The Taoist ancestor is Cthulhu

Chapter 495 Be polite

Daozu is Cthulhu Chapter 495: Be polite

As Taisu Tiandaozi, a holder of system plug-ins, an expert in dealing with non-material problems, a Taoist certified arithmetic master, the mountain lord and giant of Mo Mountain, a Marquis in Guan Nei, and the inheritor of Beichen Sword Sect's swordsmanship and kidnapping methods.

Li Fan counted with his fingers and saw through the situation of Guiling Gao.

It’s not complicated. He tied up Anyang Tinghou and then recommended himself to the Duke’s wife. He would be able to save the one he tied up. He took this as a promotion step and showed off his skills in front of the Taifu. Maybe it was to get ahead, maybe it was for ulterior motives. Lurking around the Taifu. So far it seems to have been successful.

Don't tell me, the old Xuanmen's thinking is indeed very flexible. The Taifu's calculations may still be vaguely superior to the master's. Arranging him in the Taiji world is as difficult as climbing to the sky, but now these methods are deployed in the Taisu world. Well, the Taifu does not have Li Fan's ability to travel around Taisu at will, nor does he have the system's intelligent assistance and Taisu's big data support. It is indeed powerless to make deductions and calculations on the interstitial planes.

Li Fan also sighed when he saw Guilingjiao's head swaying and his eyes looking around expectantly.

Alas, even though he has achieved great success in these years and is invincible in his enlightenment, he is still cautious and cautious. This is why he pretends to be a pig and eats the tiger.

This mama's Prince Anyang Ting fell into the trap so easily. What should the rookies in Mozhu Mountain do, who are often wiped out and bloodbathed by entire generations?

If he still cares about the lives of his fellow Taoist friends around him and doesn't want to see them one day being brutally attacked by someone like 'Ping'er', then his current abilities are still not enough to protect the people around him.

The world is like this. The three major factions fight with no limits and use all possible means.

Who cares if you bring harm to your wife and children? If you reveal your flaw, you will die. If you don’t beat you until you are physically and mentally destroyed, there will be no discussion.

As long as the lion is slightly injured, jackals, vultures, and even flies will swarm in and feast on the flesh and blood.

Once you stand on the top of the world like the Taifu and become the one that everyone has lost, all the conspirators in the world will swarm in and attack him. Even if you can defend against the divine religion, Hengshan, and Nangong, There are still so many sects and families, all kinds of old and new forces, and the devil system outside the world that are all going to compete with you, so it’s impossible to defend against it.

Of course, in fact, Li Fan had also carefully calculated that if he was like Nangong Wuhan back then, and became a ruthless and ruthless emperor who didn't care about anything, he might be able to brutally suppress and sweep away the enemy in a short time with his current ability. The world is under heaven.

It’s just that it’s not the ‘To Peace’, but purely the ‘Devil-Conquering Ancestor’. In the end, there probably won’t be a few living people left on this land.

Process and results are closely related.

In the competition between various forces, it is really frustrating to find a way out that as many people as possible can climb. It is extremely difficult and dangerous, and it is as difficult as climbing to the sky...

But now that they are here, Li Fan takes this opportunity to calculate the layout around the sword formation, trying to deduce the current level of Taisu Dao in the Magu Mountain Immortal Capital Temple.

Since the great rise of Luo Jiao, Taisu Taoism has been spread in the Central Plains. Although Luo Jiao was brutally suppressed later, various Taoist scriptures have been scattered in the world. Although the Xuanmen sect does not recognize it, they see Peng Lai manifesting that old yin. You know, they are the ones who are fighting the most fiercely for the Book of Heaven.

Xuanmen, how should I put it, is the kind of bastard who wants to be a bitch but still has to build a memorial arch, and wants reputation and reputation as well as me.

They are by no means pedantic and old-fashioned. On the contrary, most of them are like Xuantian, who see through the world and are anti-social psychopaths who can no longer be restrained by morality and law. It's just that most people's conditions are not as outrageous as Xuantian's.

