The Taoist ancestor is Cthulhu

Chapter 253 Demonic Cult’s Detailed Work

Daozu is the detailed work of Cthulhu Chapter 253 Demon Cult

Li Fan was stunned and sneaked into the prison to check. They were really all women! Moreover, they are all in the Qi training period, and the difference in height and body shape is obvious. There is definitely no difference between Amao and Amao.

Li Fan pushed the eldest among them to wake up and asked in a low voice, "You are descendants of the Huan family of Jinlin Island. Don't be afraid, I am entrusted by Huandelang to save you."

When the girl heard this, she nodded with tears in her eyes.

"Just you? Where are the other men in your family?"

The girl shook her head, "They're all dead."

"They're all dead!" Li Fan was startled. He was about to ask again when his eyesight suddenly moved. He noticed that a real-person master was suddenly approaching. He immediately dodged to the corner, pulled out the Guixu Taoist robe and covered his body with an invisibility cover. .

After a while, a figure sneaked into the warehouse like him, walked up to the girls and said, "Don't be afraid, I was entrusted by someone to save you. Are you the only ones?"

In the dark, the daughter of the Huan family couldn't see clearly, so she repeated, "...all the men of the Huan family are dead."

"All men are dead?" The figure was stunned, "Didn't you say that the young master of the Huan family is still in Yingzhou?"

The girl suddenly broke down and cried, "He is not from the Huan family! I have said it many times! That is not from my family! Why don't you believe me!"

Li Fan and the figure were startled at the same time, but the girl screamed too loudly, alerting the people outside.

"What's going on? Why are you crazy again?" The Jindan monk from Penglai walked into the warehouse.

But the figure waved his hand, and two silver beads jumped out of his sleeves. Then the blade flashed, and he cut the throat of the Jindan monk who had just entered the door and cut him into a T. He fell to the ground, spurting blood. shoot.

Jianwan! Two!

The girl from the Huan family was frightened, covering her mouth and shrinking into a ball.

"...Isn't it the Huan family?" But the figure sighed, looked at her, and pointed his finger, "Now that you have discovered it, I can't keep you."

So Li Fan also knew that he could no longer hide his moves.

He turned his hands, pressed the sword box, and the moon soul was unsheathed!

The next moment, in the small and dark warehouse, the blade flashed and the sword light overflowed!

In one breath, there was a tinkling sound, like the crisp sound of jade beads falling on a plate, thousands of times!

The girl from the Huan family covered her eyes, blood spurted out from between her fingers, and she screamed loudly.

A ray of sword light escaped the net and headed towards her face, but it was cut off only halfway. At any rate, it only blinded her eyes and didn't cut off half of her head.

"what happened!"

The Jindan monks outside heard the screams and immediately came to the warehouse to check. However, when the first two people arrived at the door, they were blown up by a stream of swords rolled out of the warehouse, and the whole thing was torn into pieces. Me, you are in me, sprinkled everywhere.

Then there was a man in black whose left arm was broken at the elbow level and his right arm was broken at the shoulder level. Blood rushed out all over his body, because his face was also poured by the sword rain, and his mouth, nose and tongue were all smashed. He could only wave the broken arm and spray. He was covered in blood and let out an inarticulate roar.

The three Penglai Golden Core cultivators and a group of spirit clans behind were horrified by this man's miserable state, and they all took out their weapons and magic weapons to be on guard. However, without warning, the blood that the man in black had spread everywhere with his wave suddenly turned into something. A rain of swords shot out in all directions in an instant, and in the blink of an eye, the people around who were caught off guard were cut into pieces with swords, and they were killed in pieces. There was a bloody wind and red mist, and blood flowed into a river!

Then the seriously injured man in black did not hesitate, escaped and jumped into the sea.

Li Fan didn't pursue him either. Although he slightly won the sword fight with the help of Youyue Soul, he actually didn't gain anything. Just because the man in black is a rare master, wearing a lotus with at least eighteen petals for body protection! And the moment the opponent hears the sound of the sword box being opened, he is inspired! He has rich combat experience!

Therefore, Li Fan's sneak attack with Yue Soul failed to kill him with the first sword. He also had to protect the Huan family members next to him, so he had to do the next best thing and change from killing people with a sword to killing him with a sword.

At that time, Li Fan used the Ruyi Sword Sutra to control the moon spirit, and clashed with the man in black's two sword pills and three third-grade Nascent Soul-level flying swords. The sword lights struck and collided like a rainstorm of silver shuttles.

