The Taoist ancestor is Cthulhu

Chapter 21 Human Life

Zhang Wuji's mother once said that the more beautiful a woman is, the more likely she is to lie.

Li Fan is just a beauty, not a nymphomaniac. How could you not see that just now it was Huo Shanmolian or Huo Hongmian who used the invisibility charm to hide beside him and the shopkeeper and throw knives. He clearly wanted to use them to kill the evil spirits. He lured the corpse away and took the opportunity to escape through the secret passage.

It's just that she had exhausted all her tricks and was shocked by the scene of Li Fan using the eight sword dragons to clean the ground. She thought Li Fan was pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger, so she was bluffed and gave up after removing the invisibility charm. , she handed back Kun, who was almost secretly kidnapped by her, but she still wanted to retreat in order to make progress, using the excuse of becoming a disciple to save her life.

Li Fan snorted coldly and looked at the little girl who was kneeling on the ground and didn't know whether she was really giving in or still waiting for an opportunity to plot. He glanced behind him and was knocked into the wall. He rolled his eyes and foamed at the sight. The shopkeeper turned his head again and looked outside the Longmen Inn separated by a wall.

The officers and soldiers who sealed the door were also in a commotion. They were startled by Jian Lan who had just blown off the roof of the inn. They were neighing and their horses were screaming, and they were in chaos for a while. But the loud voice of the bald-headed halberd leader came from a distance, and it wouldn't take long to reorganize the team.

So Li Fan made a quick decision, stuffed Kun into his arms, and ran away. After crossing the other side, he was still kneeling on the ground with his eyes blank. Most of his bloody clothes were torn apart by the sword wind just now, revealing most of his pink and white shoulders and arms. Xuan Niang rushed straight to the bottom of the stairwell.

With a flick of his finger, he shot out a weak whirlpool of the Qiankun Feilong Sword, which hit the ground and blew away the tables, chairs and stairs that were blocking the way, revealing the opening of the secret door in the basement. He jumped into the secret passage without hesitation. Escape.

There is no way to escape. Li Fan still has too little experience in fighting with others and cannot grasp this speed. I was too nervous just now, so I put out all my energy, and all the true Qi in the Qi Sea was radiated out in one fell swoop!

If you were in a place like Yuanze, where the spiritual energy was densely packed, and you could fill it up instantly with just one breath, it wouldn't matter if you used it up. But in this human world, there is not much spiritual energy that can be replenished in a short period of time!

To put it bluntly, now that Li Fan has no mana, how can he kill a eunuch who might not know the Chrysanthemum Book, eight guards with swords, and twenty or thirty heavily armored mountain patrols armed with halberds and crossbows?

It's no wonder that Daotong Xuanbao and the others have to practice hegemony, at least Li Fan won't be as helpless as he is now. What's more, a practitioner must practice when his body is full of true energy. If he always uses up his true energy to fight with others, what else can he use to increase his cultivation?

In short, Li Fan remembers that dead eunuch who took so many lives. Let’s fight another day! Sooner or later, it will be time to recover the blood debt of Longmen Inn! Today, let’s get rid of the cicada’s shell and take the lead!

‘Xuantian Sword Intention means, host, you really should practice more. You have to go back and forth against a group of ants. Don’t say that I have trained you when you go out. ’

Oops! Jianyi, you have regained your energy, haven't you? Such a naughty mouth! Who knew the folk customs in your place could be so simple! If you say you want to kill people, you will kill them. The amount of bleeding just now was so heavy that he was shocked, right?

"Xuan Tian's sword intention means that when you go out to travel around the world, it's just me cutting you and you cutting me. What's the point of being shocked?" If you strike first and gain the upper hand, you will suffer disaster later. When encountering this kind of situation in the future, the host will first pick out ten or eight of the people with the highest skills and chop them down. This will shock the whole audience, and others will not dare to disturb you for drinking. ’

Li Fan couldn't help but fantasize about a crazy swordsman suddenly bursting into the tavern, shouting, "Don't disturb people's peaceful drinking!" while killing everyone.

...Okay, when it comes to mental illness, these ants are still no match for you sword immortals...

