The Taoist ancestor is Cthulhu

Chapter 335 Catching Cicadas

Daozu is Cthulhu Chapter 335 Catching Cicadas

The empty moon was in the sky, and demons were coming from all directions. Li Fan could only hear the roaring beasts outside the city separated by a wall, the explosion of skin and flesh being ripped apart, and the demonic sounds of chewing and swallowing. The air was filled with the smell of rust.

He could only hold back his hunger and crawl up and down the wall, using the natural protective color of the night to hide himself. When he saw a hulu who accidentally fell into the wall ditch, he would pounce on the hulu who accidentally fell into the wall ditch, stabbed his kidney in the back, wiped his neck, and Haotaisha's sword is sharp enough. It's a piece of cake to deal with the gods. Stabbing these Nascent Souls will kill them with one blow. What's more, Li Fan can make up for it with two swords until his mood rises, so there will be no problem.

Soon, about twenty corpses were lost between the earthen fortress and the city wall. Although these people were easy to kill, Li Fan felt a little strange when they were killed. Their physical bodies were in the Nascent Soul realm, but their actual abilities were not that good. Now Li Fan couldn't rely on strength to restrain the opponent, but when they were attacked, most of these people reacted slowly and were stabbed unprepared. They were not at all like the kind of brave men who had been tempering their bones for hundreds of years and survived on the battlefield. No matter the equipment, skills, or experience, they are all too bad...

Could it be that these Hulu also had rapid cultivation like him?

At this time, a strange rhythmic fluctuation suddenly came from the city. Li Fan's heart was palpitating for a moment, and he had no time to think about anything else. He jumped from the earthen barrier to the city wall and looked around.

I saw an ever-expanding, dark purple sphere appearing from the city, like a water bubble whose surface reflected the stars in the sky. It expanded in an instant, covering the entire Shuofang Town, all the way to the front of Guancheng, and surrounded the people in the city. Wrapped in it, there were Hulu and monsters trying to sneak into the city from other directions. The moment they hit the bubble, they were stretched in an instant, and then were pulled into the night sky like a vortex, and disappeared without a trace. .

No mother, no hometown.

Li Fan has seen this trick before, but it's much better than the one A Guang of Shatang Village did... That blind woman who was just building a foundation actually had such a powerful ability to summon the virtual star with one hand?

Well, it seems that the combat effectiveness of Tai Su Dao cannot be measured by the level of cultivation in the Tai Chi world...

But this is fine. With the disciples of Moshan as the first layer, the earth fortress as the second layer, and the vacuum hometown as the third layer of defense, tonight's Shuofang City can be said to be impregnable, right? As long as the enlightened one does not appear in person...

'alarm! The system is offline urgently! ’

Sigh...has this mouth been opened too much...

At this moment, a ray of silver light flashed past and headed straight towards Li Fan. For a moment, his heart stopped for a beat, thinking that he was about to be killed.

Then Xuantian's voice came to my ears again, "Qingyue! Leave quickly! It's too late if you don't leave!"

Li Fan, "...What, the Great Chanyu is here? Just come, I have already looked away."

Xuantian roared angrily, "It's not the Divine Sect! It's the Xuanmen! The Xuanmen has arranged a murderous disaster!"

ah? What?


Suddenly a scream came from above Li Fan's head.

He raised his head and saw a large rain of blood pouring down on his head and face.

Second senior sister Yue Lanzi's human body was cut in two by a sword rainbow across the sky, and fell from the sky. A large amount of flesh, flesh, wings, and internal organs fell down and fell into the bubble of the virtual star, and was pulled Volume, disappearing into nothingness.

And the terrifying sword rainbow standing across the night sky has not dissipated yet, just like a Milky Way suddenly broke through the sky and cut the entire night apart. Coupled with the rain of blood scattered all over the sky like red leaves, this scene is simply magnificent. amazing.

But Li Fan didn't have time to appreciate this 'splendid view'. He relied on Guan Guan to immediately locate a masked girl who had been suddenly severely injured, lost her mind, and was falling from a high altitude in the exploding and falling flesh and blood. , and immediately climbed up from the earthen barrier using both hands and feet. .

"Where's Qiongqi!"

"It went to eat!"

"Gan! Fly into the air!"

Li Fan gritted his teeth and jumped into the air, feeling the meridians in his body as if being cut by a knife and being twisted by a sword. However, he was able to fly up. He fell into the vacuum of his hometown in Yuelanzi and was sucked into the void. Before, he hugged her horizontally and flew her down to the earth barrier. Then he fell to the ground.

