The Taoist ancestor is Cthulhu

Chapter 196 Imperial Prisoner

Leaving Mozhu Mountain Cave Heaven and heading east, we flew along the Li River and arrived at the boundary of Dongjiang Prefecture before nightfall. Li Fan now wants to seize every opportunity to practice and become stronger, and the two little girls have not yet established the foundation and still need to rest, so he plans to travel during the day, practice at night, and land the flying boat at Dongjiang Mansion Pier.

He called two boys and said, "Tonight we will rest in Dongjiang Mansion. I will go out of the city to worship the moon. You stay on the boat and don't run around. There is a formation to protect you. It should be okay. If something happens, use the Bright Light Talisman to ask for help." "

Nie Feilian immediately agreed, "Immortal, please have peace of mind. We will watch the boat and protect the four immortals. Don't you think bad guys will take advantage of them?"

Xiang Xiaoyu also nodded repeatedly.

Li Fan saw that this girl had an out-of-control temperament. If she couldn't sit still and went to the town for a few walks, it actually didn't matter. After all, Liguo is still the territory of Mozhushan, and people in the public recognize the short brown linen clothes of Mozhushan. It is impossible for human traffickers to seek death by abducting the children of Mozhushan and selling them again.

What's more, the range of his Guguan's spiritual consciousness is extremely wide, and he can detect any abnormal movements in the entire Dongjiang Mansion City. He is the only real person in the Nascent Soul stage in this city, so it should be no big deal.

"That's up to you."

So Li Fan flew away with his sword to the mountains outside the city, found a hilltop with abundant spiritual energy, and built a dojo to worship the moon.

Now that he was in a full mood, he was still a little short of recharging, and he was not yet proficient in the Guan Guan method. In order not to waste the passive special effects of Guixu Nascent Soul and to complete recharging according to his mood fluctuation, Li Fan decided to practice it first. The monastic body changes and the Nascent Soul is refined again.

But after opening his eyes and turning around, Li Fan gave up the idea of ​​becoming Qiongqi and having a feast.

It's not that he didn't find meat. He found it, but he just couldn't eat it.

Generally speaking, the place where Moshan disciples worship the moon is anchored in the Taisu world in Xuyuan, which is a dojo where they know their roots and can practice changes for a long time. For example, the Ascaris Zuntian Demon Dojo established by Fairy Wangshu is anchored to Yuanze. The Zuntian Demon statues constructed in this way also have the appearance of being non-material in the Taisu Realm.

Li Fan's use of his Nascent Soul statue to anchor the Tai Chi world is part of the Lou Guandao lineage's practice of worshiping the moon. That is to say, using the Nascent Soul of your own human form as the coordinates, the advantage of this is that it is relatively safe to return to the Taiji world, but the Taisu world will be different every time you go. If you change the place, change the time, you will enter the Taisu position of the abyss. The faces are all different.

And it seems that because the Zuntian Demon Dao Body he used is human-shaped, it seems that the local aborigines who live in the places he goes to are also approximately human-shaped creatures.

For example, after worshiping the moon this time, Li Fan found himself in a plain, and his consciousness quickly detected the gathering place of nearby indigenous creatures. These local indigenous creatures are also humanoid, but their appearance is still very different from humans. Their skin is similar to that of amphibians, and their facial features are quite different. They are also obviously suffering from some kind of disease. They look like a drowned giant. Just look at those bloated corpses.

But the reason why Li Fan couldn't eat them was not only that their appearance was too disgusting, but also that these humanoid creatures seemed to be parasitized.

There are large and small yellowish-green pustules on the skin of those humanoid creatures. Tissue fluid is constantly seeping out. From time to time, blood scabs peel off, and thick juice overflows everywhere. Then, moving and twisted things emerge from the pustules, as if Soba-like brown parasite. Once it falls off, it becomes a big ball of thread, which twists and scatters when it lands on the ground, and then crawls onto other humanoid creatures, burrowing into the wounds on their skin to live as parasites.

The natives seemed to have no feeling at all about the nematodes laying eggs on their bodies. They moved slowly like zombies, doing work similar to gathering and farming. Many indigenous people's eyeballs are swollen and bulging like goldfish, and are completely gray. You can see parasites swimming in the pupil lens, laying a large ball of eggs.

Li Fan only used his spiritual consciousness to scan it, and goosebumps appeared all over his body.

This is so disgusting, I can’t stop talking...

Resisting the desire to vomit, Li Fanfei walked around for a while. He could see that there were many local indigenous villages and settlements on the ground, shelters to protect them from wind and rain, and the like. It can be seen that these humanoid creatures once had their own civilization.