‘Xuantian Jianyi agrees, that’s not it. ’

You think I am praising you!

Then Kun in his arms coughed and coughed.

"Kun, you stupid thing, what are you eating! Why didn't you scream when you were caught?"

‘Xuan Tian’s sword intention said, how do you call a fish? ’

Stop talking nonsense!

As Li Fan ran away, he grabbed Kun's tail, lifted it up and shook it, and saw Kun coughing and spitting out some red powder.

What the hell? Chili noodles?

"Taoist Priest, your fish has eaten up all my rouge and makeup powder." Huo Hongmian said faintly. She also used Qinggong and followed along the secret passage.

"What's going on, so you're going to stew it?" Li Fan actually wanted to give her a slap in the face, but he guessed that he might not be able to beat her now that he was out of energy, so he had to roll his eyes.

"How dare you, little girl?" Huo Hongmian flashed her long eyelashes and gave Li Fan a shocked look, "I just saw how cute and cute this spiritual fish was, and I got greedy for a while. I know I was wrong, Taoist Master, please forgive me this time, okay?"

hehe! Is it too naive to really think that Li Fan can charm him like this? He thought about what kind of beauties he had never seen back then, even though they were all on TV...but I'm not interested in female junior high school students! Please wait until you reach 36D to apologize sincerely!

"Humph!" So Li Fan ignored her and ran forward on his own.

Huo Hongmian probably didn't expect that with her pretty face, her soft-spoken apology would be useless. She was stunned for a moment and could only follow with angrily gritting her teeth.

This secret passage is not long. It goes from the underground of Longmen Inn to the wall of a dry well a few alleys away. Li Fan picked up his true energy and climbed to the mouth of the well. He secretly looked around and saw that no one was around, so he climbed out of the mouth of the well. I was about to take a detour to the market and meet up with two other boys.

"Xuan Tian's sword intention said that the host Qi has almost recovered. Don't leave in a hurry. The girl will climb up later and stab her when she is not prepared." ’

ah? This... this is not good...

"Xuantian Sword Intention said, host, don't be too soft-hearted. That girl was following you just now, but she was holding a dagger and staring at your back all the way. It's not rude to come and go without reciprocating. Listen to me and wait for her to take the risk." He nodded and returned her sword directly. ’

Li Fan couldn't help but frown. Maybe this is how people in this world get along with each other. Even after what happened in the inn just now, he immediately changed the three views he had developed in the peaceful era and adapted to the idea that you kill me and I will kill you. I also overthink the rhythm.

If the dead eunuch who killed people appeared in front of Li Fan, maybe he could blast him with a sword without hesitation. But for other people, such as the shopkeeper who used Li Fan as a shield before, and Huo Shanmolian, who had evil intentions, Li Fan felt that it was enough to beat him up to vent his anger, but to directly chop people to death was a bit too much. Too much.

"Haha, little Taoist Priest, I have already apologized. You won't attack me at the entrance of the well, right?"

Unexpectedly, Huo Hongmian was also smart, shouting down the well to break the sword's intention.

'Xuantian Sword Intention said, does the host think that she just followed her all the way and didn't make a sneak attack from behind, so she will not be punished to death? Haha, that's using you as the host to explore the way ahead, to be prepared for the first one to emerge from the well entrance and be ambushed! This is all due to the host's lack of experience in the world. I really thought she could have any good intentions! ’

This... Sword Intention, you think too much of people's hearts... No, maybe the human heart in this human world is as dangerous as Xuantian's Sword Intention said...


Huo Hongmian's screams and fighting sounds suddenly came from the bottom of the well. Li Fan, who was hesitating, was startled and was about to look out.

‘Xuan Tian’s sword intention says, don’t move! If that girl makes some noise on purpose and is just waiting for you, the host, to take action when you poke your head out, you will die! ’

Hiss...are you so sinister! But the sound of fighting coming from below the well doesn’t seem to be fake...

'Xuan Tian's sword intention said that the host really doesn't want to kill anyone, so let's leave now. This girl is young and has deep thoughts, so don't worry about her. ’

"Help!" Huo Hongmian screamed again from underground.

