Dao Ancestor is Cthulhu Chapter 278 Known

The emperor ordered me to go to the other side of the city. He is famous in Nanzhong, and he is in Xiang.

From crossing the Gen River north to the Shuofang Icefield, it covers an area of ​​20,000 miles, with flat land and no obstacles.

In this land, the ceremonial guard of the Immortal Palace has long lost its authority. Only the ten festivals, the forty-eight vassal towns, and the more than one million vassal warriors wearing armor and swords are qualified to speak loudly.

Not only are there armies from all over the country to suppress the rebel palace and govern themselves, but there are also Huangtian, Youquan, Black Lotus, and various demon sects attacking each other. There are three major sects, the intrigues of the Nine Mysterious Sects, the thirty-six caves of immortals and demons, the demons and ghosts of the five barbarians and sixteen barbarians, and the endless stream of demon fetuses and evil seeds that are causing trouble in the world.

This is the Gen Kingdom where the world's chaos began, and the battlefield of the Central Plains where heroes compete for the throne.

Li Fan flew all the way out of Zhenzhou, crossed the Gen River, and arrived in Hebei. Only then did he leave Penglai Mountain's sphere of influence.

Looking at the vast plains of Hebei, Li Fan couldn't help but sigh. Before leaving the mountain, he devoted himself to making up lessons with Xiao Yunan day and night, and learned some basic history of the Twelve Kingdoms. I know that this Gen River is the traditional settlement place of the human race since the time of Immortal Lord. The land is fertile, the products are abundant, the mountains and rivers are vast, and the population is thriving. This fertile land has naturally been robbed by the northern demon clan.

Therefore, since the Immortal Lord unified the world, the Gen Kingdom, which monopolized the Gen River Plain beyond the Three Walls, has long been the most powerful vassal among the twelve countries in the world, and the foundation of the Immortal Palace's sweep across the world.

At that time, Da Sima also used the Gen Kingdom as his base to launch three Northern Expeditions, completely annihilating the demon clan's orthodox inheritance north of Mang Mountain, which was deeply popular among the people. Therefore, after the assassination of Da Sima, the old Northern Expedition Immortal Army based in Gen State was also particularly angry, and the conflict with the Sanyuan Immortal Clan became increasingly severe.

In the end, the Yuan family, the head of the four great clans in the world at that time and serving as the head of Genzhou and the state shepherd, gathered a million troops and launched an army to avenge Da Sima. This is also the biggest crisis in Sanyuan since the Immortal Emperor was assassinated by Xuanmen, and the largest civil war within the Immortal Palace.

I won’t go into details about the process of this battle. Let’s just talk about the result. The Yuan family was defeated by General Zhengxi of Sanyuan at that time. This General Zhengxi later became a general because of his contribution to supporting the country. Miyuan also began to worry about the hidden dangers of the border garrison, and his policy tended to suppress the local border garrison forces for a long time.

Although the Yuan clan was defeated and executed, all their relatives were slaughtered, and the rule of the Gen court fell apart, the strength of the local warlords and towns was still there, and they became independent and no longer obeyed Sanyuan's orders. In peacetime, warlords fight, once Sanyuan's crusade would lead to a coalition of troops to resist. Sanyuan also had a large group of border troubles around it. In addition, the Xuanmen Sect was also secretly supporting and instigating. The military disaster in Gen country would never be quelled.

Under such circumstances, rebellions broke out all over the place, and violent conquests were carried out, which led to successive mutinies and popular uprisings in the north of the Gen River. From time to time, demonic sects gathered to rebel. So much so that to this day, the Gen Kingdom is still plagued by demons, rebels are everywhere, and chaos continues.

But currently, the situation north of the Gen River is actually more stable than the current Zhenguo. After all, the war in the north has been going on for a long time, and the forces of all parties have been in a delicate balance. Although some of the four parties are divided, their strength has been divided with the tacit understanding of the three major factions.

Although local military governors and military leaders are still high-risk and high-risk professions, they will be overthrown or supported from time to time, but this is mostly an internal matter within the feudal town. Large-scale annexation of vassal towns with over 10,000 casualties does not happen very often, probably only once every two to three years.

On the contrary, the war in the south has just begun, and the filial sons and grandsons of the Xiao family all feel that destiny is mine. Everyone is sharpening their knives and eager to try. You can send hundreds of thousands of troops, and I can send hundreds of thousands of troops. It’s as if no one with hundreds of thousands is too embarrassed to play at the card table. In short, the flags are fluttering, overwhelming, and I really don’t know what the crowd is chasing this deer. Someone will eventually trample him to death.

