The Taoist ancestor is Cthulhu

Chapter 347 Connections

Daozu is Cthulhu Chapter 347 Connections

The magnificence of Duke Xinling’s Mansion does not need to be described in detail, and the residence of a first-class prince is of course also a first-class fairy palace. It is basically a paradise, a floating fairy island. In addition to gardens and pavilions on the island, there are also lakes for boating. , it’s probably the kind of wealthy and noble place like the Duke’s Mansion and the Grand View Garden described in Red Bee’s Dream.

Li Fan didn't understand this either, so he just copied a few sentences for everyone to understand.


The high buildings in the deep palace are in the Purple Qing Dynasty, and the gold embroidered couplets are made of dragons and dragons.

The beautiful woman is enjoying the daylight at the window, and the strings are playing the zither in sign language.

Because the Tianchi Lake is flooded with water, the buildings and boats are rippled by the waves.

Three thousand pairs of moths sang and laughed, and the palace was overwhelmed by bells and drums.

Xuantian, "...I can't see how educated you are..."

Ashamed, ashamed. If you are thick-skinned, you won't feel the shame of copying. On the contrary, you will feel a little better... Of course, there are a few sentences at the end, about all the surnames gathering to dance and sing in peace, and His Majesty's sage and ancient name will be remembered. I won't mention it. , this situation and this scene are inappropriate for the time.

"Young master Wuji, you are well. Li Qingyue happened to be passing by your residence and wanted to ask for a glass of water and wine."

"Oh, Brother Qingyue is here to visit. He is overjoyed. Come, come, come, let me show my friendship as a landlord. We won't come back until we get drunk!"

Under the service of the eunuchs and a group of maids who rushed over with boots in their hands, Bei Gong Wuji quickly changed into a splendid attire, then pulled Li Fan into the fairy palace, boarded the dragon boat, and went boating and drinking together in the fairy pond.

Of course he said he was asking for a glass of water and wine, but when he sat down, the eunuch over there had already ordered groups of waiters and maids to serve delicacies and wine, and hundreds of delicacies were laid out for a banquet. Not to mention, these guys who serve people are indeed professional, their methods are quick, and their figures are exquisite. They have raised the average appearance of Li Fan so far. He is worthy of Miyuan, the tertiary industry is really developed... …

"Master Wuji is so polite. Qingyue truly deserves your hospitality."

Beigong Wuji interrupted Li Fan with a smile and said, "Brother Qingyue, don't say that. These useless guys are always in a hurry and can only bring out these things for entertainment. I'm really ashamed. I'm making you laugh. Don’t be offended.”

The eunuch knelt on the ground and laughed with him, "My lord, forgive me, it's not a meal now. I can't prepare a palace banquet to entertain the distinguished guests at the moment. I can only put some snacks and cold dishes. The dining room will be ready in a while. Please Zhenjun Don’t be offended, the main dish has been prepared and will arrive in no time. Let’s try some cold dishes to satisfy our hunger first.”

Damn it, is this steamed phoenix served here? Can this be considered a cold dish?

Li Fan quickly picked up the water and wine brought by the maid next to him to calm down his shock. Oh oh oh! This plum wine is really good! Sweet and sour, refreshing, refreshing, sweet...

This time it was also a spur-of-the-moment idea to go to Taiweiyuan for a walk and keep things simple.

The first Nascent Soul general, under the banner of a first-class county prince, leads with a tall horse, followed by twenty-four golden-armored heavy cavalry, each carrying evil spirits, jade horses, yellow dragons, unicorns, dragon horses, three-cornered beasts, black basalts, golden oxen, etc. The spirit bird and the beast flag are the first to clear the way.

In the middle, eight sacred cows of five colors were used to pull up a fragrant chariot and a chariot. Two Yuan Ying captains were brought to the side. Twelve maids each served on the chariot, and forty-eight powerful men were divided into two rows under the chariot. Accompanying escort.

Behind him was a captain of the Duke's Mansion, with hundreds of soldiers, wearing foot armor, divided into four horizontal rows, holding halberds, swords and shields, bows and arrows and crossbows respectively, following the five-color ox cart to cover the rear.

