Daozu is Cthulhu Chapter 377 Three Moves

"I was negligent. I have to eat meat to practice Falun Gong. I will prepare more in the kitchen. I saw this girl was greedy for chicken soup and didn't pay attention. I let her eat slowly. Who would have thought that she ate all the dishes on the table, big fish and big meat? You must be unable to digest it if you have to eat so much. It doesn’t look like you grew up in a poor family. It looks like you have never been exposed to oil and water... That’s all. It’s okay to drink some porridge these days to cook it down. But..."

Master Wei took Li Tangyuan's pulse and asked her to lie down on the bed and fall asleep. He took a look at the sword talisman between the girl's eyebrows and came out to ask Li Fan.

"Her facial features are somewhat similar to yours, could it be..."

Li Fan rolled his eyes, "I picked it up on the road."

Zhenren Wei stared at Li Fan expressionlessly, "You picked it up on the road and sealed it with your soul to hide it and bring it all the way back to Mozhu Mountain?"

Li Fan spread his hands and said, "Isn't it the tradition of our sect to tie up children to cultivate immortality? Let's not talk about whether it is right to do so or whether she has good qualifications."

Master Wei hesitated to speak, and finally pursed his lips, "She does have high-quality qualifications... But she is still a mortal and cannot bear to travel day and night. Since you intend to accept her as your disciple, don't be impatient and cultivate yourself for one night first. , there will be a caravan from Changsi City delivering goods tomorrow morning, you can take a flying boat back to Mozhu Mountain."

"Let the dean worry about it."

Li Fan scratched his head, that was the only thing he could do. Li Tangyuan didn't even start to practice Qi. He was put in a basket and crossed mountains and mountains, and had a stomachache. If it were an ordinary child, he would have gone straight away with about half his life, but Li Tangyuan was I have a good foundation, a strong body, can eat and drink, and fall asleep as soon as I touch the pillow.

But it will take several more days... It's really troublesome. Killing people is really the easiest solution...


Li Fan rolled his eyes and turned to glare at Li Tangyuan behind him. This guy was still snoring. Foolish people are blessed...

After setting up a magic circle for Li Tangyuan to cultivate, Li Fan walked to Lou Guandao's courtyard and looked at the backyard, where he saw a monastery isolated by the Fuqi magic circle.

The lights were brightly lit there, and there were always faceless black-clad Taoist priests from the Discipline Academy, using gold basins to drink hot water and medicinal soup, coming and going, coming in and out, and weird beast-like roars constantly coming from the monastery. , the edge of the window reflected various strange shapes, and from time to time, a figure flashed by, killing the strange figure, and blood spattered all over the window. After a while, there were disciples from the Discipline Academy holding a gold basin in their hands, using The silk cloth covered with charms covered the mouth of the basin and left quickly as if it contained something.

Yes, in that room were Huang Hai and other traitors from the outer sect who were brought back by Li Fan from the Nangong Army. They were all brain-dead due to close contact with the Thousand-Faced Immortal. They were still skins during the day, but at night, the moon shone brightly. , evil spirits surged up, these things began to change uncontrollably, corrupt, melt, and even evolve. Various body tissues were like living creatures, struggling desperately and roaring under the moonlight, as if begging the immortal to save them. Return the souls that were taken away, or give them the appearance of true death.

Although he told Wei Hu that people like Huang Hai would die no matter what, Li Fan didn't want to kill them now.

Now killing them with one sword is too cheap, isn't it? Since you want to atone for your sins, then contribute the remaining residue to Lou Guandao's Taisu research. This can also be regarded as a pioneer in exploring the avenue and contributing to the evolution of mankind. It made a small contribution, didn't it?

Well, this will be done to those who violate laws and disciplines in the future. It's just waste.

In order to avoid interfering with the research of the Discipline Academy, Li Fan flew out of the Taoist temple to worship the moon and practice. He didn't fly very far and found a nearby Zuntianmo altar set up nearby. It would be good to return to the site of Mozhu Mountain. Not only could he You can worship the moon generously, and the infrastructure has been built.

The strange demon god in this altar is a head with some kind of badger-like animal, four eyes, four limbs and arms, each holding a sword, ax and fork. He is wearing armor and has a human-shaped warrior with a stomach, holding a crescent moon behind his back. It looks like a huge scimitar, and if you look closely, it looks like a tail or something.

I don’t know which real person set up the altar. However, it should not be the monk's own Taoist transformation and casting, pointing directly to the cave of retreat, but a local practice altar that is comparable to the Taisu world, and anyone can collect evil spirits.

