After all, he is a peerless genius with the potential of Taisu Kaitian's first ancestor, and the Heavenly Demon Emperor's own energy system also comes from Taisutian. Li Fan cannot fully grasp the power beyond the eleventh dimension now. Even if he bullies the opponent and has just realized it, I'm not familiar with Tai Su's evil spirit, so it's still difficult to compete with him if he's just a step below.

Therefore, the purple evil yang of the Heavenly Demon Emperor was the first to gradually stabilize its form. It first restored the wounds torn by gravity and cut off the channel for energy to drain. Then the evil yang gradually gathered and worked hard to merge into the original body.

The first person succeeded in breaking free from the restraints, and the other Dao Lords were not fools. The Dao Lords headed by Wei Fuzi also controlled their shapes one by one, stopped the leakage of Dao power, and projected the Dao body at this time from the star. In the form of an ion ball, he tried to transform into a Tao body that was most suitable for movement in the space, and even tried to counterattack, such as regaining the energy that Li Fan had just sneaked over.

As expected of someone who is in the realm of enlightenment, one move can indeed kill eight of them in one second. Of course, Li Fan never thought that he could kill them all in one go.

When people come to see their skills, they will always conclude that one sword is wrong.

So taking advantage of the chance that these masters had not yet mastered the form, Li Fan instantly transformed from the Taisha Star Core into a human form and into the fighting form of the Thousand-Faced Immortal. The energy snatched from Badao Jun shone brightly. The white light flows, as if another immortal ribbon Taoist robe has been applied to the whole body.

Li Fan turned the sword in his hand, and used the dusty Dao body to protect the edge of the Chunjun sword, and then focused it into the strong light surrounding him. The tip of the sword ignited with a roar, as if it was lighting up the sharp pine branches. A white torch was lit.

"Senior Brother Chunjun, I have been retiring in Yuntai Peak for many years, and I can't even kill someone who is in the enlightenment realm."

There was a dragon roar mixed with anger, joy and excitement from the sword blade.

"Haha! Okay! I know which style you like best! Please help me with the power of a sword! Xuantian Lightning Sword! Kill the devil!"

With one thrust of the sword, it penetrated eight stars!

Yes! Li Fan has been studying the Taisha Star Realm for ten years. In this time and space, time and space are bundled into a unified closed string. Every time Li Fan thrusts his sword, he can break through the limitations of time and space and push the sword's power to the limit. At this time, eight points can be defeated at the same time.

Since everyone wants to see what he is capable of, let’s experience it for ourselves!

So this sword crossed time and space, piercing the evil sun, and at the same moment, the sword pierced the stars!

Oh, by the way, three sword stabs in a lightning style.

Then I'll multiply it by twenty-four!

Although there were no fancy light and shadow effects at this time, Li Fan's swords merged into one, turning into a meteor sword rainbow, and a white light repeatedly moved among the stars to kill. However, the power of this cannot be underestimated. Li Fan took advantage of the power of Badao Lord, coupled with the sword intention accumulated by Chunjun Sword Lord for many years. Every blow was filled with sparks! The sword moves the stars! The starry sky was shattered by the shock, and the plasma plasma was sprayed out like fire trees and silver flowers! The deep and dark abyss turned into a sea of ​​stars!

The Dao Lords can only say that they are really screwed. They agreed to come to the theater, but as soon as they entered the theater, half of their blood was drained. Each of these Dao bodies had not even had time to be molded, as if The referee has just been ready and hasn't shouted "Go" yet. This bastard is already full of energy. He uses his big move to slap his face. He rushes in one after another and kills the blood one after another. They can't operate here... No cheating. You can’t play anymore, can you? !

Of course, Li Fan also has something to say. Look at who he beat this time! Enlightenment eight at a time, Wo Nima! This is getting more and more outrageous, damn! Who told the Taifu to be the head of Songshan Mountain and not change his position to the Heavenly Demon Emperor? Who made the manifested old man force him not to come! Rounding this up, it's equivalent to him, Li Fan, being in the God Transformation Realm, leapfrogging the level and becoming the head of all the nine profound sects. Damn it!

Who else can do this! Who else in this world can do it! Is it cheating to get a slight advantage and rely on others? Not bad! Okay, no more nonsense! Let’s get started!

"Taisha Jianhong——!


“Roar—Open Heaven Slash!


The Demon Emperor that day was the ancestor of the calamity, Emperor Taisu. Although Li Fan was fighting eight of them, the other seven sect leaders were all shaken by the sword rainbow and their bodies collapsed. Only the Demon Emperor could withstand it. Jianhong rushes to kill and forcibly tries to transform from the stellar evil yang state into a humanoid Balrog!

So Li Fan stabbed him with the first sword! Nothing else! Just because you are so great!

Of course, the Heavenly Demon Emperor also worked hard. To put it bluntly, everyone here has nothing to do. They came to accompany him through the calamity of his death. Even if God is behind him, it will be difficult for him to withstand it! If you're not careful, all these years of planning will be ruined. Don't dare to be careless!

But after all, he is a strong man in the realm of enlightenment! With only this barely controlled body, the Heavenly Demon Emperor brazenly activated the Sky-Opening Sword Intent that he had just realized! With one knife, all the Taoism floating on Li Fan's surface was broken, and the deflection position fluctuated like scales and feathers! Cut open Li Fan's body directly! Break your head in front of you! It's a pity that in the end, the moment he burst out of his head, he was blocked by the epiphyllum that suddenly bloomed in the divine court!

"Hahaha! It's totally useless! Give me three flowers!"