Li Fan gritted his teeth and moved the Kun in his hand to the wellhead, "Look! What's going on?"

Kun glared.

‘Kun said that two women were fighting. ’

Two women? Did that Xuan Niang catch up too?

Li Fan looked over and saw that, sure enough, Huo Hongmian had probably been on guard against Li Fan all the way, but during the stalemate at the bottom of the well, he was attacked by Xuan Niang, who was following behind, and knocked down the Golden Sword Cavalry. He was crushed to the bottom of a dry well, his neck was strangled, half of his face was pressed into the soil, and he was kicking his legs wildly and struggling.

And that Xuan Niang was also covered in blood and sweat. She didn't care that her body was swept by the sword wind. She was barely naked. Most of her naked body was pressed against Huo Hongmian, letting the girl kick, scratch and dig into her body. There were bloodstains, maybe because he wanted to risk his life to avenge Shiro's death at the hands of Huo Hongmian's two followers, right?

Li Fan was stunned when he saw it at the entrance of the well. The shocking scene of directly witnessing the murder scene was really scary.

‘Xuan Tian’s sword intention indicates that the host can take this opportunity to stab their heads with a sword. If you really have no interest in killing someone, just leave. Life or death is none of your business anyway. ’

It's none of your's not right.

Li Fan suddenly frowned.

With the realm of Sword Intent, he should have detected with his spiritual sense that Xuan Niang was secretly following behind, right? Just now, when he couldn't persuade Li Fan to attack and kill Huo Hongmian, he persuaded him to sit back and let that Xuan Niang succeed in the attack, right?

But why did he have to kill that mixed-race girl?

There was no reply from Jianyi for a while. At the bottom of the well, Huo Hongmian was already crying, her eyes were rolled up, her tongue was sticking out, and she looked like she was about to be strangled to death!

Li Fan was a little angry, Jianyi, what are your plans? Don't hide it! Say it quickly! Watching someone being strangled to death makes me feel so guilty!

Xuantian's sword intention said that the girl looks a bit like the reincarnation of a saint from the divine religion. The host will wait a little longer. If she is real and is forced to the realm of life and death, she will be protected by divine light and her true soul will awaken. . ’

What if it’s fake!

‘Xuan Tian’s sword intention means that if it’s fake, you’ll really die. ’

Depend on! I know it!

"Gan! Don't save her even if you die! She's not a hero! Let her go!" Li Fan's mind got hot, he jumped down into the well, put one foot on Xuan Niang's waist, kicked the young woman away who was also exhausted, and at the same time held her hand He condensed a piece of Guichen Sword Qi and pointed it directly at Huo Hongmian, who was holding her neck and gasping for air, with a bruised face, to prevent her from bursting out.

"Stop it! Not enough people died today! I didn't just come from the execution ground! I really can't stand it anymore! Stop it!

No matter what grudges you have, let’s put them down for now. I won’t be able to care about how you settle your grudges in the future! But that’s it for today! Don't kill anyone in front of me again! "

Li Fan really felt evil fire in his heart. Call him whatever you want, call him a womanizer or call him hypocritical, but he has had enough of watching plasma murder scenes! I've only been here a few days, and my three outlooks can't be changed at any time! Now that he is the strongest in the game, you have to do what he wants! Stop it all!

Fortunately, the two women didn't resist anymore, they really didn't have the strength.

Xuan Niang lay on her back, her chest heaving and panting.

Huo Hongmian coughed and wiped her nose and tears, huddled in the corner and shivered.

But I don’t know if they really stopped fighting or if they were just acting.

'Xuan Tian Sword Intention means...'

"It shows your size!" Li Fan scolded angrily, "You are all so beautiful. Why don't you find a man to marry and do something happy? Kill and kill all day long! Kill your size!"

He took out Poria cocos from Yuperii and prepared a handful of elixirs for replenishing Qi and restoring blood, and threw them to Xuan Niang.

Then he grabbed Huo Hongmian, and regardless of her frightened cat-like resistance and scratching her, he half dragged and half hugged the girl, and jumped up on the wall of the well, taking Huo Hongmian with him. Out of the dry well. Then he dragged her for two blocks, going around so much that Li Fan couldn't even remember where the dry well was before he let her go.