But just like the previous world that was flooded, this world also perished, and the entire process of civilization was interrupted. All indigenous humanoid life forms became the ovaries of roundworms, a walking body. It's just a matter of procrastinating to maintain the most basic survival and keep the body functioning as a breeding ground for insect eggs to hatch.

Li Fan took out Si Nan from his arms, followed the direction of the spoon and searched for a while, and found the ruins of a large-scale abandoned town.

There are no parasitic humanoids in this place, because the entire town was probably hit by flames, and most of the buildings were completely burned, leaving only ruins and ashes. Only a building in the center of the city that looked like a temple or a tower was still there. Most of it remains. Li Fan flew to the top of the tower and found a golden gem among the human-shaped ashes. Could this thing be...

‘If a fragment of cause and effect is detected, whether to snatch this fragment. ’

Is it another fragment of the cause and effect of genocide? The previous one was destroyed by floods, but this one was destroyed by pests and plague.

Li Fan knew what kind of defense mechanism would be triggered once he started snatching, so he was not in a hurry to snatch the causal fragments for the time being. He scanned the surrounding area with his spiritual consciousness, confirmed that there were no parasites or eggs, and then sat down to practice.

Although I dare not eat meat in this world, Taisu's evil spirit is abundant and the Five Elements Spiritual Qi is also good, which is suitable for consolidating the foundation of cultivation. So I temporarily changed my plan, and continued to breathe out the true energy and refine the Nascent Soul tonight. I calculated that the time was almost up, and directly let the system seize local opportunities.

This time, the local indigenous races did not have as much grievances as the previous one, and no parasites came to interfere with Li Fan. Once he started snatching the fragments, within a few seconds, he successfully heard a 'ding' and seized the genocide. fate.

This parasitic world is still a bit too guarded, and he might be infected at some point. Li Fan really didn't want to stay for a long time, so he simply completed his routine practice exercises and planned to wake up and go back.

It can be seen that Taisu's world is not peaceful either. Even if there are no bloody wars like the Tai Chi world, there are still all kinds of disasters and disasters that can ruin the vitality of the entire race at any time.

After all, the days are numbered and immortality is really hard to come by.

After finishing tonight's practice, Li Fan returned to the Tai Chi world, because there is no need for the world of Mozhu Mountain outside. In order to prevent mortals from accidentally entering the dojo and worshiping his demon statue, Li Fan lifted the spell and removed his own body. The Nascent Soul clay sculpture of the Heavenly Demon was destroyed, the magic circle was removed and it flew back to the treasure boat.

To Li Fan's surprise, he flew back to the dock and found that the flying boat was surrounded by many warships. There was also a group of soldiers from the Hundred Household Guards on the dock, holding torches and blocking the dock, as if they wanted to board the ship for inspection. After leaving for a short while, he was actually tangled up by officers and soldiers!

No, it's clearly under the banner of Mozhushan Lou Guandao, and the Eight Sutras are still being erected with prayer flags, and they haven't even left the border of the country, so why are they being targeted again?

Li Fan frowned, and his spiritual sense detected that the restraining circle on the flying boat was intact. The two boys were on the boat, and they didn't light up the light talisman. Knowing that it was probably nothing serious, he concealed his presence and flew closer to see what was going on.

"Listen, disciples of Mozhushan on board! The Xunjiang Guards of Dongjiang Road are ordered to search the passing ships and apprehend the imperial criminals! Open the ban immediately and accept inspection!"

The leading Baihu shouted loudly, and a group of guards held up their swords and torches, their faces flickering in the flickering firelight.

The two boys, also holding wooden swords, stood nervously on the deck and faced each other.

Deng Xiaoyu looked at the crossbows on the surrounding boats with a frightened expression, holding the Bright Light Talisman in her hand.

And Nie Feilian shouted to the officers and soldiers at the dock, "The god is not here now. If you have anything to do, wait until he comes back."

"What a god, what a country bumpkin..." Baihu frowned and unfolded the documents in his hands, "We are officers and soldiers of the imperial court, and the governor's order is here! Hurry up and let me search!"

Nie Feilian turned her head and said, "I can't read, so how can I know the truth? I'm warning you, don't try to mess around while the god is not around! Just light up the charm and he will be there in an instant!"

The hundred households held back their anger and said, "Then you should light the talisman and ask him to come! You've been waiting for this for half the night!"

Nie Feilian actually chuckled and said, "Who do you think you are, a dignified immortal? You call me back as soon as you ask? Can you afford to delay the gods' business?"

The hundred households stared at each other and cursed angrily, "You are so impudent! We are doing things for the imperial court, how can we allow you, a slave, to hinder us again and again! If you dare to resist again, even you will be arrested and investigated! Thirty big bans will be paid." Jiaofangsi is a slave! No god can save you!"