Acting for heaven, eradicating demons, and saving the common people are just a pretense for them. Don't look at all the people who are shouting and killing against the divine religion. Each one uses the bloody magic sword more easily than the other. And so many ancient demonic ways that have been wiped out throughout the ages actually mean the same thing.

If your family is destroyed, you will become a demon. As long as you win, you will be on the right path!

Xuanmen will not refuse to learn or acknowledge just because your way is better than mine because you want to save face. On the contrary, they will learn secretly, learn your way, and then kill you, hey! Your Word is good, but now it is Mine!

For example, the sword formation in front of me is obviously not based on the Taoist arithmetic structure.

Arithmetic is the foundation of Taoism. The arithmetic formations of completely different systems will also have completely different layout changes. For example, the ancient method of Taixuan Jing is Yixuan, Sanfang, Jiuzhou, and Twenty-Seven Divisions, while the modern method of Xuanmen They are the two rituals, the four images, and the eight trigrams.

After trying to figure out the layout of the three hundred and forty-three long swords, Li Fan also saw that this array based on seven or seven variables was obviously based on the Luo Jiao's grand array. The specific reason why it is a seven-digit system may be related to the fact that the people who saw the Thousand-Faced Immortal come to the world happened to be the ‘Nangong Seven Thieves’, right?

But it is true, whether it is the Luo Jiao method or the former Moshan Taoism, even if the disciples of Mozhushan start the tradition, the first time they enter the mountain to worship the moon in front of the Tian Zun Tian Demon statue is based on forty-nine people.

Therefore, it is obvious that this set of sword formations is the Luo Jiao Tian Shu that Magushan studied and obtained, and based on this, he evolved the sword formation of Taisu Tao. These are used as battle-holding swords, and they have also been improved with Luo Jiao's incantation.

Although there is no direct evolution and use of evil spirits like Taisu Qiankun in Emei, it seems that Magushan has translated the Luo Jiao's mantras and immortal magic urns, and cultivated special wood to make them that can be used in the Taisu world. , and even deployed a large-scale demon-sealing sword array and magic sword magic weapon!

Hiss, Xuanmen's level of research and development on this kind of avenue is really quite good. Sure enough, the wisdom of people in the world cannot be underestimated!

Li Fan was greatly inspired when he saw it, so he simply memorized the sword formation secretly, and also used Taisu Taoism to imitate and improve the Taisu Talisman. He benefited a lot. For a while, he admired this master of Magu Mountain and wanted to work with him. He asked for advice in person, so he simply showed up, casually, and took the initiative to enter the formation to test the sword.

Three hundred and forty-three secret swords were activated instantly. The sword light shot up into the sky and sprinkled like a shower of stars. The sky was filled with vertical and horizontal sword breaths that cut into the Milky Way. The sword light shone down like a Milky Way rain. Li Fan took a leisurely stroll, walking in the formation, admiring the sword star. From time to time, he waved his sleeves and threw the Blood God Son out like a bloody meteor. He smashed it and hit the top. The sword light was like a rain of meteors, and in an instant , walked forty-nine steps in a row, broke through three hundred and forty-three swords, and learned the wonderful method of this formation.

It's amazing. This sword formation has been completed and is completely ready for use. If placed in the Taiji world, this formation may not be better than the Beichen Sword Sect's sword formation. However, if it is placed in the Taisu world, if one does not know the Luo Jiao sect and cannot calculate the changes in the formation, I am afraid that even the monks in the Transformation of God Realm will Will suffer severely.

Of course, there is room for further improvement. Firstly, the material of the sword is inferior. After all, it can only hide a sword light and is destroyed after one use. Secondly, the Taisu Talisman that improves the Luo Jiao mantra is only a preliminary translation. , it only has the function of sealing the sword light, and it cannot borrow the evil spirit of the Taisu Realm for its own use. Its power is limited, so the Blood God Son will be broken when touched.

