The Taoist ancestor is Cthulhu

Chapter 499 Zhongshu Lang

Daozu is the scribe in Cthulhu Chapter 499

After paying homage to the Immortal Emperor and receiving the imperial conferment, Li Fan's tribute mission was completed. Unfortunately, there was no plot such as a dress edict. The only episode was that he was in the God's face.

By the way, this mask is also a magic weapon. In Ziweiyuan's secret vault, the forbidden spiritual breath cannot exert its effect. However, after being smuggled out of the palace, Li Fan found that the mask gradually absorbed the Dao breath and activated it. The face gradually changed from pale and dry to rosy and shiny, almost like a living person, and the skin also exuded waves of strange fragrance.

It's a bit like agarwood, and a bit like musk, but it doesn't seem to be impregnated with spices and perfumes. Does this guy have body fragrance...

After carefully studying the fairy silk weaving on the mask substrate, Li Fan is now proficient in making Yunzhuan script because he has a lot of materials. At a glance, he can tell that it is the same Yunzhuan craftsmanship that secretly spun the fairy palace's curse.

Judging from the incantation on the belly of the talisman, wearing this mask can not only obtain the face of the God Lord, but also use some mysterious secret methods that imply charm, which directly affects the brain and soul of the person in front of you, making others turn a blind eye. "Forget" can also make people "turn a blind eye". It is probably a mask used by the Immortal Emperor or Immortal Queen for private visits when leaving the palace.

In addition, Li Fan discovered that on this 'face', a part of the soul of the god master was peeled off and sealed using profound secret techniques. Like the second soul, he could disguise and deceive other monks' spiritual locks. It's just that this part of the soul has lost its spiritual consciousness and has been completely sealed and suppressed in the mask. Therefore, it cannot be regarded as a magic weapon, just a magic weapon.

In addition, Li Fan had a vague feeling that the knitting stitches of the silk base of the 'Shenzhu Noodles' were similar to the 'Ignorant Faces' of Mo Zhushan, and they seemed to have some similarities but the same purpose. Maybe the weavers came from the same sect and were directly passed down from the same line, or maybe it’s not necessarily the original ‘Shenzhumian’ that was the root cause of ‘Ignorant Face’.

Considering that the age of the God Lord is too long ago and difficult to verify, it is probably a story about a descendant of the Immortal Palace who failed in the struggle and was exiled to Mozhu Mountain.

After studying the 'God's Mask' in this way, Li Fan put away the mask. Looking at the magnitude of the human body products in the secret warehouse, the previous owner of Ziweiyuan, the company's manager or client was also an irredeemable anti-human being.

It's no wonder that the Divine Cult has never forgotten to kill Ziwei Yuan for revenge. This is really a hatred as deep as the sea.

Li Fan estimated that if this epic prop like the 'God Lord Noodle' was handed over to the God's Cult, he could earn first-class merit. It would not be a problem to exchange it for a heavenly book or something. If there is a chance in the future, he might be able to return it to the God Lord who ascends to another world. It is not necessary for everyone to make friends.

There is no rush now. He has just completed the first step of his mission. After all, as an envoy to Sanyuan, it is only a courtesy to be the first to pay homage to the Immortal Emperor. The only real diplomatic task left was to pay a visit to the Sanyuan Immortal Clan headed by the Taifu, the Manchu minister who held the real power.

Needless to say, Taifu, someone sent such a big sweet date, gave the viewer the position of former general, and gave Li Fan the title of Dutinghou, so he naturally wanted to pay his respects. Of course, can he see another person? It's the same thing.

Then there are the three nobles and nine ministers under the Taifu, the heads of the powerful families. It just so happens that I can take this opportunity to meet the real masters of these immortal palaces.

Li Fan also came prepared this time. He prepared a large package of Taisu Tao gifts for these powerful family heads, from Xuyu, Taisha Flying Sword, to "Yuanshi, Tianshu Demon Puppet". How many can he teach? .

In addition to being an envoy on behalf of Mozhushan, Li Fan's main personal purpose this time was to come to Sanyuan, the center of the world, to gradually spread Taisu Tao. First, create a topic among the upper-level ministers, and then take advantage of the opportunity of the Taifu to pass the tribulation to see if he has the ability to show off his skills. He can raise the topic and attention before giving a lecture.

