The Taoist ancestor is Cthulhu

Chapter 480 Civilized Society

Daozu is Cthulhu Chapter 480 Civilized Society

Li Fan could hear himself screaming miserably, as if every pore and every piece of skin was falling apart in the flames, a painful, desperate and helpless wail, like a baby thunder monkey who was unwilling to be weaned and was cruelly beaten by the mother thunder monkey. The miserable and disturbing scream that came out when he was kicked out of his arms.

Of course, it was not him who was screaming, but his body. The silhouette of the Thousand-Faced Immortal was only reflected from the crystal fragments into his eyes for a moment, and it completely destroyed the rationality of the body, like a black storm, engulfing the body. The spirit was torn to pieces.

Li Fan knelt on the ground and vomited out messy body fluids, enhancers and plasma, as if he was trying to squeeze out the last remaining person in his body into pus and blood, and his brain was trembling.

But luckily, this isn't the first time I've gotten sick. I'm used to vomiting. Moreover, this body has a high degree of prostheticization, and all the bones are made of metal. It can maintain normal operation as long as it is rented, and with the support of additional paid equipment such as blood pumps, accessory hearts, and brain enhancements, Li Fan can emergency Use the divine blood refining method to maintain the critical heart and brain and prevent the system from judging the container to be dead. Barely able to hold on.

Of course, the most important thing is that the guy finally got through the door, so he naturally wouldn't waste time staying by Li Fan's side.

From the moment the huge mirror fell from the sky to the moment it cut into the ground of the space station and exploded into thousands of glass and mustard powder, there was no longer any reflection of the Thousand Faced Immortal among the fragments of the mirror.

So Li Fan vomited blood, controlled the prosthetic body that ranged from an iron-muscular human to a skin-high-bone robot to stand up, and turned to look behind him.

The shadow is gone and the system is disconnected. Maybe it's still in the space station.

"Alarm! Alarm! Air pressure is decreasing!"

"Alert! Alert! Mechanical failure!"

"Alert! Alert! Evacuation procedures!"

At this time, the yellow warning light flashed, and the holographic image was projected everywhere in orange.

Looking up, you can see that the sky is gradually opening. Although the living area of ​​the space station probably has secondary protection such as molecular masks to prevent air leakage, the sky just collapsed and tore a big hole, clearly appearing. serious accident. And parts elsewhere seemed to be peeling off in an orderly manner and beginning to disintegrate.

This is a complete disintegration at the structural level. It is not a small probability accident like a meteorite hitting a valve and collapsing it. It is obviously a human plan.

But if it wasn’t the mood system, who was it?

Li Fan didn't have time to think about this. He took a breath and hurriedly took action. He didn't care about saving money. He activated all the equipment, strengthened all the skills, and sprinted out with an ejection. He ran wildly and rushed straight to the chip. coordinate of.

As he ran, he could feel that the gravity system was being disrupted and failing. Fortunately, the spacesuits on his body had certain impact resistance and high pressure resistance, and the soles on his feet could also activate magnetic adsorption on the alloy layer, so that they would not be unable to move. . It's just that these functions have to be unlocked at an additional cost...Gan, it costs money...

Before Li Fan could complain, when he was halfway through the run and the 'orange alert' around him turned into a 'red alert', he suddenly heard the patter of footsteps approaching rapidly.

Turning around, I saw a large group of company employees emerging from a building that looked like a company building!

Li Fan thought that the other party was rushing to arrest someone, with the switchblade revealed, but when he got closer, he found that it was not the case.

Hundreds of people lined up in a neat square formation, running like a robot, rushing out of the industrial area, turning at right angles on the street, and quickly entering the surrounding emergency shelters with incredible efficiency. Are you actually taking refuge?

Li Fan took a closer look and found that these company employees were actually still connected to the virtual network. Their bodies were completely taken over by the system and they automatically escaped according to emergency evacuation procedures.

Are you automatically evacuated while working online? The system's automatic driving is quite easy to use...

The entire evacuation process was very orderly. No one panicked at all. Not even the desperate calls for help were heard. The space station was heading towards collapse and destruction step by step amid the sound of sirens and footsteps. The emergency evacuation mechanism was so skillful that it made people feel heartbroken...