The design of the Sanlai Sword Formation itself is not that exciting, there are still a few changes, and it is too complicated. It should be just taking out the traditional things of the sect and using them, just to seal the 'Guiling Gao', probably the master , I didn’t expect that someone from the Taisu Realm would come to relieve the formation.

The 'Guiling Gao' didn't even react. Leng Buding looked at the sword array around him and it was broken. The three hundred and forty-three swords around him were all dyed into torches, and ignited with a strange blue light under the deep purple moonlight.

The eyeballs on the top of the head of 'Guiling Gao' instantly showed great joy, giving birth to thousands of faceless faces, rushing towards the black-robed figure who suddenly appeared in the sword array!

"Jie Jie Jie! You have been fooled——"

Then Li Fan shook his sleeves, opened his robe, sucked the 'Guiling Jeal' into his abdomen and swallowed it completely, feeling a little better.

In this way, he swallowed another demon god casually. Li Fan was not in a hurry. He raised his hand towards the center of the sword array, where the demon was trapped before, and grabbed a bronze mirror from the ground.

This bronze mirror is a 'dead object'. The mirror surface has been broken and covered with a charm. The back of the mirror originally had a charm inscribed on it. Now some kind of blood has been used to write a layer of Luo Jiao's secret curse on it. Obviously It is a Taisu magic weapon made from the magic treasures and spiritual objects destroyed by Xuanmen, reused and re-refined. It should cooperate with the Bagua mirror on the beam of Mrs. Zhang's room to play a spatial positioning role.

Li Fan calculated and waited on the spot. After about half a stick of incense, a purple cloud floated over and circled around the ruins of the Demon-Sealing Sword Formation, but did not land rashly.

Li Fan also hid his figure, hiding in the shadows, observing the cloud secretly.

This kind of cloud is also a classic mount magic weapon of Taoism. Not only is it as fast as a sword light, it can be used for transportation, but it can also change its appearance and color, hide its body shape, and can also resist Taoist attacks to a certain extent, preventing the prying eyes and divine senses. Locking can even conceal the secrets of heaven. Some people also hide some Dao breath spiritual energy and elixir rain in the clouds, which are used to regulate breath and restore blood after a battle. It can be said that traveling at home, killing people and selling goods, is a must-have divine item.

Of course, only in the Xuanmen Cave can such auspicious cloud treasures be sacrificed. Combined with the layout of the bronze mirror magic weapon, it seems that this person from Magu Mountain is also a master-level person in refining weapons. He probably has more than just talisman formations. Taisu Weapon Refining has already begun research.

Having said that, there is actually a cave in Mozhu Mountain, and Xuantian's skill in refining weapons can also make a cloud, but this guy likes flying swords, and he always forges swords. His taste is really monotonous...

Li Fan looked at it with greed, pinched the secret, used the evil spirit to form a devil's claw, and reached out to catch Ziyun.

The cloud dodged for a while, and found that the claw was driven by evil energy. It was coming very fast, and it was impossible to dodge, so it didn't waste its breath chasing it. It shot a thunderbolt directly from the cloud, passed through the palm, and broke the claw in half.

Li Fan also nodded secretly. With this kind of Qingyun body protection and hiding in the clouds, it is difficult for outsiders to prevent and interrupt him in time. Moreover, he used thunder to restrain the evil spirit. His ability is indeed very strong. This divine king is one of the best. There is a high probability that he is a young sect who has not survived many thunder tribulations and still has family wealth, and is the mainstay of the sect.

So he divided his fingers and made another seal, and the split claws turned into two bats, attacking from the left and right, outflanking Ziyun.

The man in the cloud didn't panic. After dodging three times, he threw a golden rope and tied one bat tightly. He also smashed a blue bead, which shined with precious light and fixed the other bat in mid-air.

Li Fan saw that the golden rope was just a rope for binding immortals, but the spell and material had obviously been improved and specifically used to capture Taisu monsters. The blue orb was the size of a fist. It was not a sword pill, but some kind of space magic weapon. The light emitted formed a special subspace, and projected the bat into it, trapping it without a way out.

