The Taoist ancestor is Cthulhu

Chapter 379 Pay off debts

Daozu is Cthulhu Chapter 379: Pay off debts

At night, when the virtual moon rises, Li Fan has arrived near Dongjiang Road, and Mozhu Mountain is almost as close as Chi Chi.

But he was once again delayed by a branch line.

Because someone was plotting against him in front of him, Li Fan was worried about being followed, so he kept patrolling around using the Gu Guan method while he was on his way. And they also deliberately forced them to hide their whereabouts in towns and other places where they might cause trouble.

But when Li Fan walked along the Li River and passed near the outskirts of Dongjiang Mansion, he suddenly felt a lot of shocking evil energy! Yes! Monster! The strongest ones even have the Nascent Soul level! Everyone is gathering a huge amount of evil energy! And there’s not just one, there’s a whole bunch of them! Appeared in the suburbs of Dongjiang Fucheng!

What a joke! You must know that Dongjiang Road is already a big city adjacent to Mozhu Mountain, so there are so many magical beasts! It’s not like the disciples of Mozhu Mountain are worshiping the moon and practicing in such a densely populated area, right? Could it be that someone is making some conspiracy again!

In addition, Li Fan remembers that Dongjiang Road has been the headquarters of the Yushi family since the past and has always been at odds with Mozhushan. At this time, there is really no guarantee that someone is up to something!

So Li Fan immediately turned around and headed east, flying to check.

Then Li Fan arrived at an endless stretch of farmland. When he looked up, he saw a dozen huge black shadows! The evil spirits are gathering and wandering in the fields! Ruin the crops!

"What a monster! How dare you cause trouble under my rule in Mozhushan! I'm tired of living!"

Li Fan roared angrily, flicked his sleeves and sent out a big hand made of evil spirit. He punched a monster from a distance and knocked it over on its back, screaming in agony.

This punch dispersed the strong evil energy gathered around the monster, revealing the demon god's true form.

It seems...a pig?

The green-haired pig head, big ears and pointed teeth, is indeed a pig. It may be the mutation of the nearby pig demon worshiping the moon. This one is a large demon beast of the golden elixir level. It is six feet long, four feet tall at the shoulder when standing, and has rough skin and thick flesh. , can also gather a large group of evil energy to wrap around the body, and even received a casual punch from Li Fan without being shattered. He is very fat and strong.

The surrounding demon pigs shrieked "dang dang dang" and fled in all directions. The largest demonic beast, a three or four-foot-tall demon pig, the leader of the Nascent Soul level demon pig, rushed over in anger. ! The evil spirit all around is overwhelming! Amazing momentum!

Li Fan sneered, "You evil beast! How dare you act like a monster! Okay! I'll kill you and drink with you! The evil sword - well, it's such a waste, the wind covers the moon..."

"Hey!! Who are you! Why did you hurt my spiritual pet!"

Who would have thought that the Nascent Soul-level evil aura rushed in front of them, but suddenly it jumped up and rolled back. From the evil aura, a figure jumped out and rushed to protect the demon pig that was knocked to the ground.

Huh? He is actually a disciple of Mo Zhushan!

Li Fan hurriedly stopped his move and took a closer look. He saw that this was a village girl wearing a bamboo hat, whose face could not be seen clearly. She was wearing a green cloth skirt and had a bloated figure. There was no evil spirit about her body. He looked around with his blind eye. I discovered that this is indeed a person, and his Taoism is only in the Golden Core realm, but he could turn into a Nascent Soul-level monster just now...

"Is it "Ninety-nine Transformations of Tai Chi? Which peak of Zhushan are you from?"

The village girl heard that Li Fan had seen through the changes in his Taoism. She looked up at Li Fan's dress and her anger continued, "You are from Lou Guan Taoism! Why did you hit my spiritual pet!"

"Oh, these are spiritual pets. They didn't just become human beings. It was a mistake... No! As a disciple of Mozhu Mountain, how could you herd pigs in the dark and eat the crops in the field!" Li Fan frowned. Looking at the fields, a large area of ​​​​the world was ruined.

"Ha-??? What a pig! This is Dangkang!"

Li Fan, "Dangkang?"

Xuantian, "Dang Kang!"

Dangkang, "Dangkang!"

...So what is Dangkang?