‘The upper limit of mood is reduced by 1200 points, and the upper limit of current mood is 214.3k’

Of course! How could Li Fan dare to underestimate the enemy in a desperate fight with the Enlightenment Realm! Throw three flowers directly to block the disaster, and pierce the heart of the Purple Flame Demon Emperor with one sword! The Chunjun sword tempered with white fire pierced the purple flames, and sparks flew out in an instant!

"Die to me——!


Li Fan's whole body was filled with Dao power, and his sword intent went straight towards the Demonic Axis!


Flames bloomed all over the Demon Emperor's body, he held the ridge of the sword with both claws, opened his mouth and roared, and sprayed out endless sword light and came towards him! Li Fan's body is about to be beaten to pieces! But Li Fan’s head is full of short-lived flowers! One after another! One after another! Just consume! Just win and lose!

"It's useless, it's useless, it's useless!"

In fact, it is still useful. Kaitian's slash can even break open the void plane, so it is naturally as powerful as the core of Taisha star. Even if Epiphyllum blocked the calamity and took the sword, the impact and shock caused by the opening of the sky with the Sky Slash really destroyed Li Fan's Dao body and caused real damage! If it were just an ordinary cultivator in the realm of gods, he would probably be shocked to death hundreds of times just by the aftermath of this sword!

But Li Fan is full of tricks after all, whether his body is too evil star core, or whether it is the anti-Newtonian fluid structure of the Thousand Faced Immortal Taoist body, its strength is no longer on the same level as the normal god! A mere tremor of power can't kill him! So Li Fan also faced the violent Sky-opening Sword Intention head-on! With the Chunjun sword in his hand, he thrust the tip of the sword into the devil's heart inch by inch! The face is even more refreshed like an epiphyllum! Continuous blooming! The blossoming epiphyllum was cut off by the sword light, blocking all these sword intentions! My mood is 120012001200 and I have to go crazy! It doesn’t matter whether it’s worth it or not! If you try to do anything, you will die—!




However, seeing that the Demon Emperor was unprepared for a moment, he was about to be forced to death! Taojun Zixu took action!

Yes! In the moment when Li Fan and the Demon Emperor were fighting fiercely! I had to stop the impact of Taisha Jianhong for a moment! The seven Dao Lords seize the time to transform!

With these geniuses and qualifications in the realm of enlightenment, even if they are not familiar with the Tao of Taisu, they can still see that Li Fan is almost immortal, unparalleled and unmatched in the Taisha Star Realm! So Taojun Zixu was the first to complete his transformation and take action!

"Hand holding the moon——!"

The body of Daojun Zixu revealed at this time can no longer be said to be a 'person'.

This is a flower made of humanoids. The flower bag in the middle is a huge head, with six eyes flashing with purple light. Endless arms grow from the back of the head, and the petals seem to be clustered together! Every arm is shining with bright starlight, crystal clear! You can clearly see that each of the purple crystal-like jade arms has the shape of stars, gathering the power of the Big Dipper! A purple eye opened in the palm of his hand! It's like holding a virtual moon! Hold a pearl! Densely shining and shining, reflecting the purple clouds all over the sky, blasting towards Li Fan's vest!

"Are you going to take it away? You're going to die!"

Now Li Fan doesn't have the time to quarrel with her, he has realized that he still wants to beat Bi Lian two against one!

But for a while, he really couldn't stab the Demon Emperor to death, so he had to stand in a stalemate, and a hole was opened in the back, and the vertebrae dragged his head and shed his skin and crawled out!

The head was not only connected to the spine, but also followed by long body bones, which were as smooth as a loach. In an instant, lightning was entangled, electric fire roared, and it grew into the wind. It separated half of Li Fan's white power in an instant. Grow into that god whose body is red with blood and whose eyes are purple! Open your bloody mouth, ow——! A jet of glorious light! The white electric arc went wild, and UU Reading instantly carbonized and evaporated a large piece of the Purple Moon Demon Hand!

"The cruiser has changed!


"The sky is shining brightly!


Taoist Master Zixu instantly changed his moves and condensed thousands of demonic hands into a ball, covering them in front of his eyes like lotus roots! At the same time, six eyes widened! Six ultraviolet laser-like lasers were reflected in the meridians of those transparent arms, reflected by the Big Dipper, and focused! Finally, from the Purple Moon among thousands of palms! All the moonlight shines together! Shoot out a shocking ray of light! Instantly extinguish the arc! Kill the candle dragon clones that haven't had time to grow to their full size or even have their scales and armors in full length, and kill them all with one move! Beat it to ashes!

Damn it!

The cruiser was shot again! This is too inferior!

To be honest, Li Fan was careless with this move. He never expected that the Zhulong Taoist body would fall so fast, and he never expected that a cruiser with no armor and no shield structure would be so fragile! You can't do anything with just one shot!

But there was no time to think about it! That virtual star shines brightly! Second shot! It's ready! The trend is increasing instead of decreasing! Charged laser! A cannon blast that tears apart the sky and the earth!

"The Void Star shines brightly and the Dragon-Destroying Star explodes!


"Don't treat me like a record and use moves to change my fate! Damn it!"

Li Fan was stubborn, but he didn't dare to resist, so he was forced to withdraw his sword and turn into rainbow light to escape!

However, the purple death light did not chase him! Instead, he took over his hand and shot right in front of his face! One blow hit the Demon Emperor who was still injured by the sword! The purple rainbow death light hit the Heavenly Demon Emperor's body, and the core of the wound was pierced by Li Fan's sword with all his strength just now! The beating made the Demon Emperor scream and howl! Purple fire bursts all over! Like a candle in the wind! He was almost blown apart by one move!

Li Fan understood and took a breath of air!

"Fuck! The smelly old woman is the one who robbed me!

Taisha Sword Sutra! The sword shines on the stars!


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