The Taoist ancestor is Cthulhu

Chapter 15 Cardinal Origin

Of course, Li Fan still helped Kun to ask if there were any more Zhu Guo the next day, and gave them to two more people to nibble on, while also finding out about the whereabouts of the genius treasure that contained Guichen's true energy.

Fu Ling immediately agreed, "These are small things. There is no shortage of these spiritual foods in Miss's inventory. Do you want to prepare them for foundation building? I will help you find some of the Five Elements treasures. I will take you to see them today." A senior brother."

'Xuan Tian's sword intention expresses, alas, I think back then...'

Don’t think about those days! What the hell is Senior Brother!

Li Fanjing asked, "Senior brother, are you familiar with Sister Fuling? Are you as familiar as we are?"

Fu Ling rolled her eyes at him, "What nonsense are you talking about? Of course, Mu Long's job requires a senior brother to take you.

Senior Brother Lu is a disciple of Master Du Gong. He has just achieved the golden elixir in the past two years. Master Gong teaches the Tiangong Mechanism series. There is no Taoist name. Senior Brother's single name is the character Yu. If he can achieve Nascent Soul in the future, he will also have The opportunity to worship the Lord of the Mountain can be considered the same as ours.

Don't you want to learn the art of mechanism? If you have any problems on the way, you can just ask him for advice. "

Li Fan understood that this was probably because Fu Ling was worried that he would be bullied by the Guanzhu's group, so she specially found a backer for him, "Sister Fu Ling is worried."

"Don't worry about it. Thanks to you, our lady has become a god. I feel even more beautiful when I go out, hehehehe!"

Poria laughed happily, and casually released a seven-sailed treasure ship, carrying Li Fan to the sky.

Yes, as your realm grows, so does your pomp and circumstance...

So Li Fan followed Poria and took a treasure ship to the outer gate of Louguan Taoist Pagoda to pay homage to Senior Brother Lu.

"Senior Brother Lu, this is Qingyue, the boy under the real master, who has just entered the sect. If there is anything ignorant about him, please don't be polite, Senior Brother Lu, just teach him a lesson."

"Disciple Qingyue, pay homage to the master." Li Fan put Kun on his head and bowed.

"Junior Sister, you are serious. Qingyue doesn't need to be polite, just call her Senior Brother Lu. I just heard that the real person has broken through to the realm of spirit transformation. It is really a blessing for me, Zhushan. Congratulations."

This Senior Brother Lu has a rather young appearance. He is a sunny young man with a handsome expression and a cheerful look. At first glance, he looks like a freshly graduated college student. He seems to be younger than Poria. He is actually already in the Golden Elixir stage. Look at it. If you have good qualifications, you will have better luck.

"If you have any questions, please ask your senior brother beforehand. Don't cause trouble outside the mountains..."

Fu Ling told Li Fan a few more words to be sensible, obedient, and don't let the children mess around. Then she said goodbye and left to go about her own business. She was really like a big sister.

Senior Brother Lu was very polite, "Qingyue, do you know what Boy Mulong wants to do?"

Li Fan nodded. Poria cocos had told him on the way here early in the morning, "Serve you with a sword. When you hear your senior brother's order, please unsheath the magic sword."

Yes, the full name of his job is Sword-Serving Dragon Boy, and his only responsibility is to follow behind him the whole time while holding the magic sword.

Senior Brother Lu nodded, "That's right, shepherds eat them, collect them and vassal them, and sacrifice them for sacrifice. Although they are called dragons, they are actually like cattle and horses.

But a dragon is a dragon after all, and can often be as large as one hundred and fifty feet tall, so it must be held in hand with silver bells and golden bells, as well as bronze whips and iron swords. "

Brother Lu handed the copper whip in his hand to Li Fan for a look. It was a hard whip with thirteen water-milled bamboo joints. It was made of red copper. Each section was connected by copper joints. The whip was in the shape of a hexagon, with each side covered with Branded with a spell seal. The body of the whip was faintly glowing with blood, and when it was swung, a gust of wind blew up, hitting the spiritual energy within a square inch. It looked like an extremely fierce magic weapon.