In such a small room, they were so close, even the Golden Avoidance Technique didn't work, and Li Fan lacked a sword pill. Although Li Fan took the lead and used a few more moves, he finally shattered two sword pills and broke the Using the body-protecting lotus skill of the man in black, Jian Lan wrapped him up and cut the man into a human-like stick.

And Li Fan also fell into the trap, probably because he was swept away by seven or eight swords, but he still had Guixu Dao clothes, Dharma protector armor, divine protective clothing, carbon skin, and Qiongqi Dao body's reinforced iron bones and a bunch of passive weapons. , stacked up a lot of resistance. Although the sword wound was quite deep and painful enough, even the fatal clone's passive was not triggered, and he still managed to hold on until Yue Soul shattered the other two sword pills. .

Yue Po smashed the two silver pills into pieces, but he didn't do anything wrong. He even walked outside leisurely and said, "I've learned it before. This move is the Blood Sea Sword Roar in the Blood Barrel Divine Sword. Why?" You can meet masters of the divine religion wherever you go..."

Li Fan didn't have time to chat with it now, he opened his mouth to swallow the moon soul, took a purple golden elixir from his arms, and stuffed it into the mouth of the Huan family girl who was blinded by the chop and fell to the ground wailing, "Keep it in your mouth! You won’t die!”

Then he quickly put away his outer cassock, revealing the protective armor underneath, and ran to the group of Eldar merchants outside the warehouse. Anyway, he had been slashed seven or eight times, and the wounds were still bleeding from a large area, so there was no need for additional camouflage.

Within a moment, a monk passing by noticed something was wrong, and two blue sword lights fell down.

"What's going on!" "Who did the murder!"

Li Fan immediately used his explosive acting skills, stretched out his legs like a corpse, pointed his hand outward, "Devil Cult!"

Then he rolled his eyes and pretended to be dead.

"What! Could it be the devil's secret work!"

"The blood is still strong! Chase!"

So the first two monks who arrived on the scene released blue dragon-like flame talismans as a signal for help, and then jumped into the water one after another, using water escape to pursue the 'Demon Cult'.

Li Fan quickly gritted his teeth and got up, threw away his armor, stuffed a handful of Donghua Changchun Pill into his mouth, and used the Sky Transformation Technique to quickly heal the wound with first aid, and then put on clean clothes. Seeing a group of spirit guardians rushing towards the warehouse, they jumped out immediately.

"Come on! Walk slowly! What's the rush at night? Let's have a fight!"

Penglai Island was only a small place, and the children were in disbelief. The group of spirit tribes were really shocked when they saw that this red-haired person was still awake in the middle of the night, and jumped out to block the road.

"Get out... please give way to Elder Li. There is Qinglong Lu ahead. Something has happened. We are going to rush for help."

"Something happened? What happened?" Li Fan took the opportunity to join them, "Are you going to fight? I'm going too!"

The guardians of the Spirit Clan could not push him away, so they had to let him follow. When everyone came to the vicinity of the warehouse, they found that two more real people from the inner sect had arrived and were checking for traces of the battle.

"Hey, what's going on? Didn't you say you can't kill me? Why are you so angry? Brother Derun, brother Dezai! Do you want help from my little brother?"

It took Li Fan three seconds to remember who these two people were, then he shouted loudly and pushed away the spirit generals beside him, squeezing to the front.

The two monks of the German generation who came to the scene were both introductory disciples of the arithmetic period of Shenzhen Palace. They had also made friends with Li Fan. They had good attitudes and nodded to him, "We don't know either. The cram school just happened to be over. , I came over when I saw the Qinglong Lu sent by my fellow disciples asking for help."

Damn it, you still have a cram school, what time is it...

Li Fan was stunned for a moment and hurriedly offered, "Me too. The house in Gaozhen Palace that slapped me was so loud that I just came out to wander around. I came here when I saw the excitement here. What’s going on? Is there an internal fight between the outer sect disciples and the Hei Chi Hei of the Spirit Clan?”

After hearing this, Derun Dezai and the other two couldn't help but look at each other with the guardians of the spiritual tribe on the other side. The protectors looked at Li Fan angrily, but they dared not speak out because of the sea of ​​blood.

Derun was silent for a moment, "It shouldn't happen, but it's hard to say. Anyway, let's see if there are any survivors first..."

"Okay, okay, I'll go check the warehouse!" Li Fan rushed over with a bang.

The two of them were also caught off guard, and neither of them could hold him back, "Brother Li! Be careful of an ambush!"

