The Taoist ancestor is Cthulhu

Chapter 53 Yin Yang Pisces

"It is said that the divine curse can penetrate the heaven and earth without any obstruction, and it can be destroyed by shining light from all directions..."

‘Li Fan’s mood dropped by 1 point’

"Qiankun actually used the eternal mountains and rivers to destroy my peace and tranquility..."

‘Li Fan’s mood dropped by 1 point’

"Qiankun Feilong Sword!"




The treasure ship sailed through the stormy waves, riding the fishy wind, and broke through the sea of ​​blood.

It was a real sea of ​​blood. The two dragons transformed into one body by Zhang Jiugao used their dragon bodies to coil up and carry the treasure ship forward. He danced with his sword in front, killing as much as he wanted in the thunder clouds.

Hundreds of armored and strong golden elixir heavenly soldiers formed a killing formation, layer by layer, accompanied by drums and trumpets, and they came out from the dark clouds in a glorious light to kill generals. However, as soon as they rushed towards the treasure ship, a demonic sound pierced their ears. , after hearing the Luo Jiao’s Immovable Sutra, his Taoist heart was immediately awakened, and the demonic form manifested.

Those with lower cultivation levels would vomit blood all by themselves, and lose their accuracy in fighting any magic weapon, even if they still managed to fight again. With both mind and body traumatized, Zhang Jiugao was naturally no match for him. He could at most take off one or two scales and claws from the dragon's body, and let the Qiankun Feilong Sword Qi sweep them off in two pieces, splitting them into several pieces.

Those with higher cultivation simply went crazy, no matter what the killing and calamity battle formation was, they roared loudly, tore off their armor and jumped for joy, waving their arms, revealing all kinds of weird heads and arms, feathers, wings, snakes and insect scales, etc. , swelled into twisted and moving pieces of flesh that danced wildly to the sound of chanting.

Regardless of whether it was a wounded humanoid or a rampaging demon fetus, they all had their claws torn apart by the black and white dragon's fangs, and the golden swords cut across them left and right, blasting them all to create a bloody path.

So the treasure ship broke through all the obstacles and galloped against the wind amidst the rolling dark clouds, dancing demons, and bloody killing array.

Shattered pieces of meat with indistinguishable shapes rolled past him, and waves of blood rushed towards him, sewn his legs and right arm together, and Li Fan, who was sitting on the bow of the boat, holding a scroll and reading scriptures, turned his head and face red.

The treasure ship was rolling and bumping in the stormy waves, and the bloody wind that was coming was so fierce that Li Fan couldn't even raise his head. He didn't think about anything extra. He could only lower his head and click on "Mount Taishan" word by word. Sutra", shouting wildly with a trumpet in his hand.

He didn't know whether it was rain or bloody liquid, which completely confused Li Fan's eyes. Only a flash of lightning in the clouds from time to time, a burst of blood red, red light and blue electricity bloomed in front of his eyes.

Then Zhang Jiugao let out a fierce roar and pulled the treasure ship into the sky, breaking through the rolling clouds and reaching the sky!

At this moment, Li Fan raised his head and looked at the two big, round moons in the sky, one a faint basket and the other blood red, shining with a strange light, shining directly into his eyes.

Oops, the virtual moon is empty!

In just a short moment, they fell into the rolling killing formation among the clouds again.

But in Li Fan's ears, the thunder, screams, and dragon roars seemed to converge into a line, stretching farther and farther, farther and farther, and then broke with a bang!

Wind, thunder and lightning, torrential rain and thunder, raging sea of ​​blood, battlefield killing formations, everything disappeared for a while, and there was silence between heaven and earth.

Li Fan opened his eyes, raised his head suddenly, and then froze.

He found himself sitting in a tea room, which was only five or six square meters in size. There was a scroll of calligraphy hanging in front of the tea room, which read

"All appearances are false. If you see all appearances that are not true, you will see the Tathagata."

There is a desk underneath. There is an incense burner on the desk, and three scents are lit. There is a bamboo hat in the center. It has azure glaze color, as warm as jade, the fetal bones are inlaid with gold, and there are patterns like cicada wings. Look. The statue is imitated from the official kilns of the Song Dynasty.

Inside the official kiln gold-bone cicada-winged sky-green cup, with a shallow bay of wine sitting on it, you can clearly see the bottom of the cup, and there are actually two fish inside!

Look at that, it has a flat body with large scales, and two pairs of tentacles in its mouth. One has a black back, a light gray belly, and white spots on its head. The other has a silver back and pink tail with a black scale on top. They are clearly two carps, one black and one white, holding each other head and tail, swimming in the cup, exactly like the Yin and Yang Pisces.

"What the hell is going on..."

Li Fan tried to open the tea room door and look outside. Endless darkness and nothingness.

All I could see was a deep void of nothingness outside the door. The tea room seemed like a haunted house floating in the air. It had no support or foundation and simply 'existed' in this abyss of nothingness.

"I'm worshiping the moon again at this time... What the hell is this system?"

"It's Xu Yuan. If you jump out, Xu Feng will send your consciousness to Taisu Realm. The time flow rate in Taisu Realm and Taiji Realm is different. If someone wakes up your body, your consciousness will die first. , you will die."

Then Li Fan turned his head and saw the black fish sticking its head out of the bamboo hat, speaking to him in the indistinguishable voice of a boy in the stage of voice change.

Having seen too many messy things, and having some experience in breeding, Li Fan could talk to the fish without expression, "I said, you are actually an aquaculture system, right? This is both catfish and carp...

By the way, this is indeed a carp, right? Or Kun's relative or something..."

Before Heiyu opened his mouth to say anything, Baiyu also stuck his head out and said in the same young voice as Heiyu, "There is no time to talk nonsense. We can only hold you for a while. You may come back to life at any time. Hurry up now." Write down the sky of Xu Xing.”