"This is a dragon whip. If those beasts don't obey the orders, first use the silver bell to guide them, then use the golden bell to warn them, and then use the copper whip to beat them. Finally, if they still refuse to repent, use the magic sword to kill them."

Senior Brother Lu held a whip in one hand, and the other hand held the same triangular flag as Li Fan, "Fortunately, those four little dragons are just a little naughty, not stupid at all. They become well-behaved once they are whipped, and they are not ordinary people." The one who asked you to sacrifice the sword. There are also two junior brothers Lou Guandao. When they come over with bells, I will take you to Canglong Stream."

Li Fan thought thoughtfully. He had seen this silver bell and golden bell before when he was kidnapped by the three masked monks into Mozhu Mountain. It was probably a similar magic weapon.

"Senior Brother Lu, I heard from Sister Fuling that you are a disciple of Master Du, a descendant of Tiangong Mechanism Master. I am also very interested in Mechanism Technique. I wonder if I can ask you for advice?" The other two people didn't come over for a while, so Li Fan just said Take the initiative to find something to talk about.

Lu Yu smiled and nodded, "Why not? I just asked for the "Cardinal Summary" yesterday. Is it for you? Have you read it?"

"Yes, I read through some hastily last night, but there are still some things I don't understand. I would like to ask my senior brother," Li Fan was not polite, took out the summary and asked, "What exactly is this 'Cardinal of Sources'? "

Lu Yu suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Li Fan carefully, "Oh? You're a beginner at learning mechanisms, so you go straight to the core. What do you think?"

Li Fan thought for a while, "The book says that this is the core of the operation of the creation of the machine, the moving source of things, the cardinal of the heart, and the zero-zero total has to talk about a lot of heaven and principles. From the kid's understanding, this is roughly an external object." Weaving is the core power device that can convert the spiritual energy of heaven and earth into kinetic energy, right? I wonder if senior brother has this physical object of Cardinal Monohara, so that I can open my eyes?"

Li Fan also flipped through it hastily. In this summary, the front part is the principle, and the back part contains all kinds of messy parts manufacturing methods, just like a reference book. Of course, many of the tool accessories are not very novel in structure and principle. For example, boats, carriages, horses, bamboo cows, wood birds, etc. are actually equivalent to using the true energy of the Xianxia world to replace electric firepower to drive tools. They are some literal Qi machines.

But there is a component of the 'source cardinal', but Li Fan can't quite figure it out. It seems to be some kind of true energy engine. It is roughly the internal spiritual energy that drives the cardinal to operate, and then drives other parts of the mechanism. This can replace the monks. The heart-like existence allows the machine creation to rotate on its own.

But the question arises, ‘Cardinal Wuyuan’, where does the power of this engine come from?

Just looking at the text description, this thing is the source of power, but it neither burns coal nor refuels, and the parts do not use uranium nuclear fuel rods. It is simply like making a perpetual motion machine out of thin air using handmade parts. But it was clear that it was not the case. With Li Fan's meager knowledge, he could see that the cardinal was pulled by a mechanism on the outside, but the internal structure was actually more like a hamster's cage.

I just don’t know what the ‘hamster’ running around in the cage is...

Lu Yu took the "Cardinal Summary" and flipped through it, "This summary was compiled by the master for his disciples. We apprentices under the master craftsman must first follow our senior apprentices to work in the workshop for three to five years as metal workers. , all kinds of ingenious mechanical parts are polished and made by himself. Then the master will select some who are flexible, smart and savvy to be his disciples. They will study the outline of this volume and understand the principles.

