The Taoist ancestor is Cthulhu

Chapter 188 The lights go out

Li Fan flew to Jiang Ji Trading Company and saw a bunch of oxcarts blocking the door and blocking three nearby streets. It turned out that several caravans came together to bring goods. Looking at the clothes of the merchants, they were not only from the country, but also foreigners. . Jiang Ji's shopkeeper was extremely busy, delivering the immortal treasure specialties from Mozhu Mountain, and also counting and converting the money the other party used for the transaction. It was noisy, but it was much more troublesome than scanning the QR code.

However, it seems that the trade route to the Central Plains has been re-opened, and Lei Zeli has harvested a number of monsters on a large scale. Jiangji Trading Company has also overcome the temporary difficulties and begun to operate normally.

When Li Fan landed in the yard, the shopkeeper immediately came over to entertain him. After all, he was also Jiang Ji's half-supporter, and the people in the trading company naturally recognized him. "Master Li wants to buy something, just give him the order."

The old shopkeeper who came up to salute is named Jiang Jian. He is too old to run far away. Now he is a stayer at Mozhushan Trading Company. As long as he lives for a long time, he will be able to recognize several magic weapons. He usually tastes the magic weapons brought by casual cultivators. s things.

"Old shopkeeper, I have some rubbish here that Lei Ze picked up... ahem, old things I found, please shopkeeper exchange them for some Shen Gang money. In addition, I want to buy a mechanical flying boat. A small boat for transportation will be fine. I don't know if it is a Whatever the price, second-hand ones are fine.”

Jiang Jian smiled when she saw that Li Fan had brought a lot of goods, "The Master came at the right time, and as you saw, the goods in the shop were almost gone. What you brought is of top quality, and I am sure you won't have to worry about sales. The commercial bank now accepts it directly.

There is no need to worry about the mechanical flying boat. I know many skilled craftsmen and it is more than enough to order a good boat for you. It’s just that the remaining balance is not recommended to be exchanged for Shengang coins now. The market has always been flooded with bad coins, and now there are also privately minted counterfeit coins. "

"Counterfeit coins?" Li Fan was stunned.

Jiang Jian waved to him, took him to the inner room, and placed two coins on the tea table, "Look, one was cast by Sanyuan and the other was cast by the Nangong family."

Why is it the Nangong family again? These people are really annoying...

Li Fan looked around for a while and asked, "...Is the one on the left fake?"

You can't really see it with the naked eye. They are all golden bronze coins. They will not develop patina after being raised with Shengang coins. They are almost the same size and weight, and there is no flaw in the handwriting. At most, some coins have been used a lot, so there will inevitably be some wear and tear, and there will be slight differences between the old and new ones. However, Li Fan used his spiritual sense to examine carefully and could still find out that the divine energy attached to the coin on the right was relatively uniform and thick, while the coin on the left was attached to the divine energy. The Gang Qi is a little thin and the coverage is uneven. It can only barely protect the coins, but it can't be considered a bad coin.

"That one is Sanyuan's new money. The other one was cast privately by the Nangong family."

Eh? But the one on the right is better?

Jiang Jian took out a brocade box from the room. When she opened it, there were two coins inside, but the one on the left was obviously different. The moment she opened the box and saw the light, it even flickered. The golden light was brilliant, like a magic weapon. The gloss is very nice. Although the one on the right does not have the same precious light as the left one, the divine energy is evenly distributed and thick, and the texture seems to be superior to the two on the table. The words and patterns are clearer, and the materials used are more abundant, probably more copper is used.

Jiang Jian arranged the four copper coins in order, "In the past, the Shengang coins cast by the officials of Sanyuan were naturally the best, but now Sanyuan is also casting bad coins indiscriminately. The grinding tools have not been updated for a long time, and the princes will also cast bad coins privately." , mixed with official models and attached to the divine power, although they are all money released by the Immortal Palace, the quality is actually the worst.

When the Nangong family was about to rebel, Mo Zhushan also helped the Immortal King to imitate molds and cast military funds privately. You see, the quality of this fake money is better than Sanyuan's. Probably the Nangong family took out the molds from that year and started casting them. . "

Li Fan was speechless for a while. The quality of these fake coins was actually better than the inferior official coins. Is this considered disrupting the market economy?

