The Taoist ancestor is Cthulhu

Chapter 388 Salted Fish

Daozu is Cthulhu Chapter 388 Salted Fish

Li Fan held the tofu ticket in his hand and looked at it over and over.

Things like the Talisman Command Spell are indeed quite idealistic. As the 'talisman master' himself, he can't feel the power of the spell at all. To put it bluntly, he uses his 'own power' from beginning to end, although it is somewhat activated. A little bit worried, but his strength comes from his own practice, understanding, and fighting, not from asking God or Buddha to borrow it.

For monks, although the 'talisman master' will write the names of some senior Dao Lords, the talisman is drawn by himself, the curse is cast by himself, and even the spiritual power of Dao breath is provided by himself. To put it bluntly, it is still his own means, and more It is more of a self-suggestion, increasing attention through the established format and specifications of the talismans, and exerting the strongest effect of the spells. It's just an auxiliary prop to avoid deviations in pinching and reciting mantras.

Therefore, it is also an invisibility spell. If some people do not use talismans, they may not be able to recite the incantation well. They will hide their heads and tails when they pinch the spell. If they shake their hands, they will be arrested as idiots. But some people can never forget it, so they don't need to draw the talisman at all. Once they pinch the Taoist formula, it will be perfect and foolproof, and the tail line will never be discovered.

But it cannot be denied that there is indeed a mechanism such as belief in gods and Buddhas in this world. The 'Old Mother of No Life' will really respond to the call of believers and create a 'vacuum hometown' to protect them from all hardships. Li Fan has seen that scene several times.

Now the Luo Jiao believers' expectation for Tofu Piao is that, like Wu Sheng Lao Mu, she can protect them when they are in danger.

But this is just an IOU, I can’t do it... huh? Wait a minute, maybe it's not impossible...

Li Fan suddenly had a flash of inspiration and took out Cang Song's Talisman Notes to look at it.

In fact, borrowing the power of others through talismans is actually a very perfect use of talismans developed by the Confucian scholars in this world.

Yes, talismans started with shamans, and guess what else started with shamans, Confucianism.

In the civilization of the Central Plains people, they were still in the barbaric tribal era like the ghosts of Hulu Mountain. Confucianism was originally like a shaman, a warlock who prayed for rain and offered sacrifices.

Talisman is a book. At least in this world, there is indeed 'power' in words. And because farming civilization relies on the sky for food, talismans originally originated from wizards and Confucian scholars, and were written to pray for rain by "Heaven". Although the monks simplified the Tao of Talisman and developed it in another direction, Confucianism has never lost its old skill of "writing books and offering sacrifices".

After all, to put it bluntly, wizards, warlocks, shamans, Confucian scholars, monks, or scientific researchers all have the same initial goals. It is all an attempt by human beings to explore the order and laws that can live in the chaotic, unknown, dangerous and violent natural world. It's just that in that era of exploration when everyone was confused and ignorant, everyone's way of living was very different, and everyone's guesses about the 'Tao' were naturally different.

To unite everyone and establish an orderly class society, externally, it ensures that leaders can mobilize the strength of the entire ethnic group to the greatest extent to plan production and respond to disasters, and internally, it creates the common values ​​​​of "etiquette" to gain the support of members. , in order to maintain the cohesion of this group, this is the order that Confucianism strives to create.

When the priests in the wilderness era wrote such words on the sacrificial documents and submitted them to heaven for reading, they must have been very confused and expected to get a response from heaven, right?

If the "Heaven" in the Taiji world does not respond at all to the order written by Confucians, then sooner or later the Confucian scholars in this world will understand that there is no "god" in the world, and "Heaven" is unreliable. You can only rely on 'people' to create your own world.

But this ‘Heaven’ responded.