But Li Fan had already rushed in, "Oh! There are survivors here! Girl, are you okay!"

Derun Dezai looked at each other, entered the warehouse one after another, saw the dense sword marks inside, and then inspected the body of the Jindan disciple who died at the door. His pupils shrank and everyone was shocked.

In their current state, they couldn't tell what was going on. With just one glance, they could tell that the scene was a fierce sword fight between swordsmen, and...

Dezai picked up the silver fragments on the ground and said, "...Jianwan."

Derun shook his head at him.

At this time, Li Fan ran out with the Huan daughter in his arms, "This girl is injured!"

The two monks immediately came up to check, "My eyes were blinded by the sword light, and I fainted from the pain." "Is it just her?"

Li Fan also pretended, "Yeah, the others fainted, but one was injured, huh? She still had something in her mouth..."

"...It's actually the ninth-level Mysterious Female Purple Gold Pill. No wonder it's still breathing." "But why..."

Before they could take a closer look, a thrill like an electric grid passed through the skins of the three of them, electrifying the hairs on their necks.

The three of them stiffened for a moment and turned to look at the door.

There was a Taoist standing silently at the door of the warehouse. He had a black beard hanging down to his chest. He was wearing a white shirt underneath and a blue robe on the outside. His hair was tied with a yellow wood hairpin. He held a fly whisk in his left hand and a Taoist formula in his right hand. The fingers were thin and long. They were called fingers, but they seemed to be white bones wrapped in a layer of skin.

The same is true for his whole body. The cassock is extra wide and windless, but it also makes the Taoist's figure appear thin. He is literally skin and bones, without any extra flesh and blood. Especially in his eye sockets, there is nothingness and black holes. Yes, it really looks like a skeleton, as if there is nothing, only two diamond-like pupils hanging, flickering, emitting blue starlight.

Derun Dezai turned around and bowed, lying on the ground, not daring to get up and look directly.


The Lord of Penglai, the Supreme and True Manifestation Lord.

I'm so sorry, you're such a shameless dungeon boss that you just ran out...

Li Fan also hugged the Huan family girl and knelt down on one knee to salute. He could feel the bones on his back trembling uncontrollably. It's not that he is afraid, it's probably the Taisu Taoists who are afraid. Fear is the instinctive tribute of living creatures to the superior predator.

Master Xianhua stretched out his right hand holding the formula and flicked his index finger. Li Fan only felt a white screen in front of his eyes, subconsciously thinking that he had been killed.

But then he regained his sight and found that he and Derun Dezai were still kneeling in the warehouse, but the Huan girl in his arms was missing, as were the other people in the warehouse, and the sword marks and corpses around them, The blood stains and the broken sword pill fragments on the ground were also cleared away.

Derun Dezai raised his head, looked at each other and remained silent.

Li Fan was curious, "What is going on here? Did the Taoist Master just come in person?"

"Well...Brother Li, this matter will be handled by Zhizhen Palace, so we don't need to worry about it, and don't mention it to others. Go back and rest."

The two monks obviously had something on their minds, but they obviously didn't want to say more, so they stood up and left.

"Oh, alright."

Li Fan watched the two real people escape from the light and walked to the dock to take a look. The surrounding spirits had also dispersed. The blood stains and broken corpses outside had also been cleared away. The green dragon symbol in the sky was gone, and there were even more waves on the sea. Not surprised, as if nothing happened.

Well... there is a problem in Penglai...

Li Fan frowned.

There is a large formation of Jiutian Minghe outside blocking the way. Only the inner disciples and the disciples who have received the mission can enter and exit. The man in black who fought with him has two sword pills, eighteen layers of lotus skill for body protection, and he can also use the blood jar. The Divine Sword, whether it was the work of the Divine Sect that sneaked into Penglai, or Penglai secretly learned the Holy Book of the Divine Sect, must be a famous master on the list.

Considering that on Penglai Island, there are only the three palaces of Zhizhen Shen Zhen Gaozhen, and they will only be cultivated by the sect until the beginning of Chengzi. There have been many things recently, and many masters from Penglai have been sent out. In addition, the headmaster personally came out to clean the floor...

Well, there is no need to guess anymore. Derun and Dezai could probably tell that one of the people fighting swords here was probably Xia Chengming, the inner disciple of Zhizhen Palace who was ranked second on the list.

Li Fan touched the wound under his ribs and said, that guy is actually quite powerful. He was attacked and plotted at such a close range, and he failed to grasp Li Fan's position immediately. Jianwan was also at a disadvantage and was completely at a disadvantage. , and can still escape.