Nie Feilian was stunned by his roar, her face turned pink immediately, she jumped on the bow of the boat and cursed, "What kind of imperial court! Bah! You are a bumpkin from Nanman! You are a dog from Shanyang! Even the immortal who protects the country dares to offend you with words." ! What a fool! Come on! Come and try to touch me! A jackal in human skin! A bully! All day long, he uses chicken feathers as arrows to flaunt his power and do evil! He only dares to act violently towards women and boys. Hun, if you have two taels of eggs, why don't you go into battle to kill the enemy, and you still stay here to feed the common people! You bastard who fishes in troubled waters really doesn't want your parents' face! @#¥* # (¥!!"

Li Fan, Baihu, Xunjiang Wei, "..."

Xiang Xiaoyu quickly pulled Nie Feilian down from the fence, "Feilian, don't stand so high. Be careful of them stabbing people in the back. These beasts have no humanity."

Nie Feilian nodded, "Xiaoyu said, wait until I have a drink of water before scolding them."

Only then did Baihu realize what he was doing and became furious, "How outrageous! I think it's you, a cheap maid, who is harboring imperial criminals! Come here! Report it to the Chief Supervisor! Please dispatch troops to exterminate the devil!"

"Devil?" Even Xiang Xiaoyu was angry now, pointing the ink sword in his hand at the hundred households, "You are lying and falsely accusing Zhongliang!

I, Mo Zhushan, will take the place of Li Guo to eliminate demons from the border area! There are countless living people on the side of good fortune! You corrupt officials have used your official position to harm the country and the people, robbed and plundered, and caused hunger and death all over the country. You Li Guo are the real demons! "

Hundreds of households were almost furious, "You bastard! It's the other way around! This is the boy under that seat! It's the other way around! Go and ask for the sacrifice to get him!"

Li Fan stood aside in a daze. What's going on? How old are these two? So powerful in combat?

However, Li Fan was not in a hurry to show up. After all, although these river patrol guards saw that the ship was well-armed and equipped with sophisticated weapons, it was impossible to break through the formation arranged by Li Fan. They could only use vulgar words to talk to the two boys on the ship. Swearing. But if you want to say that they came here specifically to cause trouble, it doesn't seem like it.

Li Fan swept his consciousness and discovered a person, who might actually be the criminal that these officers and soldiers were arresting.

There was a man hiding in the water. He grabbed the cable and hid under the water between the flying boat and the deck. From time to time I cautiously poked my head out to take a breath.

Judging from the level of breathing and exhalation, he has practiced some Qi refining formulas. He is about 20 years old and has a jade pendant to cover his breath. He seems to be a scholar, but he does not look like a thief. Maybe he was involved in some internal struggle for power in the court, and his family was broken and he escaped.

Although he was implicated by this boy this time, Li Fan didn't like people like these in Dongjiang Mansion. He still vaguely remembered feeling sorry for being chased by this group of people. It seems that the governor is also Mo Zhushan's enemy, so let's use it as an excuse.

Since Li Fan sincerely opposed the Dongjiang Mansion, he was naturally not polite. He flicked his sleeves and hid the man hiding under the boat with his Qiankun sleeves. He chose an opportunity to appear and landed on the deck.

"...Damn it! Shameless little maid! She is the product of a prostitute! I will definitely come to you, the evil heretics of Mozhu Mountain..."


Before the hundred households could react, they were slapped in the face by Li Fan from a distance, causing their head to spin in seventeen or eighty circles, twisting it into a knot, and hanging from their shoulders.

The soldiers suddenly saw that the other side was taking action, and they were about to fall out when Li Fan suddenly appeared in mid-air. The shocking situation spread out, and they realized that something was wrong. The person who came was really a god! This is actually a real-life master!

Everyone immediately retreated in an uproar, and some even stepped on the air and fell into the water with a thud.

Nie Feilian and Xiang Xiaoyu immediately stopped talking and shrank behind Li Fan like a good girl.

Li Fan looked at the soldiers patrolling the river expressionlessly, "Who said that Mozhu Mountain is a demonic path?"

At this time, Nie Feilian was a little flustered. Seeing the blood, she didn't dare to look at Li Fan at all.

However, Xiang Xiaoyu stood up and pointed to a few people in the crowd, "Real person! Those people just slandered the reputation of our mountain sect and slandered my demonic ways. They must be the work of the demonic sect!"

"Evils and outsiders will be killed without mercy." Li Fan nodded, curled his fingers and flicked out a few sword energy, sweeping the targeted soldiers into two pieces and killing them on the spot.

Not to mention resisting, the soldiers did not dare to run away. The blood splashed by their colleagues was swept up in their faces, and they knelt down on the ground and kowtowed.

Li Fan was too lazy to talk nonsense, "Anyone who insults my mountain gate will die, and I will crawl for you."