In fact, it didn't take even a moment to get from Xinling Duke's Mansion to Taiwei Yuan. It was time for the ceremonial guards to line up. However, Li Fan now also knew the tone of things in the Immortal Palace. He was not in a hurry. There was no point in hurrying. He just followed. In the car, while drinking with Bei Gong Wuji, they inquired about Tai Weiyuan's background.

This building is so small that it can be said to be a government agency of the Immortal Palace. Li Fan continued to pretend to be a wild man in the mountains. He had never seen the world and was interested in all the new terms of the Three Lords and Nine Lords. He asked the following eunuchs about those big Honglu. , Guanglu Temple, what official positions and errands did Mr. Habayashi have? He was making insinuations and was very careful to lead the topic to his real purpose.

"So Taipusi herds horses for the Immortal Lord? Bima Wen?"

The serving eunuch respectfully replied, "If you go back to the king, he has this position, but it is for the Royal Horse Supervisor in Ziweiyuan. Taipu Temple not only manages the affairs of the Immortal Palace, but also dragons, phoenixes, phoenixes, unicorns, golden oxen, etc. Taipu Temple is responsible for taking care of all spiritual birds and holy animals."

Bei Gong Wuji also chimed in, "It's a pity that we can't raise dragons. Alas, the most powerful dragon-controlling technique in the Immortal Palace has been lost. We can only ride on bullock carts. What a pity..."

Oh, what, the ox cart is not enough for you, you still want to ride the dragon cart? Are you quite resentful of being relegated to the first rank as a county prince?

Li Fan glanced at Beigong, but the eunuch noticed it immediately and quickly said, "The Hidden Dragon Division was involved in some old things, and they are gone. Now the remaining dragon seeds have been taken to Ziwei Yuan for use, and the emperor's heirs are traveling." There is only a Nine-Dragon Treasure Chariot, how can we, the subjects, arrogantly overstep it?

However, dragon meat is a rare and delicious delicacy, and it is of great benefit to the immortal king's body refining method. With the master's qualifications, if there is a real dragon to assist him, it will be just around the corner to break through to the realm of the immortal king. What a pity. "

Bei Gong Wuji nodded, "Yes, I'm already hungry after not eating for a long time."

Well, it does taste pretty good, no wonder it’s extinct…

Li Fan glanced at the eunuch, without going into details, and simply asked, "But when it comes to the most powerful method of controlling beasts, I heard that the immortal silkworms in the Immortal Palace are the best in the world. Is it also the Taipu Temple in charge? ?”

Unexpectedly, these people in the Immortal Palace are really sensitive. As soon as they heard the fairy silkworm, the eunuch immediately shut up and stopped answering, and the car became silent.

But Beigong Wuji shook his head indifferently, "Immortal silkworms? Oh, the Weaving Department. The Weaving Department is a bit complicated. After all, silk makes money. Taipu Temple, Taichang Temple, Guanglu Temple, Da Sinong, Shaofu, The Inner Dynasty Tianyi Prison was also fought over back then, and everyone wanted to take the Weaving Department into their hands, so where is it assigned to the Grand Tutor now?"

When his son asked questions, the eunuch said cautiously, "Master Sikong is responsible for it himself."

"Oh, Taiwei, Situ, and Sikong are the three subordinates of Taifu. They are in charge of military, political, and financial secrets. It is quite appropriate to assign the Weaving Department to Sikong's direct jurisdiction."

Bei Gong Wuji was still worried that Li Fan wouldn't understand, so he explained, and then asked smoothly, "But I remember that the Kun Kingdom was defeated earlier, and the Third Duke took the blame and resigned, right? Who is the new Sikong?"

"It's Marquis of Yangxiang, Wang Sikong..." Seeing that his master hadn't reacted yet, the eunuch added with a little embarrassment, "It's Doctor Guanglu, the right servant of Shangshu."

"Ah? Is it him?" Bei Gong Wuji's face suddenly stiffened, and he said to Li Fan with a wry smile, "That old Wangtou is indeed the Taifu's confidant, his right-hand man, and after all, he is still my immediate boss. It's hard work! "

Li Fan was overjoyed, "Doesn't that mean that the Weaving Department has now fallen into the hands of Guanglu Temple? With such a huge profit from silk, wouldn't Mr. Wuji not be tempted? Why bother?"