You don’t have to worry. You can memorize it by rote now. After you have mastered the golden elixir and learned the divine hidden method, you can look at the scroll with your spiritual consciousness instead of using your eyes, and you will be able to see the spells used by the master. In the summary, the graphic sizes of various mechanism components and the secret preparation methods of many basic props are included.

As for the actual object of ‘Cardinal Material’, if you want to see it…”

Lu Yu returned the ink bamboo slip to Li Fan, then spread his right hand flat in front of him, palm up, rolled up his sleeves to reveal his right arm in front, "This is the 'thing'."

Li Fan's eyes widened, and Kun also looked over with bulging eyes.

This is actually a prosthetic arm. It is beautifully made. When you open the forearm like a window, you can see that there are many precise bamboo strips pulling the arm bones. There is a cricket cage-sized in the forearm, which is constantly rotating. The spherical bamboo cage is densely packed with traps, and even though the cardinal is pulling it, you still can’t tell what’s inside...


"'Object'?" Li Fan raised his head and glanced at Lu Yu.

Lu Yu also nodded, "My master's Tao is not quite the same as the Mountain Master's Tao. Just like the Mountain Master, Zhenren, he uses his body to transform into 'non-things', while the Gongshi Tao uses his body to transform into 'things'." . Then use 'things' to control things, weave heaven's work, and evolve the cardinals of all things.

The 'thing' in the 'Cardinal of Materials' in my hand was transformed by me, the head of the Lu family. What it is is also a private secret of the family, so I won't go into details with Junior Brother Qingyue, but you can guess. Yes, in recent years, the Department of Government has indeed been studying the practical application of the Way of Things.

Although "things" are also affected by the way of heaven, they are still within heaven and earth after all. Among the five elements, they will not rise and change like "non-things" and cannot be understood. But the mystery is also quite difficult to observe. Even my Tiangong Organization faction has just hastily suppressed and sealed these 'object' shapes to make a 'source cardinal' and use it as a power core.

But given time, it is not certain that they will be able to understand the truth of "things", and it is not certain that they can use mechanisms to create things and help them regain their human form. "

It turns out that 'things' are also transformed by monks, and this machine technique can also evolve the principles of 'things'... Oh! I see!

Li Fan understood.

Sword Intent, no, Xuantian Sword Ancestor, it turns out you had this idea. You also transformed yourself into an object, and want to use the mechanism technique to reshape your human form?

‘Xuantian Sword Intent said, yes, Beichen Sword Sect’s immortal way has evolved to the highest level by transforming one’s body into a sword! It's a pity... After all, he is no match for Dao...

As long as the host lends a helping hand to reshape the Dharmakaya body and rebuild the sect's orthodoxy, just ask for any conditions. There are all the secrets of Beichen Sword Sect, including all kinds of geniuses and treasures. ’

It’s hard to say what the opening conditions are. There’s no shortage of geniuses and treasures these days. And frankly speaking, the Beichen Sword Sect's theory of high emotional intelligence is not suitable for today's heaven. The theory of low emotional intelligence is outdated, decadent, and outdated, and has long been swept into the garbage heap of history...

‘Xuantian Sword Intent means that you, the host, have low emotional intelligence. You have said too much! ’

But after all, Li Fan has received a lot of advice, and he is not so unwilling to give Xuantian Jianyi face. He just wants to make a three-part agreement. He is not allowed to act recklessly, manipulate his body to cause trouble, and kill innocent people indiscriminately. At least he must negotiate with him to obtain it. Just agree.

Xuantian's sword intention has been confirmed, but the remnant soul hiding in the painting before saw that the host had not cultivated the divine light body protection and could see through the "object" realm and entered the barrier, so he wanted to take the opportunity to seize the host. His body was destroyed, and the wine did stink, so he was not innocent. ’

...Okay, don't count it if you don't count it. After all, the wine smells bad.

