The Taoist is Zhuan Xu of Cthulhu Chapter 483

The man opened his eyes.

His name is Zhang Ling, an ‘Earthling’, of course he is an Earthling, but he was actually born on the super-border Earth numbered 1000, and he is a country bumpkin in the standard sense. Moreover, he was the illegitimate child born on a whim when a company official was traveling in another world.

Of course, an 'illegitimate child from another world' like him has no right to receive a loan from the family foundation, but he finally has enough to eat and drink, and he got citizenship after serving in the military. Now his consciousness is uploaded to the quantum network to work for the 'family business', which is barely enough. He was considered a junior cadre at the department head level.

The original body was left to open up wasteland in another world, and by the way, it was rented out to the financial bosses on the virtual network to earn some extra money. You could take risks, grow vegetables, and eliminate pests. You could also be considered a small internet celebrity in a farmhouse to earn some extra money.

But this is Zhang Ling’s first time visiting Parallel Earth 001, ‘Zhuan Xu’.

Or should I say, this is the first time he has truly connected to the subnet of the 001 plane. Using the feet of an organic vehicle, he stands on the observation floor of the orbital elevator coming out of the starship cabin and overlooks the scenery below him.

In the dark deep space of the universe, there is a spherical object darker than the void, like a gravityless black hole. From a distance, the endless smooth curved surface looks like a polished black ceramic sphere, and the surface of the sphere seems to be an ocean without waves.

And in the dark ocean, there were faint stars dotted like lighthouses. Of course, it was not starlight, nor a real lighthouse, but star cities built on the sphere.

These colonial star cities shoot out bright fireworks like alcohol blowtorches, but when the lights spread out, they seem to be absorbed by the boundless dark 'ocean'.

Of course, Zhang Ling already has a good understanding of "Zhuan Xu" through documentaries on the Internet and quantum transmission experience.

That is of course not a real ocean, but an artificial polymer material, a huge curtain, a photovoltaic film, or a solar sail.

And those 'lighthouse' star cities are the connection points between solar sails. They serve as colonies, power stations, solar sail link maintenance points and network servers. They use billions of solar sails to connect to the star cities and wrap the stars. Live, collect energy perfectly, and not emit any light, this is 'Zhuanxu'.

In a word, this is the first and possibly the only Dyson sphere in the history of human civilization.

As for the star being collected, it is naturally the 001 Sun.

A long time ago, when mankind was in the era of legion rule, the most mainstream technologies were space colonization, interstellar travel, and wormhole travel. What everyone is talking about is not the virtual network, but the age of stars and sea.

This Earth in Parallel Plane 001, as the first world colonized through wormholes, was planned by the Legion as the capital of the multidimensional human universe empire. The Legion's new capital and base camp were established here, and a huge wormhole star gate was prepared. As a transit point for the conquest of the multiverse. The sun of Earth 001 is also planned to start long-term construction of a Dyson sphere.

But later, as the wormhole technology went out of control, one-third of the legion's fleet was lost in the void, and then a world war and an omnic rebellion broke out. After the bloody war, the Legion was destroyed, Earth 001 was destroyed, the wormhole star gate was destroyed, and the Dyson Sphere was shut down.

It was not until the end of the war and the remnants of the Legion were expelled to the corners of civilization and the edge of the universe that a company finally took over the project and completed the construction of 'Zhuanxu'. Parallel Earth 001 will be built as one of the central servers of the quantum network public safety system, and 'Zhuanxu' will be the battery and server host.


The golem from the public security system connected to Zhang Ling's system, automatically took over the authority of the organic vehicle, and began scanning his system's security logs and potential threats.


When Zhang Ling was a citizen, he worked in the Public Security Bureau and knew that this was a process.

After all, in order to protect the safety of 'Zhuanxu', hundreds of thousands of warships and orbital cannons have been lurking in space recently. UFOs that enter the asteroid belt without permission will be directly destroyed.

The organic vehicles on the 001 plane also stay in the space station outside the circle and are on standby. They regularly undergo the highest-standard biochemical inspections from the Sixth and Nine Departments. There are no biohazards or physical access hacking attacks. possible.

And if his intelligent system wants to connect to the Earth 001 subnet, it has already passed countless screening reviews. If there is a hidden demon, the brain will have been burned by the firewall.

"Login permission"

After only three seconds of review, Zhang Ling regained control of the organic vehicle. Then he walked into the orbital elevator under the guidance of the system and jumped into the boundless darkness.

The nanobugs around the vehicle form a bubble-like isolation layer, and they fall from the external star track and fly towards the 'lighthouses' under the guidance of the guiding beam.

Each of these satellite cities is an office building rented by a company. Although in today's era, cold fusion batteries are already in civilian use, and Dyson spheres are not necessarily very efficient, the "Zhuanxu" itself represents extraordinary significance. It is basically a wonder building that transcends the technology and economic value of the times.