So according to Li Fan's original plan, as soon as he left Penglai, he would find a stable place to cultivate in Zhenguo, and his soul would leave his body and go to the moon to learn the follow-up soul skills. But he was speechless, and Zhenguo couldn't find it. A safe place!

After all, there has been peace in Zhenzhou for many years. Hebei has fought wars in turn, and Sanyuan has fought repeatedly. Most of the people who fled from Guanxi, Hebei, have gathered here. The spiritual mountains that can be practiced have long been occupied by people, not casual cultivating sects. It is the mansion of the Immortal Family. In these troubled times, the building is about to collapse. Naturally, it is either actively preparing for war, or opening the magic circle, closing the gate tightly, and thanking guests to protect themselves.

The wilderness is too unsafe. There are fighting everywhere, people are dying everywhere, and there are soldiers and horses everywhere. Every day from morning to night, there are loud killing sounds and flames shooting into the sky. However, Li Fan's spiritual perception range is too wide, and he can feel the sharp edge on his back wherever he goes. He doesn't know if he was discovered by the scouts of the army or if someone is following him. He, or the mage accompanying the army, was conducting reconnaissance. When I set up a magic circle in the spiritual veins, people would pass by me from time to time, running over to see if there was an ambush. In such a tense situation, it is simply impossible to practice out-of-body practice with peace of mind.

Li Fan simply gave up and ran straight for three days and nights until he crossed the Gen River to the north. Then he took Sinan to find a direction, found a mountain top, picked a clean ravine, and crawled into the deep mountain and old forest. , in the barren mountains and ridges. When his spiritual consciousness scanned and there were not even a few wolves, Li Fan finally felt relieved, searched for the spiritual veins, calculated the formation points, and prepared to set up a magic circle to protect the body of the soul that had left the body.

As a result, he dug the spiritual veins twice, without inserting the eight formation flags, and dug out three corpses.

These three corpses are all monks at the Golden Core stage, some are mummies and some are skeletons. Judging from the degree of decay, they died at different times and were dressed in different clothes. They are probably not related.

One was shot in the abdomen and chest, with arrow clusters still nailed to his ribs, one had his skull cracked by a hammer, and the other simply lost his breath due to his own pulse. It seemed that they were all seriously injured in the first place and were hiding near this secluded spiritual vein to recuperate. Unfortunately, they got carried away and suffered from the onset of old injuries.

Alas, if you dig three feet into the ground, you can unearth a bunch of dead people. This is the style of painting in the Central Plains...

These three people didn't have anything valuable on them, so Li Fan dug another hole to bury them, and then set up a formation to look for centipedes on the moon.

This time there is still no one on the moon...well, it seems like there shouldn't be anyone...

In short, I didn't see any of the inner disciples of Mo Shan. The mountain master and Wang Shu seemed to have traveled through time, and their shadows were not visible, as if the big white legs were purely Li Fan's dream.

To be honest, this is not the way to avoid enemies, right? And how awesome is this enemy, that the mountain master and others are so afraid of him? It’s not like he has never seen enlightenment before, he feels that the old fool who manifested is nothing more than that...

Then Li Fan fantasized about the scene of changing into manifestation and hiding in the dark, plotting to cause trouble for him. He couldn't help but shuddered and didn't dare to think about it anymore. Come on, hurry up and learn the Yuan Shen method. Don't increase your combat effectiveness. I have no confidence to do anything...

This time, with a full mood of 17.6k, Li Fan carefully studied the Moshan inheritance on the back of the four-section centipede. Fortunately, he had read the "Six Classics of Moshan" before and was in a good mood, so he could understand the long article. Because after the "Gu Guan" and "Xin Bian" earlier, I began to use the "Six Classics" as the basic context and began to study the knowledge of the Moshan lineage.

The so-called observation then discerns, discerns then knows, knows then connects, connects and then understands, understands then discusses, discusses before considering, considers before seeking, waste the knowledge of thinking and thinking, so that people's minds can help themselves to think. If there are many people who help him to think, his plans will be realized quickly.

In this way, it can be said that hearing, speaking, and knowing; name, reality, combination, and doing are called knowledge. Pass it on and hear it. The party is not clear, so to speak. Looking at the body, it is a close relationship; so it is called a name. So-called, true. Coupling in name and reality means combining. Determination and action are actions. This is "knowing."