Although doing this may arouse the vigilance of the Central Plains, remind some people of the Luo Jiao of the past, and bring about the infamy of the devil. However, the great rise of Taisu Dao is already unstoppable. Anyone who knows a little bit about arithmetic should be able to see it. Moreover, it will only be promoted in the circles of the powerful in the early stage. The resistance from the Taoist side should not be as great as it was in the past.

As for why it is not preached among the people first, the main reason is that Li Fan's current method of transforming people has many limitations and hidden dangers, and lacks experimental data. And to put it bluntly, Moshan's method of transformation requires the consumption of a large amount of non-materials to shape the body.

Nowadays, there are droughts, locusts and floods in various parts of the twelve countries, and wars are incessant. It is difficult for ordinary people to eat well. Their physical constitution is too poor to withstand the changes in Taisu. However, the good news is that the output of systematically genetically modified Taisu corn is also doubling year by year. Although it is still not enough for the people of Moshan, if we can take advantage of this opportunity of righteousness, we can sweep away the Nangong family and capture the crops at the foot of Nanyu Mountain. Establishing mechanized farms on large plains may fundamentally change the situation.

It was also because of this consideration that Li Fan did have the idea of ​​​​wiping out the Nangong family completely. However, this time he did not see the Taifu himself, so he could not wait and see the other party's energy. He did not know whether he was really overcoming the tribulation or not. Pretending. In addition, General Wei and the Central Guards were not seen. They were probably all in the barracks office. The only person who came out of the Taifu Mansion to receive them was a Zhongshu Lang.

However, Li Fan didn't feel that the Taifu looked down on his allies. Rather, it was because of the importance that he could see this person in the Taifu's Mansion.

Because this Zhongshu Lang seems to be quite powerful. Before he came as an envoy, not only did Yang Sheng take out this Zhongshu Lang and talk to him about it when he introduced Sanyuan Gongqing’s important civil and military officials, but also the temple master Li Fan mentioned his name.

This person is the youngest son of the current Taifu Dingling County Marquis after the Sanyuan family clan Zhong, and is a feudal lord of Guan Nei. Although he is now just a Zhongshu Lang, the adjutant of the Zhongshu Supervisor, which is equivalent to a secretary, he is the chief secretary of the Taifu.

The official Zhongshu Ling is actually a fictitious leader of a wealthy family who does nothing. He is actually in charge of the secrets of the Zhongshu Supervisory Committee, drafting edicts, formulating central government orders, strategizing, dispatching troops and generals, and calming down the chaos that shook the state in the southeast. In the Suwei army, it was this person who made the first contribution with all his tricks.

Shi Lun even said that he could be compared with the Liuhou who helped the Immortal Lord conquer the world. To put it bluntly, he is the mastermind of the Sima Clan today.

"Zhong Hui pays homage to Marquis Yu."

"The Marquis of Guannei is so polite. I have heard for a long time that Master Zhongshu is the best at Yuntai Peak. He is one of the rarest talented people in the world. It is indeed extraordinary to see him today. Are you interested in going to the mountains with me to practice Taoism?"

Li Fan really wasn't flattering, he took a look and said, oh my god, this young man is also a top-notch Taoist, with a cultivation level of Nascent Soul realm, and he is also the confidential secretary of Taifu. It is said that he is also a first-life practitioner, and he has decades of hard work. He took charge of state organs and became the center of the imperial court. The imperial court originally wanted to make him a servant of Jiuqing because of his contribution to pacifying Zhenzhou, but Zhong Hui declined because his qualifications were too low. He only accepted the title of Marquis of Guannei, and also received the title The position of Sili Xiaowei, this is the Sili Xiaowei of Sanyuan! Being able to convince the nobles of Miyuan is a testament to his skill!

But now that the war in Zhenzhou has come to an end, Taifu is in seclusion again, so he still needs to coordinate and arrange many important military and political affairs, so he temporarily remains in office as Zhongshu. It can be said that this person is involved in all the affairs inside and outside Sanyuan and the appointment and dismissal of officials, and he is really leak-proof, which is really amazing!