After finishing the ball and forcefully moving the ball, the inner scene seems to have been pierced by the power of a sword, and now he has no fighting ability.

"Cough cough cough!" Li Fan lay on the ground coughing up blood and turned to look at Yue Lanzi.

Although she was wearing a mask, she could tell that she had a humanoid appearance. She was probably only a girl about the size of a junior high school student. Fortunately, she was not dead, but her shoulder was slashed by a sword, and almost half of her body was cut open. The power of the sword was so astonishing that even Taisu Taoist body could not recover. Thinking about it, the situation in her divine court could only be worse.

Then a pair of feet wearing Taoist boots fell in front of Li Fan.

Li Fan raised his head and saw a middle-aged man in white clothes and black robes, with fluttering fairy shoes. He wore a lotus-petal-shaped crown without a crown, and the five lotus petals were painted with the statues of the "Five Directions and Five Elders". There are two long sword-head belts hanging on both sides, with the words "The Mystical Lady of the Nine Heavens is merciful, saves the world, bestows blessings and forgives sins, the Great Merciful Lord".

This man has long mustache and hair, one black and one white, carried by the steaming Taoist breath, without wind, and his true face is hidden in the mist-like immortal energy, only a pair of shining eyes are exposed. , his pupils were as bright and black as Tai Chi, staring straight at the bloody mark on Li Fan's forehead, as if they were spinning rapidly.

"Which one is it from?"

The man spoke slowly and his voice was as cold as ice, coming from behind the mist.

Li Fan wanted to jump up and scold the grass-mud horses for killing people without eyes, but he couldn't move.

Xuantian's sword intent immobilized him.

When Li Fan didn't answer, the Taoist priest from Emei ignored him and walked towards the unconscious Yue Lanzi.

Then a sword light fell. After a while, Li Wugu, who was covered in bruises and tatters from the beating, stood between the Taoist priest and Yue Lanzi with his sword. He wiped the blood on his face and drank in the wine.

"Wait a minute! I am Shuofang Military Colonel! This righteous man is helping us defend the city! Why did the Taoist do harm!"

The Emei Taoist priest glanced at the flying sword in Li Wugou's hand.

"Where did you steal it?"

"I stole your beeping big-headed ghost! Yeah--!"

Li Wugu was so drunk that he exploded with just one sentence and struck the Taoist priest on the head with his sword!

Of course, there was no suspense. Li Fan didn't even see the Taoist priest take action, but saw the two of them passing each other. The ghost woman fell to the ground with a bang, her face touching the ground, and she didn't know whether she was alive or dead. All four flying swords were taken away by the Taoist priest.


The Emei Taoist priest turned his head and looked at Li Wugou's back. He saw the tattoo exposed under her robe after being chopped off during the fight. He pondered for a moment, waved his sleeves, took away the Emei gold medal from Li Wugou, and crossed over. She continued to walk towards Yue Lanzi.

"It's not a decent way to bully a few young girls!"

Emei Taoist stopped and turned to look at Senior Brother Tianyu who had fallen on the earth barrier to confront him and was wearing a mask. Then he turned away and ignored him. He just looked at the dark purple ball that enveloped Shuofang Town and slowly He opened his mouth and said,

"Luo Jiao?"

"Ha!" Senior Brother Tianyu smiled up to the sky and patted his chest, "Yes! Luo Jiao! If you have any ability, come to me!"

Emei Taoist priest turned to look at him again, and the next moment, the black and white Taoist shadow disappeared.

Li Fan could feel the sharp changes in temperature and pressure above his head, the deafening sonic booms and sword strikes. He had a splitting headache, as if the entire space he was in was shattering like cracking glass!

But Li Fan did not close his eyes, but stuck them out. Even if his eyeballs were about to be crushed and the pain was heartbreaking, and his vision was filled with scarlet red, he would not close his eyes, because he knew that this was a rare opportunity. This was a glimpse into the realm of enlightenment. An opportunity for real strength!

Of course, Li Fan couldn't actually see anything. He couldn't even see the corners of Emei Taoist priest's clothes, but he could see the wounds of Senior Brother Tianyu and other Taoists who had been brutally killed by swords.

It can really only be described as being killed. It’s not like Senior Brother Tianyu didn’t try to fight back, but all his incarnations died as soon as they appeared!

And it was completely steamed by Dao Li! They were killed without even a chance to retain their flesh and blood!

Many Dao bodies didn't even have a chance to survive with some flesh and blood left, and countless demons, gods and devil fetuses were quickly killed! It's like a book in which every page is filled with images of demons, and you flip through it quickly, transforming like a revolving lantern! Just now Tianyu was able to navigate the crowd of monsters with ease, but now he was unable to resist and was killed on the spot!