Simply put, this is teaching the most basic epistemology of the Moshan lineage.

Objects or non-objects, you must first see them before you can distinguish them. Only by identifying them can you know them. Only by cognizing them can you know how to contact them. Only by contacting them can you understand the principles. Only by understanding the principles can you make theoretical speculations. Only with theories can you think and judge. , Only by thinking deeply can you find what you need. Not only do you think hard yourself, but you also use people's hearts as the standard for thinking. The more people of the same path who explore and think together, the faster you will find the great road.

In this way, there are seven realms of cognition: hearing and knowing, speaking and knowing, knowing by name, knowing by name, knowing by actuality, and knowing by combination. Know by hearing, know by inference, know by seeing with your own eyes, conceptual cognition of knowing names, practical cognition of identifying entities, cognition of combining theory with practice, knowing both the name and the reality, based on practice , can be turned into one's own use, implemented in unity, and determined to follow one's own way, this is called knowledge.

'Li Fan has completed "Wei Zhi"

‘Kung Fu Appraisal in progress’

‘In order to know the Yuan Shen Method, practicing the Yuan Shen Method can refine the strength of the Yuan Shen, and can greatly enhance the understanding of Tai Su Dao through comprehensive contact at the spiritual and physical levels. And you can share this joy with people of the same mind. ’

‘For knowledge, the benefits obtained by digesting non-objects are doubled. When like-minded people comprehend together, both parties can receive additional benefit bonuses. ’

Digestion...fuck! So I had to kill and drink. It turns out that this is all for the sake of all-round contact! And no wonder the mountain owner likes to invite people to dinner! Let's eat together, chop each other's swords, and share the red envelopes from enlightenment! Gan!

Li Fan was also speechless for a while. How should I put it, "Weizhifa can't be said to be bad, it's actually quite good. Judging from the literal description, it means that the income is doubled and there are additional bonuses!" Eating one head is at least equal to eating two! Naturally, this can greatly increase the rate of return on absorbing and utilizing non-physical objects. In the long run, it must be a magical skill!

But for now, it is still the icing on the cake and the road to solidifying the foundation. The increase in combat effectiveness in the short term is equal to nothing.

And based on the rhythm of Moshan Tianshu, it is probably organized according to the six-level syllabus, which means that after learning all the basic theories, the specific application methods will be slowly explained. It seems that the combat effectiveness shortcomings of Yuanshen Law will not be easily solved in the short term.

However, Li Fan still studied seriously. This article "To Know the Dharma" is long and complicated, with short stories from several giants interspersed from time to time to illustrate Mo Shan's ideas. There are also many comments and supplements by seniors. Li Fan also pondered for a long time. I spent four days in a row, with my soul leaving my body every night, and speculating and studying during the day. My mood dropped by 16k before I finally mastered it.

And even if you master it, I don't feel that there is a huge improvement, and the observation range of your spiritual consciousness does not seem to have significantly increased. It seems that if you don't kill non-objects and eat them, you won't be able to appreciate the wonderful effect of "Weizhi Dharma" .

But at least Moshan Yuanshen method has made some progress, and the mood is exhausted. Now there is a limit of 17.6k... 17.6k, I'm a good boy. If I want to recharge the lottery, I have to rush to the Year of the Monkey and the Horse.

So Li Fan's next plan is to transform the upper limit into Taoist cultivation. Li Fan directly retrained, spending 300 Mood Limit points to retrain the Dongshan, Xishan, and Nanshan Mountain Divine Taoist bodies in an instant. After all, although it was not cost-effective, the 'Five Mountain God Bone Demon-Slaying Sword Intent' was the only one he had at the moment. There is a way to effectively damage the opponent's soul.

In this way, Li Fan's mood becomes 1.6k/17.3k, and his charge is 16k/17.3k.

But before Li Fan could decide whether to worship the moon first to inject a wave of evil spirit, or to build a new Taoist body and lower the limit a little to draw a lottery, someone came to his door and disturbed his cultivation.

Of course, they didn’t come specifically to find him, but a monk passed by the wild and flew to this woodland. It seemed that he was injured and wanted to recuperate in the wild without a master’s spiritual veins, but this person was a monk who only had the golden elixir realm. Xiu, who didn't have any sharp eyesight, broke into the illusion array arranged by Li Fan. He couldn't find a way out for a while, and the injury occurred again, so he fainted outside.