"You should go too. Remember that you are not always as lucky as you are today. If you encounter a soft-hearted person like me, you can save your life! Let's go! Go wherever you need to!"

Huo Hongmian glanced at Li Fan with red eyes, still touched the fingerprints on his neck, sniffed his nose, put on the gauze, turned around and ran into the crowd.

"Huh... what's wrong with Mada..." This world-shattering situation made Li Fan furious.

'Xuan Tian Sword Intent said, I can't tell, host, you are quite a bit of a benevolent and heroic reminds me of an old friend...'

Huh, what, are you hurting me? And it’s really strange that a murderous maniac like you actually has friends... Wait, wait a minute! Don't interrupt! If that Huo Hongmian is really some kind of religious saint, what will happen if she awakens?

Xuantian Jianyi said, what can I do if I find the saint of the divine religion? Of course, I must help her reincarnate as soon as possible. This time, host, you save her life and form a bond. If that girl It's okay if she's not a saint. If she really awakens her past life wisdom one day and starts practicing on her own, haha, she'll be in trouble. ’

Li Fan frowned, why is he dead anyway? Don’t keep saying half-hearted things, so why not! So what if she really awakens to practice? Can anyone be faster?

'Xuantian Sword Intention said, this is not the comparison. The methods of the divine sect are different. They specialize in cultivating the soul. Therefore, most of the lifelong cultivation in the previous life can be preserved after reincarnation. After so many years, the sacred saint has probably already reached the Immortal Realm. Once she awakens, she will probably become the fourth great monk in this world after the Immortal Master Xuan Goddess.

The last time the divine sect and its god-lords united, their divine power was unleashed, killing half of the sect's population at once. This interrupted their counterattack against the twelve kingdoms of Central Continent, and led to today's situation of three-thirds of the world.

Therefore, in the era when I am in charge of the sect, the divine sect no longer dares to keep the candidates for saints in their own homes. Instead, they throw them to the Central Plains and ask them to act as spies and find out the details of the Central Plains. Enlightenment and practice. UU Reading In this way, if there is really a saint who joins the Tao, it will not damage the foundation of the divine religion itself.

On the Xuanmen side of the Immortal Palace, the palace masters of various sects have already had a tacit understanding. They are watching the pursuit of the suspected reincarnation of the saint, and would rather kill by mistake than let go. Of course, similar underhanded tricks are not only used by the divine sect, there are many other sects as well.

Host, do you think only Jianghu people kill innocent people indiscriminately? Fighting in the spiritual world is more dangerous and cruel. In the final analysis, there is only one sentence, people's hearts are unpredictable...

However, host, if you want to be a swordsman who acts arbitrarily and acts righteously, there is nothing wrong with it. Rather, this is just what I like. But in the end, is it more important to save the saint's life, or is it more important? Prioritizing the lives of so many mortals in the world, have you really thought clearly?

If you, host, have changed your mind, the girl is not far away yet. ’

After Li Fan heard this, he couldn't help but remain silent for a moment. If you strike first, you will gain the upper hand, but if you strike later, you will suffer disaster...

Kun lay on Li Fan's head and patted his head.

‘Kun said there is a stinky tofu seller over there. ’

Sigh...I'm still in a dilemma today, trapped in the moral dilemma of the tram man and unable to extricate myself. Are you still here thinking about eating? But this stinky tofu tastes a bit right...

So Li Fan also made up his mind.

"Fuck! Who cares about the saint! Besides, killing her is also a reincarnation. After killing her for so many lives, haven't you solved the fundamental problem? If you must break the prohibition on killing, wait until I kill the eunuch!

Anyway, enough fighting for today, call it a day, drink tea, that’s it! If you have wine today, you will get drunk today. If you have anything to do, we will talk about it tomorrow! I said!

The boss brings ten skewers of stinky tofu! "

Xuantianjian realized that Li Fan had made a decision, so he stopped trying to persuade him, restrained his edge, let go of his consciousness and let Huo Hongmian leave.

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