Thus, the core Shinto system of the Immortal Palace series was born. This system was originally a posthumous title granted by the Immortal Lord in order to offer sacrifices to the soldiers who died in battle. As the territory of Immortal Palace rapidly expanded and developed to its extreme, it formed the Three Walls and Ten There are a total of thirteen volumes of man-made heavenly books from the two countries, the List of Gods.

Civil and military officials, princes and princes, spiritual kings, and city emperors. Although these officials in the Immortal Palace are not as powerful as monks and warriors, they can pass the official canonization certification of the Twelve Kingdoms of Sanyuan and be listed on the list of gods. Later, he can become the patron saint of a specific area, or a spiritual officer in a specific position, and gain magical powers.

At the same time, those who are conferred gods will also be bound by the list of conferred gods and must perform corresponding duties and obligations. If you can protect the people, the people will naturally reward you with their faith and divine power. But if you do not do well, then Immortal Palace will replace you. It's just a matter of an edict.

The most typical example is Zhang Dali. He was a mere county magistrate. In order to protect the safety of one side with heavy troops and no external reinforcements, he finally committed suicide and sacrificed himself. Unswervingly, he became a city imperial official. With the support of the people's faith, they stopped the Northern Expedition army. The power of faith is not unpowerful.

But he was not able to do all this by his own strength.

Of course, the power of Shinto does not originate from the Immortal Palace or books, but from all peoples.

God lists, immortal books, edicts, and decrees are all actually talismans, and their writing formats are different, but in essence they are all means of communicating and calling upon the supernatural power that is unique to the Tai Chi world.

The real power comes from people who grew up on this land and share the same values. The Conferred Gods List only transfers these powers to a certain person for strengthening through specific rules.

And it's not just strengthening. In addition to the God List system, the Immortal Palace also produced thirteen volumes of Immortal Books after it established the world.

But the Immortal Book is not a title. It is a list used to include all the individual practitioners in the world, outside the Immortal Palace system, who practice on their own and gain power beyond order, and register them in the eucalyptus.

Using immortal books to manage and restrain monks not only limits the strength and realm of these monks, but also tracks the monks' location and strictly regulates their movement space. They cannot roam around the country. It is said that Miyuan's immortal books can also activate Heavenly calamity. And those casual cultivators who refused to accept the registration and management of immortal registration were naturally treated as demons by the immortal palace. They were hunted down and eradicated by the army, and their entire clan was exterminated.

As everyone knows, the final result of this high-pressure policy was the birth of Xuanmen.

This is also the main reason why the Confucians in this world are unhappy with the monks. After all, the order and world they wanted to establish were overthrown by the monks.

Of course, those applications in Xianji have nothing to do with tofu tickets. Li Fan wants to imitate the Fengshen Bang and establish a tofu ticket system.

But the direction was the other way around. Instead of the Luo Jiao followers providing their power to him, Li Fan transferred his magic power to the other side.

After all, what they crave is protection, right? Then protect them. As long as they ask for help, it shouldn't be difficult to use tofu tickets to generate a protective shield or other spells to resist some golden elixir-level demons and monsters, right?

From the principle of talisman, it is feasible. After all, Cangsong once used talisman to locate and track, and also proposed the method of repaying the debt by the kid's transportation.

In terms of mana, it is actually feasible, because Li Fan has now been upgraded to Zhen Yang Dao Qi, and his fucking mana is simply endless, okay!

correct! True Yang Dao Fire!

Maybe you don't need to go to so much trouble, just pass the True Yang Dao Fire over! That fire is so overbearing that it can directly ignite the evil spirit. It is inherently powerful against demons and ghosts! Maybe there will be a clue!

So with the manuscript in hand, Li Fan also became interested and began to study how to impart the True Yang Dao Qi to the tofu ticket. It would be best to set up the evil-proof magic weapon. Once a demon appears, he will fly out to attack and burn the demon to death. . It would also be good to add protective magic circles and disperse monsters. Anyway, it shouldn’t be difficult to try more...

Li Fan was lost in thought for a moment, and he didn't come back to his senses until Li Tangyuan, holding Kun on his head, came knocking on the door to complain.