Li Fan couldn't help but watch people die outside the magic circle. He thought that it had been a long time since he settled here and there were risks in waiting too long, so he simply withdrew the flag formation and made preparations to move to the dojo. He took his pulse and checked He took a look at the casual cultivator's injuries.

This man looked old. He was an old man in yellow clothes, in his forties or fifties. His qualifications were rubbish and his cultivation level was negligible. To put it bluntly, he was a piece of shit that Li Fan blew to death in one breath. There are two kinds of spiritual energy in the body, Shen Gang and Chi Sha. The training is very messy, and the meridians are not all refined. It is definitely not a superior skill. The injury is like being defeated in a fight to escape, and the garbage magic weapon is also broken. , the spell elixir was also used up, he was kicked in the chest, and blood spurted out of his mouth and nose. If he had done nothing, even if he arrived in time to heal his wounds through spiritual veins, he would probably end up with the same fate as the three people in the forest.

Li Fan counted with his fingers and took a look at Siman. He didn't have any fate with this casual cultivator, but God was kind to him. Since it fell in front of him with a 'snap', it didn't cost anything to grab it. thing.

So Li Fan gave this man a small half of Donghua Eternal Spring Pill, and also helped him regulate the chaotic Qi in his body. He even used the Great Compass Heavenly Finger to tap acupoints and open pulses, and straightened out several places in his body that he didn't know were his own practices. Wrong, it is still the stagnation of Qi mass caused by the defect of the exercise method. To put it more exaggeratedly, it was really inspired by the gods and En Tong was recreated.

But during the healing process, the monk was obviously awake, but he was pretending to be unconscious without saying a word of thanks. Even after being cured, Li Fan showed obvious kindness and did not hurt anyone. He still pretended to be unconscious and lay still. I don't know what I'm still worried about. Maybe I suspect that Li Fan has other motives for helping?

Li Fan originally just wanted to ask this person about the situation nearby and what monsters he could kill for food. But seeing that the other person was so cautious and on guard, he had no choice but to shrug and let him go.

But Li Fan didn't leave immediately, but sat there for a while. Sure enough, not long after, two more monks flew over.

When the two people flew into the air, they were also filled with smoke and dust, which was quite unlike the righteous way of Xuanmen. Li Fan noticed their whereabouts from a distance, UU Reading www.uukanshu.net pursued them all the way, obviously looking for someone, most likely to find the middle-aged casual cultivator he had just rescued.

A closer look revealed that the two of them were both in the Golden Elixir realm, and seemed to be a pair of monks. The man had a feminine face, smeared with rouge and foundation, wearing white clothes and a peach blossom on his head. He was holding a rag bag in one hand and a A short stick.

The woman is a mature woman, not very well-dressed, her pink silk skirt is thin and transparent, the wind blows up when flying, exposing her thighs, and there is a piece of rubbish around her waist that makes the sound of wind and thunder rumble, flames and dust, cough. Ahem, surrounded by hydrangeas and magic weapons. Judging from the charm between her eyebrows, she probably had a bit of beauty when she was young, and it would not be a problem to get a 70 or 80 in her dressing up. But now, describing a person as old and pearly is a bit too much, but it is obvious that his qualifications are really not good. He has been stuck in the golden elixir realm for many years.

Because Li Fan removed the magic circle and did not hide, the two men were searching again. They followed the spiritual veins and found someone. The middle-aged casual cultivator was still pretending to be dead, while Li Fan was now dressed in short brown linen clothes and a curtain hat. He put his face into a "faceless" manner, deliberately hiding his cultivation, and waited for the two of them to come over and ask for directions.

The man and woman were also very cautious. They couldn't figure out Li Fan's cultivation for a while, so they looked far away in mid-air and were not in a hurry to come down.

Then the two of them discussed in whispers for a while, and then the woman came up, pinched the orchid finger, turned her hands over, and quickly made a few unrecognizable postures, and said tentatively, "I am Shen Lianzi, subject to Heng Haijun I worshiped it in Dizhou, but I didn’t ask my friends how many clouds there are, what are the words “up” and “down”, and where is the direct blood of the three mountains.”

Li Fan couldn't help but be stunned, secretly sighing that the Central Plains really deserves to be the Central Plains. Here comes an old lady who is a casual cultivator of Jindan. She is a piece of rubbish in Taoism.

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