There is no evil spirit in the altar at this time, and there should be no one practicing on the other side. Li Fan took a look at the yellow book in front of the shrine. The words "Zhenggong Tianku, Fu Yao Tianbian, Zixia Tianque, Dali Shengang" were written on the book.

Li Fan had learned these basic knowledge from the notes and annotations of the Centipede Book of Heaven in Moshan. The first two sentences of Zhenggong Fuyao refer to Lou Guandao's calculation of eighteen flying stars and the method of counting star positions. In other words, this The Taisu Realm opposite the anchor point of Zuntian Magic Altar, the corresponding approximate star position is in the star field of Tianku Palace Tianren Yao, and the last two sentences are easy to understand. The Taisu Realm over there does not have Zixu Zhenqi, but it is suitable Shengang Zhenqi is collected and practiced.

Of course Li Fan doesn't care, as long as it's Taisu Realm, he can do it.

So as soon as he closed his eyes and opened them, Li Fan flew across Xuyuan and came to the new world.

This is a desert, a desert of steel, with iron sand and iron filings everywhere. When the strong wind blows up the iron sand, it is literally like steel knives cutting noodles and iron wheels grinding meat. It is simply no place for humans. However, the evil spirit is still very abundant. In fact, it is so abundant that the iron sand here is stained and radiated into an ink color. There should be creatures like the Demon Statue of Heaven in this Taisha desert, but Gu Guanfa has not seen it for the time being. It must have been wiped out by the monks from Mozhu Mountain.

So Li Fan sat on the steel sand dune, absorbing the evil spirit in his body to replenish his mood, and at the same time fell into meditation, and went to the divine court to check the status of Guixu Nascent Soul.

Before, it was shattered after being patted on the shoulder by the Thousand-Faced Immortal. Now, the entire Nascent Soul seems to be a broken porcelain doll stuck together, with cracked spider marks all over its body.

However, the Thousand-faced Immortal probably did not deliberately mess with him to break up his cultivation, because after Li Fan checked, he found that the vertebrae of Guixu Zhenyuan were not broken, and the Taisha Sword Embryo was also intact, except for the outer part. The skin of the muscles was peeled off. Most of this part of Guixu Zhenyuan is for the purpose of pushing forward the realm and quickly transforming it.

Could it be that the Thousand-Faced Immortal was reminding him that his foundation was not strong? So kind?

Li Fan couldn't help but fantasize about his own shadow, stood up and hugged each other and whispered in his ear, "Li Yi's foundation is not strong", he couldn't help but shuddered, and his mood dropped a little...

Uh... It shouldn't be a subjective reminder, but objectively, the foundation is indeed not solid, so these nonsense cannot be said to be superficial. It can only be said that there is no patience to polish it, and it completely copies the changes in the human body structure. In fact, it is not correct. The direction of practice cannot withstand the slap of the Thousand-Faced Immortal...

Li Fan thought for a while and took out two of the four-sided crystals the other party gave him. He also took out his Taisha sword embryo and compared them together.

The Taisha sword body is darker and purer, and is so thin that it seems to absorb all the light, while the crystal of the Thousand-faced Immortal looks like a colorful black, as if there is something hidden in the tetrahedron. Like something else.

Li Fan really wanted to have them all, but he couldn't do it. Taisha Jian Tai could only practice a few of them after all the effort. Whether it is the way of the Thousand-faced Immortal or Xuantian's Taisha Sword Way, the demand for evil energy is huge. At least now, Li Fan does not have the space for both sides to practice slowly together in such a leisurely manner.

Alas, there are two directions of evolution, and we have no idea what the end will be. It is really difficult to open up an unprecedented path. We can only keep trying and making mistakes...

Considering that the Taisha Sword Embryo was really slow to form and did not conform to the 'human shape', Li Fan thought about it and realized that it was useless just to think about it. He had better try it first. Anyway, the Nascent Soul is now broken. It would be better to rebuild it all over again.

It just so happened that the four iron sand deserts also inspired Li Fan, so he visualized these two crystals and tried to transform the evil spirit into the returning true energy, and shape it into this kind of tetrahedron from a microscopic perspective, like sand and stone building blocks. Stacked and built into flesh and blood, to put it bluntly, there is an extra step to shape Guixu Yuanying, completely dismantling the Yuanying, reconstructing the Yuanying, and then gluing it together to form a new Guixu Yuanying.

Of course, it is very time-consuming to reconstruct the entire Nascent Soul, but Li Fan can imitate the Tianyi Zhenqi, first wear the removed part of the Zhenqi on his body like a robe, and then slowly gather the human form under the robe.