Xuantian, "'When Kang is like a dolphin, its name calls itself, and when you see it, you will live forever.' This is a rare and auspicious beast. When it appears, the world will have a good harvest. It's strange, how can there be such a thing in Mozhu Mountain..."

Auspicious beast? Good harvest? Hiss...difficult, could it be...

Li Fan carefully took another look and found that those pigs, ahem, Dangkang, they seemed to be plowing the fields just now, eating the remaining straw in the fields, pulling them out as fertilizer, and at the same time removing the evil spirits from the wheat fields in the fields. Adsorbed to himself, it was indeed because he was frightened by Li Fan that he ran around and stepped on a large piece of fertile land next to him...

"Who is eating the crops! I am under the order of the temple master, and the nomads are doing well to eliminate evil and make crops! Break the curse of drought and no harvest and backlash! What's wrong with eating some bad ears and straw contaminated with evil spirits! Give it one year, and two Years are enough, three years is enough, do you understand?"

The village girl knelt down next to the demon pig Dangkang to check. She saw a big swelling on the pig's head, and she felt very distressed.

"My head is swollen! I'm going to sue you in the Discipline Academy!"

"Uh, one, a misunderstanding..." Li Fan sweated profusely, "Taoist fellow Taoist, I just joined the sect for the first time and came back from traveling. I didn't know there was something else going on..."

"What a newbie! You are already at the level of a real person! Didn't you know that so much food in Liguo was produced by Dangkang Zuoren!"

The village girl was so angry that she pointed at Li Fan and said angrily, "Tell me your Taoist number! I will definitely go to the Discipline Academy to sue you!"

Li Fan waterfall sweated, "Wait, wait, wait, this, that's good. I have a Donghua Changchun Pill here. I'll give it to your pig first. It'll be healthy. Look at it, it's not dead, right?" ."

"...Twenty more guans will be compensated." The village girl saw that Li Fanzhen took out an Evergreen Pill to compensate. She was a little less angry, so she cracked half of the pill and gave it to Dangkang to eat, and crushed the remaining half and applied it on the The wound said, "This is not my field. I will pay twenty guan to the village."

"It's easy to talk!" Li Fan quickly grabbed a handful of gold baht and gave it to the village girl, "That's enough! Then I won't disturb my Taoist friends from farming!"

"Hey! Hey you guy! I gave you too much! Hey!"

Li Fan fled in embarrassment, but he did not escape far. Instead, he stopped outside the range of the other party's spiritual consciousness. After checking for a while, he found that the other party did not mean to harm anyone. He gathered those Dangkang people and still dug soil in the fields.

Digging's such a should put up a notice saying that it's under construction...

Xuantian, "Did you know that in ancient times, Dangkang was called a damage-free beast in the Central Plains?"


Xuantian said, "There is a beast in the south, which looks like a deer but has the head of a hog. It relies on people to obtain grains. If people cut its meat, it will not cause disease, and the meat will regrow itself. It is called a beast without damage."

Damageless beasts are full of treasures, their flesh and blood can be used to make medicines and elixirs, and their bones and skin can be used to make clothes and make treasures. Therefore, although they can heal themselves without damage, they are no match for excessive harvesting and have been indiscriminately hunted in the Central Plains, almost extinct.

Since there is such an auspicious beast, instead of peeling off its skin and bones, refining treasures and eating its meat, instead of finding a secret place to keep it in captivity and treasure it, it actually uses it to cultivate land for mortals? ?

has a problem! You viewers must have a big problem! ! "

...How should I put it, who has the problem is a matter of opinion...

He almost made an mistake, Li Fan didn't want to mess around anymore, and he was not in the mood to worship the moon anymore, so he fled westward all night. Finally, with the first ray of morning light, Li Fan saw it from a distance.

Lou Guan Tower.

The seven-story Taoist tower was bathed in the morning sun, and the pieces of rubble seemed to shine into golden scales. The silver bells jumped like stars in the sun. The night pearl as big as a dragon's eye on the top of the tower shone brightly, reflecting the surrounding Taoist breath like azure clouds. A colorful arc of light blooms like a rainbow.

I'm back...

However, I didn’t feel the aura of the temple owner, and it seemed that he was not in Lou Guan Tower.

Li Tangyuan also poked his head out of the basket, "I'm hungry."

Forget it, there's no rush to get back, let's go to town for a meal first.