Therefore, any company with some reputation likes to rent an office on the tombstone of this legion to enjoy the glory of victory and experience the thrill of conquering the sun.


Zhang Ling flew directly into the company's office and, under the guidance of the system, met his interviewer, the company's CEO and genetic father Zhang Jian.

Of course, neither of them were using the gene body at this time, and in front of them was a clone vehicle controlled remotely by the executive.

And Zhang Jian had no intention of reminiscing with one of his countless 'sons'. Although the other party did have such a slight relationship after screening, it was not the main reason why the other party appeared in front of him.

"Did you serve in the Security Bureau before?"

Noticing that the system had been shut down after entering the company building, Zhang Ling also knew that his father spent a lot of money to bring him to meet with Zhuanxu not to reminisce about old times, nor to chat with him.

"Four level 10 investigators. However, all memories related to the mission after being discharged have been removed."

"Sir, Counterintelligence Investigation Division...I see, that's quite appropriate..."

Zhang Ling knew that although Zhang Jian was said to be the chief executive of the company, he was still a big butler who worked hard. At most, it was found that he was serving in the public security system, and his authority had not reached the level of 'master', and he probably didn't. Know what you are doing.

But from this point of view, it's not that this 'father' suddenly wants to promote himself. He doesn't care at all how his 'illegitimate child from another world' lives. That person should have been selected by the board of directors, and specially arranged for his 'father' to provide support. Based on the company's style, he must have encountered quite a trouble...

"It seems that you are well aware that this time the company has a difficult matter to entrust you to handle. I hope you can use your professional skills to solve the trouble."

Zhang Jian took out a crystal ball. There was some kind of purple-blue lightning arc stored in the crystal ball. It looked like a plasma light ball toy.

Zhang Ling's pupils shrank sharply. Although he couldn't remember because his mission memory was blocked, he could still recognize it when he saw it.

This is something obtained by converting the human brain from a solid state into an ionic state through surgery. To put it simply, it is a 'plasma hard drive'.

The biggest function of this 'hard disk' is to pass the 'door'.

The 'Gate', or 'Boundary Membrane', is the most advanced field of scientific research. To put it simply, what is on this side of the 'Gate' is the scientific world, and what is on the other side of the 'Gate' is the non-scientific world.

Although the parallel plane on the other side of the 'door' can be reached through various TL voyages such as wormhole jumping, current technology cannot send living people to the other side of the 'door'.

Therefore, currently, drones are dispatched first to establish quantum communication satellites on the other side of the 'door', and then organic vehicles are used after establishing a stable quantum network.

However, there is also a new technology that does not rely on quantum communication, but directly transforms personality consciousness into an ionic state and projects it to the other side of the 'door'.

The advantage of this is of course economic efficiency, convenience and speed. It can directly transform people into ionized states and project into other worlds. There is no need to spend centuries sending robots to build communication satellites and clone vehicle factories. After all, if it is discovered that the opposite world is not With development value, these investments are all in vain.

Of course, this technology is still very, very unstable, its use is extremely limited, and it is far from practical. After all, there must be at least equipment on the other side of the 'gate' to restore ionic humans to a solid state, right?

And according to current experiments, after passing through the 'door', the personality will be fragmented and it will be almost impossible to restore self-awareness. It can only be used to analyze the information in the memory fragments, and it seems to be in some kind of brutal torture forever, so it can only be regarded as a collection.

As for the ball in my hand, I spent money to project it to 001. In other words, is it the world on the other side of the 'door'?

"What did he do? Corruption?" Zhang Ling stared at the plasma ball.

"She is the acting manager of Border Assets 49327. She is from another faction. I don't know what she did. Anyway, she made a mess there and turned it into a non-performing asset. The board of directors gave me the responsibility to finish it off, and even named it. You come to investigate, okay, I'll give you a two-level promotion, make you a regional manager, investigate, and if there are any problems, just deal with them. If you can't deal with it, just report it to me directly."

Zhang Ling was shocked when he heard this. The board of directors directly asked them, "father and son," to investigate people from other factions. Isn't this suspected of infighting within the board of directors? If something goes wrong, wouldn't he end up like the ion ball in his hand? and……

"49327!? What kind of plane is this! Even if it's on the opposite side of the door, it's too far away... This has exceeded the limit of the parallel universe observation system, right? The quantum network will be delayed..."

Zhang Jian also found this matter troublesome.

"The fringe star field bought at a low price from the ethics committee is probably infested by the remnants of the legion. Hmm, I like to take advantage of such small advantages when purchasing.