There is no way! Because there is none! A Taoist body that can withstand the sword power of this Emei Taoist! Not a single one!

But Li Fan still saw the dazzling sword marks that almost remained on his retinas after these Dao bodies died violently in front of him! This Taoist priest’s sword path!

Three swords! He used three sword techniques in total! But a sting! cut! tease! He killed a total of forty-five Taoist bodies of Senior Brother Tianyu!

If it were him instead! Now that you have seen through the sword path! If it were Li Fan instead! No! Change to the Thousand-Faced Immortal! That sword can kill this bitch in seconds! Xuantian! !

But Xuan Tian wouldn't let him move.

"Lie down! You stupid thing! The formations are all set up! Do you think he's the only one here!"

What! more than one!

Are all the Xuanmen here?

There are so many Dao Lords, just hiding and watching?


What are you waiting for...! !

"Is that you?"

Taoist Emei suddenly appeared again. The sword in his right hand twisted and swayed like a rippled water snake, and the sword could not be seen clearly. Holding a masked head in his left hand, he looked up into the night sky because the person he was waiting for had arrived.

"But you harmed me, the Third Elder of Emei?"

There is a man in red clothes in the sky, and the person who is making a hunting noise when the sword energy is blowing is none other than Mo Zhi, the Lord of Moshan. He is not wearing a mask, he is still dressed in red, no, he is dressed in blood, and his eyebrows are like light bulbs, flashing a dazzling light The scarlet letter,


"Hey, you bastards, it's rare for me and my old friends to see each other. We can't even have peace of mind even if we have a drink or a fight."

Under the open red robe of the mountain master, it was clear that he had suffered countless sword wounds, but he just wiped his chest and smoothed those wounds, then rolled up his sleeves, spread out his fingers towards the Emei Taoist the palm of my hand,

"Come, give me your head."

Emei Taoist Priest's face was still shrouded in clouds and fog, making it difficult to see his true appearance, but Li Fan could hear the joy in his voice.

"The devil's way, kill without mercy."

Between the heaven and the earth, a bright light suddenly appeared and disappeared in a flash.

Li Fan's eyes went blind for an instant, or to be more precise, the shocking Tao power burst out by the two Tao Lords directly exploded his eyes! The entire eye socket was steamed dry in an instant!

In this long moment, Li Fan felt like he was being thrown into a stove and stir-fried. The skin and flesh that hadn't fully grown were burned again, and the fat crackled like it was deep-fried, sticking his whole body to the fire. The earthen fortress is up.

But fortunately, the battle between these two Dao Lords did not last long. Li Fan could feel that it was over at this moment when the two sides only exchanged one move.

Li Fan desperately used his remaining power to resurrect an eyeball to observe the situation on the battlefield.

He could see the mountain master dressed in red kneeling next to Yue Lanzi, taking back Tianyu's head with his right hand, but his left hand was chopped off.

And the Emei Taoist in white and black robes stood behind the mountain master, with the shining white sword in his hand pointing directly at the mountain master's vest.

For a moment, Li Fan's heartbeat stopped for a beat, but when he took a closer look, he found that the figure of the Emei Taoist turned into clouds and mist and dispersed with the wind.

"You... are very good!"

The cold voice of the ruthless Emei Taoist priest was actually trembling, trembling with extreme joy!

"You're good! You can help me! You can help me! Hahaha! Hahahaha!"

Shouting inexplicably, the figure of the Emei Taoist turned into Dao Qi and scattered in all directions. The four flying swords and the Emei gold medal also fell to the ground with a crash. From the scattered clouds of immortal energy, a piece of flying sword fell into pieces and was chopped into pieces. The paper figure seemed to be folded with some kind of talisman, but the moment it landed on the ground, it spontaneously ignited without fire and turned into ashes.

Damn...what's going on! Was this... a talisman just now? ?

"Master, you can't do it. A clone of Emei was beaten like this? Didn't you boast that you beat Emei Daozi violently? Is it because you haven't done anything for too long? Or are you too drunk to use your strength?"

The head held by the mountain owner actually analyzed it.

But Senior Brother Tianyu is really profound, how could he not die even after being chopped like this...

"Bah! Do you know how many times I was stabbed by the Blood Barrel Divine Sword just now! I can only have 70% of my strength left! Humph! The three major sects are all lunatics who are constantly fighting and killing all day long! Okay, don't do it Nonsense, go help your junior sister!"

