Daozu is the target of Cthulhu Chapter 364

Although Qiongqi's understanding is a bit poor, it is still enough. And to be honest, operating a spaceship is much easier than calculating a sword formation. After all, he doesn't need to understand the working principle of every component of the refrigerator, he just needs to open the refrigerator door.

So he imitated the operation of the ghost and turned around. Li Fan not only learned how to drive various equipment in the shuttle, but also found a 3D printer, or in other words, a food synthesizer.

This equipment can process and purify all kinds of organic matter, which is ridiculous, by digging some soil, mixing it with some water, and finally producing emergency food like compressed biscuits. Supposed to be cheap equipment for use by these cloned cyborg crews. The taste is really hard to describe, but the advantage is that it is highly adaptable, low cost, and large in quantity.

So Li Fan produced a lot of emergency biscuits, and while watching the expedition of the advance team through the holographic image, he stuffed them into his mouth to fill Qiongqi's stomach. Not to mention, it feels like watching a movie...

Judging from the pictures sent back from time to time by the advance team, the scale of this underground ancient monster city group was very large, which reminded Li Fan of the destroyed worlds he had seen before when he went to Taisu Xuyuan to pay homage to the moon. Could it be that before the human civilization in the Tai Chi world appeared, there was already an ancient civilization that was purified by the company?

And judging from the frozen city, various building blocks, mural reliefs, unique text, and functional design, this monster civilization has already reached a considerable level. It is a pity that the company's advance team is traveling so fast It was too fast, moving forward destructively, blowing up and burning all the blocked ice rocks or buildings, and Li Fan couldn't do a careful archeology.

This clone is really skilled in the business, and should belong to the elite monster level. Not only is he fully armed and wearing a metal exoskeleton SBS, which looks like a Beida, but he also has the skills to operate many electronic devices. While speeding all the way, Every time a certain distance is traveled, or when communications are interfered with, a signal amplifying device like a camera tripod will be set up to keep the command information chain connected.

According to the introduction of the ghost, the process of the advance team and the main cabin of the shuttle is similar. They both carry out tasks independently. Only when the collected data is sent back for backup, will they actively communicate and request correction of the direction of progress. The same goes for the main cabin, which will regularly report mission progress and collected data to the main ship in orbit.

Of course, the next time the shuttle communicates with the system, Li Fan's invasion will definitely be known to the company system, but fortunately this is a locally produced civilian ship, because of technology and equipment limitations. Generally, communication cannot be carried out until daytime, when there is no interference from the virtual moon, and the radar is not very good. It seems that because Li Fan raided too fast, the shuttle was not a military device and only detected an 'unknown signal'. It was rushed in and destroyed before the analysis was completed, so it was classified as an 'unknown wild animal'. …

Well, now that the non-physical body looks like this, Li Fan is not worried about his identity being leaked.

However, judging from the progress of the advance team, they have broken through the frozen layer and the collapse zone, and entered the vast underground city square like an underground palace. A large number of monster corpses have appeared around them, and they are probably very close to the target.

If there are no major problems, perhaps tonight the advance team can arrive at the 'target' location estimated by the company's system and confirm the specific information of the 'target'.

Li Fan is always ready. No matter what is hidden under the ice, the company cannot get it.

Simply destroying the shuttle may not be of much use. After all, the ship is consumable from equipment to crew. It seems that the company doesn't care and can send another group of people down at any time.

Even if he goes back and activates the Sun Sword Formation to cover this area again, Li Fan has been exposed to the sun for a long time after disarming the Sword Formation. He doesn't know how the Sword Formation has been eroded, so it is not very safe.

Therefore, Li Fan's consideration was that since the company specially sent manpower to conduct a careful on-site search first, it should be worried that it would accidentally damage the 'target' when digging underground with large shuttle equipment.

That's easy. When you confirm the status of the 'target' later and start collecting, you can just destroy the 'target' directly.

Once and for all, the company's plans will be completely defeated!

Just when Li Fan was eating cookies, watching the real-time images sent back by the advance team, and guessing what good things the company was mining, suddenly the shuttle's radar alerted.

"Alert! Alert! Unknown signal found! Unknown signal found! Signal analysis in progress..."

What the hell? Another unknown wild animal?

Li Fan operated the command system and sent surrounding drones for reconnaissance.