Aren't you a counter-intelligence agent? Go use your expertise. Once the non-performing assets matter is resolved, I will transfer you back. If there are no other problems, just go ahead and take care of things. "

Zhang Jian put his hands behind his back and walked to the office window to look at the red sun under his feet.

Zhang Ling frowned and thought for a while, "You asked me to come to Zhuanxu specifically for the non-performing assets on the border? What's the big deal with these cockroaches in the Legion? Do you want to find out something else? For example, commercial espionage or something?"

Zhang Jian sneered, "You don't have to worry about this. A new round of corporate war is about to begin again. There must be many people who want to take this opportunity to donate money and secretly change jobs.

So just in case, you should link up on Zhuanxu and link directly to 49327, so as not to get burned by some 'hacker'. "

Zhang Ling also knew that he had no room for refusal, so he simply agreed. Anyway, he, a country bumpkin, was used to staying away from big cities. And it’s a promotion and a salary increase, right? If you can handle this matter well, you may be favored by the board of directors, and you may not be promoted to a senior executive in the future.

So Zhang Ling took the ion ball to the company office on the ground floor, found the one with the lowest performance from the local employee list and fired him, then cleared his memory, loaded the memory in the ion ball, confirmed that there was no virus golem in it, and then Filter out useful information.

"Is it a paradise with the theme of cultivating immortals? Oh, it's actually the theme of palace fighting... It really is a legion... the octopus-headed sergeant..."

Zhang Ling watched the memory clips repeatedly and realized that Border Asset 49327 was probably a classical fairy tale-style amusement park. This employee played a role like the Queen Mother to maintain order, but was inexplicably assassinated by a legion hacker.

The logic of the matter was quite simple, but Zhang Ling felt something was wrong.

Although his mission memory was cleared after he was discharged from the army, his professional skills are still there. The intelligence analyzed from the damaged chip is that this company employee had restricted authority for some reason, and then took the initiative to contact the legion and tried to escape, but was subsequently killed by the legion. Kill with brain-burning golem.

But why are the permissions restricted? Why run away? Why does the Legion want to provoke the company?

The Legion is already lingering in the multiverse, evading the pursuit of the security system. Wouldn't it be good to find an edge world to survive and hide? Why take the initiative to cause trouble? And get rid of those who have taken refuge in you? Why does a mere sergeant have such authority? Is there such a technology?

Zhang Ling couldn't figure it out for a while, so he recorded it in the system and analyzed it slowly.

But no matter what, it’s better to go there in person.

So Zhang Ling lay down in the ecological cabin, connected to the quantum network, and closed his eyes.

Link to 49327.

The man opened his eyes.

His name is Zhang Ling, an 'Earthling'. Of course, he is said to be an Earthling, but he was actually born on the super-border Earth numbered 1000. He is a country bumpkin in the standard sense.

This is Zhang Ling’s first time visiting Parallel Earth 001, ‘Zhuan Xu’.

Of course, through documentaries on the Internet and quantum teleportation experience, he already has a considerable understanding of 'Zhuan Xu'...

Countless light years away, UU Reading is in the orbit of another sun.

A giant aircraft carrier unfurls its solar sail as the thrust and gravity of the solar wind cancel out, hiding itself in the haze of stars.

Inside the company's aircraft carrier, in the ecological cabin of the organic clone, a sleeping man lay.

The man is a combat clone with the same face as 'Zhang Ling', the company's border assets, the title of regional manager with the highest authority of 49327, and the physical strength of an Immortal Emperor.

At this time, a human figure shone like a star, like light and shadow, like a dream monster projected from a different space, standing next to the ecological cabin, stretching out his five fingers to cover the face of the clone vehicle. At the same time, he pinched his hands to gather Qi, gathering the surrounding dust and aura to form a gray-white sand-like shell.

Then the figure maintained the cover of its palms and split its dust-like body. Its head gradually grew the facial features of 'Zhang Ling', and its neck grew its palms. It crawled out like a spider, passing through the fingerprints and fingerprints inside the cabin. The iris authentication landed directly on the captain's seat of the company's mothership, took control of the mothership, and sent a safe arrival report to the company.

The headless body skin also unfolded like a spider, surrounding and sealing the hibernation cabin. The white wind-sand-like body turned into a gray-white fluid that was as thick as glue and as fine as spider silk, trapping the hibernation cabin and the clone body within it. , forming a huge silk cocoon.

After finishing these things, at the bottom of Mozhu Mountain, in the True Yang Temple, surrounded by overlapping lamps and flags, the young man in white and black robes breathed a sigh of relief and opened his eyes, which were as dark as ink and empty. eyes.

After ten years of hard work and preparation, Li Fan finally managed to escape the danger and temporarily sealed one of the biggest hidden dangers in the Tai Chi world in his infancy.


I’ll continue to update after a week’s rest, thank you all for your support!

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