The mountain owner was also unhappy. He looked at Yue Lanzi, who was still in a coma under his protection, and pressed his head directly on Yue Lanzi's body. He saw that the fleshy mass under the mask was directly integrated into Yue Lanzi's body. , the wound seemed to be stuck with a ball of glue and was sewn up with new flesh, and a mask was attached to the body.

Then the mountain owner turned to look at Li Fan, "Why are you still lying there? Where are you injured?"

Li Fan didn't want to, but he was immobilized by Xuantian, and at this time, he didn't blame Xuantian for holding him down.

Because at some point, he saw three old men huddled together, hunching their heads together, staring at Yue Lanzi's wounds, and squatting behind the mountain owner.

But the mountain owner didn't seem to see them.

There was also a thin and skeletal bearded man. He raised his head as if he noticed something. His eyes were like two diamonds shining with blue light. He glanced at Li Fan and slowly raised a joint-like index finger. , sealed his lips and said 'hush' to Li Fan.

But the mountain owner was worthy of being a mountain bandit, and he immediately noticed the signal given by Li Fan's single eye.

So he flicked his red robe, stretched out his one arm and turned it into a claw, and grabbed Yue Lanzi.

However, the mountain owner's ghost hand was pointed by the bearded man and his fingers, and Yue Lanzi was taken into his sleeves by the other two old men.

"It's you!" The mountain master looked at the old man face to face, his expression suddenly changed, six pupils flashed out of his eyes, he pulled away and said, "Manifestation!"

The leader of Penglai, the most supreme and supreme Taoist Lord, dusted off his robes and stood up.

"Barefoot Thief, I haven't seen you for many years. I never thought that you, a reckless man and a stubborn donkey, could actually realize enlightenment? It seems that Yan Xingyun really gave you the scripture back then..."

So Lord Xianhua Dao stretched out his hand to the mountain master and said, "Bring it, Luo Zu's Heavenly Book."

The mountain master grinned and swallowed, "Xinghua, no matter how many times you ask me to tell you, it's the same. We went to help our friends, and we didn't take Luozu's heavenly book!"

Xinghua didn't mind either. He retracted his hand and stroked his long beard, and raised his chin towards the group of Moshan disciples who were still fighting against the demon group on the other side of the earth barrier, "Then I'll put it another way and hand over the Heavenly Book in exchange for you. The life of my disciples.”

The mountain master sneered, and his saliva flowed down and wet his front, "Ha! You are threatening me, Mo Shan, with your life! Manifestation, you must be an old fool too! The doom has arrived! Just live it! How can you say that!"

"Oh..." Xinghua suddenly smiled, "You only have 30% of your strength left now. How dare you fight with me?"

The face of the mountain owner was distorted, and his bones were swollen and alienated. UU Reading It seemed that something was struggling to get out from under the skin!

"Don't you want to read the Book of Heaven? Come and read it!"

Under the illumination of the false moon, a red-backed and black-footed centipede that is hundreds of feet long breaks through the red clothes! Soaring straight to the sky! In an instant, a huge shadow was cast, almost covering the entire sky!

Lord Xianfa, who came to help in the battle, frowned and stared at the monster-shaped demon god in the sky, and suggested, "Xianfa, this thing is no small matter, let's form a formation."

Xinghua shook his head, smiled and turned to look at Li Fan, "If I win like this, will it make me look despicable?"

Li Fan stared at the manifestation with one eye, still unable to move.

Xinghua chuckled, "That's right. Sometimes if I don't show my true abilities, people always think that my name is a lie."

Seeing that the leader wanted to take action, the two Dao Lords stopped trying to persuade each other and stepped aside without any worry.

Xianhua raised his head and looked at the giant centipede in the sky, which was almost as big as the Yinshan Mountains. Its terrifying aura had already intimidated all the demons and demons, and they all surrendered to the ground. He said calmly,

"Barefoot Thief, don't say I didn't give you a chance. Are you at full strength now?"

The centipede let out a terrifying roar under the virtual moon and rushed towards the manifestation!

"It's Senzuli-!"

"Oh, this is the best."

So Xianhua untied the Taoist robe on his upper body, revealing his skinny and withered figure. He stood on a horse stance, made a hand gesture, and opened his fists at the giant centipede falling from the sky, as if he was drawing a bow with his bare hands.

Li Fan was stunned.

This, this posture! What the fuck is...

"Four hundred and eighty heavy Gang Fist."

The manifested figure flickered for a moment, as if it had been slapped for a moment. In fact, it was only a mediocre punch.

So the demon that covered the sky and the moon was shattered by this punch.

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