The soldiers were so frightened that they pissed themselves and ran away...

Li Fan looked at the direction of the city again. There were three golden elixir monks who came from the city lord's palace to support them. As a result, Li Fan opened up Yuanying's aura, but these three people simply calmed down their aura, turned around and ran away...

Tsk, so boring...

Li Fan looked at the two girls and said, "You are quite eloquent."

Nie Feilian hurriedly knelt on the ground, "My maid made trouble for the gods by making unreasonable remarks! It's all a habit I learned in the opera house and I can't change it for a while. Please don't drive me away!"

Xiang Xiaoyu did not kneel down, but bowed and explained, "Master, we follow the teachings and have always watched over Xian'e's safety. This time it is purely the remnants of Yushitai who took the initiative to stir up trouble."

Li Fan waved his hand and helped Nie Feilian up, then looked at Xiaoyu and said, "Do you still know about Yushitai? Have you ever been bullied by them?"

Xiang Xiaoyu said angrily, "Yes, I often hear my mother complain. It was because the Yushitai inspected the land and the powerful colluded with the government to seize my family's ancestral land. Otherwise, I would have been reduced to selling myself into slavery."

Nie Feilian took a peek and found that the problem didn't seem to be big. She regained her liveliness and said, "Yes, yes, these dog officials are the worst. They don't pay for the show and even drag them to accompany them for drinks. They punch and kick at every turn. Killing people with a knife. The death of us lowly people is in vain. We can do nothing but curse and vent our anger... If I can be like you, the god, I can kill these turtles and bastards with a few strokes. Dan’s dog head! That’s awesome!”

Li Fan smiled and said, "Smooth talk, I won't teach you the basics of sword energy until you memorize the meridian diagram."

Nie Feilian was overjoyed, "Okay, it's a deal!"

Li Fan flicked his sleeves again and released the young man, "Who are you, a prisoner of the imperial court?"

This kid looks pretty good, with thin skin and tender flesh. Although he can't compare with Li Fan, he still has good facial features, thick eyebrows and big eyes. He is the material to play the leading role at first glance.

The man looked around and saw the banner of Lou Guandao in Mozhu Mountain. He bowed to Li Fanna and said, "Thank you, Master, for saving me. Xiao Shengyang Si'an is the best candidate to take the exam. It's just because the test paper pointed out the current shortcomings. The former imperial censor Wen Jin's political mistakes offended his students, and now Li Hongxian, the official in charge of the censor's office, was expelled from school and will never be used again..."

It turned out to be a fight among the Confucian scholars. The fights in the Tai Chi world are really fierce. Fights are happening everywhere...

However, Li Fan seriously doubted that these scholars had reservations about what they said, and asked, "Just because you wrote an article, it's not enough for the Yushitai to expel your academic status. They also send troops to arrest you?"

"It's two articles," Yang Si explained listlessly. "I was so angry that I wrote another letter, intending to contact the candidates in various provinces and file a complaint to expose Li Hongxian's examination fraud, corruption and bribery, cliques for personal gain, and autocratic rule. , Selling one's official position to get a title, nepotism and other 21 crimes.

But before he could appeal, he leaked it secretly, offending the entire Yushitai. Now they say that I incited the students, framed Zhongliang, made irresponsible remarks about the court, and slandered Qingliu..."

Li Fan narrowed his eyes and UU read a book "So did you slander them?"

Yang Si'an smiled bitterly, "The people in the academy are hiding among themselves and recommending each other's students to high schools. The unfairness of the tribute examination can be seen clearly. The junior students also have some meager talents, so I failed the test paper and my classmates also questioned it. There were suspicions of fraud in the examination. Yushitai was not as powerful as before, and he thought he could bring them down.

But just because I wrote a sentence in my test article: "Dancing constantly will lead to debauchery, singing heartily will destroy virtue." ’ I advise the new king to cultivate his moral character diligently and not to indulge in wine and sex and neglect important matters of the family and the country. So I gave up the truth and was accused by the Yushitai of violating the taboo of being the ruler of the country. That's why I failed. They wanted to arrest me first for being disrespectful, and then talk about other things. "

"Wait, did you violate a taboo?" Li Fan was confused for a moment, "What taboo did this sentence violate? Isn't the new king the same person, Li You, the king of Jian'an County?"

Yang Si'an glanced at Li Fan, seeming quite surprised that he knew such detailed information, but he didn't ask any more questions and just sighed, "I heard that it was Taishi Guo who wrote a letter to establish a new state as the crown prince, to carry on the past and forge ahead, and to give the country the reason for the prosperity of the country. The Lord changed his name to 'Heng'. Isn't this a taboo?

Alas, it’s better to be alone..."

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