"The quality of the Shengang coins flowing from the Central Plains has been deteriorating in recent years. Sanyuan's financial resources are obviously in decline. The Nangong family should also be aware that the Central Plains is minting coins on a large scale, and they are also forced to mine and mint money privately." Jiang Jian shook his head and sighed. , "Originally, the Immortal Palace was badly minted, and the Shengang coins had been greatly depreciated, but Mozhu Mountain was remote and could not be felt for a while. Now the Nangong family has also begun to mint privately, copper coins are flooding, and Liguo's commercial goods have begun to skyrocket.

The most typical thing is the current price of silk. In the past, the lowest quality silk cost ten guan per piece, but now it has risen to fifty guan. "

Damn it... Immortal Palace releases water. Will the Nangong family also release water? I'm afraid all the twelve countries are releasing water... It's a flood, damn...

Jiang Jian saw that Li Fan's expression was not good, so he took out a small purse, took out a bunch of blood-red copper coins and said, "Master, don't worry, we have all the numbers, and we will naturally prepare silk for you first. If the silk cloth cannot be replaced, You can exchange it for some blood baht money."

Li Fan took it and took a look. He recalled that Fuling and he had introduced it before. The blood baht coin was red and slightly smaller than the Shengang coin. It seemed to be impregnated with secret magic and animal blood. Li Fan sniffed it carefully and even You can smell a strange fishy smell.

"Blood baht money? By the way, it was issued by the Divine Religion...but isn't the Divine Religion the enemy? And why not use Xuan Ming's military-building money?"

Jiang Jian said, "Of course the money for recruiting soldiers is the best, but the quantity is too small, and most of it is circulated within Xuanmen and cannot be used for human transactions.

The blood baht money of the divine sect is made by their main altar using a secret method. You can use the secret method to detect the authenticity, and it is distributed to the followers as a reward for their meritorious service. Whoever receives the amount is recorded. If it is made privately, it will be cut in half.

The countries west of Kunlun were all territories conquered by the divine religion. Hu Shang used this money mostly, and now it is much more reliable than Shengang money.

Nowadays, the power of the Divine Cult has penetrated deeply into the Kun Kingdom, and many business houses in Li Kingdom are doing private transactions with the Divine Cult. Smuggling is rampant in the northern border states, and blood money has flowed into the Central Plains on a large scale. "

Li Fan frowned, one was going down, the other was going up. From the changing positions of Shengang Money and Blood Baht Money, it could also be seen that the power of the Divine Sect was getting stronger and stronger. Not only Jiang Ji, but also the big business firms that had mastered the resources could probably see this. Immortal Palace is going bankrupt, and they are gradually losing confidence in Shen Gang's money. When Miyuan can't come up with money and food to mobilize the army, what kind of orthodoxy can he still deal with? How can he deal with the aggressive religious sect?

However, at present, Liguo is still within the sphere of influence of the Immortal Palace, and blood baht money cannot be circulated openly. At most, various trading houses reserve some privately just in case. Mozhushan mostly barters, exchanging various magic weapons and materials according to the valuation of silk. Nowadays, the price of rice purchased with Shengang money is the same every day, which is getting cheaper and cheaper... Oh, there is actually another product that can be bought with Shengang money.

People, or slaves.

"Generally, the adult servant who works is 40,000 yuan, and the underage boy is 20,000 yuan. This is the market price of the industry. They are all selected to be strong, healthy, and free from illness and disaster. If it is an apprentice who can write and calculate , or a pretty girl, which can probably be sold for more than 100,000 yuan."

It happened that Jiang Ji was also short of manpower, so he bought a group of apprentices as helpers. Li Fan asked, these are all people who know a few words. They bought them as assistants for about 50,000 yuan each, which is Shengang money 50. Through.

In fact, there have been a lot of refugees coming from the north recently, and many of them have voluntarily sold themselves, and they will accept them if they give him a full meal. But these people don't know the basics, and most businesses and families don't dare to use them. Therefore, these refugees even had to queue up to sell their bodies at Yaoxing. Only when Yaoxing acted as guarantee would anyone come to buy them and make a living.

The evil cannibalistic old feudal society...

Of course, Li Fan couldn't really buy an outer courtyard. He just asked after seeing it, but he also knew that human trafficking was the social status quo of this era. Not only could it not be banned, it was even necessary to exist.