After spending a whole night reconstructing the Nascent Soul, Li Fan only completed the skull and vertebrae. The rest of his flesh and blood turned into a thick fog of black crystal sand, as if a black windbreaker and cloak were covering his body, with an outer layer of smoke. The inner layer of the misty evil spirit is refined into aggregated true energy. This ghost is like a ghost, disappearing and appearing, gathering and dispersing. At a glance, it looks very similar to the clone of the Thousand-Faced Immortal.

Although the strength is still uncertain, at least in this way, if the other party comes back to hook up again, the loss will not be so great.

But Li Fan didn't expect that the impact of fundamentally reshaping the structure of Yuanying would be greater than he imagined. He didn't feel it at all in the Taisu world, but when his body returned to the Taiji world, Li Fan immediately felt Uncomfortable.

It's like the feeling of ordinary people jumping into the water, no, into the oil tank.

Li Fan felt that the air was thick and chaotic, full of obstruction, and the space was filled with too many 'unnecessary' and even 'wrong' impurities, making it difficult to breathe. The boredom and suffocation in his chest gave Li Fan a strong impulse, both psychologically and physically, to correct this 'incorrect' world into a world where he could breathe freely...

Xuantian, "Wow! What did you do again! Look at your face!"


Li Fan took out the mirror and took a look, and saw that his face was breathing heavily as if he was suffocating. Well, the shadow seemed to be dark, and there was only one mouth on the figure. He looked like he was drowning and breathing heavily.

Does love come from the heart... But the heart is not ready yet... It's almost almost...

Fortunately, it was not yet dawn. Li Fan suppressed Yuanying's "dissatisfaction" with the world and recalled his human form. His skin instantly turned from pitch black to pale, and his face changed again to look like "Li Qingyue", as if Wearing a leather jacket.

Is this good?

Xuantian, "...where are the eyeballs."

Oh, by the way, you have to see it with the naked eye. Okay, okay, it’s changed.

Xuan Tian, ​​"...Boy, are you really okay? I feel like you have changed as a person..."

It's changing, it's changing...

"Tangyuan, let's go when you wake up and go back to Mozhu Mountain."

Li Fan opened the door and gave Li Tangyuan a friendly smile.

Li Tangyuan stared and said, 'Who are you! ’ He stared at Li Fan with frightened eyes. Although he looked like a person, he stared for a long time before he recognized him. He ran to squat in the basket and covered his head with Shimian.

Li Fan didn't mind either. He picked up the basket with a smile, boarded the flying boat, and sat down at the stern.

No one from the other monks, merchants, or boatmen on the ship came to talk to him, and no one even dared to glance over at him.

It seems that they subconsciously knew that something pretending to be a human being was on the boat, so they subconsciously forced their eyes not to look at it, because they subconsciously knew that this 'thing' was not something their brains could see, understand, or understand. accepted.

This is the correct judgment.

Li Fan turned his head and looked south, then asked the basket next to him with a smile.

"Tangyuan, do you want to go back to Nangong's house?"

Li Tangyuan huddled in the basket, but Li Fan saw her and shook his head.

"Are your parents gone?"

Li Tangyuan said nothing.

Li Fan thought for a while, "Nangong's family usually doesn't give you good food?"

Li Tangyuan nodded.

"But they should have given you something special...try to remember what it was."

Li Tangyuan was very obedient, and Li Fan could see with his blind eye that she was drinking a bowl of viscous red soup that shone with golden light. It was packed in a square box that looked like a wooden incense burner. The maids would use golden spoons to serve the tea. A small bowl was placed on the plate for her to drink. The rusty smell was very familiar to Li Fan.

is blood.

Phoenix blood.

Xuantian, "She started feeding her at such a young age! This is no ordinary direct sect! She was trained by the Immortal Queen! They are going to send her to Ziweiyuan!"

So that's the case, no wonder she dared to glare at him.

"Tangyuan, as long as you become my disciple in Mozhu Mountain, you can eat whatever you want from now on, and no one will force you to drink blood, okay?"

Li Tangyuan poked his head out of the basket, looked at Li Fan, and nodded.

"Haha, okay, go to sleep. You still have a long way to go."

So Li Fan covered the basket, drew a circle on the deck for the basket, and then disappeared from the ship in a flash.

After a while, he fled all the way south and flew directly above the clouds. There was Nangong holding a Fangtian Huaji, standing there waiting for him.

This person is nine feet long, with a tiger's back and waist, a golden crown on his head, a pair of golden pheasant feathers on the tail, a tiger body covered with red bird armor, a plain robe with a dragon in the water, a heart-protecting mirror on his chest that shines brightly, a phoenix skirt with golden armor that covers his hanging legs . He is a real god king, and he shows his majesty and majesty as a war god general. He cupped his fist at Li Fan and said, "Marquis Guannei."