As soon as Baiyu finished speaking, pen and paper appeared on the desk.

Li Fanruo had some enlightenment, he took up the pens in his left and right hands respectively and wrote two lines of "The Key to Destroy Evils and Manifest Evidence" and "The Treasure of the Deep Roots and Fruits of Mount Tai".

"Is this the true purpose of your system? Just to get these heavenly books of Taisu Taoist Ancestor by allowing me to travel to this alien world? Is it to study those things? By the way, what are those Taisu, magic-shaped ones? Is it some kind of creature? Or a higher-level god or demon?"

Heiyu said, "It's not that we intentionally hide it from you, it's just that our communication is also restricted by the rules of 'Tao', and your consciousness is too low now, and you can't understand a lot of information at all. You won't just turn around and forget it. Just cerebral palsy going crazy.

You have also seen the behavior of those indigenous people. They all have the same meaning. Just think of it as the self-protection of the human brain. It's not going to be any better for you anyway. At least we have to wait until your spiritual consciousness grows to the state of 'enlightenment' before we can have a showdown with you.

But one thing you can rest assured, Comrade Li Fan, is that at least our three views are orderly and kind, and we pay attention to the mental health of comrades. You see, at least we have not released any inductive tasks to encourage you to kill natives to earn points, right?

We also pay great attention to maintaining the ecological balance of the biosphere in other worlds, and resolutely abide by the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence in Different Worlds. It is a truly peaceful system! "

Li Fan looked at Heiyu sideways, "...did you give me a little too much information?"

Baiyu said, "Anyway, please remember and stop reading the Heavenly Books randomly. We are not the only ones in the world who are collecting the Heavenly Books. There are at least two waves of people, 'outsiders' like us, who are collecting this information.

You can understand ‘them’ as a ‘system’ that is stronger and more evil than us, and the way ‘they’ act is unruly.

I'll be honest, we can't fight those two waves of people yet, so when you come here, we will seal some memories, and we will help you unblock them during the enlightenment stage, so as to prevent you from falling or even being captured in the early stage, and leaking too much information. Other comrades.

To sum up, you should try your best to pretend to be a native at ordinary times, and don't mess around with something. Remember, this is the fairyland! There is no need for you to create gunpowder, soap and glass to promote social progress! If you are stupid and get caught by them, we can't save you, you understand! "

Li Fan looked sideways at Baiyu again, "...You two are really weak."

Heiyu sighed, "Oh, we have the first-mover advantage, we can only overtake in a corner, and the funds are limited. In short, you can only rely on yourself in this plane! Work hard, young man!"

Baiyu also swung his beak, "Don't worry too much. At least they don't dare to get too close to the world. The reconnaissance is carried out very cautiously. Not many ships will be sent over in a short period of time."

And you had pretty good luck at the beginning, and you got two heavenly books from Xu Xing when you got up. This Xuxing is called one of the Six Ancestors by the natives, and is the fourth Taoist ancestor who spreads the Dharma in this world. No one has ever obtained its information before. This time you upload two books about it, and our research progress can be one step ahead of 'them'.

Don’t worry, the organization will remember your contribution and won’t treat you badly in the next draw. "

Li Fan frowned and kept writing silently on the two volumes of scriptures in his hands. He couldn't help but ask, "Hey, hey! Don't do it next time! I handed the Heavenly Book to the system without saying a word. Isn't that cooperative enough?"

You have also seen how ferocious those cultivators below are! He beat and killed everyone at every turn! You don't let me memorize the scriptures and turn the tables and kill each other. Who the hell can handle such a head-on fight?

Even if there is no physical reward, you still have to give me a thorough explanation, right? At least I have to know what kind of situation I am dealing with, and I have to be mentally prepared! "

Black Fish and White Fish looked at each other, and then White Fish said, "Okay, do you know Cthulhu?"

The topic jumped so fast that Li Fan's thoughts couldn't float back to the shrimp hunter. UU Reading almost turned 720 degrees in the air and flew out of the curve, causing a car crash and killing everyone. Already...

"What..." Li Fan squinted his eyes with difficulty and looked at the yin and yang fish in front of him that was spitting out human words. He then looked up at the cursive writing in front of him: "All appearances are false. If you see all appearances that are not true, you will see the Tathagata." , I feel that either I am crazy or these two fish are crazy...

Blackfish said, "The Cthulhu Mythos is the setting of an fictional literary novel..."

"I know that octopus head! No, how come your core is actually the aquaculture system! And the style of painting is simply wrong!" Li Fan was really going crazy.

The white fish shrugged, and Li Fan swore that he really saw a carp shrugging.

"This is the theory put forward by 'them', you can refer to it. Because their people claimed to have seen Cthulhu on this planet with their own eyes. I personally doubt this statement. After all, the Magicoids in this world The fetus, which can track the manifestation of the deepest fears in people's hearts, may just borrow the fears deep in the memory of their agents.

But it’s not necessarily true. After all, there are all kinds of wonders in the vast world. Maybe in this cultivation plane, there really is a Cthulhu cosmology?

Anyway, when you reach the state of enlightenment, you can go to secret places around the world to explore for yourself. This is also one of the investigations we hope you can conduct. See if it really has an octopus head.

That thing is also easy to find. It is at the bottom of the Arctic Ruins. According to the legend of this world, it is a monk in the realm of Yuhuaxian who failed to ascend. After becoming a demon, he imitated the Taoist ancestor he saw when worshiping the moon and transformed into a demon. Fetal appearance.

But because this person was already too powerful when he became possessed, he was almost the same as a real person.

So the natives directly called it, Youquan Daozu's. "

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