The changes in Mozhu Mountain are quite big. It has doubled the size when Li Fan left. Boats coming along the Li River continue to arrive. Every day, tens of thousands of refugee groups disembark on the south bank of the Li River, preparing to go to Zhushan Ten If the Four Peaks are developed, a large number of people will gather. Fortunately, there were no city wall restrictions in the first place, and the entire city surrounding the Louguan Tower spread out, creating a prosperous scene.

It was a pity that Liuyunge was closed, so Li Fan randomly found a teahouse to have morning tea. Anyway, Li Tangyuan had been drinking blood since she was a child, so the soy milk and fried dough sticks sent her away, so it was easy to support her.

After having breakfast, I planned to throw the Li Tangyuan to the shopkeeper of Jiangji Trading Company first, then go to Louguan Taoist Pagoda to register, pay a visit to the temple owner, and sort out the matters in Mo Shan's head first...

Xuantian, "Remember to go to the Mozhu Mountain Cave and ask Xiao Yao to make preparations for making the sword, and seize the time to repair the moon soul."

There are quite a lot of things to do...

Li Fan looked at Li Tangyuan and drank the soy milk with gusto, and took a sip.

Sigh... I can no longer taste the taste of soy milk... Sure enough, there is a price to pay for gaining power...

Then a passerby rushed past the store and shouted down the street, "The loaches are coming!"

Li Fan looked expressionless as he watched the owner of the morning tea shop jump up, and he and the waiter took out a large bucket from the back kitchen and carried it to the street in front of the tea house to set up a stall.

It's not just his family, it's all the shops along the street, not just restaurants and teahouses, but even ordinary private houses are bringing out pots and pans. Of course, I prepared water tofu...

With such a strange sight, some refugees asked, "What are you doing here? Waiting for the loaches to get into the pot?"

Someone explained, "You don't know, this is an immortal fate! This loach is the spiritual pet raised by the immortal in Mozhu Mountain. He comes here every once in a while to go shopping. He is very naughty, but he loves to eat tofu the most. One fish can eat thousands of Hundreds of stones! It’s like a bottomless pit! So everyone prepared tofu to sell to it.”

The refugees were curious, "How much can tofu be sold for? Not to mention how much does a loach cost?"

Someone else explained, "That loach has no money, but it has an IOU, and I heard that its owner is a powerful one. He is the Taoist disciple of Mozhu Mountain and a clan member of Li Guo! He has real estate in five mountains and is also a high official in the Immortal Palace. Yeah! It’s just thousands of kilograms of tofu, why can’t he pay it back? So it’s all owed to his master’s name.”

"This is a tofu ticket. For one pound of beans, if you add a little more water, you can get five or six pounds of tofu. No matter how much the price goes up, the beans are not worth much, but the merchants charge a high price for them. The market value of this ticket is Here’s Bai Guan.”

The owner of the morning tea shop also nodded, and took out a piece of paper from his arms. It was really an IOU from Mozhushan, the formal format of Lou Guandao's ultimatum. The letter read, "Li Qingyue, a disciple of Lou Guandao in Mozhushan, owes a stone to Tofu on a certain day of the month." Li Qingyue's name was written on the signature area. It seemed that there were so many names that they were printed directly together... There was also an ink-colored stain that spread out the words 'Li Qingyue'. He was probably licked by some fish's tongue and counted it as a sign...

"What! One stone of tofu worth a hundred dollars is too exaggerated!"

"Baiguan is the current market! Don't you understand? Tofu is not worth a lot of money, but an IOU from an immortal is valuable! Immortals talk about cause and effect! When have you ever seen an immortal issue an IOU!

Even if the immortal doesn't admit it, all he needs is Mo Zhushan to acknowledge the IOU! Now that Shengang money has been devalued so much, rice and noodles have to be used to pay Jingbian Gang, which is inconvenient to carry, and there is a shortage of silk when leaving the country, so everyone is using the IOUs written by this loach for transactions, and commercial banks directly use it to deduct taxes. They are all called Immortal Tickets. "

Li Fan's hands were shaking so much that he spilled half the bowl of soy milk.

Xuantian, "Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!"

Before Li Fan could recover, he only heard a cheer from the street, "The loach is coming!"

The crowd cheered like a wave, men, women and children raising tofu to greet their king.

Then I saw a big leopard with a body length of two feet and shiny coat. Riding on the leopard's back was a dead girl who looked about six or seven years old and had a stack of IOUs in her hand. There was also a three-inch-long leopard lying on the girl's head. catfish……

At least he grew an inch...