Li Fan smiled at him, "Nangong Wushuang. What are you doing?"

Nangong Wushuang didn't waste any time. He held Fang Tian's halberd in front of him and said, "Take my three moves. If you can catch them, I won't kill you."

Li Fan grinned and took out a gold brick from his sleeve, "Okay, if you can catch it, I won't kill you."

For a moment, the wind stopped,

The next second, the wind picked up,

"Blazing Flame Sky Soaring!"

"Tai Sha Jian Hong!"

The sky-burning fire phoenix roared in, and the sky-shattering sword rainbow penetrated the rising sun. The black sword rainbow was like an ominous comet, and it cut through the Fire Phoenix Dharmakaya with one strike.

Just one move decided the outcome.

Nangong Wushuang lost.

First of all, Li Fan has seen the Nangong family's Chiyan Tianxiang trick before, and even succeeded in it, so there is nothing surprising about it.

Secondly, Xuan Tian also pinned him for half a second.

This half second was enough for Li Fan to stab the Nangong family's Wushuang Prince's breastplate with a sword, making a big hole in his left chest.

What? Gold brick? Oh, Li Fan just took it out for everyone to see. Why? Probably Nangong Wushuang was also thinking about this issue when he was struck by the sword...

In short, Li Fan won. There’s really nothing to say. After all, Nangong Wushuang is just a newcomer who turned into a god a few years ago. To be honest, the Nangong family’s fighting style is not a battle of wits, but the fighting skills are also Not as good as those demons and monsters, among all the god-transforming monks that Li Fan had killed, their strength could only be considered average.

That is to say, this outfit looks brighter...

"No, it's impossible! How could you...how could you have hurt my mouth and teeth! You bastard!"

Just like his brothers and sisters, Nangong Wushuang, who tasted the taste of defeat, fell into a desperate rage of incompetence.

But the ventricle of the heart was punctured, and the scream was quite loud... What's going on?

Li Fan squinted his eyes and said, "Do you have two hearts? Are you gifted? Or are you practicing the skills? Forget it, it doesn't matter."

If you can't kill it with one sword, use the second sword.

"Tai Sha Jian Hong!"

Yes, it’s Taisha Jianhong again! This sword hit Nangong Wushuang, who was still in shock and couldn't extricate himself, with his man and his halberd! Cut it off at the waist!

Li Fan felt that he had indeed 'changed' and become stronger.

After reconstituting the Nascent Soul and becoming the Taisu life form, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net Taisha Jianhong, a move driven by evil energy, can also be activated at will. If we want to use the language of the game to make it easier to understand, it is probably the forward swing of this move. The cooling and consumption have been greatly reduced, so much that Li Fan can put it around at will!

Ahem, okay, you can't just throw them around, it's quite a waste of real energy, so I'll probably do another seven or eight swords.

"No! It's impossible! I am the prince of the Nangong clan! I can never die in a place like this! Phoenix bathing in fire!!"

Nangong Wushuang was finally awakened by the severe pain of being cut in half. He screamed, and the real fire exploded all over his body. The blood fire turned into a phoenix, wrapped the remaining quarter of his body, and flew away!

Not dead yet? Okay, I take back the preface, this Nangong Wushuang is not too weak, he is quite powerful if he can resist his two swords.

So Li Fan escaped and caught up, and was about to add another blow, but suddenly his heart moved, he turned his head and looked north, and realized that he had been tricked. After thinking about it, he put away the sword technique and just smashed the gold brick over, and the golden light flashed. Turning around, he knocked down Nangong Wushuang's golden crown with one blow. His hair was disheveled, his head was bruised and bleeding, his forehead was dented, and his whole body was smashed into the clouds and fell into the mortal world.

"Three moves have passed! Chengzheng! You all heard me shouting so loudly! If he dies, you can't blame me!"

Then Li Fan took the gold bricks and flew northward without looking back, rushing straight back to the Feizhou Merchant Ship. Sure enough, I saw a Yuanying monk who had just slaughtered the boat and was flying away with a basket on his back.

This person obviously never expected that Li Fan would come back so quickly after being stopped by Nangong Wushuang. He was caught off guard and did not use any means. He only had time to exchange a palm with Li Fan and was hit from the shoulder and arm to the head. , half of his body was blown to pieces, and he died on the spot.

Li Fan waved his hand and tore up the remaining remains, then snatched the basket back for a look.

Li Tangyuan is still snoring...

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