Lu Yu retracted his arm, put down his sleeves and said with a smile, "Qingyue, you can see the secrets of Cardinal Wuyuan at a glance, and you are quite talented in mechanical skills. However, just a little cleverness is not enough. If you really want to If you are successful in the art of mechanism, just imitate the catalog every day and make some mechanism creations to practice your skills, practice makes perfect."

"Thank you, senior brother, for your teaching. Qingyue will keep it in mind."

Stargazing, moon worship, creation... The natives of this world are also exploring the truth and mysteries of the universe in their own ways...

‘Kun means it’s hungry. ’

You just know how to eat, eat, eat...

Li Fan grabbed Kun off his head and poured a small bottle of Bingtan's Xuanming elixir into his mouth to rinse. Fill the catfish into a pufferfish, throw it aside, let Kun float like a balloon and slowly digest it, and ignore it.

Senior Brother Lu looked on with a smile, and Li Fan did not shy away from others. After all, although spiritual beasts are rare, even if someone really recognizes this Kun and wants to kill someone to seize his pet, I'm afraid they won't be so heartless as to snatch the Kun seedling back and raise it for thousands of years...

After waiting for a while, the other two Dragon Shepherd boys came over to join them.

These two people are older than Li Fan, but not much older. They are young Taoist priests who are about sixteen or seventeen years old. They dress like Li Fan. They are also inner disciples of Qingguan in soap clothes, but they have obviously already established their foundations. .

The one holding the bell has a cold light all over his body, sword-shaped eyebrows and starry eyes, and white teeth and red lips.

The one holding the bell has the flaming wind blowing around his body, the sky is full, and his eyes are like bright stars.

Two Taoists walk together, one is like cold jade, the other is like warm sun. Although they have very different temperaments, they have similar auras. At a glance, they can tell that they are good seedlings.

"Senior brother, junior brother, I've been waiting for a long time..." The warm man came up and apologized with a smile.

"No need to be polite, let's get on the boat first, and we'll chat on the way."

Senior Brother Lu led the three boys to bow to each other and get to know each other, UU reading www.uukanshu. net then released a small boat and took the three of them away from the outer sect and flew north.

Li Fan got acquainted with the two of them. There was a layman named Yuan, named Xuanbao, who practiced the Xuanming Escape Technique. The other one's surname is Chen, his name is Daotong, and he practices the Chisha Escape Technique. Both were disciples of Lou Guandao, and they became a couple under a certain Liang Zhenren.

Oh, they are two monks, wait a minute! Double cultivation? You two are men, right?

'Xuantian Sword Intention means that the host should not make a fuss. There are many kinds of dual cultivation. These two people are pulling Qi, and they probably cultivate the dual line of Kan and Li, combining water and fire, harmonizing Yin and Yang, and connecting up and down. It was also a secret story of the Immortal Palace back then. There are quite a lot of messy doorways in Zhushan...'

Oh, okay, okay, I almost got distracted again...wait, that's not right either! Practicing is so enjoyable! It’s weird to have two men together!

‘Xuantian Sword Intent means it’s actually rarer to be paired with Kun. ’

Shut up, if you can, find these two to help you revive the sect...

‘Xuantian Sword Intention means that the host does not need to belittle oneself. These two qualifications are purely average and can be obtained by dual cultivation and taking drugs. This is a good time to catch up. In the past, people like this could only be rated as lower than or above the seventh grade. You can't even practice Nascent Soul without any chance, and I won't even look at it. ’

Wow, is it so strict? Look how awesome you are, have you ever thought that the sword sect was destroyed simply because there were too few descendants... By the way, what level am I considered to be?

‘Xuantian Sword Intention means, needless to say, the host I chose is of course the best of the first grade, the best! ’

kindness! Seeing that Xuantian Jianyi is so honest and forthright, this host agrees to help you! Ha ha! Ha ha! Hahaha!

Kun was floating next to him, staring at the silly Li Fan with bulging eyes, and vomited with a 'vomit'...

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