Unlike Li Fan, who attacked the shuttle at full speed, this latecomer moved relatively slowly. Of course, it was relative. In the optical image returned by the drone, there was something huge, jumping up and down like a dolphin, breaking through the ice. The layer, roaring and jumping from the ice sea in the north, is about ten feet by visual estimation, right?

...What the hell is that? Green... whale?

Before Li Fan could confirm carefully, the channel on the advance team suddenly exploded!

"Main cabin! Main cabin! Found 'beep——'! 'Target' has been activated! Repeat! 'Target' has been activated!"

"Suppressive fire! Suppressive fire!"

"Retreat! Retreat! More! Retreat!"


Should I mow the lawn? What's going on?

Li Fan narrowed his eyes and yelled at the sudden chaos, weapons fired wildly, and the perspectives of the four members of the advance team and the four drones shook violently! The scene was chaotic!

The shuttle on the other side didn't stop and started "Analysis completed! Danger! Unlogged wild animals! Level 6 life forms! Level 6 life forms!" Scream! A lot of red warning signs popped up on the radar screen!

Damn it! It’s impossible to see through it with two eyes!

But fortunately, Li Fan can grow a few more heads to see...

Okay, let's take it one by one first. The huge green thing that jumped over should be some kind of non-object, or some kind of mutated monster, at least not an earth creature that Li Fan knew. To describe it, it's like... a spiky slug?

It is a green slimy slug, or slug, the size of a whale. Its body surface moistened by mucus is covered with silver cone-like spikes. The spikes seem to be a retractable protective layer. They are very sharp and can easily break through the ice. And when it fell from the ice to the land, the spikes stretched very long, protecting the weak slug body. From a distance, it looked like a sea urchin, crawling over the snowfield in arches, aiming directly at the ancient times. The remains of the monster city. Nine times out of ten, they are here for the ‘goal’.

However, the moving speed of this thing is visible to the naked eye, and it is not as fast as a car. Li Fan will let the drone swarm test and stop it first.

As for the advance team in the dungeon, they encountered completely different things, and they were also non-material things. Looks like...um...meatballs?

The pale meat dumplings, with many dry twig-like legs and feet if you look closely, look like ant eggs with only hatched limbs. About as tall as a person.

In fact, the equipment of these combatants in the company is still very powerful. The shooting mode of the high-energy ray rifle can be changed from the ray cannon to the mode of the laser submachine gun. Biubiubiu has to shoot a large red light to smash those ant eggs, which are thick white. The sap is boiling, and with the assistance of drones, in theory, the team can form a solid position and fight a way out.

But there were too many of these meat dumplings, they were so densely packed together, and there was nothing in the radar scan! As a result, all the drones were silenced, and these advanced combatants also lost their shooting assistance, and could only aim visually with limited light sources in the darkness.

But the meat dumplings had so many legs, and they climbed up extremely quickly. They gathered fire and smashed one or two of them silently, and then a large group suddenly emerged from every corner of the darkness and rushed toward the advance team! Suddenly a large piece fell from the top of the head, and the entire channel was filled with the screams of the advance team at the top of their lungs!

But is it necessary to shout so loudly, as a combatant...

"Warning! Combatant Death!"

kindness? what happened?

Li Fan frowned. These eggs are very weak. Logically speaking, it is impossible to break the company's armor, right?

Then the next moment, something drastic changed suddenly. Through the drone footage of the onlookers, Li Fan clearly saw that except for one combatant who was submerged and dismantled by meat balls, the other three suddenly broke out and broke through the non-material in an instant. Surrounded by a group of people, they began to aim and shoot quickly as if a plug-in was activated. The light and shadow switching in the lens was so fast that it was completely imitated. The reaction speed of these clone soldiers was far beyond that of ordinary people. With the blessing of equipment, they The speed of the three was so fast that Li Fan simply watched the three gods of war fighting!

Could it be that he took drugs?

Li Fan popped up the armor data and took a look. Sure enough, the neurological responses of the three soldiers were greatly improved, and the dead one had no obvious trauma and should have died suddenly of cardiac arrest. It seemed like some kind of drug was used, but why were they screaming so hard? Is it a side effect of the medicine?

"Retreat application rejected! Keep moving forward! Head-on breakthrough! Visually confirm the target!"

Li Fan issued an order from the main cabin. Without the assistance of the drone, the combatants who were rushing to escape seemed to be controlled by the order written in their genes. Without saying a word, they immediately turned around and formed a triangular assault. Although the formation was screaming frantically as if they had a mental breakdown, they still fired all the way, blasting large piles of meat balls, stepping on the white juice and minced meat, and continued to stride deeper into the underground city.