Li Tangyuan was indignant, "Two fish are trying to steal our food!"

Kun was also angry, 'There's also Jiang! ’

So Li Fan came to the kitchen and saw two monsters with wet and greasy bodies, with human-like limbs and scales, but their heads were mostly carp heads. They were drinking heavily and eating large pieces of meat. Each of them was holding a rice pail. Sauce dry rice, all the ingredients purchased during the day are gone.

Before Axiang got up, the leopard was hiding behind the door and blowing its hair. It was really useless...

"What kind of aliens have you two transformed into? Damn it! The taste is so strong, do you want to marinate yourself like salted fish?"

Li Fan kept one in each hand and threw the two carp spirits into the flower field to eat the petals.

The two carps ate another big meal, then rolled on the ground. They both turned into human shapes. It was obvious that they changed according to the shape of the Yin Yang Fish Boy, but their eyes had no spirituality, and they were lifeless and dead. Staring like a salty fish, with dull and stiff expressions and movements, this lifelike wax doll has a full uncanny valley effect.

"Hey, how are you? Are you ready? Talk?"

Li Fan took out two pairs of Lou Guandao's Taoist robes and put them on the two of them, then poked the two boys' faces.


The two guys opened their mouths and screamed in unison. They probably hadn't controlled their bodies yet, and the sound was like a broken gong.

"Give it, give it all to you, Gan, you won't fail..."

The two boys held the remaining feed in their hands and gnawed it. They finished eating in an instant. Their eyes were still as wide as salted fish, but they were able to speak.



Li Fan narrowed his eyes and looked at the two of them. He could vaguely distinguish one with fairer skin, probably a Yang fish, and the other with darker skin, probably a Yin fish.

"You guys look like monsters at a glance."

"It doesn't matter."


"The consciousness is too weak."

"Too much to carry."

"Cultivation, a period of time."

"Be able to move freely."

"But the experiment was successful."

"Now, we can..."

"Wait a minute, when you talk like this, it sounds so special and disturbing!" Li Fan got goosebumps. "Can you wait until I pay my respects to the moon before you say it, and finish it in one breath?"


Then the two boys rolled on the spot and turned into two big carps flopping around in the flower field.

Li Fan sighed, inexplicably growing more and more things...

After carrying the two big fish and throwing them back into the Qiankun Dan Pond, Li Fan worshiped the moon and went to meet the two boys.

These two guys were in great spirits and were still toasting and having a banquet. They seemed to be the transformed ones who had just eaten the things Kun had just eaten...

"Be happy, Li Fan. We also have a Tao body and can help you in the lower world!"

Li Fan couldn't help but roll his eyes. With your kind of strength, you can only be made into strings, okay...

“The next step is to expand the fish pond!”

Li Fan couldn't help it anymore, "No, wait a minute, why are those two not enough? I need to find two matching females for you??"

"That's not necessary," Yangyu boy snapped his fingers, showing the carp body's structure and DNA spiral, "The first step is always the most difficult, but now that the threshold has been crossed and the data has been collected, what's next Just prepare the cloning fishery."

Li Fan was confused, "Clone?"

Yinyu Boy drank a toast, "Yes, yes, human cloning is illegal, but no one cares about cloning fish. Now we can also start a side business!"

Li Fan continued to be confused, "Side job? Selling fish?"

Yangyu boy smiled and said, "No, smuggling, we can arrange for customers on the other side of the door to be smuggled over."

Li Fan was speechless for a long time, what the hell? smuggling? Smuggling?

"Yes, reincarnating into another world is not an entertainment activity that ordinary people can afford, not to mention that the new world that is currently bidding has been monopolized by a few large companies.

You know, although those directors have hundreds of thousands of dollars in the world, they are private and company assets and will not be shared. Therefore, the few open public game worlds have long been overcrowded. "

"So there are some company executives who will secretly let people into the new world to make some extra money. I guess there are managers in the companies in this world who have given the legionnaires permission to infiltrate."