If it was a head-on sword fight, or in a different place, and he attacked first, he might be able to knock out Li Fan's second stage. If he still has a big move like the Blood Barrel Divine Sword hidden, he might not be able to replace his Taoist body if he is lucky.

Sure enough, just as Li Fan guessed, the combat power rankings changed again the next day.

However, Xia Chengming was ranked second in the Chengzi generation. It was the De generation that had changed. Two monks from the De generation in Gaozhen Palace died.

Were they the first two monks to rush to the scene and place the talismans? They were probably involved in this incident after class in the cram school. I just didn't expect that Xia Chengming was so powerful. He was cut into such a state and he could kill two pursuers...

However, is the leader still protecting his disciples? It seems that he knew that the other party would use demonic skills such as the Blood Barrel Divine Sword? Could it be that his coming to interrogate the daughter of the Huan family was also the order of the head...

The children gathered together and started talking, "I heard that there was a fight between the outer gate and the merchant ship from Yingzhou last night, and many people died."

"Is the business not settled?"

"Who knows, Master Zhenhai of Taizhen Palace was not at the scene to stop him last night, so he was called by the head to investigate. I heard he was even reprimanded."

Taizhen Palace... By the way, the person who sent the children of the Huan family is Liu Chengzong of Taizhen Palace in Yingzhou, who is now ranked fifth. He was also one of the three Nascent Soul monks who wiped out the Huan family.

Could it be that the head thought that the monk who had a sword fight with Xia Chengming in the warehouse was him and that he was taking the blame?

Yes, he should be responsible for guarding the remnants of the demon sect in the Huan family, but why wasn't he in the warehouse last night? So where is he doing?

Li Fan scratched his head, it was really troublesome. It seemed that Penglai was finished in separate orders, but in fact the internal fighting under the surface was also treacherous and dangerous. The few disciples of the "Cheng" generation alone are all outstanding people. Except for a certain one who seems to be lying flat, no one is simple.

Alas, the scheming and intrigues are more satisfying...

But now there is a bit of trouble. All the children of the Huan family have fallen into the hands of the leader. Amao seems to have been misunderstood and detained in Yingzhou. Moreover, last night, he may have mixed up with the leader of Zhen Palace by some mistake. The Penglai lineage was in a struggle with the Yingzhou lineage led by Xuanzhen Palace. If I leave the mountain in a hurry again, I'm afraid it will arouse suspicion and attract attention...

"Elder Li. UU Reading "

"Ah? Huh? Ten, cough, it's Princess Xiao! You're fine."

Li Fan turned around and was surprised to find that it was Xiao Yunan who was greeting him.

I don’t know why, but she was dressed up in an extremely coquettish and charming way. Not only did she have her hair done and heavy makeup, and she was dazzled by gold hairpins and jade, she also wore a mink cloak. She didn’t look as miserable as the widow did two days ago. Huan smiled and curtsied, "I had Elder Li help me earlier, so I prepared a small gift to express my gratitude."

Oh, it's probably the reward for the mission to drive away Gaozhen Palace Cheng Chengzhi. I don’t know if there will be another 100,000 guan this time.

"Oh, princess, please come in." As soon as he entered, Li Fan saw that the courtyard was in a mess, and the demolished side hall had not yet been repaired, so he could only say with shame, "Hehe, hehe, I'm sorry to be rude, I'm a rough guy. I don’t have anything good to entertain you, I don’t know how many gifts this time, ahem, a gift?”

Xiao Yu'an was stunned when she saw Li Fan reaching out to ask for it, "Why don't we talk about it indoors."

Why is the money given so much?

So Li Fan was considerate and took her to the warehouse, "Do you have one hundred thousand yuan? Then just leave it here."

Xiao Yunan looked at the empty warehouse and was a little dumbfounded for a moment, but when she looked at Li Fan, she bit her lips and took off her mink cloak and spread it on the ground, revealing a lily pleated ice silk skirt underneath. The clothes were looming, like a dream, and exquisite and transparent. The upper part barely covered the southern hemisphere. It was gathered around the waist and clinging to the skin, revealing the flesh-colored curves of her lower abdomen and thighs. Then she performed a Wanfu salute and slowly bent her knees. Kneel down,

"Concubine, I recommend myself to be a pillow, please have mercy on me."

Li Fan opened his chin, "Oh...oh...ahem, oh, um, oh, a hundred thousand coins are really delivered to my door.

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