Of course, whether they are working overtime or running, they are all low-level social animals. The mid-level and senior managers, cadres and secretaries have all been evacuated on special shuttles. From time to time, a large number of emergency medical services fly over the sky. The rescue ship of the service is to rescue the valued customers trapped in the disaster area.

But to be honest, it would be too much to organize an emergency evacuation of employees until there was a red alert and the space station was about to disintegrate! There are even some companies that have not organized evacuation yet! Do you still want to keep working until the last moment when the space station collapses? Are you planning to wait for the space station to explode? Even if the employees leave early due to innocence, just fire them and lay off employees...

Oh, okay, the company is a real dog...

After all, even these so-called cadres, the backbone of the company, are still workers.

Li Fan could tell by looking at the people coming and going. This group of people had lived in space for a long time, and even lived, old, sick, and died in space. Their bone skeletons had mutated, and they were exceptionally tall. Their skin was fair and lacked light, and their slender muscles could only be modified by prosthetics. to perform labor. The main mission is probably to stay in space and maintain the normal operation of these valuable orbital factories and space research facilities.

The system says that these elite middle class account for about one to two percent of the total population. In fact, it is not an irreplaceable consumable.

Real directors will never appear in this kind of scientific research space station in the urban-rural fringe. They all live on the earth. This earth, or the earth on the other side of the door, is probably one in 10,000, or one in 100,000.

What? Where are the other ninety-nine percent? Didn't you see this when you came up? Lying in the capsule, traveling to various worlds and dreaming.

Is this ‘traveling to another world’? Maybe he is lying down somewhere and dreaming...

Li Fan shook his head, stopped thinking, and ran all the way to the coordinate point.

This is a hangar, with a scrap processing plant nearby. It's almost close to the dock. The cargo guy drove the cargo shuttle here to park. Someone was caught parking the shuttle overtime, and he actually had to pay a fine of two dollars. Ten thousand! There is no upper limit on your parking fees! And at this time, the security robots have been removed!

There is no way, now this kind of body can't dodge bullets, let alone withstand machine gun fire, so I have to pay the fine honestly. I didn't expect the parking fee to be so expensive. Fortunately, the system had already allocated part of the work allowance in advance, and it was a pity that Li Fan had not been tempted to rent a service robot just now to try his skills, otherwise he would not have enough money.

Sigh... It sounds like the space station is about to explode. I'm still paying fines for illegal parking. What kind of civilized society is this...

So after waiting for the payment to be processed, Li Fan was able to enter the garage, take the elevator directly to the barge area and find the target cargo shuttle.

Depend on! What kind of rubbish is this! Just one cockpit and one cargo hold! It’s not even worth 20,000 in total!

But fortunately, the game cabin is in the cargo hold. This thing is quite big, and the various circuit pipelines, sealed cabins, and liquid storage tanks look quite advanced, like a luxury alloy coffin, a shuttle-level thing. It really can't be assembled.

The system still had no feedback. Just in case, Li Fan had no choice but to follow the system's instruction, recall the operation examples, disassemble the circuit board, and take out the disguise chip.

The entire chip module is a cube with a side of one centimeter, which is a product of the previous generation, and the company's chips are packaged in the cube module. To put it simply, it is the kind of cool operation of stuffing a laptop into the host chassis and wiring it. As for the messy disguises outside, they probably defrauded those two fishes worth ten million...

Suddenly, Li Fan's consciousness moved and he sensed someone approaching, damn! Sure enough, I found him!

Maybe he was caught paying the fine, or maybe he was ambushed a long time ago. Li Fan could sense that a team of four people broke into his consciousness in four directions, up, down, left, and right, approaching the warehouse where the shuttle was transported.

Yes, they are all human beings, and they all have dual consciousness fluctuations. They should be the same as Li Fan. They are company security personnel who are on the other side of the door and use local citizen prosthetics to perform tasks!

Li Fan cautiously moved his position and made an action to check the cockpit. Gu Guan also discovered that the four teams were changing their formations and positions as he moved, and they had probably observed his image through a camera somewhere. Damn it, has the system been killed... No, he hasn't been killed yet, probably the system firewall is still in effect...