If these two bats were not transformed by Li Fan's magic power, but were monsters born in the Taisu Realm, they might have been captured alive like this.

So Li Fan changed the formula and suddenly pointed his finger, and the bat bound by the Immortal Binding Rope instantly turned into evil energy, and then gathered into a fierce Taisha sword energy! Go straight to the core of Ziyun!

This sudden move brought out some of the true skills of the Sword Sect, finally blowing up the opponent's trump card. Yun Zhongren also saw that this sword was not trivial, and saw that Taisha's sword energy was about to cut Ziyun in half. A sword talisman was thrown directly.

The black and white sword lights collided under the purple moon. The sword wind was wild and smashed the surrounding mountains. The sword talisman was shattered and the Taisha sword energy was also deflected. It passed by Qingyun and a sword struck. Huge canyon-like scars were left on the ground.

"The art of friendship."

Li Fan clapped his hands to reveal his shadow while withdrawing his evil spirit.

The purple cloud swayed, collected the bundle of immortal ropes and orbs, and then gathered a Taoist priest to salute Li Fan.

"Not as good as the methods of our seniors."

Look, look, old Xuanmen should be more polite! Although he kills people and steals things without blinking an eye, he treats others politely and politely.

Li Fan chuckled and said, "Young man's skills are very good. Where can you practice? Do you want me to be your teacher?"

Yun Zhongren also declined politely, "Senior, you are ridiculous. As a disciple of Songshan Mountain, how can I betray my master? Don't mention this joke again. This time I accidentally came to the demon world to practice. I didn't want to meet my senior, who is also an immortal." Yuan, I don’t know what you call me.”

Hehe, Songshan, you big-headed ghost, think he is blind and don’t recognize the magic talisman just now.

"Oh, that's it. It was a coincidence that I came to the Demon World to explore and was attracted by the movement here. I thought it was the masters of Xianduguan who were fighting with others. UU Reading But I came late. I don’t know if I’ve found any good treasures in the demon world, so I’ll ask you.”

The man in the cloud immediately said,

"Oh, no wonder I am uneasy. The younger Taoist monk is a disciple of Magu Mountain. She even gave me a sword amulet to protect my body. Besides, Magu Mountain and I, Songshan Mountain, have an alliance. How can we just sit back and watch when a fellow disciple is in trouble? No matter! Please give me some direction, senior, and I’ll go and help!”

Li Fan also felt sad, "It turns out that my mother's family suffered a disaster. My fellow Taoist and I hit it off, so I'll go with you."

The man in the cloud bowed and thanked, "Thank you for your kindness, senior. However, the devil world is dangerous and strange. My Xuanmen colleagues should help each other and support each other, but I am too embarrassed to disturb senior's cultivation."

"Okay, they went underground, you go chase them. Oh, it's not convenient to take Qingyun with you, right? That's okay, I'm the most helpful person. You go chase them, and I'll keep an eye on them for you."


The other party obviously didn't expect Li Fan to be so thick-skinned, so he opened his mouth to ask for it, and was stunned for a moment.

"What! What do you mean if you don't agree? Do you look down on me? Think I'm robbing you!"

The man in the cloud also knew that it was time for the conversation to reach the point where the option of battle appeared. But even if he didn't have a plug-in to save files and load files, he probably knew that a bad answer would lead to death.

But in the end, he is an experienced Xuanmen man who has cultivated Taoism and transformed into gods all the way. Face is nothing, let’s just ignore him.

So the man in the cloud didn't even hesitate for three seconds, and made a decisive decision. He abandoned the cloud and walked away, turning into rays of light and disappearing into the horizon.

"Thank you, senior! I will remember this favor!"

Well, you see he remembered to thank you, so polite.

Li Fan smiled, "Okay, I got a cloud that I can ride on!"

Yue Po, "...sigh"

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