It can be said that this person is the confidant among Taifu's confidants! The elite among the elite! The genius among the geniuses of the Twelve Kingdoms! The leader of the younger generation of the Fairy Clan! The absolute core of the next generation of Asgard!

How about we tie him back...

"Marquis Yu is very complimentary. Marquis Yu is a hero of the world. I have always heard that you have the ambition to help the world and the benevolence and righteousness of helping the world and saving the people. Not only have you suppressed demons and exterminated them over the years, but you also prevented the Demon King of the South China Sea from invading twice. You are like this Wouldn't it be a pity for a great talent to hide in the mountains and hide from the world? Why don't you come to the imperial court to work, the Taifu will make the best use of your talents, and you will definitely be reused."

Zhong Hui was quite polite, flipping her hat around. Nonsense, no matter how awesome he is, he is only in the realm of Nascent Soul. Of course, he cannot afford to offend Qingyue Shenjun, who beat up the old man and old lady of Xuanmen as soon as he entered the capital.

At this time, eight boys and maids came out to serve tea, all of them were god-level ‘Baojun’, and they were obviously also out to be bodyguards.

Li Fan smiled and said, "Okay, okay, I am not interested in the temple, and you have no intention of being in the world, so there is no need for polite words. These "Yuanshi" are gifts for the Taifu's appreciation. It is also a blessing to see the Marquis of Guannei today. Zhong Zhongshu is extremely talented and unparalleled. Naturally, you are also a part of it. They are all the great ways of Tai Sutian. If you have gained something from worshiping the moon, come to me at any time to discuss it and let us all realize it together."

Zhong Hui will not give face, nor will he look at it, nor will he be humble and silent, "Jiao Ran Yizhi, why should we be in the same group? What will be the way of heaven in the future? Everyone has their own deductions, and it is impossible to see that there is no way to the immortal way. gone."

This young man is quite arrogant, but he thinks very highly of himself. People who are superior to others all have their own arrogance, and they are not easy to listen to others' advice, so let's all rely on their own abilities.

Naturally, Li Fan would not argue with Zhong Hui, a famous confidant of the Tai Tu, about anything. Apart from giving gifts, that is, on behalf of Mo Zhushan, he would give him the secret letter of the temple master. Although the imperial court made the temple master a former general, Zhong Hui planned many things, and it seemed that the Taifu had already given out the reward.

But everyone knows that these are just some false names that can be used to catch those idiots. The distribution of interests between the Taifu Group and the Guanzhu Group, the future strategic planning and the new covenant agreement between the two parties are definitely not that simple to reach. They all have to be borrowed. This time I came to negotiate as an envoy to observe the ceremony.

The temple master had originally ordered that this handwritten letter could only be given to the Taifu, General Wei, and Zhongshu Lang to read. So Li Fan didn't mention it when he met the Taifu's wife and son-in-law before. This time he took it out when he met Zhong Hui. He also glanced at the other person, and nodded to show that he had memorized the negotiation terms, and then nodded cautiously.

Yes, it seems that photographic memory is a standard skill for elite Taoists...

"Hui Bi reported this matter to Taifu Ming and the general in person, and also asked Marquis Yu to stay in the capital for a longer time."

In the past ten years, the strength of Mozhu Mountain has greatly increased. Although the strategy of first south and then north has not changed, and the strength is not enough to compete in the world, sometimes the current situation in the world will not give you much time to recuperate.

For example, the Divine Sect will soon march eastward for a decisive battle with Immortal Palace. Sanyuan has also wiped out Zhenzhou and stabilized the rear. Where will the Suwei army's next target be? As for Mozhu Mountain and Hengshan, the agreement between the three parties of the Divine Religion not to fight is about to reach the point where it cannot be carried out, and how the Taifu's calamity goes will directly affect the choices and decisions of all chess players, so there is no need to rush.

"That's the way it should be. By the way, I heard that Zhong Zhongshu pacified Zhenzhou, captured the bones of the marquis, and made great achievements. The Divine Cult is coming to save people. I wonder if I need my help?"