"Being born into a human body will inevitably trigger an alarm due to an increase in the deviation value. So in the past, when we were sneaking into the Legion, we were waiting for an opportunity to arrange for you to come in. But it doesn't matter if you are born into a fish and then into a human! The company just treated it as a wild animal Animals mutate and don’t notice anything strange at all!”

"Of course, after all, you are smuggling into the company's territory, or this is a border world. The cost of crossing the door is not low, so there are not many customers who can afford it. As per the old rules, this is your world, and we will split the profits in half. Anyway, we only provide one reincarnation service, as long as you pay the money, it doesn’t matter if you slap him to death.”

"Ahem, of course I still recommend you not to do this. You are willing to spend a lot of money to immigrate illegally without systematic asylum, just to have a chance to start over. They will not take the initiative to cause trouble, and the knowledge they have will definitely be useful to you. .”

Li Fan hesitated for a moment, "But wouldn't there be a huge risk of exposing us by doing this? Just to make money? Doesn't this conflict with your goal of secretly collecting the Book of Heaven?"

The two boys looked at each other, then looked at Li Fan.

"Do you know what money is?"

Li Fan couldn't help but rolled his eyes, "Of course I know what money is."

"No, you don't know, what I mean is..." Yangyu boy considered the words for a while, "The 'money' on the 'door' side is a piece of data code, information flow, and a transaction chain that occurs between systems. , there is no equivalent of physical resources or energy, and at most it only represents a 'legal transaction record'.

But as long as you have this 'legal record', your system can work normally, you can join the economic activities on the 'door' side, get 'money', and buy anything, permissions, knowledge, equipment, weapons, Resources, energy, companies, legions, cyborgs, clones, everything.

In other words, the ‘money’ is on the other side of the ‘door’ and is worthless. But on this side of the ‘door’, there is infinite value. So if given the opportunity, the priority of 'making money' is indeed higher than the 'Book of Heaven'. "

The Yinyu boy held his cheeks and pinched his nostrils and said, "But the Citizen Tax Bureau's system, UU Reading, has the highest and highest priority access rights. The bureau will check the transaction chain records of all systems. In fact, even if it is discovered We don't care about the illegal activities of smuggling. We only offend the company, and they are only responsible for tax inspections.

But once it is discovered that the source of income in your transaction chain is unknown and the proportion of problematic transaction chains is relatively high, it is easy to trigger alarms and monitoring. Specialists will keep an eye on your transaction chain and repeatedly trace and check your transaction chain. Tax evasion, money laundering, etc. Get it right, and then restrict transactions, prohibit door-to-door transactions, and start a one-stop process of tax and fine litigation, and finally, with a snap, your system permissions will be removed and your citizenship rights will be deprived.

Oh, ho, ho, when you get to that point, you will be blocked by all systems. You are screwed, screwed, and dead. "

Lying down...

"Don't worry, even if you are kicked out of the legal system, it does not necessarily mean that you cannot survive. There are also many illegal independent systems. You see, the garbage collectors in the legion can also live a very prosperous life, right? But, you also see How easy would it be for us to burn the brain of an employee who has lost his authority?"

Yangyu Boy patted Li Fan on the shoulder, "So you need as many 'legal transaction records' as possible in order to look like a 'legal citizen'. Trust us, only by being a player who abides by the rules will other people be able to I won’t use any means outside the rules to deal with you.”

Li Fan swallowed.

"...No, can those corporate oligarchs really accept this?"

Yinyu Boy shrugged, "Of course they don't want to accept it, otherwise there would be no need to fight more than 400 corporate wars. Unfortunately, the rules are always made by the winners. So you see, they all came to reincarnate in another world to escape reality. No."

Damn it, what kind of society is that over there? No wonder there are people who want to escape and be a salted fish, I guess...

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