The four teams were deployed quickly. The two teams separated by a wall on the same floor and the team at the shuttle flight port above were supposed to be responsible for the ambush and cover. The four people who were gradually approaching on the underground floor were responsible for the assault.

The quality of these people is not strong, and they don’t even have equipment such as drones. The company was probably caught off guard by Plan A and Plan B, and they hastily hacked into the prosthetics of these low-level security guards and gave them to the head office. The cadres were used as human shields and came directly to the door.

The system once said that factories like OP belong to the core area of ​​the company's production, office and research and development. Naturally, the use of military weapons of mass destruction is prohibited, and the shuttle connection area already belongs to the space station structure. Even if the opponent has a gun in his hand, The power should also be limited, not exceeding the level of the machine guards guarding the parking lot, to avoid causing damage to the alloy structural layer.

Considering that the ricochet may cause accidental damage, if the opponent is here for the goods, they probably don't want to damage the chip with something like metallic hydrogen. And the situation judgment of the assault team's rapid approach probably means... to engage in close combat? Oh, looking for death!


The four laser beams cut through the alloy layer in unison, twisting it counterclockwise, cutting off the alloy plate on the ground, and cutting the shuttle cabin into pieces along the way!

Digging a grass! Lightsaber!

These are really lightsabers in the orthodox sense, plasma beams constrained by magnetic fields, and the alloy armor plates of the space station can be cut through like tofu. It only takes one sword to cut Li Fan.

But the premise is that it can be cut.

Li Fan jumped forward to avoid the blazing stream of light, and his whole body moved sideways like a crab, flipping and jumping, using all four legs to spin and dance in the knife network cut by the light blade.

It's not that he's boasting. These security prosthetics on the other side are pretty good. They can be injected with medicine very quickly. They are probably at the level of perfect foundation building. The lightsaber is also very cool, but the ability of the 'sword array' is really terrible. .

This is completely without the most basic coordination and is full of flaws at the level of a layman.

How should I put it, these company security guards are probably the most carefully selected and extremely skilled killer soldiers in this world. But in the Tai Chi world, this kind of level can really only be regarded as the upper-middle level of the martial arts world. He can barely control his body and fighting rhythm.

I really don't look down on them, but Li Fan can see that they rely too much on the effectiveness of their equipment. Anyway, if the lightsaber touches them, they will die, so what skills do they need to consider? When drawing out the sword, use sweeping sweeps with a large attack range to block all the dodge space.

Therefore, the cooperation between the four of them at this time is not a 'sword formation' at all. It is just a little bit of positioning to avoid each other being swept by the lightsaber. The moves are full of mistakes and rubbish.

With this kind of ability, he rushed up to Li Fan and exchanged daggers with him. Are you looking for death or looking down on others?

Li Fan rushed into position, rolled and jumped like a kid, squeezed into the arms of an attacker, and stabbed his neck with the switchblade hidden in his elbow.

However, when the tip of the knife penetrated the protective suit, the surrounding air suddenly turned icy blue, the resistance on the bayonet suddenly increased, and the blade got stuck as if it had hit the cement!

Li Fan was not surprised. When he was preparing to deal with the company dog, the system specifically stated that as a senior cadre with access to top-level chips, the other party must have subscribed to company-level personal security services. Therefore, I have specifically studied how to fight this kind of opponent if the system's golem cannot lift the opponent's firewall.

Although Li Fan seemed to have good luck before, this time the company security guards who came up to him with lightsabers clearly had similar protective equipment.

This kind of security technology, in short, uses nanoworms to parasitize on the surface of the skin. Once activated, the nanorobots will activate the defense mechanism. The more basic one is to generate special compounds and spread a molecular-level gaseous protective layer on the surface of the body, just like the body. The watch has a gas shield. This polymer gaseous protective film is a non-Newtonian fluid that can block physical impacts whose momentum exceeds a set threshold, such as shooting, boxing, stabbing, etc.

More advanced security products include optical camouflage, heat and cold protection, radiation protection, acid and alkali resistance, biochemical attacks, and even the ability to generate a magnetic deflection position to deflect military-grade plasma cannon bombardments.

