After that, Hanamichi took classes during the day, exercised with the team in the afternoon, went to the gym in the evening to improve his strength, and spent his spare time with Haruko pressing the road, or shopping and playing.

It’s a little tiring, but it’s very fulfilling.

And what touched Hanamichi was that Haruko knew that after he lived alone, he often came to his house to help with cleaning, laundry, and even took the initiative to take on dinner when he was free.

This made Hanamichi’s originally lonely and cold home suddenly look very warm.

Of course, some small physical contact is certainly unavoidable.

During this period, the Shonobei team played a game against the basketball team of Takata Affiliated High School, which also stood out.

In the end, he defeated Takada by nearly three times the score and successfully entered the top 16 of the prefectural competition, and the next game will face Kanagawa’s veteran strong team ~ Tsukutake High School!

On this day, Hanamichi, as usual, finished dinner and spent a while with Haruko before delivering it to his doorstep and then to the gym.

However, as soon as he walked into it, a figure who was exercising in the heat immediately attracted his attention.

“Mu Shenyi… I didn’t expect to meet him over here. ”

A Mu, who looks like a middle-aged man, is sweating like a rain of upper limb strength at this time, looking at the appearance, he should have been exercising for a while, and when he saw this scene, he felt a sudden feeling in his heart.

“No wonder this guy’s strength is so strong, real geniuses are really diligent.”

Without much observation, Hanamichi stepped aside and started his exercise.

Since there will be a competition tomorrow, Hanamichi controls the intensity of the workout and does not play with life as usual.

But with his current physical fitness, even if he can control the intensity, it is still not comparable to ordinary people, anyway, Ah Mu quickly discovered the situation on his side.

“This intensity… It’s no less than me, this guy is not ordinary. ”

Since his family knows his own family affairs, as soon as Ah Mu stepped into high school, he began to exercise his core strength, and now it is in his third year, and his physical quality in all aspects far exceeds that of high school students, and has reached the standard of professional basketball in the island country.

And at this time, the strength of the person on the other side turned out to be similar to his own, which made Ah Mu immediately have a strong interest, and when he looked at it, a red hair came into view at the right time, followed by a face with a sense of familiarity, which made his eyes can’t help but pause.

“This guy is that super blue-collar of the Xiangbei basketball team… Sakuragi Hanamichi~! ”

After determining his face and finding that he had not admitted his mistake, Ah Mu immediately stopped his movements and got up and walked over.

In this regard, Hanamichi was naturally aware of this.

No way, only the two of them are exercising in this area, and they can’t find it if they don’t find it.

“Hainan’s monster Amu…” Hanamichi said with a smile.

Hearing this, Ah Mu was slightly stunned, but immediately reacted, nodded, and said, “I am Mu Shenyi, you are the cherry blossom road in northern Xiangbei, right?” ”

“I said no, would you believe it?”


“That’s not it~”

For his red hair, which is almost unique in Kanagawa, Hanamichi expressed very helplessness, combined with the factor of body type, one person is one accurate.

“This year, you Xiangbei are very strong, but if you want to enter the final four, Fujizhen Xiangyang team will be your biggest obstacle.” Ah Mu is serious.

To be honest, this look, combined with the tone of his speech, if Hanamichi did not know in advance, he would even think that this product was the coach of the Hainan team, or the assistant coach, who looked as anxious as Akagi.

Seeing that Hanamichi did not respond, Ah Mu did not care too much and continued: “It is rumored that you won the Lingnan team in the practice match before, I don’t know if it is true?” ”

“Are you trying to paraphrase me? It’s okay to tell you, we did win. ”

Continuing his upper body exercise, Hanamichi smiled and said, “Your Hainan’s hegemony over the Kanagawa basketball world will be terminated this year. ”

“It’s not something you can just talk about.”

At the mention of the team’s streak, Amu’s expression suddenly became very serious, his own team has dominated Kanagawa for seventeen years, and as the captain, he did not allow this great cause to be terminated in his hands.

Seeing this, Hanamichi still had that smiling face: “Then wait and see, don’t cry your nose then, middle-aged man…”

“Medium… Middle aged! ”

As if touched by the softest part of his heart, the corner of Amu’s mouth twitched, and he sat down in front of the exercise instrument next to Hanamichi, and then huffed and huffed.


Full of contemptuous words, Hanamichi was not to be outdone, and also continued to exercise.

As a result, a picture full of foundation emotion emerged in this area, and the girls on the treadmill not far away covered their mouths and snickered, and some even had their eyes shining.

If there were meager such media during this period, Hanamichi and Amu would probably be able to catch fire.

A few hours later, in front of the gym~

“We’ll watch tomorrow’s game, don’t lose.”

“Middle-aged man, you better make sure that you can qualify from Group A before saying this.”

With a wave of his hand, ignoring the twitching corners of Amu’s mouth, Hanamichi walked slowly towards the direction where he was.

PS: Thank you for the reward of [Relentless Burial Moon], it has been many times, really thank you very much!

This is the last public chapter, the next chapter will be charged, will everyone subscribe?

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