Li Fan said politely, and Zhong Hui also smiled and said,

"It's just a rumor spread by young people. Now that the divine sect is sending troops into the pass, there is no time to take care of Hou Gu, a sinner who has exhausted his strength. Perhaps he has poisoned Zhenzhou in recent years and offended too many people. Some people are worried that he will say something he shouldn't say, so they should deal with him in advance. Don't worry, Marquis Yu, Ming Gong has made arrangements."

So the two complimented each other again.

"I see. The Grand Tutor is wise and powerful, and Zhongshu is full of advice, so I, an idle man in the mountains, will stop meddling in other people's affairs."

"What are you talking about? If the monks in the world were as loyal to the court and caring about the common people as Yuhou, there would be no killings and strife in this world."

Tsk tsk, but it seems that the Immortal Palace has indeed placed internal agents in the divine sect, and is well aware of the world's situation and the calculations behind the scenes.

Li Fan didn't press the other party to reply immediately, and then visited the Sangong and Jiuqing, just like poor relatives coming from the countryside, carrying a bunch of local specialties, giving some to this family and some to that family. Take this opportunity to recognize these parents and check out their strength.

After looking at it, it turns out that Zhong Hui is indeed the most outstanding among the nobles, and the others can only be regarded as talents. In short, if they fall out in the future, stabbing Zhong Hui first will save a lot of trouble.

So busy socializing, sending gifts, running relationships, and drinking tea, the day passed. Li Fan was also idle and flustered, thinking about never taking on such diplomatic missions again. It was so boring. So I distracted myself and looked at the situation on the other two sides.

Qin Jiu is not bad. He has already mastered many swordsmanship moves. Although he doesn't have enough energy and blood to perform many skills, he can go out and kill monsters by right-clicking, moving and left-clicking to attack. There is no need to worry.

Yue Po was still trapped in the royal family mausoleum in Beimang Mountain, but it seemed that she couldn't be said to be 'trapped'. Li Fan found that she was controlling the sword boy to go deeper and deeper, as if she was looking for something.

Could it be that Xuantian hid some secret treasure in the royal tomb?

Li Fan was a little curious for a moment, but after thinking about it carefully, it was wrong. Although Xuantian likes to hide things, he can't even remember where most of them are. UU Reading And with his style, Bei It is more consistent that Mangshan has been evacuated. How could it be possible to hide something?

For a moment, Li Fan suspected that it might be that the sword masters in the Yuntai Peak treasure house had told this little rabbit some legend before, or that the sword masters and sword spirits had some unique induction. In short, this might be Yue Po's own opportunity to become independent. plot.

So Li Fan stopped disturbing Yue Po's search for immortality.

After returning to the annex, I counted at least two dozen old men and women squatting in the alley on the eaves of the gate. He also sighed, and then took out a small book to register the order of questions for them, indicating that the moon was now. It has already come out. It is too dangerous to talk too much. For the sake of everyone's physical and mental health, let's move it to another day.

Old men and women said they couldn't wait, not even a day.

Li Fan said that it would be better to wait for half a day. If anyone wants to listen to the open class, they should wait until dawn tomorrow and go to the dojo outside Sanyuan City to hold a forum. Finally, he persuaded these old men who had been waiting all day to leave. .

There were a few people with loud voices who were still shouting, and they were going to occupy their seats now, asking Li Fan not to be disrespectful and to let everyone go, so as not to create trouble in the future...

In this way, Li Fan finally thought that he could do a few arithmetic problems in the evening and deduce the changes in Qi after going out to pay tribute. Suddenly he heard a loud noise.

From the roof of the annex, one could clearly see that a raging fire was burning in the city in the distance, with thick smoke billowing and flames soaring into the sky, shaking the capital.

Li Fan pinched his fingers and figured it out, it was the Immortal Prison and the Heavenly Prison!

Huh? Good guy! Really rob the law field? ? Or has the Tutor's 'pre-arrangement' method begun?

How can you miss the excitement! The worst thing is that 'Li Qingyue' just doesn't mind his own business.

So Li Fan threw himself on the ground and switched with the shadow, hiding his figure and concealing the secret, and immediately escaped and lurked to watch the show.

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