Bei Gong Wuji smiled bitterly and shook his head, "Brother Qingyue doesn't know something. This old prince is upright and does things impartially. He has a stubborn temper and is determined to cut off my clan's offerings. He often points fingers and accuses the prince of extravagance. , I haven’t shown up at Guanglu Temple for a long time, and I just couldn’t be bothered to talk to him. I didn’t expect that this person would be promoted to Sikong. It seems that he is looking for trouble every day to cut down the vassal, which is really unlucky!”

Li Fan couldn't help but frown when he heard this, "This Wang Sikong is actually a selfless person. He doesn't even give face to his clan relatives and princes, and he probably won't be accommodating to others and use the back door... Such a person comes to run the fairy silk business." Such a national weapon is really appropriate..."

Beigong Wuji smiled and said, "What, brother Qingyue also wants to buy silk?"

Li Fan sighed, "We who are cultivators of Qi are most in need of this kind of genius and treasure, making talismans and refining weapons, so of course I am excited. I just heard that the weaving department fell into the Guanglu Temple line, and I wanted to have Mr. Lao Wuji take charge of it." I'm going to visit, but I heard from you that Wang Sikong is so harsh and unkind, so forget it and don't cause any trouble to you."

Beigong Wuji also sighed, "Hey, Brother Qingyue, in fact, our sects and princes can give priority to the weaving department to select silk for tailoring. If you had come to me a few months earlier, I would take you to pick a batch. What's the harm in fine fairy silk?

But the old man is really, tsk, not intolerant of oil and salt, not willing to eat hard or soft, can't be beaten or scolded, very annoying, and he only looks at our clan members to find trouble. Now that he has stepped in, Wuji really can't help. "

Li Fan couldn't help but frown. He didn't expect that Lord Xinling turned out to be so wild, and he could choose the fairy silk at will. But before he felt regretful about missing this opportunity, the eunuch next to him suddenly bowed. UU Kanshu

"Master, Lord, in fact, there may be a chance now."

"Huh?" "You mean buying silk?" Li Fan and Bei Gong Wuji couldn't help but look.

The eunuch explained, "Master Rongzhen, the younger one has been acquainted with the guards of the Weaving Department for a long time, and has made several sworn brothers. I heard that this time the imperial court changed the position of Marquis Yangxiang to also be in charge of the Weaving Department. They all felt that in the future, he would be in charge of the Weaving Department." I'm afraid I can't stay in the yamen anymore, so I want to find an opportunity to finally make a fortune and then retire and return home.

If you want to get fairy silk, you can arrange it for me, but unfortunately, tonight the raw silk from the Weaving Department will be shipped to Tianshiyuan for bidding..."

Bei Gong Wuji was stunned, "Oh, why is it such an unlucky coincidence? Then the matter regarding Chehou is...Brother Qingyue, how do you choose?"

Li Fan hurriedly suppressed his laughter and said helplessly, "In this case, I think the Marquis of Guannei is not bad, and his name is quite nice. It's better not to make a fuss about a first-class title and trouble the young master. Let's go pick some raw silk. .”

Bei Gong Wuji didn't care, "Well, Zhang Hu, you can take Brother Qingyue to choose. Anyway, they are here. I will go to Guanglu Temple to have a quarrel with the old man to kill time and save him from doing bad things." "

"Thank you brother Wuji for your help!"

So Beigong Wuji's carriage went straight into Taiwei Yuan, and Li Fan got off the car halfway with the eunuch Zhang Hui, and shuttled between the pavilions of the Immortal Palace.

Don't mention it. Although the eunuch Zhang Hu is just a fake Nascent Soul trash, he can actually take Li Fan, a stranger, directly into the palace confinement, even through the dangerous secret realm, with the immortal generals and imperial guards, eunuchs and maids, They can all talk and laugh happily and call each other brothers and sisters. Sometimes it is others who pay him filial piety, and sometimes it is he who pays filial piety to others, but everyone greets him with a smile, and they are all friends and brothers.

Maybe, this guy is the one with real ‘connections’ in the Xinling County Duke’s mansion...

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