The students looked at Hinata, and Hinata looked at them awkwardly.

"Hahaha, actually I want to invite everyone to eat watermelon"

"This watermelon is quite big, so you should not be a greenhorn. Let's eat it together."

Hinata put the watermelon down, cut it into pieces and placed them on a stone table.

Naruto also said,"Today is the first time I'm a teacher, so please eat watermelon. Come and eat watermelon."

Although Naruto didn't know what Hinata was doing, he was very cooperative.

Everyone walked over doubtfully and took a piece of watermelon. Hanabi smiled and said,"The watermelon that came out of my sister's place is quite sweet."

Hinata scratched her head awkwardly. Fortunately, she was not a greenhorn.

After eating the watermelon, Hinata coughed twice:"Okay, you have eaten the watermelon, and now the class will officially begin!"

"All of our teaching content today will be conducted in the woods outside the village."

After forming the team, Hinata and Naruto led the team out one after the other.

Iruka looked at their backs as they left the school,"Is this really okay?" He asked himself.

But it didn't seem to be a big problem. With Hinata and Naruto's strength, it was no problem to protect these children at the entrance of the village.

The elementary school students kept discussing on the way.

"Hanabi, what do you think the teacher wants to have us do?"

"I don't know either." Hua Huo shook her head.

"Will you take us on some missions?"

"I don't think it's possible. Even if they were carrying out a mission, it would probably just be picking up trash or looking for cats and dogs."

"My sister and her friends did this kind of task for a long time when they just graduated"

"Is that so? Then Ninja is too boring."

"It's just that if you can become a Chunin when you just graduate, you can do more escort missions."

Soon, they arrived outside the Konoha Village.

Hinata stood in front and shouted,"I'm sure you are all wondering what mission I will take you on."

"Today's task is not to pick up bottles or kittens."

"It's hunting wild boars."

After hearing Hinata's words, the students started to riot.

"Wild boars, they are too dangerous. The wild boars around here are very ferocious."

"If you are afraid of danger, you are not worthy of being a ninja. Watch me!"

Hinata coughed twice and said,"Be quiet. Today, the 29 of you must hunt five wild boars, whether you work as a team or hunt alone."

"Today's mission is rewarding."

"There are 5 sets of special ninja tools here. The 5 best performers can get rewards."

"All right, you can go now."

The elementary school students set off in a mighty procession, and they looked extremely excited.

Hinata took out her own recliner,"Naruto, I'm going to trouble you from now on. I got up too early in the morning, so I'll take a rest first."

Although Naruto was a little helpless, he still nodded.

Hinata was too lazy to play house with these elementary school students. Anyway, with Naruto here, nothing would go wrong.

Naruto disappeared from the spot in a flash.

He peeked over the woods, and these elementary school students were running around like headless flies.

"We can't go on like this. With so many of us, the wild boars will definitely not dare to come out. Let's set up traps and ambush them."

Naruto nodded silently and wrote it down in his notebook.

On the other side, Hanabi was too lazy to play house with them. It was just a wild boar. She had even defeated her sister, although her sister seemed to be letting her win.

"White eyes! Open!"

After opening the white eyes, Hua Huo looked around

"Hey, what is that, a wild boar!"

She spotted a wild boar eating grass with its head down.

Hua Huo quietly moved over.

""Good opportunity!"

Hanabi suddenly jumped out of the bushes and slapped the wild boar with one palm.

However, the wild boar seemed to have noticed it long ago. It ran forward two steps and slapped the wild boar on its butt.

The wild boar let out a shrill howl and then fled the scene.

Hanabi did not give up, but kept shuttling through the woods, running with the wild boar.

After running for an unknown distance, the wild boar also stopped. It did not notice Hanabi standing on the tree.

Hanabi held three kunai in her hand. After taking a deep breath, Hanabi was ready to attack.

Swish, swish, swish!

The three kunai were aimed at the wild boar's neck, head, waist and abdomen.


The three kunai hit accurately, and the wild boar ran forward two steps, then Then it fell to the ground with a thump.

Hanabi smiled complacently, it didn't seem that difficult to catch a wild boar.

She didn't plan to go back now, but hid the wild boar's body and marked it. She would go back after catching another one.

Catching the wild boar next time was not so smooth. After searching for a while, Hanabi didn't see a single wild boar hair, let alone a wild boar.

Just when she was about to go back, she heard a pig cry.

She hurried over to check, and saw two wild boars colliding with their sharp fangs.

Their bodies were covered with large and small scars from the fangs.

Hanabi said to herself:"I was only planning to catch two, but you guys came to my door, so I won't be polite."

She took out a kunai from the ninja tool bag again.

"Can you stop for a moment? I can't aim!"

Hanabi is still better at physical skills, but if she uses the Hyuga Gentle Fist, the wild boar will definitely run away when she sees her.

However, it is still a bit difficult for her to use kunai to kill two wild boars that are constantly moving and colliding.

"Forget it, as long as I can kill one!"

Swoosh! The kunai was fired!

At the same time, the wild boars collided with each other, and one wild boar was pushed up and flew up, with its stomach cut open.���Two kunai were shot on the ground, and one kunai was shot on the wild boar.

The wild boar felt pain, not knowing where the kunai came from, and began to flee madly.

The other wild boar also fled madly when it saw this.

Hanabi hurriedly chased after it. She guessed that the injured wild boar should not be able to run far, after all, its stomach was cut.

Not long after, she caught up with the wild boar, and slapped the wild boar on the head with Bagua Palm, killing it with one move.

Hanabi clapped her hands,"It's worthy of me. Let's put the wild boar here first. I can let brother Naruto help me record it."

Just as Hanabi was about to leave, a white snake crawled over from the ground.

Hanabi jumped up in fright,"Ah! Snake!"

The snake kept changing, and soon it turned into the appearance of Kabuto Yakushi.

Kabuto Yakushi himself didn't expect that he was originally staying outside Konoha to gather intelligence, but he met a Byakuyan without the caged bird curse seal. When will the Hyuga clan have two main families?

"Hey, little girl, your eyes seem a little special."Pharmacist Dou pushed his black-framed glasses.

"Who are you and why are you here?"Hua Huo asked

"You don't need to know who I am."

The next second, Yakushi Kabuto moved.

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