Because Mozhu Mountain actually belongs to the border area of ​​southern Xinjiang. Across the Li River is the majestic mountains of Zhushan. Although there are many immortals, except for the exiled prisoners, no one from the Central Plains is willing to migrate here. So all this time, Lou Guandao, the 'landlord', has been purchasing people from various countries through his trade to open up wasteland and cultivate land. Nowadays, the prosperous towns near Louguan Tower have also been developed in this way. Even many of the disciples of Mozhu Mountain like Jiang Liuqing were bought slaves.

Perhaps when the Central Plains, South China Sea, Kunlun, and wars begin in all directions, there will be no need to buy and sell people, and many refugees will be forced by the current situation to voluntarily move to Mozhu Mountain and open up new homes in the Shiwan Mountains in the south.

This may be an opportunity for Mozhu Mountain, but it is not a blessing for the people in the world...

In short, he entrusted the sales of garbage and the purchase of flying boats to Jiang Ji's shopkeeper, and Li Fan flew to Louguan Pagoda to confirm the identity of Taoist Fellow Qingting Peak.

It was also the first time for him to see the soul lamp of a disciple of Mo Zhushan with his own eyes. The place is quite easy to find. There is a large courtyard like a clan ancestral hall behind the Louguan Taoist Tower. There are rows of Taoist fires with green cores and white flames at a glance.

As long as you receive the Taoist ultimatum from Lou Guandao in Mozhu Mountain, you can put a name on the bronze shelf inside, get a celadon oil dish, light a little light, and it will be a soul lamp.

This soul lamp is also used to inform the disciple of life and death, and to remind fellow disciples of help. If the light wavers and almost goes out, it means that the disciple is in a dangerous situation on the verge of death. And death is like the extinguishing of a lamp. If a disciple dies, the soul lamp will naturally be extinguished.

The person guarding the lantern department here is a golden elixir mage. After all, the soul lantern is not a particularly profound secret. It is just a reminder to the sect so that it will not knock over your soul lantern. That’s just me. If it's overturned, it's overturned. Just start over again.

Of course, if it has not been officially registered under Lou Guandao's name, it will naturally not be specially made for soul lanterns.

Li Fan gave the triangular yellow talisman to the judicial officer on duty at the Lighting Department to explain his purpose. The other party also wrapped the yellow talisman around the bones and threw them into the brazier for inspection. The true identity of this fellow Taoist was found. He also found Li Fan a copy of the ultimatum and the celadon lamp bowl for lighting the soul lamp.

This person is Zhao Jingtai, the last leader of the Qing Ting Sect. Because the sect suffered too many losses in the fight against the demon clan to open up the Mozhu Mountain and the fight with the Black Lotus Sect, it was reported that he was the only one left. Then the soul lamp suddenly went out. Unknown There were no disciples or family members whereabouts, so the Zhushan Qingting Sect ended its inheritance. Judging from the records, it was probably more than two hundred years ago.

This is correct, Qing Tingsou mentioned that he was expelled from Xuanmen two hundred years ago, and was later rescued by the mountain lord and temporarily lived in Qing Ting Peak. The Qingting sect should have been gone by then, or else it wasn't the mountain master who made the decision.

During that period, even Qing Tingsou, the disciple candidate for the head of the Yuan Ying realm of the Xuanmen Shenxiao sect, would be stripped of his cultivation and thrown into the mortal world for inexplicable reasons such as colluding with the remnants of the Luo sect. I am afraid it was the Black Lotus sect of the Luo sect. The remnants were at their most violent in Liguo. Mo Zhushan probably thought that Zhao Jingtai was killed by the remnants of the Black Lotus Sect.

After all, outsiders didn't know that the Qingting sect had a secret training room on the top of the mountain. Zhao Jingtai was assassinated and died in it. The iron gate was sealed by the murderer with rocks. Naturally, there was no evidence of his death.

Li Fan couldn't help but frown. He actually found someone. Moreover, he was the last generation of the Qing Ting sect. He didn't have any disciples or relatives, so the inheritance was cut off for no apparent reason. The casual cultivators were really miserable...

He was initially worried that the remains were from too early a generation and did not even have a soul lamp. The result can be traced back to the specific name two hundred years ago, and the Qingting sect has no disciples, but the murderer was able to enter the secret room. He was probably a close casual cultivator friend of Zhao Jingtai? Could it be that he is also a monk from Mozhu Mountain?