Of course, the specific effect content depends on the security service plan purchased by the subscriber each month. Some functions require customization and update of special nano bugs and prosthetics to be realized. This is probably the fundamental reason why these security guards all have guns but are so coquettish that they show off their lightsabers and rush to attack each other.

The lightsaber is enough to burn through the polymer protective layer, and it can also destroy low-level security nanobugs. It can be regarded as a weapon against corporate dogs. Of course, that doesn't mean that the nano-shield can't block the lightsaber at all, and can it block the plasma cannon and the plasma beam? But I still agree with that sentence, you get what you pay for...

However, you cannot subscribe to something of this level if you have money. Generally, it only accepts company-level group purchases and arranges services for core employees, which are not available to ordinary workers.

Li Fan, the prosthetic body of a bankrupt soldier, does not have such a thing, but the security guards of his opponents are not particularly high-level cadres. How can they go to the construction site to do such dirty work while sitting in an office? Impossible.

Therefore, although the stabbing of the switchblade was intercepted by the anti-Newtonian gas protective layer, the blood stuck to the tip of the sword was still accurately splashed into the eyes of the security guard on the opposite side due to the inertia and the control of Li Fan's mind. Due to the low momentum, No defense mechanisms are triggered.

A normal person would probably close their eyes in time. The prosthetic bodies of these security guards were controlled by apostles from other systems, but they were obviously 'remote control dolls' that were insulated from pain. They didn't even care that their faces were covered in blood, and their eyes were blurred. In a blink of an eye.

Of course, Li Fan doesn't have much divine blood that he can control now, but this is enough.

So Li Fan's mind moved, and the security guard's eyeball was pierced by the blood sword that suddenly turned into a sharp sword. The blood sword penetrated the lens all the way, penetrated into the nerve center, destroyed the security guard's brain, and killed the man who was being treated as a righteous man. Containers used for corpses.

The container died suddenly, and the operator on the other side of the door was also forced offline in confusion. Without authority, all security nanobugs and lightsabers lost their effectiveness.

So Li Fan shook his hands, cut out the switch blade and cut the first security guard into pieces, and snatched the metal hilt of the lightsaber with his backhand. Although it is an enemy weapon and probably has some permissions or fingerprint lock, but according to this civilization's style of doing things...

"Hey, can I buy UU Reading"

"Welcome to Venusmin! Use! Security flashlight..."

Damn it! It’s okay for a dignified lightsaber to call itself a flashlight! Alas, these companies are going too far to avoid taxes...

"When using low beam mode, pay the system transaction fee of 10 coins. When using high beam mode, pay the system transaction fee of 20 coins. When using double high beam mode, pay the system transaction fee of 40 coins..."

"Damn, you're really a flashlight! Don't be so whiny that I give you one of theirs!"

Li Fan and the remaining three lightsaber security guards chased King Qin around the pillars and scurried around the containers.

"The transaction is completed, you have activated the legitimate defense mode..."

never mind! As long as Li Fan has a sword in his hand, no one in the world can kill him!

So Li Fan drew his sword in his hand, and a lightsaber flashed out with a buzz! He turned back to seize the position, fought back with a sword, raised his hand, and caught up with him. The unprepared security guards were killed in six sections, and then they danced with swords and chased the support teams arriving on both sides, using their 'flashlights' to snipe the plasma. All the beams bounced back, scorching eight heads. Then he increased the power of the 'flashlight' and stabbed it straight up to the ceiling. He slashed with his four swords and blood poured down from the ceiling.

In less than a minute, he killed all the company dogs around him.

"What a sword, what a sword..."

"Thank you for your praise. Thank you for your patronage. A total of 15 attackers were killed in the legitimate defense mode this time. An additional service fee of 15,000 coins is required. You can also spend another 1,500 coins to download the holographic image as evidence in court. Please provide evidence for this attack. Service rating, from 1 to 10, how strongly do you intend to recommend this product to your friends! Use it! As for the flashlight, please post a screenshot of the order if you have a perfect score, contact customer service, and you can also get a small gift."

...Sigh, this world is really hopeless.

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