Well, if you want to do it, can you still do it? This rifle is quite good. It not only has multiple attack modes, but also does not require reloading during the whole process, and can also fire continuously...

"No rifles allowed."

So the combatants immediately ceased fire and magnetically attached their rifles to their shoulder armors. At the same time, a meter-long monomolecular blade arm knife stretched out from the armor's wrist, screaming and charging into the meat dumplings to fight.

As expected, he is a dedicated combatant. Although he is a bit noisy, his strikes are clean and neat. With the blessing of equipment, he really has the fighting power of a god of war. He slashes and blasts all the way, carving a bloody path from the non-physical flesh ball, and still remains unstoppable. Push, even if one person suddenly suffered a cardiac arrest and fell to the ground and died suddenly, he did not slow down.

"The use of monomolecular knives is prohibited."

There seemed to be no other weapons in the armor. The two remaining combatants screamed in anger or fear. Then one of them stopped fighting and started jumping wildly. The other roared and pulled up Rouduanzi's long legs. , swinging the two meatballs like sledgehammers, creating opportunities for teammates.

But after she only touched the meat dumplings for five seconds, she began to suffer from severe epilepsy, became incontinent, vomited, and finally died of a cerebral hemorrhage. Scared to death? The physical skills can still function after one minute of visual inspection, but they can't hold on for five seconds after being touched... It seems that the mental damage caused by these meat dumplings underground is quite considerable...

So the only remaining soldier from the advance team jumped all the way underground and launched a desperate charge to perform the task of 'visual confirmation'. Behind her were a bunch of meat dumplings chasing her...

Take the time to pay attention to the 'level six life form' on the other side.

The situation here is much more harmonious.

When a swarm of drones emerged from the glacier, the spiked slug actually stopped moving and was cautious enough to keep a distance from the metal drones, sticking out its metal silver spines like an animal with fried fur. Similar.

Li Fan directed the drone group to surround it, and the thing moved back and sent a single drone forward to take pictures. The slug would suddenly stab the drone and knock it down. Maybe it maintains the maximum distance for counterattack, but doesn't launch an attack?

This guy is so big, I'm surprised he's quite timid...

Since the opponent actively chose a stalemate, Li Fan ignored it for now, because the only remaining advance combatants were probably almost there.

From the perspective provided by the helmet, it is a huge white meat ball as high as a five-story building. The meat ball is covered with trembling pustules, no, it is eyeballs. UU Reading www.uuukanshu.nett Turn around and take a look, It’s all eyeballs!

Those eyes only glanced at the camera, and a large number of warnings about "combatants appearing in large numbers", "combatants with low ecological signs" and "combatants with arrhythmia" popped up in the system here. The screams also stopped, replaced by choked sobs coughing up blood. It sounded like the clone's alveoli were filled with blood, and it was only because he had taken a lot of stimulants that he was still moving.

It's really amazing. With the system technology, can the clone warriors achieve this? It's a pity that it's still a little short.

Yes, this big meat ball is definitely not a ‘target’. Since it can be illuminated through optical influence without being forcibly modified by the system to modify the frequency-closing signal, then this big meat dumpling and the slugs on the ice sheet should be non-objects attracted to the 'target', right?

The demon civilization that was inherited from ancient times and perished has been sealed by the Beichen Sword Formation for five hundred years. The companies and the non-material demon gods are all salivating, and they are coming to compete for the 'target'.

"Lifting restrictions on the use of weapons."

So the combat soldier sped up and rushed toward the white meat ball, pulled out a metal can from his waist, and inserted it into the meat ball's eyeball.

The next moment, everything inside and outside the shuttle was pitch black. The signal was temporarily interrupted. The hull was weightless for three seconds before restarting. The holographic image shone again. The underground city monuments collapsed and collapsed, and the entire mine collapsed.

Damn it, a single-soldier nuclear bomb... what kind of monster am I fighting...

"Signal lost, underground fusion detected."

All the underground signals were lost, and the signals from the drone on the other side were gradually connected. I saw that 'Level 6 life form' did not hesitate, jumped one after another, returned to the ice sea, and jumped into the water with a pop. , and disappeared...

So cowardly...

Forget it, leave it alone and start mining. See what you can dig up.

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