For a practitioner, two hundred years is neither long nor short. At best, the murderer may have died long ago. At worst, this person may have reached the Nascent Soul realm. And maybe Liu Qing, a southern sect member, also knew Zhao Jingtai.

But, if the murderer is still alive, why hasn't he disposed of the murder weapon and dagger for so many years? Could it be that the dagger had nothing to do with the murderer and was just a cover-up to frame the crime? Or maybe Zhao Jingtai simply committed suicide? Who sealed that door?

No matter what, Li Fan still took the Taoist priest's identity certificate and remains of Mozhushan to Louguan Pagoda to register. There is a peak in Zhushan named after the Qingting sect. The disciples of this lineage must also be named Mozhushan. For those who have made outstanding contributions, the last leader at least has a saying that when a person dies and his lamp goes out, he can just be buried in peace.

Unexpectedly, he had just arrived at Louguan Tower and before he could enter the door, he suddenly heard someone calling him "Qingyue! Qingyue!"


Li Fan subconsciously turned his head and looked around, and suddenly saw a leprosy-headed monk in yellow clothes striding behind him, with a large string of Buddhist beads hanging around his neck. The monk grinned as if he were an old friend of Li Fan, but his smile was indescribably weird.

If you look carefully, you will see that the monk is there. It is clearly a skin bag, with the mouth and eyes curved like crescent moons, as if he is smiling, and there is no flesh and blood inside.

And those were not Buddhist beads, but sarcomas growing on the neck of this human-shaped skin. They were stacked together like beads. The sarcomas also had the same smiling face as the monk's, and they were moving towards him together. Li Fan smiled happily,

"Qingyue", "Qingyue" and "Qingyue" kept calling.

‘Li Fan’s mood has dropped a bit’

‘Li Fan’s mood has dropped a bit’

‘Li Fan’s mood has dropped a bit’

There were twenty-eight of those beads-like sarcomas. Every time he shouted, the system would pop up an alarm. All of a sudden, the twenty-eight "dropped a little" filled Li Fan's vision.

Then Li Fan watched the monk walking towards him with a smile, stretched out his fat hand and dug into his chest, as if he wanted to dig out his heart.

But the fat hand did not touch Li Fan and was held by someone.

Liang Zhenren held the dog's tail grass in his mouth, frowned into an eight-character figure, and glared at the fat man sideways, "How big is the cloud, fellow Taoist, what is the word "up" and "down", where is the direct blood of the three mountains?"

The leprosy-headed monk turned his big face to Zhenren Liang and smiled, UU reading The tumors on his neck screamed in unison, "Qingyue——!!"

‘Li Fan’s mood has dropped a bit’

Then Li Fan found that his hands were moving, inserted into his arms, took out the stone box from the robe, and handed it to the other party's hand, but before he was about to hand the thing over to the other party's hand, Li Fan's hand suddenly Stopped.

"That's what you're here for, you idiot."

The leprosy-headed monk was stunned, and suddenly turned to look at Li Fan, twisting his neck and saying, "Qingyue!"

"Qing Nima!" Li Fan also opened his eyes.

A ray of red light swept out from between his eyebrows, and the skin sac was cut open in the midline like a laser.


A shrill scream resounded through the sky, causing crows and birds to fly into the sky. All the cats and dogs in the town began to bark.

The skin bag and the yellow clothes fell to the ground, like a punctured balloon.

It would be so shameless for this stubborn person... to act like a monster at the gate of Louguan Tower in broad daylight! ?

Liang Zhenren held half of the leather bag, turned to look at Li Fan, took out a sweat towel from his sleeve and handed it to him.

"I'm fine..." Li Fan was stunned for a moment and suddenly felt a sting on his face. He took the sweat towel and wiped his face, only to find that the sweat towel was stained with blood red!

It turned out that within the time of these two sentences, blood had already overflowed from his eyes, ears, mouth and nose, soaking the front of his Taoist robe!

Liang Zhenren frowned and looked at the stone box in Li Fan's hand, "What kind of thing is this that actually provokes a god to come and curse you to death?"

Li Fan said with a cold face, "...It's okay, it's just rubbish picked up in the mountains."


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