This fish carcass and leopard walked all the way in cheers, looking so indifferent that they handed over the ticket with one hand and sucked the tofu in one gulp. No matter how big the basin was, it was all empty... Seriously, what's so delicious about tofu...

"...Hey! You don't even recognize me after not seeing me for a few years!"

Li Fan didn't have tofu in his hand, and these guys just walked past him!

Kungu stared at Li Fan for a while, as if he didn't react until Xuantian's sword intention was attached to its head.

‘Kun said, hey, do you still want to drink this soy milk? ’

What a size you are! ! Just thinking about eating!

Li Fan rubbed his brows and looked at Leopard, who was lying on the ground holding his head as he remembered his own taste. Then he looked at the dead girl Lin Xiang who tilted her head and stared at him. Just when he was about to speak, the crowd behind him shouted in dissatisfaction. .

"Hey! What are you doing holding Immortal Loach back?" "First come, first served!" "We've been waiting in line for a long time!"

Madhu has become a loach immortal...

Li Fan gestured to them with his two middle fingers, and then with a wave of his hand, he caught Li Tangyuan and the basket, and let the leopard carry him. He took out two sword boxes and put them in the basket. With his sleeves rolled up, he led everyone to the clouds.

"Girl, you take it back to Mo Shan and give these to Xiao Yao. I'll go do something."

‘Kun said that we are now living in Wangshu Xiaoju and cannot go back to Moshan. By the way, we can bring some food as there is no one to cook. ’

Li Fanyi frowned, "What's going on?"

‘Kun said that Asha Fuling went to fight monsters. Lijiazhuang is occupied by monsters. ’

Li Fan's brows were knotted, "Occupied by a monster? Where did the monster come from??"

‘Kun said, black flowers. ’

Black flower? Black... Epiphyllum?

Kun nodded.

Well...he has forgotten even if he didn't mention this...

"I'll give you the money. Go buy groceries yourself. Send my sword to be repaired first. We'll talk about the rest later. Don't send me random IOUs!"

So he gave Kun a golden dragon hairpin, snatched the IOU, and temporarily sent them away. Li Fan went to Louguan Tower to register the ultimatum and pay compensation.

This tofu ticket that Kun messed up, UU Reading Although it is a very creative and market-forward financial product, it is not a good thing to be endorsed by Li Qingyue's personal credit.

Immortal fate has good and bad fate. Li Fan doesn't think that it must be a good thing for ordinary people to get such a contract that is really effective for immortals. Especially now that Li Qingyue has caused so much trouble, and I don't know how many times this stupid fish has spread out, it would be a sin if he really killed someone. Fortunately, the IOU was written for only one stone of tofu, and it wouldn't cost much now to use Shengang money to settle the knot.

While repaying the loan, Li Fan asked about 'fighting monsters' again.

The good news is that Chen Asha, Yuan Xuanbao, and Lu Qi all broke through to the golden elixir realm unexpectedly.

The bad news is that the three of them, together with Poria and other previous generations of monks from Mozhu Mountain, are now all training, no, fighting fiercely, at the Zhonggu Dojo in Lingqiu Mountain.

The demon offensive in Shiwandashan is very fierce. Although the demon king at the level of the god has obvious demon aura and is not able to forcefully break in, the demons at the Nascent Soul Realm and Golden Core Realm are like a tide of beasts, coming from all directions day and night. Fleeing into the territory of Mozhu Mountain.

Now, in addition to the Discipline Academy standing on the north side, a small number of Taoists from Lou Guan Dao guarding the Taoist tower, and the master of the temple personally guarding the Mozhu Mountain Cave Heaven. Including most of the real guards in Lou Guandao, most of the inner monks in the Golden Core Realm in the Nine Peaks of Zhushan Mountain are resisting the monsters of the Hundred Thousand Mountains. Except for a few technicians with special tasks such as production and logistics who are still in the rear, basically all the people who can fight have gone to the front line south of Moshan to fight.

Alas, it seems that even if I return to Mozhu Mountain, I'm afraid I won't have the chance to practice steadily and stabilize my realm...

So Li Fan logged into the Dao ultimatum and paid off a lot of debts. Thinking that he had more and more people to support, he took over the task of patrolling the four mountains that he had done before. No matter how small a mosquito's legs are, they are still meat...

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